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Last Active 06-09-22 4:02 pm
Joined 06-09-22

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REC Your Favorite Album of All Time! Pt. 2

Hey folks, we back for more fun. I promised I'd do this again because I had a blast going through some of your favorite records the first time around so we're playing again. Recommend me your favorite album of all time or one of them and I will listen and give my score and thoughts! Taking place August 1st-31st!
1Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Skeleton Tree

Yes, we're doing this again! Rec me your favorite album of all time and I will listen, score and write a short review. If you participated the first time, Rec me your 2nd favorite album of all time and if I've already listened and scored your favorite, give me one of your favorites that I haven't score on here yet!
2Sufjan Stevens
Carrie and Lowell


Rules are simple: Rec me your fave, first 31 applicants will be included as I will be choosing one record per day for the month of August to listen to and react to. If you recommend me something I've already scored or heard, I will try to reply in time to give you a chance to resubmit another option. Please no joke recommendations as I really appreciated the fact that basically all the submissions from my last time doing this were serious and made the reviewing process much more enjoyable.

2nd, please be kind to each other in the comments, the friendly discourse from the last time I did this was extremely pleasant and brought me a lot of joy. Thanks!
3Bloody Tyrant
The Legacy of Sun-Moon Lake

August 1st

Rec'd by: Zac124

Alright, starting off super strong! This melo-death hybrid with traditional oriental based instruments is extremely fun. The guitar solos throughout are so awesome, it almost feels nostalgic in a way with how the recording sounds. The implementation of those traditional instruments is basically seamless and adds so much life to what might be just another melodic death metal record in many aspects. Overall, I couldn't have asked for a better record to start this month off with. This also ended up being my 5000th rating on this site which is pretty sick!

Brown Sugar

August 2nd

Rec'd by: jrlikestodance

Some sweet sweet sexytime music. Excellently produced, I wasn't expecting such a diverse sound pallette with some of the jazzy instrumentals mixed with D'Angelos sensual vocal cadence but it works super well. I felt like the front half was a bit stronger and that some of the song lengths were a bit unnecessarily extended but besides that, this was quintessential sex music.

5Johann Sebastian Bach
Violin Partita No.2 in D minor, BWV 1004

August 3rd

Rec'd by: DadKungFu

I'm not gonna lie, I am not versed AT ALL in Classical music; I am a novice. With that being said, I listened to three interpretations just to get a feel for this piece:
Hilary Hahn - 1997
Itzhak Perlman - 1988
Salvatore Accardo - 2007

All three were quite good, I find the piece itself and its various movements to be quite compelling. However, with it just being a violin piece, there's not a whole lot to dissect in terms of depth, production, etc, it's very much the violin and the sheet music and there's something special about that for sure. If anyone has suggestions of their favorite recording of this piece, I'm all ears because I think with visiting more classical music, I'll develop a deeper appreciation for it.

6Nick Drake
Pink Moon

August 4th

Rec'd by: Rowhaus

This was the final Nick Drake album I had left to listen to and I was not disappointed. The simplicity of a man and his guitar cannot be understated in its beauty and ability to convey such powerful messaging in such a direct manor. I truly believe this is his finest effort having listened to it three times in a row and being sort of floored after each listen. Also, From the Morning is just a perfect closer that truly finished this record the best way possible. No notes.

7The Beach Boys

August 5th

Rec'd by: onionbubs

I'm not gonna lie, this didn't immediately click for me the way Pet Sounds did. There's a bunch of great tunes, production values are very strong but it just feels like it's missing a bit of the care that went into songs like Cool Cool Water and All I Wanna Do on the other songs. Those tracks really feel expansive and like the band challenged themselves creatively and results speak for themselves. Regardless, I do still think it's good and it's
a pleasant listen for sure.

8This Will Destroy You
This Will Destroy You

August 6th

Rec'd by: budgie

I think this genre truly succeeds when you get utterly lost in the music. This record entrances you, it pulls you in and demands that you listen closely and feel a calmness that you don't usually feel. At almost an hour long, I felt like this flew by, in and out. But there's so much to unpack through the simplicity of droning, it slowly unfolds and builds on top of itself, it's actually very impressive. This is one of the most interesting post-rock/drone albums I've heard, and it makes me excited to explore more.

9The Ocean

August 7th

Rec'd by: NexCeleris

I can't really lie about this one, guys. I've had a hard time with listening to this band, I've always found them to be extremely great musicians but I find them difficult to discern from other groups. The vocals really don't do much for me even though I find the lyrics rather interesting most of the time. The guitar tone especially on this record feels so dull, the playing while fairly solid, leaves a bit to be desired, but that may also stem from my distaste for the actual sound of the guitars. My favorite here was definitely Neoarchaean which was leagues better than most everything else here. It's also very long. I apologize, I don't mean to harp on this band, I kind of feel frustrated that I don't get the enjoyment that others do from them.

10Venetian Snares
Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett

August 8th

Rec'd by: vult

I feel like this might be my first true experience with this sort of breakbeat/hard techno style of electronic music and I really dug it. Actually, what made this such a fantastic experience were the breaks from the intensity with some light ambient sections, violin pieces, classical pieces, etc. The flow doesn't really ever feel disrupted, it just feels enhanced by these opportunities to take a breath. The sheer variety of noises and ideas is fascinating as well. Production is awesome, fantastic album to listen to on headphones. Overall, big win.


August 9th

Rec'd by: evilford

I'm not gonna lie guys, I was not vibing at first...I could not get past the vocals. Everytime they popped in I began to tune out. I ended up listening through this 3 times in a row and I'm glad I did not give up after first listen. It took literally halfway through my second listen to get it, I could not resist the instrumentals, I couldn't resist how clean and intricate and tasteful everything was. And the oddity of the vocals sort of adds a charm or at the very least a separation from similar death metal acts. I ended up loving this quite a bit.

12John Martyn
Grace and Danger

August 10th

Rec'd by: Drifter

I've heard a couple of his records prior to this that I enjoyed a lot and this is no different. I love this dude's voice; I also really find his songwriting to be forward thinking and perhaps a bit ahead of his time. The nuanced addition of jazzy drums and piano licks really adds some depth to these solidly written pop songs. I would say the main highlight for me was "Sweet Little Mystery" which will be certainly on repeat for a while.

Times Of Grace

August 11th

Rec'd by: bananatossing

There's so much to love about this record but I'll begin with the cataclysmic heaviness of some of these riffs and just how dense and noisy the production is. These tracks sort of slowly unfold but also kind of waste little time allowing for the hour plus runtime to feel much shorter than it is. All the pieces feel essential which is a must in a great metal record. I feel like I vibed with "Under the Surface" and the title track the most but honestly, the whole record just slaps.

Ridin' Dirty

August 12th

Rec'd by: Typhoon24

This mid to late 90's era of hip hop is what really does it for me. The addition of some funk elements here just offers a different dynamic that I haven't heard much in this music. There's so many perfect tracks, each song just smacks and grooves, the flows are infectious, the features are all excellent. The only thing left to say is, UGK's Ridin' Dirty, welcome to the 5 club.

15Baby Huey
The Baby Huey Story: The Living Legend

August 13th

Rec'd by: widowslaugh123

Fuck dude, Baby Huey got pipes! This was an awesome experience with the drummer and bassist absolutely carrying some of these tracks, especially the instrumental jams. Whoever the drummer is deserves a fat raise cause that person delivers some stellar performances, and those bass grooves are so tasty. Not to undermine the power of Baby Huey himself, the dude delivers some insane shrieks and has more soul than most the 70's soul scene. I only wish we could have heard more of him, although the instrumental tracks are phenomenal in their own rights.

16The Cure

August 14th

Rec'd by: WRYN

This rivals some of the material on their best records like "Pornography" and "Disintegration." It's dark and gloomy, it's finely tuned gothic rock with a couple examples of post-punk quickness. I really loved how tight the tracklist is, 8 tracks, all thrills, doesn't waste time like some of their lengthier records. Overall, this record is easily one of the best in their distinguished discography, can't believe it's taken me this long to hear this one.

17The Books
Lost And Safe

August 15th

Rec'd by: Cylinder

There's a lot of things about this album that I really enjoyed, mainly the storytelling through music sort of approach as well as the diversity of sound; the multitude of influences that clearly mold how this record sounds. I don't think the execution is always amazing but I think this is well intentioned and for the most part comes across in a very positive and interesting way. I also think the production aesthetics overall are very impressive and well mixed.

18Dead Can Dance
Within the Realm of a Dying Sun

August 16th

Rec'd by: JohnnyoftheWell

This a tremendously gorgeous record, front to back, The depth of sound, the enormity of the production, a healthy blend of bright and gloom, just something so unique to my ears. I felt like I couldn't predict what the following track would be like, it was such an experience. I'm excited to explore more from this group, it just seems like there's so much room for expansion in this sonic space and I'm sure they offer so much more. Overall, I quite enjoyed this. It's definitely one of those albums you have to sit down and listen to front the back, it's not a playlist type record.


August 17th

Rec'd by: Kildare

An unlikely pairing that works fairly well. The industrial grooves of Ministry with the voice of Minor Threat, just so strange but for the most part, these aspects meld well but I do wish the songwriting was a but more interesting. There are a couple absolute banging tracks, "I Will Refuse" and "Man will Surrender" but the rest feels a but unfinished in some ways, namely the other tracks don't deviate much, they don't expand much to create more interesting songs. That isn't to say they are bad by any means, just not as captivating as I would have hoped. I still enjoyed this quite a bit and will be adding the two referenced songs to my regular rotation.

20Psychotic Waltz
A Social Grace

August 18th

Rec'd by: Casavir

Truth be told, I wasn't a massive fan of their most recent comeback record; it was good but I just couldn't really get too much into it. This record on the other hand, is pretty sick. It's got a but of leftover 80's cheese primarily with the vocal style and melodies but the overall instrumentals and songwriting are very solid and comparatively rival the quality of stuff from Queensryche and Fates Warning from around that time. There's even a bit more edge here and diversity in it's song structures which I consider a win at a time where metal was sort of stale. Great stuff, can totally see myself enjoying this even more with repeated listens.

21Jeff Rosenstock

August 19th

Rec'd by: PsychLizard

Rosenstock has been one of those artists that I have just not been impressed with in the past, i.e. I found his most recent record to actually be rather boring. But THIS record, is extremely cool and well made. The flow of the record is maybe the most impressive thing to me, just how well produced and well thought out everything really is. The instrumentals are fun and energetic, the lyrics are poignant and inspired, very relatable in the internet age. Can see this growing on me even more.

22The Wildhearts
Earth vs. The Wildhearts

August 20th

Rec'd by: Bazman

This style of brash, tongue-in-cheek hard rock isn't really my thing, unfortunately. I do think there's some solid riffs, interesting song structures but the lyrics are just a bit non-sensical and there's an overwhelming comparison to be made between this vocalist and James Hetfield which is rather funny. Overall, not really my thing but I appreciate it for what it is.

23Solid Space
Space Museum

August 21st

Rec'd by: someone

This is a fairly solid example of 80's post-punk but with some electronic flair weaved into the melodies. I like it, I think it certainly has a novelty to it but I feel like there are more well-produced and primed examples of this sort of thing. Regardless, this was an interesting listen and sounded very nice production wise in my headphones.

Sing to God

August 22nd

Rec'd by: Squiggly

Despite being an hour and a half long, this thing sort of felt like a breeze if that breeze were bashing you over the head with absurdist experimental instrumentation and noise, in the best way possible. It feels extremely manic and chaotic while having a clear sense of self, an almost lack of seriousness that feels palpable to the point where I can only respect it. I enjoyed this quite a bit, it's unique in that I haven't really experienced something so all over the place in the punk sphere that is so clearly punk in it's attitude but deviating as far as humanly possible from traditionalist punk structures and such. Quite cool, very worth the time.

25This Will Destroy You
Another Language

August 23rd

Rec'd by: Efp123

Having just experienced this band's self-titled album a bit earlier this month with another rec, I was hoping for more of that entrancing, overwhelming post rock that I heard previously. And......I sort of got that but it just didn't feel the same. It's a solid record, don't get me wrong, it's perfectly sustainable, passable post-rock but I can't quite put my finger on what it's missing compared to their self-titled. There are certain songs that feel a bit lifeless in a sonic way, sort of lost and maybe that mood of feeling loss in a darker gloomier way just didn't vibe as much with me. But there's also War Prayer, which is a killer track, easily could have vibed well on the self-titled. Enjoyed this a solid amount.

Dark Scientific

August 24th

Rec'd by: Arthropod

I know I shouldn't feel bad for not liking something but knowing that this is someone's favorite album makes me strive to understand what makes it so great and gives me an added effort to find aspects that I like. With this album, what I found is that some of the riffs were solid and there was a fair amount of variety. What I didn't like far exceeded what I liked. I don't care for obvious sound of programmed drums, I dislike the vocals, the electronics don't really mesh well in the mix. It just didn't do it for me but I'm happy someone else can get great enjoyment from this.

27Kool Keith
Sex Style

August 25th

Rec'd by: Ryus

I've been low key looking forward to this just to see whats all about and I'm certainly not disappointed. I got some good laughs, I grooved to some funky fucking beats and I vibed to some deep bass rhythms. This record doesn't feel very serious, I feel like this ultimately succeeds in being a parody of hip hop that tries too hard to be too "dirty" or "shocking" by being non chalant in its approach. It's fun, I had a good time with this.

Welcome to Hell

August 26th

Rec'd by: ToSmokMuzyki

There is something here that is charming, particularly the extremely raw and unpolished guitar tones that really reflects the personality and aura of black metal. There are solid songs underneath the difficult outer layer, and it is sort of rewarding to hear these tracks in this form but my lord, there is a part of me that wishes that this had the production of a Slayer album so I could really appreciate it. To be fair, I have also never been a big black metal fan unless is drenched in shoegaze aesthetics but I enjoyed this for the most part.

29The National

August 27th

Rec'd by: Icebloom

Yeah, this definitely makes their most recent stuff sound like dogshit by comparison. These songs feel much richer and more complete, there's clearly a lot of energy in the drumwork and the overall songwriting is much more nuanced and fun to listen to honestly. "Mistaken for Strangers" is a wonderous track that I'll have on repeat for a good long while. I appreciate the push to finally check out some prime era stuff from this group.

Far Away from the Sun

August 28th

Rec'd by: DaveyMonsoon

Damn, what a cool record. Anytime something that is considered black metal comes up, I always get a bit skeptical because, truth be told, I'm not the biggest black metal fan. However, when it's mixed well and incorporates melody and thrashy elements like it does here, I'm all about it. So many great riffs, lots of great diversity in the song structures and world building with various ebbs and flows. It's a great record, something I'll be coming back to quite a bit.

Penis Envy

August 29th

Rec'd by: SlothcoreSam

I can certainly see this being ahead of its time and forward thinking for the early 80's in this style of noisy punk music but there's certain things about that I did not enjoy much. The overall tone of the guitars is frustrating, the pacing of the record is a bit all over the place, it just is not a super enjoyable "listening experience" but I do appreciate the lyrics, the angst vocal delivery and the energy on some of the more aggressive tracks. Overall, might check some other stuff from them but wasn't really my speed for the most part.

The Power of Failing

August 30th

Rec'd by: Futures

Yes yes yes, this is great stuff! This really hit me and I'm not typically a massive fan of emo-centric music but I loved the vocals, loved the lyrics, the instrumentals are well performed and interesting enough to keep me well engaged. I do think there might be a slight lull in the middle, but the beginning and ending portions are extremely strong and make up for it.

33Deltron 3030
Deltron 3030

August 31st

Rec'd by: Avagantamos

What a brilliant way to wrap up this month. This is an album I've been wanting to sit down and experience for a good long while and I'm so glad that I finally did. The story/concept is pretty fascinating, the rhythms and flows ate genuinely exciting and really highlight the elements about hip hop that I love. This is an essential listen for hip hop heads which I'm slowly becoming.

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