Slothy Seconds

Reviews 3
Approval 80%

Soundoffs 381
News Articles 7
Band Edits + Tags 2,502
Album Edits 2,264

Album Ratings 13635
Objectivity 86%

Last Active 12-13-22 10:58 pm
Joined 01-06-19

Review Comments 6,271

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Currently Digging:
Early Lines

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  • YoYoMancuso Slex and I made the comparison to SpongeBob asking Sandy for water
    July 26 01:52 PM
  • YoYoMancuso incredible soundoff lmao
    July 26 02:42 AM
  • AsleepInTheBack I see you gizzed with the wizz (nice)
    July 17 09:10 AM
  • Atari yo, I'll be jamming that new Chaser today! did you ever listen to the latest by Carly Cosgrove? their last album was just ok imo but enjoyed the new one quite a bit
    July 8 08:43 PM
  • SandwichBubble I haven't! hard to keep track of all these bandcamp groups. Thanks!
    July 8 08:19 PM

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