Metalheads on the internet? Some of the most critical and miserable people imaginable

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Objectivity 76%

Last Active 12-24-22 6:15 am
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  • bighubbabuddha You are also getting massively arsey over definitions and technicalities and I don't have to justify my beliefs. I have a right to mine, and you have a right to yours. We disagree on our outlook, wow, big deal lmao. Enjoy your s***ty job, if you have one at all and stay mad
    July 26 06:45 PM
  • bighubbabuddha I'm not playing this dumb game. You are clearly either going to say I'm somehow imposing my beliefs on others a la British imperialist or you are trying to get me to say I agree with some extreme view in another country so you can call me a bigot.
    July 26 06:39 PM
  • bighubbabuddha I have no interest in Indian conservative discourse, it isn't relevant to me
    July 26 06:29 PM
  • bighubbabuddha hahah I'm now a British imperialist based on what lmao?
    July 26 06:27 PM
  • bighubbabuddha There's still a lot of homogeneity that underpins conservative beliefs in relation to the value placed on family, religion, gender roles, respect for tradition and institutions.
    July 26 06:26 PM

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