probably farted in your shoutbox

Reviews 4
Approval 49%

Soundoffs 4
Album Ratings 880
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 01-10-23 12:35 pm
Joined 01-10-23

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  • FowlKrietzsche Oh okay cool. You support Islamic countries making wear women wear Hijabs tho right?
    July 26 06:32 PM
  • FowlKrietzsche "Ergo, each country has it's own traditions and these are respected." So Indian conservatives should reimpose the caste system?
    July 26 06:26 PM
  • FowlKrietzsche Conservationism is an appeal to the past, it take different forms depending on what the past of a culture looks like. You've got a good tinge of British imperialism to how you view the world. For someone with "nuanced" views, the solipsistic irony of you insisting that overthrowing the traditions of other countries to insert your own is pretty telling of exactly how little you've actually thought about everything
    July 26 06:22 PM
  • FowlKrietzsche You're such a moron. Yes. Our gun laws are based on DIFFERENT POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY than yours! Thus, social moderates over here have DIFFERENT OPINIONS than social moderates over there! Go read about the Overton Window before you make more of a fool of yourself
    July 26 06:17 PM
  • FowlKrietzsche "Why not American?" "I believe in gun control" " I'm also pro-choice, I think multi-culturalism is a good thing" These positions are all anathema to American conservationism and you would identified as liberal here. Again, conservationism is never international, and what you presume is "traditional" is actually your culture asserting itself onto others. All conservatives do this, until they meet a conservative from another country and they realize they're completely different
    July 26 06:03 PM

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