
Reviews 20
Approval 93%

Soundoffs 43
Album Ratings 447
Objectivity 63%

Last Active 10-30-22 11:20 pm
Joined 06-28-18

Review Comments 382

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  • Jmal00 Big fan of the album and review!
    July 26 10:27 PM
  • PsychicChris Thanks for the shoutout! As much as I prefer The Force when it comes to Onslaught, In Search of Sanity is a pretty interesting one. Scratches a similar itch as the first couple Annihilator albums or Howe-era Metal Church.
    July 25 08:32 PM
  • SitarHero That's the interesting thing about SOAD. They're faaar from a "radio friendly band" yet got massive amounts of mainstream success without ever losing their street cred. We do pretty much all their "big hits". It's all kinds of weird that a band that weird would have such a huge fanbase, but I'm not complaining. :]
    July 20 03:48 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki m/ m/ m/
    July 11 07:28 PM
  • bighubbabuddha hey kildare. i bought you some bird seed if you get hungry, it's hard to find a meal on sputnik
    July 10 04:36 PM

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