
Reviews 21
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Album Ratings 482
Objectivity 62%

Last Active 10-30-22 11:20 pm
Joined 06-28-18

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  • insomniac15 Happy new year! Yes, it's easier and catchier to listen to music with vocals, but over time I found instrumental music to be just as interesting in different ways. Often when you listen to the lyrics/vocal melodies, you're not aware of all details in a song. Also, some layers are buried under the vocals in the mix.
    January 1 01:35 PM
  • Ladron93 Happy new year, kildare.
    January 1 12:49 PM
  • Willie What is the point of this list? If you're already certain of negative attention, why post it? There's a lot of information it seems you're withholding.
    January 1 02:35 AM
  • insomniac15 We've been branching out from stoner/psychedelic to post rock, plus some doom metal and prog rock influences. There are multiple bands in the stoner/psychedelic rock that play instrumental music or rarely have vocals and sound good without. Check Causa Sui - Euporie Tide, Rotor - 5, Monkey3 - 5th Sun or Karma to Burn - Almost Heathen, just some examples if you haven't heard them. If you wish to review the record, write what you feel, no problem. Thanks for thinking about it!
    December 31 07:58 AM
  • insomniac15 Romania has a limited audience of this kind of music. Still, we have a fair number of people who buy our music and come to our shows, which helps the band to be sustainable, that's great, no more money from our pockets. Regarding the singer, we've tried at the beginning to find someone, but nobody was into this kind of music. Then the number of people who told us our music does not need vocals grew and felt comfortable without them. Now I don't think I would want a vocalist tbh. It flows well.
    December 31 07:40 AM

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