P cool
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pretty meh/bland tbh. Music video was pretty dumb. Drummer seems bored out of his mind in it lol
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Please give John something else to do with his hands.
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Bad video, mid song. Hate to see it.
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what even is this video about
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its about foos rockin out and getting Uh Oh slimed by the Punisher
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Digging it. Got more Godless Prophets vibes from this one.
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I think this song is awesome! It shifts gears so well, so many times! The pickup in the middle is fantastic. Then the final minute of the song is a minute long breakdown. I haven't seen the video, but I've had this track on loop all day!
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are they pouring pizza sauce on those people
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One of the middle riffs is cool but otherwise, I schleep.
Why are metal videos always so cringe?
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I like it.
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pretty solid really
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Mostly solid song. Music video was unintentionally funny though.
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Straight up not good
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I like it, it has a stronger hardcore vibe than many of their other songs
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I dunno this song kinda rips lol
John also looks rad with long hair
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It’s like every tired metalcore trope of the last 15 years in one song, I love their thrashier stuff but this is just lazy
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city of caterpillar drummer used to drum for this band
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I like DH for the melody and this has none
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Noooo treb bb.
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Their purely heavy stuff CAN be good but this just feels really uninspired for most of the track. But yeah, their melodic stuff will always be their best.
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Hoping this is the worst track on the album.
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"John also looks rad with long hair"
He's had long hair since the Eternal Return days. But yeah, he does.
"city of caterpillar drummer used to drum for this band"
Had no idea he was ever in that band.
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"are they pouring pizza sauce on those people"
god, I wish that were me
song slams pretty good, I'm surprised
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Should be a 3.8 album at least.
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looking like a 2.5-3 more like with these singles.
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Yeah that first one was a solid 4.5 and this one was a 3.2. Looking forward.
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John sounds fantastic as usual, but it is strange to not hear like any melody lol. Solid enough song but I hope the rest is better
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Im fine with it, ive been hoping for a long time theyd lean into their aggressive side more, theyve done a ton of melodic stuff already. Bitter, Stand and Receive Your Judgement, Full Imperial Collapse, and Godless Prophets in general go hard. Their first single sounded uninspired, this one sounds like a song they really wanted to do.
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Sounds like it'll be a mixed bag of aggressive and melodic judging by these singles. I have high hopes for the album
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My hopes have dropped tbh. Both singles sound like worse versions of previous songs imo. Their last album sounded truly inspired and really occupies its own space within their discography, while these tracks feel like tired retreads. I can still enjoy them but damn, they took so long with this album, I was hoping for more.
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Their last album sounded truly inspired... while these tracks feel like tired retreads [x24233245]
They've seemingly been working on this album for years now, so it's surprising the two songs released so far sound like complete messes of ideas shoved together.
Travis looks so so so bored lol
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Big step down from the last record, which was one of the best melodeath records in recent history
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Travis is such a good drummer but he is not right for this band at all, bring back Ryan Parrish
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The recent singles are mostly meh for me. I hope the rest of the record is solid.
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Don't love it
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Surely this band's budget is big enough to support a video that doesn't take place in a Compton parking lot with B-roll footage made by their best friend's sister who is an "art student". Love this band though.
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Not even gonna watch the video cus it sounds dumb from all the complaints, but the song is an ass-beater fr.
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Never thought of Godless Prophets as a melo death album before.
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"Travis is such a good drummer but he is not right for this band at all, bring back Ryan Parrish"
He fit perfectly fine on Godless Prophets
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