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much better than the last one for sure. kinda hyped for gore now
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haha I guess this is Carpenther's favorite track on the record
Don't really like it, the first one was better IMO
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It's pretty good. Better than the trash they released last.
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Getting a Poltergeist vibe from this, starting to grow on me. Still prefer Prayers/Triangles atm tho
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"haha I guess this is Carpenther's favorite track on the record"
lol probably.
song rules. i still wont listen to it much until the album comes out. gotta see where both of them fit in to really judge 'em
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much prefer prayers/triangles
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you guys actually think this is better than prayers/triangles? gtfo...
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sick shit, love me some Carpenter riffs. these guys are consistent as fuck
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I liked both songs
this one is definitely better though
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this one sounds way more generic to me than p/t. the guitar melodies and hooks in that song are so good, but this has the typical deftones shout-verses with a very brief hook in the chorus
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one billion comments incoming
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This is alright. Based on what I've heard so far I think I'll like this album a bit more than Koi No Yokan. Probably not as much as Diamond Eyes though. Regardless it's a Deftones album so I'll enjoy it.
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kinda reminds me of White Pony
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Production is painfully poor, after sonically perfect Koi No Yokan, it's surprising they were okay with such bad mixing.
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Sounds like any other Deftones song. Their shtick is worn out to death. I don't mean they should stop or anything, I'm just surprised that they are still admired so much.
And true the production sounds weird too.
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how many more albums do they have to put out before I can start making AC/DC jokes?
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@zaruyache. ah ah ah. I think they should at least release a truly bad album before you can start AC/DC jokes. They're repeating themselves but there's yet to be something shameful in their discography, in my opinion.
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It's definitely growing on me. Liking what im hearing so far for this release
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Great song!
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hmmm.... it's interesting.
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I feel the same way about this as I do about P/T.
It's a good song but i've heard them do better. New album will sound like DT on auto-pilot at worst.
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would probably be better without the entire Revoluuuuutioooon chorus tbh
first riff is the song
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sounds sweet. Can't wait for the album.
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I think they're going for something raw with this album. That's okay and this was much better than P/T. Has an awesome riff.
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love it
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I can't say which I prefer yet, but this is certainly enjoyable.
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Better than Prayers, far less boring anyhow. Much more hyped for Gore now
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this is way better than that shoegaze bullshit they released previously
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Huh. Yeah, can't say which I prefer yet. I liked both, but I'm completely sold on the new album at this point.
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"how many more albums do they have to put out before I can start making AC/DC jokes?"
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why AC/DC jokes
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This band is hardly stagnant enough to be compared to AC/DC, they've changed musical styles more than most bands of their popularity. This site has just gotten overly critical of everything over the past couple years, the charts for highest rated albums proves my point.
This song was decent, but I prefer Prayers/Triangles.
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Ok I love this one, that's more like it boys!
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Yo Steph goes in on this track.
The chorus sounds very Dream Theater-esque to me for some reason, especially Chino's vocal melody.
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"would probably be better without the entire Revoluuuuutioooon chorus tbh
first riff is the song"
It's "they're delusions. don't deny it." in the chorus, not "revolutions", though
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This is alright I guess
Will probably need more listens to sink in
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This album might just be more of the same, but it sounds enjoyable so far except for being kind of repetitive I guess.
Maybe it will kill the circlejerk over them on here too.
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why so much hate for p/t? track was dope
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I can see me liking this album as much as I liked their last one (not very much); these singles have done nothing for me so far. That guitar tone at the start though...
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prayers/triangles was much better imo but this is tite
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Loved it.
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Song is great! I like it more than the previous single; not that it was bad.
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The hype just keeps building.
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Hopefully these two tracks are the weakest. They've been on a roll since SNW, would hate for it to be just 'good'.
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Loved it!
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Many of their songs sound better when listening to the full album. I feel this is one of those songs.
Still awesome, though.
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is it not working for anyone else?
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Straight Fire. Diamond Eyes as fuck
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Deftones has been my favorite band since Jr. High. That was twenty years ago.
Both songs released from this album so far are not good at all. First time I am scared that a Deftones album could suck.
My world will fall apart.
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2:33 in the track is fantastic
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This one is stronger than the last, but I found both to be enjoyable. Chino's voice with Stephen and Abe's grooves is just a consistent recipe for success. Really loved the noisiness of the last 40 seconds.
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That chorus is fantastic, song is alright
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people saying this is better than p/t.. i feel like we're listening to two completely different bands. i don't understand deftones fans. you guys seriously want more of this generic chugging?
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P/T is a lot more interesting and has more layers. Doomed User is kinda boring once you've heard it a few times.
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I marginally prefer Prayers/Triangles to this.
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They need to stop premiering tracks on the radio. I think that's what's making the production sound weird.
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Really liking it!
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I didn't expect this track to sound like this. I dig it.
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This one sounds more Koi+DE-ish.
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it's good. I just dont think chino can sing well anymore.
I await the album..
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jiggly: agreed. someone said this sounds like white pony but i don't hear that at all
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@Arron: he's been very off on a live setting as of late.
@Gyro: Really? Hmmmmm, I'm not hearing it either tbh
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yeah it was toondude, just scrolled up. this is like.. the farthest thing from white pony lol.
sounds like a b-side to diamond eyes. and it's got that super generic chugging going on that was so prevalent on koi. a little worried now. i prefer their melodic sound, when they're exploring cool guitar tones and stacking layers, which is why i like p/t so much. i like their harder songs too but this doesn't hold a candle to songs like royal or rats
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^ My sentiments exactly.
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Not bad, vocals could be better
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very dope
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Gyromania knows...
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I prefer Prayers/Triangles. This isn't bad, but it's really bland.
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I really dig it
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Both songs so far have been really good, but this feels like the first time their sound has gone backwards rather than forward.
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I'm sure it'll be decent at least, but I'm not expect any thing more than that.
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Great song, looking forward to the album.
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Don't really care for the chorus on this track or the chorus on prayers/triangles. Oh well Im still hopeful for the album as a whole.
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idk y'all I thought this was really good overall, still hyped for this
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I like it but honestly Chino isn't sounding his best here.
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It does sound like his voice is strained a little bit, but honestly I think it works really well with the screams on here, they have a very raw sound to em
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I liked this single 5 times better than prayers triangles. It sounds like classic Deftones very solid and the eight string makes this riff sound awesome
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guitar tone sounds like Toni Iommi's a little bit.
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Reminds me of something off the last album, which I did not enjoy
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Some great riffs in there. Like the "castle burning" bridge a lot.
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Fucking loving this right now.
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i bet this sounds like everything else theyve ever done in the last 20 years!!!
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you wouldn't be incorrect
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holy mother of fuck am i ever intuitive
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Jesus christ this is awful. [2]
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kind of liked Prayers/Triangles too
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Prayers was pretty dull, this actually tries to at least up the urgency a little.
The melodies are gold, the Metallica-esque riff rules and I quite like the raw production.
Chino has been the main issue in both these singles, he sounds strained as hell and the production on his vocals don't do him any favours either.
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This is significantly better than P/T. Not sure if it's quite up to the Deftones lofty standards, but at least it's not boring.
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I really liked prayers/triangles, but finding it hard to feel this. Hopefully a grower...
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I like this song more than the other one but so far I feel like the new record might be good but I doubt it will excite
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I just don't understand why everyone goes crazy over this band. I really liked their last album, but overall, I think Chino's vocals are so overrated. He sounds like a whiny child during the verses of this song. I don't know, I just think they are pretty average.
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They're no godsmack, that's for sure.
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listen to Kimdracula or Digital Bath if you think Chino's vox are overrated
Crazy "chest voice" range
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riffs are lacking
the band is alright but they need to fix those riffs
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dem riffs are unusual for deftones
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The song is kick-ass. I'm amazed by the amount of people that dislike it. Much better than P/t.
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I agree that his vocals are great on Digital Bath. One of my favorite Deftones songs.
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Anyone else getting a Deftones self titled vibe off this?
Both songs have failed to blow me away but I'll save judgement til the album drops.
I totally understand why many people think they are overrated but I will always love them.
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i really dont like deftones and this new song doesnt help that whatsoever
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well thank you for taking the time to come to this deftones-related thread to share
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aw man this kinda sucks
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Better than most of KNY and I love that album.
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i typically like the more atmospheric, melodic tracks from tones so i actually dont like this that much.
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This isn't heavy tho man, the melodic hook is classic Deftones and on a decent set of headphones the sound is ace.
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nah but it sounds too much like mastodon or something
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kinda thrashy too. not that that's a bad or anything. it just sounds out of place in the realm of their sound
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we'll see what role it plays on the album i guess
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Hm, the hook actually has actually somewhat grew on me. But the opening few seconds sound waaaay to familiar to shake off the deja vu. It's so close to Royal.
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official audio is up, sounds much better
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Sounds awesome! Probably one of the best single Deftones have put out considering I've never been a fan of their singles.
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Official audio sounds awesome.
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Yeah, official audio is a lot better than the radio one
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Chino's vocals are definitely not the focal point in this album it seems, his voice has been pushed back quite a bit in the mix.
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thank god
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Really like this except the chorus. Its so...useless.
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thank god [2]
he sounds so bad here
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It's good but it sounds like everything else they've ever done.
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the time signatures actually kinda get in the way of this song's vibe tbh
it's very similar to cmnd/ ctrl in how the main riff kinda adapts but that song was done a bit better imoimo
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Yeah, reminds me of CMND/CTRL/Poltergeistish/RatsRatsRatsish
loved the official audio. Album's singles have been really solid, imo.
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The production on the official version is solid. At least as good as Koi No Yokan.
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Yeah, this is probably the first Deftones album I'm going in with very low expectations. KNY was painfully average.
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Eh, really not feeling this. Chino and the music both sound pretty dull.
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Love the riffs in this. I think it is better than Prayers / Triangles but I like both.
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You guys hyped for Gore yet?
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@LostForever Dude the album has been leaked. I think you can find it all on youtube.
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I hope this new album is better than Gore
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Can't wait!!! So excited for new material from chingo!
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This song still sucks.
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What are you talking about? This is their best song since deadbolt
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uhm, wat?
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Their best song since nookie
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Chingo Mandingo ahahaha
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Never forget Deaf Tony and The Deft Ones
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Chicky Marengo and the Deaf Juans
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Bwahaha that's a good one
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I hope they also stream their next single on Sirius XM Octane
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^ i hope it’ll be on soft rock stations
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