Bye Felicia 👋
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Shit man shit band
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oh well.
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thought they already broke up for some reasob
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Shit band [2]
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wasn't this the band that wrote some "emo sucks" song? yeah no fuck off anti-flag
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This sucks, never been a fan but their staples of the 'underground' poppunk scene and have toured with some legends. I know they were warped tour regulars, which in hindsight is a fucking awful look. Remember my older bro going to see them/nofx when he was getting into punk, but he said 'strike anywhere' upstaged both
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"Shit man shit band"
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These guys were huge for me growing up so this fucking sucks.
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That's just insane
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Pat Thetic behaviour for sure.
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Oh no
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I pretty much swore these guys off over the song they did trashing my preferred scene. Won't be missed.
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the fact the dude calls himself justin sane is enough for me to never want to listen to them.
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Lmao spec
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“the fact the dude calls himself justin sane is enough for me to never want to listen to them.”
I just got that. Thought it was his real name, like his parents were a skateboard and a pair of JNCOs
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Saw them live in 06 and it was incredible. Band hasn't been good since like 07 lol
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according to wiki his name is Justin Cathal Geever
so he chose justin sane.
damn dudes fucked lol
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like his parents were a skateboard and a pair of JNCOs
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Welp, I guess this is the end for you my friend.
I'll walk myself out.
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whoa lol. feels like they've always and would always be a band
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man disgust doesnt even sum up how i feel about justin rn what a horrible horrible piece of shit
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Thought this read black flag at first and was really confused
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thank god for that
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Thought they were cool when I was like 14. Their music didn't age well at all. Just commie music.
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dogshit band
good riddance
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i initially read it as 'light sexual assault'
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I have heard maybe 2 songs by this band in my whole life
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I've seen them a bunch of times and they always consistently put on super fun shows and even though they've been on a huge downward spiral, their old stuff still jams. This absolutely sucks to hear especially with more and more stories surfacing about him being generally a creep... Can't believe the rest of the band are just staying quiet and trying to disappear too
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"Thought they were cool when I was like 14. Their music didn't age well at all. Just commie music."
Sounds like you didn't age well either
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"i initially read it as 'light sexual assault'"
hahaha that's exactly how I saw it scanning over the text and now I see the 'brought to light'
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Good fucking riddance
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literally everyone seems to hate this band lol
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A band for 35 years, and they haven't put out a good album in half that time. No real loss here.
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lol, PizzaBear
Got em!
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rapist commies BTFO agreed
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turns out they were also anti being a band
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close this thread before gordodustin sees it
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weird i thought this site loved this band
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Way to throw away 35 years as a band to touch some girl wrong. I saw them at a show about a year ago and they made a point to stop the show because they saw some guys fighting (saying if they wanted to fight take it to a korn show, idk if korn shows get like that still kinda weird) and made them shake hands. So if that behavior is worth pointing out I think Justin should know rape doesn't fly in the punk scene, especially if you're a frontman. Fycking dipshit.
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can confirm no fighting at korn shows so just kind of an out of touch asshole remark that'd only make sense in 1999, seen way more fights breakout at average hardcore/grind/etc shows.
gave him a quick wiki and this part stood out "On March 4, 2009, Sane jumped into the crowd at a concert at the LCR in Norwich to stop a scuffle which broke out and landed awkwardly, breaking his collar bone. "
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"saying if they wanted to fight take it to a korn show"
Lol what a bunch of sanctimonious twats
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awful band
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“ gave him a quick wiki and this part stood out "On March 4, 2009, Sane jumped into the crowd at a concert at the LCR in Norwich to stop a scuffle which broke out and landed awkwardly, breaking his collar bone. "
What, did he dive? Where the fuck were his feet?
Either way, hilarious
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Love it when dildos who consistently flaunt their moral superiority turn out to be disgusting sex perverts. Fuck these idiots.
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Just commie music
lol if anything they're too libcucked
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I knew this band would be hated on here and I can't say I've really enjoyed anything they've done for 20 years now but they were hugely influential and important to young punks in the late 90s and especially the early Bush years. A lot of my friends and I were introduced to bands like Crass through Anti-Flag, and songs like 911 For Peace felt like legit anthems in a post 9/11 world as a kid coming of age and discovering the realities of politics and war. This one hurt.
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"Sounds like you didn't age well either"
Aged better then Anti-flag and Communism lol
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"I knew this band would be hated on here"
Really? This site fucking loves commie-rock.
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Your obsession with using the word "commie rock" when discussing any kind of left wing punk leads me to believe you're either a troll or a fifteen year old unfamiliar with what communism actually is, neither of which I have the patience for anymore.
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i want him to name a "commie rock" band this site likes
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communism is when you criticize the US govt for using depleted uranium in Iraq
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Communism is when you are “anti-“ flag
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Lol the other guy literally calls himself Pat Thetic? I thought Spec was joking haha. My god. Bye bye
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"Your obsession with using the word "commie rock" when discussing any kind of left wing punk leads me to believe you're either a troll or a fifteen year old unfamiliar with what communism actually is, neither of which I have the patience for anymore."
Are you a communist?
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based if true
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Imperial I heard you have lanky, weak limbs.
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Some commie rock is good like RATM and pink Floyd
But some of it is kinda bad like anti flag
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I dont see any of you actually speaking out and supporting capitalism. You all must be communist.
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"Imperial I heard you have lanky, weak limbs."
I'm not a communist. I eat red meat and I lift.
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Broke: Capitalism
Woke: Communism
Bespoke: Middle Economism
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communism is when you don't eat red meat or lift
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I listened to the podcast and it's bad. If all true the guy sounds like a complete malignant narcissist and freak
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This is "Just In Sane" .....
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Wild that there hasn’t been a statement from anybody in the band yet.
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Thanks for that completely original and well-crafted quip, FatheringhamDrive.
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i used to like For Blood and Empire as a kid but haven't listened to these guys in years
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Did the band really release two separate statements on Justin's Insta?
Oh dear!
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"We firmly hold that victims should be believed... except in this case"
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Band was fine back in the day but consistently on a decline for almost 20 years. Going out like this is a bad look for sure, though. No matter whether the allegations are true or not, radio silence isn't how you deal with it. Way to ruin their legacy, if anyone will even remember in a few years.
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Justin's statement was just what you'd expect and didn't carry any weight, but I thought the rest of the band's statement was okay. Unlike what PizzaBear said they never once tried to discredit the accuser and actually supported her while also saying they hadn't personally seen Justin behave that way, which might be doubtful but also is really the only thing they could say legally without Justin suing their asses. I doubt they never saw any kind of bad behavior from Justin but I also don't think they should be cancelled as well just for being in the same band.
This whole thing just sucks. On many levels, for many people. But I tend to believe the accuser in this case, and hope Justin fucks off forever.
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"A core tenet of Anti-Flag is to listen to and believe all survivors of sexual violence and abuse. The recent allegations about Justin are in direct contradiction to that tenet."
Idk how else you'd read that or how it's supportive of her.
If your tenet is to believe people and you're contradicting that tenet, that kind of implies you don't believe them.
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Pat, Chris #1 and Chris #2 statement
In light of the recent article in Rolling Stone magazine, to Kristina, Jenn, Molly, Rebecca, Suzanne, Mat, Susie, Stefanie, Karina, Ella, Elizabeth, Hannah, and Tali, we would like to say thank you for your courage in sharing the pain you have experienced. And, to others who may yet come forward, while you don’t owe anyone your story, please know that you are not alone and that we believe you.
To Justin, we believe you are very sick and in need of serious professional help. We want to have compassion and have faith in restorative justice, but fuck you for hurting so many people, not just the ones who have bravely come forward, but anyone still carrying their pain internally. Fuck you for exploiting the work of the band and the many people associated with it for so long. As many predators do, it appears you used our beliefs as a cover for egregious activities that you clearly knew we would never condone.
To everyone, we collectively and individually still have far more questions than answers in this moment. We have been learning of and processing all of this information in real-time. We trusted Justin greatly and are now learning that we were deceived, lied to, and kept in the dark for the entirety of our association. For Chris Barker, personally, Justin knew his history with trauma: his father has been convicted of sexual abuse of children and is currently incarcerated, his sister was a victim of abuse, and Chris himself was sexually abused by an older child in their neighborhood. We share this to demonstrate that Justin was acutely aware of the visceral reaction we would have to such destructive behavior. But also because sharing a stage for so long with someone you later learn is an accused predator has been incredibly painful to process and come to terms with. Two things can be true: a person can be kind and selfless in one space and a monster in another.
Around 10:30PM on July 18th, we were alerted that a podcast would be released the next morning detailing a sexual assault involving Justin. We forwarded a message to him that previewed the episode and contained a photo and name. Justin responded that he did not know this person. The next morning, when the three of us heard Kristina’s story, it became apparent to us that he was lying. To be true to the values we embraced for decades, we quit the band immediately and without hesitation. The three of us removed the band’s internet presence in an attempt to limit spaces for people to attack, antagonize, or harm Kristina as we tried to get a grasp on this shocking information.
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As more details have been shared since the release of the podcast, we have been waiting for Justin to do the right thing. Given his lack of contrition in any meaningful way, it is very clear that he is absolutely not the person we were led to believe him to be.
We are unsure where our path will lead us. Right now, words feel hollow and no statement can alleviate the suffering that has been caused. We have a great deal to learn about ourselves – with much soul-searching and introspection ahead. There will have to be a lot of therapy and devotion of time and resources to places that are equipped to help with these kinds of traumas. The three of us are still in shock and grieving, but mostly our hearts are broken for every victim. We are deeply saddened by every one of your painful stories, and will forever be grateful for your courage in sharing them.
Love, healing, and justice to all survivors.
Pat, Chris, and Chris
If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual abuse, here are some organizations that are dedicated to providing assistance.
• Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network: RAINN | The nation's largest anti- sexual violence organization RAINN | The nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization
• National Sexual Abuse Hotline: 800.656.4673
• Center For Victims – Center For Victims
• Pittsburgh Action Against Rape: Home Page - PAAR
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I find it hard to believe you can be in a band and tour for over 3 decades and claim complete ignorance on knowing who this person was, maybe Justin shielded certain interactions, but if he was being sexually mischievous and immoral there’s know way the band didn’t see instances of that.
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i used to dig for blood and empire in middle/highschool but stopped listening to them entirely maybe at like 15-16 years old. Not surprised Justin is a nonce tbh
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It’s crazy how everybody online saw this coming except for me. Damn you guys are smart.
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the rolling stone article is so disgusting jesus christ
also completely eradicates any benefit of the doubt that could be thrown by way of the other members
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rolling stone has been trash for a long long time
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for music criticism yeah but that doesn't discredit something like this
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I would count items like this too, they've covered mutliple cultural stories including the Duke Lacrosse case where they were completely inaccurate and destroyed people's lives.
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yeah the rolling stone article is sickening because the contents of it are absolutely harrowing not because rolling stone did a bad job with it
granted i really hope there arent any inaccuracies that would negatively impact the survivors ofc but justin is long past the point of any benefit of the doubt
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"I find it hard to believe you can be in a band and tour for over 3 decades and claim complete ignorance on knowing who this person was, maybe Justin shielded certain interactions, but if he was being sexually mischievous and immoral there’s know way the band didn’t see instances of that."
Ian Watkins was able to do incredibly heinous shit for years without the rest of Lostprophets knowing0
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^ That’s true! I heard he was taking separate flights to shows and shit. And rarely talked to them outside of the venues
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Yeah not all bands are as extremely close as they seem.
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best part of this thread is the fact venin was more pissed over a joke song then what justin did
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