not gonna speculate but this whole situation sounds fucked up
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hope this thread will stay nice and civil : )
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Sometimes people deserve to be slapped, that's all I'm saying.
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Getting cheated on is not joy inducing usually
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He deserved to be slapped and he's a little bitch for calling the cops lmao
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She is a girl so nothing will happen.
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Calling the cops for assault after two slaps? Lol
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toxic masculinity itt
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She should’ve been slapping the piano keys instead of her man
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Calling the cops for assault after two slaps? Lol [2]
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It's all in the game of looooooooooooooooove
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He deserved to be slapped and he's a little bitch for calling the cops lmao [2]
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He wasn’t even hurt, geez. Not very like a man to call over that.
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It looked like she was hit in the face in her mugshot, but apparently that's just a birthmark under her right eye.
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if he is in fact a cheater then im sorry but
"He deserved to be slapped and he's a little bitch for calling the cops lmao [3]"
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How dare he cheat on Michelle Branch
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"Not very like a man to call over that."
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are you a drummer by chance flug
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"Calling the cops for assault after two slaps? Lol"
Didn't Danny Carey get charged with assault for poking a dude in the chest with fingers? It checks out.
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"Hey babe I know you just gave birth to our child but I think now is a good time to let you know I'm banging other people. I hope you don't get upset or I'll call the cops."
what a bitch fr lmfao
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Shut up
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thought #1 I was trying to remember if I knew any Michele Branch songs and all my brain thought of was "If It Makes You Happy" by Sheryl Crow. Googling her biggest hits, I recognize "Everywhere" and "All You Wanted" and I gotta say, might be worse than Sheryl Crow
thought #2, why is the band called The Black Keys if they don't have a piano player? They'd probably be better with some piano and bass tbh instead of being discount White Stripes
idk how I feel about the slap thing though or if this is even news
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lotta manchild energy itt, assaulting people is never okay
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I don’t condone any violence including slapping, but it just seemed too much to call the cops over.
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It was likely neighbors who called the cops. Then again maybe they live on a ranch and he called the cops before she could land a third slap. But yeah, a little domestic violence once in a while is probably fine and nothing to get worked up about.
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"a little domestic violence once in a while is probably fine and nothing to get worked up about."
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if you cheat on your wife who just gave birth 6 months ago expect to get slapped bare minimum lmfaooo
im shocked she didnt call her family to go beat him up tbh
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Cole “The Cop” Teeple would crumple into rabbit pose if a girl tried to make him flinch
You just know that rat has the chief of police on speed dial
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we have to be friends now im not allowed to call you bald anymore
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--assaulting people is never okay--
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“ She is a girl so nothing will happen.”
Tell that to Amber
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You slap me in the face because you find out I'm cheating... cool.
You shit on my bed... we have a problem.
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who even are you
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"Didn't Danny Carey get charged with assault for poking a dude in the chest with fingers? It checks out."
Well, these are very different scenarios. One involves a lady being cheated on and the other involves an egomaniac rockstar hurling homophobic slurs and aggressively poking someone because he was inconvenienced by a guy doing his job
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He's just trying to get custody of the kid, for when he runs off with his new women.
The old she's a violent person, bad mother material argument in the court.
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Pretty sure there were witnesses and I don't believe Danny Carey ever really disputed what happened
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Also the "one involves a lady being cheated on" line is making me crack up. It's like you're about to challenge someone to a duel.
We meet at dawn to settle this lady's honor with pistols, SIR!
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this thread going exactly how I expected
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--Pretty sure there were witnesses and I don't believe Danny Carey ever really disputed what happened --
Yeah. I think the whole thing was actually recorded..
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I understand the double standard and society, by and large, would have a very different reaction to hearing that a guy slapped a lady because she cheated on him. But if we're comparing both scenarios, Danny Carey sounds like a WAY bigger douche
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Trying to find out why this is such a big story
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"Yeah. I think the whole thing was actually recorded.."
Feel free to share a video if you find one. The only videos I've seen are of the arrest and not the incident itself.
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You're right. It was just the arrest. I never actually watched the video, I just read about it on Blabbermouth. Just checked the article, and it's just the arrest on video.
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What a bitch (the husband)
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>tfw no michelle branch to slap me two times
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It's a conspiracy against Danny Carey I tell ya
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"What a bitch (the husband)"
that would make a great song title
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Him calling the cops on her is good for him if there’s going to be some sort of custody battle. It benefits him and hurts her.
The whole thing is sad.
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I like how everyone assumes he actually cheated. As with most things it's probably better to wait for more info.
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What was that song that said if you wanted to, I could save you.....It may have been Michelle Branch or sung by Tifa...
It's so easy to love
It's harder to lose
Sometimes I fear that I enjoy the abuse
See this hole in my chest?
It's a testament
Of how I'm heartless
It was MB. All you Wanted, I kept hitting a different one first. Tifa wouldn't sing a song like that in any remake.
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Branch snapped
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"Well, these are very different scenarios. One involves a lady being cheated on and the other involves an egomaniac rockstar hurling homophobic slurs and aggressively poking someone because he was inconvenienced by a guy doing his job"
Show me any sort of proof that he said anything homophobic.
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Branch twigged cheating involved
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Thought this sounded minor until I realised he wears spectacles 👓
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Branch hoping he leaves after getting to root of problem
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"Show me any sort of proof that he said anything homophobic."
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edit: lol the url
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but is it "anti gay-slur police" or "anti-gay slur police" tho
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🎶Slapping my way downtown…🎶
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I don't have much to add to this, but I'll just say that if I cheated on a girl right after she had our baby that being slapped a few times would be the best possible outcome I could hope for.
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yeah im also into being slapped
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Some men would pay good money for that
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some women would aswell
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I don't think calling the police on her is about punishing her for slapping him I just think that once things get to that level it's usually better to get the police involved so it doesn't escalate further. slaps can turn into punches or some other form of assault pretty quickly, better for everyone to just stop it before it gets bad. also nobody knows if he actually cheated or what the situation is so it's funny to see all this honourable fake tough guy energy from people in this thread
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colton you are dumb
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It's not fake tough guy energy, I'm just saying sometimes you gotta just face the music when you do scummy things.
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colton is right though
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srry drifter let me rewrite that like a sputniker:
as someone who would never disrespect the girlfriend i've never had through the despicable act of cheating, of which Patrick is conclusively guilty, I would have simply put my hands behind my back and honourably accepted a series of haymakers to the face, because I believe that women are so incapable of hurting men that any man who calls the police over a woman assaulting him is a bitch, but I also believe in gender equality more than you
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Colton is right, I mean…Jody Arias and that's just one example. There was recently an OF whore who attacked her bf in an elevator and later on ended up stabbing and killing him. People don’t seem to realize that women can kill too. To quote my man Mike Ehrmantraut, “I chose a half-measure when I should have gone all the way. No more half-measures.”
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Good thing he didn't call the cops like a little bitch amirite?
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Y'all blamed this man for the wrong doing AND said he deserved physical violence against him, all before any investigation has been done.
And I'm sorry, I just don't believe in simply taking it on the chin. If it's a stranger you've never seen and probably will never see again, sure. But she's the mother of his kids--they're bound together for decades. Doesn't matter whether it hurt or not; a slap with a hand here turns into a fist later, turns into a thrown vase later. Violence, from anyone, shouldn't be tolerated except as a last resort against ensuing violence.
If he did cheat, let his social circle crucify him and his kids forever know him as a scummy bastard. I just don't find the violence justifiable in this case at all.
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"To quote my man Mike Ehrmantraut..."
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there's a difference between a slap and a vase to the face though. if that happens sure call the cops but a slap is nothing
" but I also believe in gender equality more than you"
also lol gender equality does not apply in this case. if he slapped her it would be far different and you know that
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damn drifter thats the fucking point.
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ironically pretty sexist that people here apparently think women are incapable of hurting men physically. would bet almost all the ppl saying that on here have never been hit by anyone
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the spirit room >>>>>>>>> black keys entire discog
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“ OF whore”
-the people defending this dude calling the cops for getting slapped for cheating
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Tbf I think one let their own personal handlings of such a situation effect the idea of what is within reason to be done.
I know I myself would never call the cops over a slap to the face, but he is perfectly within legal reasoning to do so. We also know nothing of whether these cheating allegations are truth-If so then he absolutely deserves it and while violence is not a means to most ends it would be hard to fault the woman for being pissed at a cheating husband
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Equity >>>>
Slap that cheating bitch into the ground Michelle lets goooo, I didn’t see NUTHIN
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its not that they can't hurt anyone because obviously they can but in this situation its just justified lmao. im not even trying to act like a "tough guy" either but calling the cops is just totally unnecessary
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"but in this situation its just justified lmao."
As much as I hate to agree with Colty about something, this is some hilarious cognitive dissonance.
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Colton talkmnbout taking haymakers to the face when he couldn’t even take a fistful of hay to the face without crumpling like a ball of paper
And yes he’d phone the cops in that situation too
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It’s an interesting debate this.
Forget about the news article because we don’t know who did or didn’t do what and in what way they did it.
If I cheated on my wife who just gave birth six months ago to our baby I would fully accept a slap or a right hook or whatever and take it as justified.
This isn’t a sex related thing. If I screwed over a mate of mine in an unacceptable way, stole something or slept with his mrs or something I would also fully accept a punch.
I’m not a violent person at all but I’m surprised how many people seem shocked by Branch slapping a dude if he did what he did!
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@shem Yep
The people turning this into a political point sound like gyro rn
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If my girl caught me cheating I wouldn't blame her for slapping me like how Michelle did to ol boy
but she'll never catch me so I remain unslapped
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Lol Jeet OG Playa
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Homeboy fucked around and found out, its basic math
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it is difficult to parse in part because a slap is something we're culturally socialized to hold as being an appropriate form of violence for a scorned woman to use in the first place.
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"If I screwed over a mate of mine in an unacceptable way, stole something or slept with his mrs or something I would also fully accept a punch."
Honest question, are you somewhere between being in the 5th grade and a college sophomore? I can't imagine anyone over 20 in the real world actually settling disputes this way lmao.
Also, assuming said sleeping with the Mrs is consensual, would the Mrs have to necessarily accept a punch too? She does, right?
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Masochist with the reasonable take
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she could have punched him and i also would support her
but a vase is still too far
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How expensive a vase are we talking about? Because if she used one of the cheap ones it's totally justified, but one of the expensive ones would be crossing the line.
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I wanted to slap him after hearing the last Black Keys album
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it's the most priceless form of vase: an imaginary one I made up
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If it was his favourite vase then I’d still support her throwing it at him
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It’s funny how those cultural norms like scorned women slapping a dude can drag on.
Wasn’t so long ago it was commonplace for a man to smack his wife or child for talking out of line.
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"I can't imagine anyone over 20 in the real world actually settling disputes this way lmao."
its not that its the ideal form of settling something but if it happens it happens. if i stole money from my friend or something and he punched me it would be my responsibility to have not stole it in the first place
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But what about the cheating with the Mrs? Punches galore with no backsies?
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People switching the “gender equality” debate on to defend a cishet white male cheater is the “being racist to whites” of gender politics
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Lol SitarHero I’m 33. I wouldn’t settle a dispute this way myself but I know plenty adults who would react this way in the heat of the moment.
I also live in the home of the British Army so potentially my world is different to yours.
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Funny thing is SitarHero, most of the people saying they’d expect the woman to hit the guy would be the most against a guy hitting a woman. That’s the way I was brought up, sometimes men fight, but you never raise your hand to a woman.
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"“ She is a girl so nothing will happen.”
Tell that to Amber"
That is different. She lied about getting beaten.
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Holy hell this took a massive swandive quick lmao
Also there are stories that Patrick straight up told her he eas leaving her for his manager
I just don't understand how sad, insecure and small-minded you have to be to see this situation and then go to uhhhhh taking 'haymakers' to the face or punching a woman. The fuck is wrong with yall lmao Jesus
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Maybe the reason he was leaving her for his manager is because she was abusive and violent. #JustSayin
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"People switching the “gender equality” debate on to defend a cishet white male cheater is the “being racist to whites” of gender politics"
Ok that's enough sput for the day
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Hang on there SitarHero that’s quite a leap to make.
Maybe she’s abusive, I have no idea, but would you consider someone slapping somebody once in the heat of the moment because their husband cheated on them six months after giving birth to their child an abusive and violent person?
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Am I crazy for thinking Adultery is worse than giving a dude a slap?
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"but would you consider someone slapping somebody once in the heat of the moment"
Twice, by HER count. xD
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Lol does that change anything?
Like once in the heat of the moment is cool but twice is too far?
Re-visit my question and change it to say she slapped him twice during an altercation where she confronted his Adultery - do you think she’s a violent and abusive person?
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I'm saying she might be. AFAIK domestic violence tends not to be isolated.
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You’re right there, domestic violence incidents are rarely isolated incidents, but can you see how this life destroying bombshell could lead to a perfectly nice person dishing out a couple of slaps?
I’ve polled my wife and a few neighbourhood women on the topic whilst walking the dog because it’s an interesting debate and the consensus was he was lucky to get just a couple slaps.
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couple weeks ago slex was writing out his macho man fantasies of sneaking into DGD concerts and assaulting large crowds of ppl like Batman and then called me "racist as fuck" for saying there's a big problem in the rap industry of women getting treated like shit and fans downplaying it or victim blaming, and then calls other ppl insecure and sad for saying that people shouldn't be violent to one another
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slex is a massive idiot yes
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nah I like slex he just gets a lil goofy sometimes
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If I were in Branch's shoes my biggest concern would be DV charges fucking up a custody battle, I have to imagine a divorce is in the near future here and it would be a real bitch to only see your kids on weekends because of one brief and frankly understandable lapse of judgement
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Yeah agreed Kompys
Adulterers need a hell of a counter to win custody over the mum but domestic violence could sway it and it'd be harsh if this is her only mistake and loses her kid. Women rarely lose custody battles though, especially in infancy
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Shemson - I doubt this will be enough to sway a jury to take her kids away from her. She doesn't seem to have a history of hitting people, and she didn't do it excessively in this instance. And especially that it happened the night she heard that her husband had been having an affair, I think the court will probably side with her in that it was an extreme emotional response to extraordinary circumstances.
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The important thing here is that that one song Branch did with Santana was kind of a banger
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Pretty sure Slex misunderstood you my dude, and it's not like he's the only one taking a dump on DGD fans. Most people on Sput have had their way in the past month.
I dunno where Treb gets off but you do you babe
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Extremely bravely raising my head above the parapet but you should be allowed to break up with someone / have a heated argument without incurring any kind of physical violence. That one seems pretty easy to me. Disheartening to see what looks like sublimation of very american violence saturation externalised here. Don’t think involving the police is proportional and going through the wringer of a fucked legal system is horrible and should be avoided!, acab, but neither is the action conscionable really
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People making fun of the guy but hey if I got slapped or punched by a woman I'd rather call the cops also instead of hitting back.
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so all the headlines and comments are about michelle branch slapping her ex-husband and not about a black keys member cheating on his wife that's still breastfeeding their 6(?) month old baby & has another 4 years old kid at home
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"life destroying bombshell could lead to a perfectly nice person dishing out a couple of slaps?"
Divorce happens to marriage like 50% of the time. Branch had been through one already. Shes probably never going to suffer economic hardship. We're setting the bar pretty low here for life-destruction imo.
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yeah being cheated on by the husband she has 2 kids with -one she's still breastfeeding- is nooooooo big deal not life altering at allllllllllll she's probably never going to suffer economic hardship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wines being based
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Incels itt pretending tossing nuance in the trash and treating all situations equally when not all situations are equal makes them feminist but you actually just sound like you belong in r/meninism
Yes, men can be victims of domestic abuse. Does that change the fact that domestic abuse disproportionately effects women and that historic patriarchy, misogyny, and gender based oppression are somehow irrelevant? Fuck no.
A slap in the face does not equate to a knife to the throat. If a woman has no history of abusive behaviour and slaps a dude in the face for cheating on her while she’s pregnant with his child am I gonna turn the other cheek? Absolutely. If a man slapped his wife in the same situation? Fuck no. Not because sexism, but because power imbalances. You twats seem to care a lot about physical harm but dismiss the emotional violence of cheating. I guarantee the cheating hurt more than the slap. So yeah, idgaf, situation considered, slap him into the ground.
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You can really tell who has deadass uttered “all lives matter” itt
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'Yes, men can be victims of domestic abuse. Does that change the fact that domestic abuse disproportionately effects women and that historic patriarchy, misogyny, and gender based oppression are somehow irrelevant? Fuck no."
Fairly certain that by volume, it's been studied and shown that men on average are the victim of domestic abuse much more frequently then women. It's just these cases don't usually lead to hospitalization and it's embarrassing for men to admit, and also that when men commit the same act it is far far worse and damaging.
To extrapolate on that anecdotally, fairly certain I'v seen far more women in public late at night at bars and clubs screaming at their boyfriend and hitting them than the other way around (and I've never seen anything happen or anyone step in), and anytime I've seen that happen in reverse to a women in public 100% of the time either patrons stepped in or the bouncers/establishment and the cops were called.
The same statistics apply to suicide: women on average attempt suicide far more frequently then men, but more times than not either do not follow through or the attempt thankfully does not end with death. Whereas with men, fewer attempt it but far more die when they do attempt it.
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was undecided on this until I saw his face. how can you be a downright ugly mofo and cheat on michelle branch? give out the slaps
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If this thread has taught me one thing, it’s that most people think physical assault is less fucked up than cheating.
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Making my way downtown to beat some ass I'm walking fast
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If it's ok for a woman to slap the man for cheating, then it's ok for a man to slap a women if she's cheating as well. You can't have it only one way. The same people who are laughing at this guy for being physically assaulted and calling him a bitch would be cancelling the dude on twitter if the roles were reversed.
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understanding the power difference between men and women and how not all cases of domestic violence are equal because of the different power dynamic is fine and valid, but when you start to justify women attacking men just because they're women then you've lost the plot. it's like how racism from white people to black people carries more weight than racism from black people to white people but obviously if a black guy beats someone up just because they're white then that's wrong. this shouldn't have to be explained to people honestly
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There are lines though Kenny
In my opinion the situation of a woman slapping a man for ruining her life doesn’t even sound like ‘assault’ as I would define assault as something that will do some harm to someone.
I completely understand that this is not the definition of assault but to me, the guy only called the police to point score ahead of a divorce. I just don’t believe that a dude couldn’t receive two slaps and then leave rather than need to call the police. He could’ve even broken up with her over the phone if she was an aggressive person. He could’ve just filed for divorce legally and not even talk to her.
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Lots of domestic abuse defenders on this site. Not surprising
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Nah Reefa, I’m all for equality but physically men and women are different and men tend to be stronger physically - with some exception of course but Michelle Branch isn’t exactly a beefcake
It’s an extremist argument, like if I was saying let a guy off without punishment for stealing bread to feed his starving family I wouldn’t think it was ok for the guy to steal my car because stealing is inherently wrong.
Violence is also wrong, but I can see why she reacted that way in the heat of the moment and believe that calling the police is an extreme reaction to a couple of slaps.
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"Nah Reefa, I’m all for equality but physically men and women are different and men tend to be stronger physically - with some exception of course but Michelle Branch isn’t exactly a beefcake"
I'm not the one defending domestic abuse here lol. Physical abuse is never ok, be it the man who's the perpetrator or the woman
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Reefa is the beetlejuice of incels, except you only have to say it once to summon him
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I’m not defending domestic abuse.
You took the stance that if a woman can slap a man, everyone who says that must be fine for a man to slap a woman and I think they are different things.
I can tell you I’ve been slapped by a few women and each time it stung but I never did anything more than calm them down. At no point have I ever even considered hitting a woman though, and a lot did worse to me than I did to them, and I never would.
If you don’t think there’s a difference between men and women that’s fine though, we’re different people.
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Every single one of the usual suspects on this site that victim blame in sexual assault, domestic violence, and grooming threads etc is team phone-a-cop as soon as the “victim” is male lmao
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you guys don't have to view every situation in these weird extremes where it's either "women hitting men should be treated exactly the same as men hitting women" or "women can hit men and it's never an issue and if you think otherwise you're an incel" like jesus how do you people function irl lol. so much bitterness
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Oh is that what’s happening Pots?
I stay away from those threads in general, pretty much since Ian Watkins happened and I didn’t ever want to read about shit like that ever again tbh
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reefa has gone full incel mode many times yeah
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Lol nah Colton, I said I can see why she slapped him and in fact could argue that he deserved it, and that means I reckon all women can smack all men indiscriminately
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"I can tell you I’ve been slapped by a few women and each time it stung but I never did anything more than calm them down."
The severeness of physical harm inflicted doesn't matter at all. If that was the case, then there are plenty of cases where men slapped women who didn't end up severely injured yet you wouldn't make the same excuses there. It's just a dumb argument.
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Of course the pain inflicted matters 🤣
So when I got slapped by an ex here’s what I did:
I understood her emotions at the time, heard her out, we talked it through and in the end she apologised for ‘being crazy’.
Do you think I should’ve been like ‘fuck you thats assault’ and called the police to report I got a slap?
I think my way of dealing is much healthier and maybe is why I’ve been happily married for four years because I’d rather solve a problem than play a victim
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You didn't respond to what I said. What about cases where men slapped women while not inflicting much physical injury?
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I’ve been pretty clear with this but I’ll say it again.
I don’t think a man should ever hit a woman, no matter what the circumstances are.
I can see why in certain situations a woman gives a man a slap and I don’t consider that to be ‘assault’, it’s a slap.
Now if this woman starts actually attacking the guy, causing actual pain, then yeah, that’s when she’s in the wrong.
So to summarise, yes, I think there are different rules for intersex relations slapping each other. No I don’t support domestic violence. No I don’t think either party should be allowed to cause the other proper pain.
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"I don’t think a man should ever hit a woman, no matter what the circumstances are."
And I'm arguing neither should a woman hit a man.
"I can see why in certain situations a woman gives a man a slap and I don’t consider that to be ‘assault’, it’s a slap."
That's just mind-numbingly stupid. It's assault, no matter how you want to twist it.
"No I don’t support domestic violence."
You just did.
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Lol ok mate we’ll agree to disagree.
I’ve not twisted anything I’ve been consistent in my opinion that a slap isn’t assault but you seem very convinced it is and this woman has done this man wrong.
Let me ask you one question. I don’t know how old you are so this may be hypothetical but imagine you’re in a long term relationship with a woman (I’m assuming you’re a man but again correct me if I’m wrong).
You do something really bad which wrongs your partner. Let’s say you sleep with someone else that isn’t her but you love this woman and you want to stay with her but you want to be honest.
During the heated debate she (a normally mild mannered calm woman) calls you a bunch of insults and slaps you round the face.
Do you
A) Call the Police
B) Try to calm her down and work out your differences even though you feel you should never be slapped
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it’s quite sexist to say a man should NEVER hit a woman tbh. you have to really infantilize women and view them as super weak to actually think that. there are countless women who could beat the shit out of any of us lol
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Let’s say you sleep with someone else that isn’t her
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I think that is one of those things I was brought up with Colton
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"in my opinion that a slap isn’t assault but you seem very convinced it is"
What makes a man slapping a woman assault that doesn't make a woman slapping a man assault? Let's assume for the sake of the argument that the same force was put into the slap.
"Let me ask you one question. I don’t know how old you are so this may be hypothetical but imagine you’re in a long term relationship with a woman (I’m assuming you’re a man but again correct me if I’m wrong)."
I'm married and have 2 kids. Never once have either one of us physically assaulted each other.
"Do you
A) Call the Police
B) Try to calm her down and work out your differences even though you feel you should never be slapped""
What I would do doesn't really matter here. Your personal reaction to getting assaulted doesn't change whether or not you got assaulted. No, personally I most likely wouldn't call the police.
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six foot three and 19 stones
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Flugmorph why are you going round copy and pasting things I say? Join the debate if you’re interested!
I had already deleted that sentence because it’s irrelevant but yes, those are my height and weight
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Reefa, I didn’t say anyone slapping anyone was assault. I said I don’t think men should hit women but in general I don’t think a slap is an assault.
We have different opinions though so no point in going back and forth. I don’t think any form of domestic violence is acceptable in general but I can see why this woman slapped the guy for cheating on her whilst she had just given birth to their second kid. That’s all I’m saying really.
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just wanna make sure your dimentions stay doxxed
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Sure if that makes you feel good mate
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some guy deadass tried to quote Mike Ehrmantraut in this thread because he thought it would go hard and everybody ignored it lmfaooooooo
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zaruyache quoted it
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waltuh.... put your dick away waltuh
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shoutout to the dumbasses itt who think a thousand miles is a michelle branch song you the real LVP 😂💯
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Lmao I didn't think the idea that "hey guys maybe people shouldn't be hitting their intimate partners at all" was so controversial.
Edit: non-consensually* hitting their intimate partners. Not tryna kink shame anyone.
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anyways stream the spirit room to pay for her bail!!!
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YoYoMancuso -
You’re talking a lot of shit for someone within cumshot distance
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go ahead
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I vote we kill this thread with fire and also burn the two people involved in this news article at the stake!!!
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"burn the two people involved in this news article at the stake"
User combustion finally lives up to his username.
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Coltons brain is ornamental
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"User combustion finally lives up to his username."
I try to keep my pyromania to a minimum on the internet but these slaps just brought it out of me! I apologize
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"shoutout to the dumbasses itt who think a thousand miles is a michelle branch song you the real LVP 😂💯"
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FRONZ ily can you sign my tramp stamp
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"this thread going exactly how I expected" [2]
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Any fans of the IT crowd?
Hubby reminds me so much of the keyboardist Jen dates in that one episode.
Also, thats a slappable face if i've ever seen one, surprised it took her this long
Also, she should keep her damn hands to herself and deserves the full force of the long hard throbbing baton of the law
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Michelle Branch problematic would
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"shoutout to the dumbasses itt who think a thousand miles is a michelle branch song you the real LVP"
for fucking real
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I ain't reading all these replies but I stand with Sosa, equal rights and equal lefts
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conesmoke with the premiere whiplash comment of the thread so far, genius.
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No one should be attacking anyone. You're an adult, act like it.
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do you think he cried when it happened
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cried like a man
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Indeed, wept like the big beautiful man he is
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imagine "if she was a cheater, she deserved to be slapped". braindead.
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After a career of hitting things with sticks he did well not to hit back
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Imagine calling the police
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imagine being white
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imagine being white and being in a band called the black keys
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She hit him for playing the same beat in every song.
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itt: sputnik has intense philosophical discussion about physical violence being illegal vs. adultery being legal amidst the usual dad jokes
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"She hit him for playing the same beat in every song"
Hate that I laughed out loud at this
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where is the popcorn icon?
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Wow this thread's still going? Unlike their marriage
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