4 of these 5 songs are masterpieces. Too bad none of them won.
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3 might make my top 10.
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Hilltop Hoods at number 17 is a joke.
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idk man nosebleed section is pretty awesome
list is better than most, but i expected more aussie stuff tbh
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As much as I like The Hilltop Hoods, I agree that none of their songs should be that high. It is one of only a few glaring oddities.
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@davey. it was massive when it came out. a lot of j listeners loved it, although i do agree it is placed amongst some true classics.
disappointed it outranked any powderfinger
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Yeah, there was always going to be some Aussie stuff ranked higher than it probably should. I didn't think it would be the Hoods though. As always, I thought it would be 'My Happiness'.
I also thought Acca Dacca would do better considering the timing of their tickets going on sale.
As I saod on Dougie's list though, I really think the overal Top 100 list is very very good.
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list was ok. forgot to vote, but i doubt it would have made a difference. if anything, if my and my friends votes, paranoid android would have been higher.
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Smells like teen spirit may be over rated, but it's still an amazing song
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^He's got a point. It's still possibly the best example of teenage angst ever put to record. Provides nostalgia for older people as well.
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Unconditional hatred eh, thats a new one.
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i just hate grunge period... and thats sad cause i live in seattle lol
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SLTS is another one of those songs that's sadly become obsessed over because one of the parties involved in its writing has died. Sure it represents the time period of its release perfectly, but I doubt it'd be as high on the list if he hadn't gone the way of the dodo.
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it's almost like you don't realize how big that song was, even before kurt cobain died.
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Its probably that high because its basically the catchiest song ever written.
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Yeah, Nirvana are seen as saints because Cobain topped himself, but that song was always massive.
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Pretty Fly For A White Guy was massive at it's release too.
It's almost like you don't realize how big that song was, even before kurt cobain died.
It's almost like I've got a developed alternating opinion to your own, that you can't accept.
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It's almost like I've got a developed alternating opinion to your own, that you can't accept. nonono you're wroooongggggg
also did you correct my grammar in your quote?
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great article here on the results.
Soon after the list was finalised, the penny dropped over the Twitterverse that apart from a guest female vocal on Massive Attack’s trip-hop ballad Teardrop and Jeff Buckley singing like a whiny bitch, not one artist in the list for the ages was forced to sit down to pee.
But for my mind, all the talk about gender inequality on the Hottest 100 is a complete red-herring, diverting attention from the real result of the poll – which seems to be that in one fell swoop the once great bastion of all things progressive, exciting and alternative, Triple J have confirmed the rumour that the only thing that stands between them and mainstream rock stations like Triple M is the absence of an ad break.
interesting about the lack of female artists in the poll.
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apart from a guest female vocal on Massive Attack’s trip-hop ballad Teardrop and Jeff Buckley singing like a whiny bitch this made me lol even though i'm a massive jeff buckley fanboy
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4 of these 5 songs are masterpieces. Too bad none of them won.
this is so true.
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Love all of these 2 may be in my top 5 ever.
The problem with SLTS isn't that it's overrated, it's an incredible song, it's just been horribly overplayed, to such an extent people have grown bored of it. Nevermind is one of my fav albums ever, but SLTS is one of my least fav songs on it basically cos I'm sick of hearing it.
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I'm shocked Tool - 46 and 2 is on there. It's not a bad song, but it's also not one of the best of all time.
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what the hell, slts is no way the greatest song of all time
perhaps within grunge, but holy shit they should expand their minds
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Heart Shaped Box is better than SLTS
Anyway, this is a pretty solid list.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 35, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 51, 53, 54, 60, 61, 62, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 94, 98, 100
lol at 90
Also, Joy Divison have better songs
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Didn't expect to see Joy Division.
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Am I wrong in supporting Everlong's position?
Also, Blur have better songs as well
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Yeah too much Nirvana for me
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Let's all vote on the best of a subjective artform, yeah that's a good use of our time.
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youre face is subjective
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subjective to my fist. heh.
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Them Aussi's sure like their Buckley. Didnt really expect to see any Tool on here.
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The fact that a Beatles song didn't appear until #24 is absolutely outrageous.
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Way to take what I said and completely take it to an extreme. That is nowhere near what I'm saying.
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the beatles are a ripoff of radiohead
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ya i no rite
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Just because an artist WAS huge, doesn't mean people enjoy listening to them now.
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WAS huge? The Beatles are still and forever will be huge. I'm not saying they're my favorite band or anything and I'm not saying that I listen to them all the time, because I definitely don't. However, they have undeniably written some of the greatest music of all time, and, in my opinion, they absolutely have AT LEAST one or two songs that deserve to be in the top 20 of any greatest songs countdown.
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Their bad. heh
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If all of this Beatles hating continues Im going to have to choke a bitch.
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I like Volkswagon Beetles.
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Agreed, Shrapnel.
And djdorama... they're*
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I'm still suprised that One made it to the top 20, I was expecting it to be there, but not in the top 20!
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I think he means "their" bad as in it was the list maker's mistake for not including the beatles.
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Well, it was over 500,000 Australian peoples "mistake" for not involving the Beatles, since it was a public vote.
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By the way, this list badly needs some sugar poured on it.
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WAS huge? The Beatles are still and forever will be huge. I'm not saying they're my favorite band or anything and I'm not saying that I listen to them all the time, because I definitely don't. However, they have undeniably written some of the greatest music of all time, and, in my opinion, they absolutely have AT LEAST one or two songs that deserve to be in the top 20 of any greatest songs countdown.
They aren't huge, they were. Past tense. They broke up. Two are dead. Etc.
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That it does DaveyBoy!
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Def Leppard. Ew.
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love #2...
I believe Weird Al did a parody on #1
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What Shrapnel said
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Just because they're broken up and/or dead does not mean that they aren't huge. At the risk of sounding ridiculously lame, the music lives on forever. The Beatles' music will never go away and it will forever be popular. Kids in the generation below us and below them will know The Beatles.
So, once again, they ARE huge.
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who Def Leppard? when I joined sputnik, I rejoiced to see someone had even heard of Def Leppard!!
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Just because they're broken up and/or dead does not mean that they aren't huge.
Well it does if you understand the english language correctly.
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I couldnt find any errors in his grammar.
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I love how you insult my understanding of the English language in a grammatically poor sentence. (Not too bad, just missing a comma and a capitalization). Anywho, you clearly just chose to ignore the rest of my comment about how I'm speaking about the music and how the music will forever be huge and will forever live on and thus the band will forever be huge, so I'll just let it drop.
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Stop painting them as gods. They're just a band that wrote a bunch of songs that were immensely popular for a period, then they broke up and others released more relevant music.
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I believe his avatar concertedly points out that he's currently eating a shrimp in one hand and typing with his other.
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Wow you guys really dont get it at all.
By "huge" bbq means that the artist is popular. If a band is listened to a lot, like the Beatles, then they are popular.
Seriously, what does grammar have to do with that.
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A half-million people disagree that they're still relevant.
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Exactly, Shrapnel.
Also, there are very, VERY few bands (if any at all) that can unequivocally NOT cite The Beatles as an influence. They essentially changed the world (or came as close to doing so as any band ever has/will/can) with their music. If that doesn't put them up there in music-god status, then I don't know what will.
I'm not even that big of a fan of The Beatles. I'm simply speaking to the essentially objective facts of their influence/popularity/greatness.
And, Aaron... 500,000 is not that many people in the grand scheme of things.
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most popular band of all time, indubitably.
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Pigletoothpet... indubitably is far and away my favorite word. Kudos.
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lol. Indubitably just seems pretenctious and philosophical is all 
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But it's just so fun to say out-loud!
"Mmm. Yes. Indubitably." (In a posh British accent, of course).
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Well I guess that is just your opinion.
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Shrapnel, I swear I heard you say you like turtles somewhere... *off topic*
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I remember that.
Considering that the conversation was about being off topic, it was pretty on topic. I think it was on a Brand New thread.
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iunno, I swear it was on a review.
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Full list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_J_Hottest_100 then go down to 2009.
No U2 was a surprise, I thought One was a certainty.
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Yeah I was suprised by that too.
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thats like nirvanas worst song
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fackin aussies
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not a bad list overall, considering its one of these fan voted things which ends up with everybody complaining.
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You should read the threads under each song. There is a load of complaining there. aha
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I briefly glanced at it as I was reading though, can't please everyone.
At least this was a list I could agree with for the most part. :]
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true that
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