don't know how id feel about this if it actually happened. i dunno if i could enjoy it with bradley.This Message Edited On 11.17.08
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It`d be weird for sure, but if you took them reforming and doing a show as a tribute to sublime, it becomes alot easier to take
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they shouldnt do it imo
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This would be shit, Long Beach Dub All-Stars anyone? I think we all know how that turned out.
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I think they should simply go on tour and not try to record anything new. If they went on tour it would probably turn out well for them, but new music would not.
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i'm not sure how i feel about this.
could be awesome or could totally suck.
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Err... someone should let them know Brad Nowell is dead. Awkward.
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Is this some kind of sick joke?
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unless the remaining members are big into the art of necromancy, there is no reason this should ever happen
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this band shouldn't have born in the first place
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at this point...I think Badfish would put on a better performance...hell their shows are better than the majority of shows (I've seen and heard) from when Bradley was alive anyway.
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what UmphreysHead said.
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Wow...appalled by this one actually, despite loving this band so ridiculously much. Gaugh and Wilson already tried playing with another was called the Long Beach Dub All Stars, then the Long Beach Shortbus...two post-Nowell incarnations involving some member(s) of Sublime... that's more than enough. We know what it sounds like, we know what another singer to their music will sound like. This has "capitalize" written all over it, especially in the wake of Blind Melon and Alice in Chains getting back together under a new frontman. I certainly hope this doesn't happen
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this sounds bittersweet.
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unless they are jamming with the singer of badfish, this is a waste of time
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"unless they are jamming with the singer of badfish, this is a waste of time"
Exactly...and the sad thing is...the bassist and drummer of badfish are probably better stage musicians anyway.
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Never liked these guys anyway. I'm sure it'd go down a storm if they did some reunion shows though.
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Of course it won't be the same without Bradley, do you guys seriously think they don't know that? This will probably be good, I'd go.
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"this band shouldn't have born in the first place"
Um, no.
Anyway yeah, this would be bad. The post Brad Nowell incarnations of Sublime have always been pretty dreadful.
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booo. Bands should stop reunited without original members especially original singers. (cough led zeppelin)
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No no no, a million fucking times NO.
This will only end in tears. And maybe a little bloodshed.
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I love Sublime but this isn't a good idea.
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this would suck an unbelievable amount of ass
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No Brad, no Sublime.
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. i dunno if i could enjoy it with bradley.
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i love this band so much, and never did get to see them live.
If they did have one i would go.
I still don't think they should though.
Without Brad i think it would suckkkkkkkkk
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I hate to be the barrier of bad news but I don't think it's a good idea for Eric and Bud to resurrect Sublime with a replacement for Bradley. Eric and Bud were not only responsible for forming Sublime, but Bradley was. I like Sublime, but a new incarnation? I don't think so!
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This could turn out good, or turn out bad.
I hope it is the lead singer from Badfish.
It's probably something they have to do for closure and will probably be fully tributed to Brad.
So i respect them for giving it a try if it's true.
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