"Chinese Democracy" Stream

2008-10-22 by iamrockzorz | 69 Comments
I guess we can't avoid it any longer. Axl and his band has finally made the first single off of Chinese Democracy
available for stream. Q 104.3 has been given exclusive rights to the stream, while radio stations everywhere have
been given the song for their rotations as early as 5 in the morning.

Where's my Dr. Pepper?


Tagged: Guns N' Roses

Comments:Add a Comment 
October 22nd 2008

Sucks that buckethead is on the record but won't be on the tour.

October 22nd 2008


October 22nd 2008

I know a lot of people will say this, but that was pretty mediocre. All those years to write that? And Axl's voice is even worse than it used to be. Subpar.This Message Edited On 10.22.08

October 22nd 2008

Yah, I'm not just saying this out of spite. Its just a bad song.

October 22nd 2008

"All those years to write that? "

The songs have been written for years and years. The majority of the album delay is not due to Axl (as many seem to think) but rather the record label being hesitant to release it because of the massive costs that continued to grow surrounding the record (13 Million to be exact).
This is also why it's a Best Buy exclusive...the record label is simply trying to recoup any losses they can, which includes a massive exclusivity deal with Best Buy. For a long time they were trying to sell the rights for the record to other record labels simply because they didn't think it would be a profitable enough release after production and marketing costs were tallied.

October 22nd 2008

Can someone like edit this and make it stop being annoyingly formatted?

I feel like he just should have not put the record out.

October 22nd 2008

"I feel like he just should have not put the record out."

He has been trying to have it released for years, but the record label wouldn't allow it.

October 22nd 2008

I know, but the massive hype built up by fans because of the wait (whether his fault or not) could legitimately never be lived up to.

October 22nd 2008

"I know, but the massive hype built up by fans because of the wait (whether his fault or not) could legitimately never be lived up to."

This is true...I ran into the same issue at the Police Reunion show at Virgin Fest last year.

October 22nd 2008

The songs have been written for years and years. The majority of the album delay is not due to Axl (as many seem to think) but rather the record label being hesitant to release it because of the massive costs that continued to grow surrounding the record (13 Million to be exact).

All those years could have been spent making this song less of a suckfest, though. I know that with my music I'm constantly making improvements. This sounds like something I could have written in ten minutes while being drunk aside from the boring solo. The intro riff and the main riff in the song is so cliche. I've heard it in at least 8 other songs.

I am also not saying this all out of spite. I went into that song wanting to like it as much as most of Appetite. This sounds like something Saliva would've written in six months. Slash >>>>> Buckethead obviously.

October 22nd 2008


The song was just some subpar rock song. It didn't feel any better than that, which sucks.

October 22nd 2008

That was terrible, the record label was right to be hesitant to release that crap, sounds like a rejected idea for Motley Crue's Saints of Los Angeles.

October 22nd 2008

Doesnt sound like Guns 'n Roses really. Just shitty Axl. No real loss for me though since i generaly dislike the band in any shape and form.

October 22nd 2008

[quote=]delay is not due to Axl (as many seem to think) but rather the record label being hesitant to release it because of the massive costs that continued to grow surrounding the record (13 Million to be exact).
How is it not Axl's fault that the albums costed 13 million dollars?

October 22nd 2008

This is just fucking terrible. I mean. Wow. Way to go, Axl.

EDIT: Wow, okay. Either Axl has a legion of crazy, insanely loyal fans still or I smell a conspiracy. On the albums Best Buy page, there are already like 50 reviews. On over half of them, the pro read something along the lines of "Axl is God!" "Axl is BACK!!!", or "Axl is a genius!" It smells awfully fishy.This Message Edited On 10.22.08

October 22nd 2008

you guys act like guns n roses used to be good


but this sinks to a new low.

October 22nd 2008

I think it's a big pile of dirty tits, and I haven't even listened to it.

Take that Axl, you awful, horrendous wankstain.

October 22nd 2008

Slash >>>>> Buckethead obviously.

No no no.This Message Edited On 10.22.08

October 22nd 2008

Oh yeah, anyone else think it's ironic that it says "Want to help Guns n' Roses share their new song?" and encourages people to post the link all over the internet? Considering that poor guy is getting sued/sent to prison/having his entire life messed up for leaking tracks.

I hope this record is the biggest flop in the history of music.

October 22nd 2008

Never liked these guys anyways.

October 22nd 2008

It WAS axl's fault because he kept firing band members and re-recording songs 100 times.

October 22nd 2008

you guys act like guns n roses used to be good

Bingo. They've always sucked.

October 22nd 2008

It's not good but I was expecting worse.

October 22nd 2008

I think it's safe to say that AC/DC are BACK!!

October 23rd 2008

Song isn't horrible, like I thought it would be. I would say its okay. Its produced pretty good, but Axl sounds very different. Only album I have listened to is AFD.

October 23rd 2008

I used to love GNR and I was expecting an ok song, but GOD that sucked @ss.This Message Edited On 10.22.08

October 23rd 2008

i heard some live version of it LONG time ago and that was WAAAAY more impressive then this....
they could have atleast make a better refrain. but well i like the guitar for the most part of the song, seriously, the solo is cool. atleast that part is great. ok i've listend it 3 times, teh song is too short, maybe coz its for the radios, secondly, the singing could have been better, but i dont dislike the song, its ok, great guitar, rest is really mediocre, something of a GNR b-sides .This Message Edited On 10.22.08This Message Edited On 10.22.08

October 23rd 2008

oooh listeing again the songs reminds me soo much of the first single of Velvet Revolver.....

October 23rd 2008

Sounds almost exactly like it did 9 months ago.

October 23rd 2008

Don't like it. Didn't expect to though. I'll just stick to Appetite thank you very much.

October 23rd 2008

"Slash >>>>> Buckethead obviously."

In what way? He was in a more successful band at one point? Slash certainly isn't a better guitarist or musician...not by a long shot.

You know...it's always been a silly phrase to say that someone could do something better than someone else with one hand tied behind their back...but I literally think Buckethead could outplay Slash with one hand tied behind his back.

October 23rd 2008

not really that bad of a song, its just too overwhelmingly generic especially for such high costs and time put into it.

never gave two shits about the band anyway

October 23rd 2008

this is pretty meh. this is what happens when you make the public wait too long for a new record. i don't know if it was my expectations or the long wait or both. but this sounds like 1987 all over again. and not in a good way

and who is that wanking around on guitar? buckethead? double meh

October 23rd 2008

The bottom line.

1. The song was gay (solo was kind of cool).
2. Axl is a douche.
3. The album could still be good.
4. Guns n Roses did used to be good.
5. Cornrows on white guys will be huge.

October 23rd 2008

I liked the song, actually. I know it's pretty damn cliche, but I think that Axl is actually bearable for once on here. His voice has gotten low, but wasn't the screeching the main problem with GnR? It's an average vocal performance, but it's better than many of his ones on AFD.
With Slash and Izzy, this song would be a lot better. I rate it between 3 and 3.5, in fact, because I think (judging from this song) that the album has the potential to be better than AFD (which I also rate between 3 and 3.5) even if it'll never compare to the Use Your Illusion albums. If only the original lineup would reunite...

October 23rd 2008

And whoever said that Buckethead is better... Listen to Slash's Snakepit. Seriously, Slash proves why he's a legend much better than he's ever done with GnR and Velvet Revolver there, and since 5 O Clock Somewhere was released over 10 years ago... well, safe to say that Slash has majorly improved since then. There's no doubt in my mind that Slash is better, not to mention that he has a hell of a lot more charisma and stage presence than Buckethead.

October 23rd 2008

Shit sucks but yall are some hellbent haters.

God damn.This Message Edited On 10.23.08

Fire Away
October 23rd 2008

It WAS axl's fault because he kept firing band members

Axl never fired anyone except for Matt Sorum

the song isn't that good, but there will be better shit on the recordThis Message Edited On 10.23.08

October 23rd 2008

"And whoever said that Buckethead is better... Listen to Slash's Snakepit."
Yea it's the same blues driven rock with the same blues scales over and over that you expect to hear from slash. As good as Slash is at rock guitar, Buckethead is as good at playing every genre...whether it be rock, metal, jazz, folk, spanish...whatever.

October 23rd 2008

In all honesty, this isn't God awful or anything...but it is abhorrently average...like really...average...and does anybody else think the low vocals sound like M. Shadows? lolThis Message Edited On 10.23.08

October 23rd 2008

You know...it's always been a silly phrase to say that someone could do something better than someone else with one hand tied behind their back...but I literally think Buckethead could outplay Slash with one hand tied behind his back.

LOL, you're one of those people that thinks that fast playing automatically makes someone a better guitarist. Sure, of course Buckethead could outshred Slash, but I happen to think Buckethead is a shitty songwriter and his songs that people go apeshit over have never done anything for me. Jordan is mediocre imo.

Yea it's the same blues driven rock with the same blues scales over and over that you expect to hear from slash. As good as Slash is at rock guitar, Buckethead is as good at playing every genre...whether it be rock, metal, jazz, folk, spanish...whatever.

This may be true, but he's impressed me at none of them. Tbh, I don't even like Slash all that much, but I think he's better at what he does than Bucketwank.

October 23rd 2008

^Most ignorant post of the day. And you fail for even mentioning Jordan as an example of buckethead's work.
He has multiple albums that are great that don't have a single bit of shredding on them. I'm clearly discussing this with someone who doesn't really know what they're talking about. I mean yea...those shredding solos on Population Override and Colma are crazy! Oh wait...there are none and those albums are awesome.

October 23rd 2008

There's something I really dislike about Buckethead. Like, REALLY dislike... I'm sure he's a better guitarist than Slash but... Ugh....

Songs sucked big, horrible, hairy, sweaty, smelly balls by the way, absolutely NOT worth the wait.

October 23rd 2008

"GNR's management started spinning this one about two years ago after then manager Merck Mercuriadis promised the album would be released before the end of the year (and obviously it never happened). The only person delaying this album is Axl"

Legal issues between management and the record label have tied it up in recent years. What is your source for your claims that "Axl is the only one tying up it's release"?
Guitar World did a HUGE article on all of this...but I'm sure you know more than them...right?

October 23rd 2008

"There's something I really dislike about Buckethead. Like, REALLY dislike... "

Is it that his version of the Nightrain solo makes Slash look like a beginner guitar player or is it that he uses more than the D major and minor pentatonic blues scales in every song?This Message Edited On 10.23.08

October 23rd 2008

LOL, AP07373 is clearly a Buckethead fanboy, hahaha. Just accept that not all of us like him. I just brought Jordan up because it's the most well-known of his songs due to the stupid guitar hero crowd. It's his crowning achievement popularity-wise and I don't like it. And yes, I've also seen videos of his boring ass live shows that consist of him sitting there doing blues playing.

I've just never gotten into the virtuoso wankists. It's not my thing. Build a bridge and get the **** over it. I can't wait to hear more crying. This Message Edited On 10.23.08

October 23rd 2008

"What label in their right mind would delay the release of one of its biggest loss-makers?"

A label that is looking to sell the rights to the album completely to another record label in efforts to recoup their losses. Pretty basic business. Again, what was your source for your ill-informed claims that Axl is the sole reason for the delay? Still waiting on that one.

"Axl always has somebody else to blame for his problems and the label is no exception to this rule."

The information in the article I've cited was not given by Axl, but rather the producers of the album...so sorry, try again.

Again...what is your source for these rantings of yours?

October 23rd 2008

"I've just never gotten into the virtuoso wankists."
Hah I love how you don't even acknowledge the two awesome albums that I cited that don't contain an ounce of shredding or wankery on them (among his many others like this)...but continue to use that as the cornerstone of your argument.
Less ignorance please.

October 23rd 2008

Britney...your post is so full of ignorance it's ridiculous. Everything I said is completely true, it's in a feature article in Guitar World either August or Sept. 08 issue.

"Oh God, you're one of those people who becomes smarmy and condescending when you think you're right."

And you're one of those people that refuses to cite a source for your ill-informed posts other than the things you're literally making up in your head (prove you're not making it up).

Your source..."experience".

Jeez that's retarted. So basically you admit that you're just making it up. Nice.

I don't think I'm right, I am right. But feel free to come up with a source that disproves what I've said, or just continue to admit that you're just making this stuff up as you go along.This Message Edited On 10.23.08This Message Edited On 10.23.08

October 23rd 2008

Hah I love how you don't even acknowledge the two awesome albums that I cited that don't contain an ounce of shredding or wankery on them (among his many others like this)...but continue to use that as the cornerstone of your argument.

Less ignorance please.

LOL, I acknowledged that he does stuff other than wanking in my other post, jackass. Get over yourself. I don't like Buckethead's blues shit either. Or whatever else he does. But as I said before, he is most known for his virtuosity. Also, I don't think I should have to have listened to his entire catalogue of music to form an opinion of him. I've heard plenty. Even more obscure stuff like that shitty song he did with Serj.

Cry more please. It's entertaining reading this Buckethead nut-riding.

October 23rd 2008

"Even more obscure stuff like that shitty song he did with Serj."
Hah you mean the album that was one of his few major releases...and you say THAT is "more obscure"? THat is one of the few releases of his to actually have a music video. Didn't I politely ask for less ignorance? And besides the song he did with Saul from DBS was awesome on that album.

"I've had a look over the article, and you appear to be basing your contention that the label is trying to sell the album on a quote by Eddie Trunk, a radio DJ, speculating that they might be trying to sell the album. If you choose to believe him, that's your deal- it's perfectly reasonable- but you can't pass it off as fact."

It's been published in an international media outlet, so if he's lying it certainly hasn't been disproven. You're basing your argument on not believing him (for unknown reasons) and I'll take his word for it considering he's been one of the few people close to the project but not immediately involved in it to make a statement on the album and it's distribution.

What would pass as "fact" for you? If I were to produce an official letter from Geffen to Warner Bros. laying out a contract to sell the album? Your argument is based on the assumption that someone is lying to an international publication...that's a pretty weak base for an argument.This Message Edited On 10.23.08

October 23rd 2008

Hah you mean the album that was one of his few major releases...and you say THAT is "more obscure"? THat is one of the few releases of his to actually have a music video. Didn't I politely ask for less ignorance? And besides the song he did with Saul from DBS was awesome on that album.

Yeah, that song is so popular. It had so much commercial radio air play. Now, sarcasm over. Blinded by the utmost fanboyism you still fail to acknowledge that I've heard numerous other songs and live vids of his. Whether you like it or not, I just don't like the guy. Sorry, I didn't realize that his song with Serj was so popular. That doesn't prove me to be ignorant of his music nor does it prove him to be an excellent musician.

Nevertheless, you keep asking for less ignorance. I ask for less bland fanboyism and attempts at trying to seem intelligent when you really just come across as a condescending dumbass.

October 23rd 2008

"Yeah, that song is so popular. It had so much commercial radio air play. "
God you're stupid. This is one of his few albums that was on a major label with any real production effort. Almost every one of his releases is self recorded, self produced, and self distributed through his drummer's site.

You fail to understand the concept of relativity, in that just because it wasn't all over the radio that it wasn't a much bigger release than every one of his other albums, and you somehow called it "obscure". That's about as ignorant as it gets bud.

You can call me a fanboy, but that doesn't change the fact that you seem to think you're a Connoisseur from watching some youtube videos and checking out an album or two, but somehow think that a guy who plays the same D pents over and over and over amounts to being a better songwriter. I take it you don't actually play guitar though, so maybe it's a lost cause trying to even discuss who the better songwriter for the instrument is. And if you knew anything, you'd know that Izzy wrote almost every song on AFD in the first place, negating the argument that Slash was such a great songwriter in the GNR hayday.

Slash could never, and has never written songs that come close to Ghost Host, Padmasana, Soothsayer, Final Wars, Too Many Humans...the list goes on.

What you fail to realize is that I'm a huge Slash fan, and he's the reason I picked up a guitar in the first place, but to anyone who knows the instrument and is very familiar with both players; to say that Slash is better in any way is laughable.This Message Edited On 10.23.08This Message Edited On 10.23.08

October 23rd 2008

"Sorry to bring this gay little argument back to reality but all Slash does it play lame cliche-ridden pentatonic licks and riffs."
And the funny thing is, he doesn't even write the majority of the songs he plays those cliched licks over, contrary to some really ignorant people's beliefs.

October 23rd 2008

"He says "might" three times. Which means he is not claiming it to be fact, or even likely.

Nothing would pass as "fact" for me at this point since there is no evidence to prove or disprove your contention."

Okay fair enough, kudos for actually looking up the article, and your points are valid. It is interesting though that the album did end up going exclusive, giving Geffen the payout they apparently were looking for, only offering more evidence to Trunks claim.

But all that aside, did you read the whole article, I think it was a pretty great piece.

October 24th 2008

Playing guitar is not completely about technicality. Slash conveys more emotion in his playing than anyone I've ever heard (i.e. November Rain). Buckethead's playing is diverse, sure, but it's better to be great at one thing than decent at a bunch of things.

Also, multiple guitarists have been said to have contributed to this album. So it's a bit premature to contribute such mediocrity to Buckethead. He deserves the benefit of the doubt.

October 24th 2008

Slash's playing never really clicked with me...tbh I never really felt any emotion coming out of any solos I've heard from him...well I mean there is definitely more than a generic shred guitarist but I never found his playing to be "soulful" or anything like that

October 24th 2008

Ouch. That's all.

October 24th 2008


please for gods sake shut up!

i personally dislike buckethead but dont bring me into this.
people have different opinions and trying to read comments whilst watching you bitch is such a pain! let people express their opinion and if you disagree, get over it. dont flood the forum with posts.

oh...and anyone who wears a bucket on his head and claims to be raised by chickens is a wanker :D

PS - Guns n Roses had lots of potential, but now they have zero. i will check the album out of curiosity.This Message Edited On 10.24.08

October 24th 2008

"i personally dislike buckethead but dont bring me into this.
people have different opinions and trying to read comments whilst watching you bitch is such a pain!"
What's your address I'll send you a tissue. And for people to judge "emotion" in guitar playing is one of the most subjective attributes when judging a musician. I think that "Sail on Soothsayer" has a great deal of emotion, and no one was ever saying that Slash didn't play with emotion...but how much emotion can you put into the same scale on every song?

October 24th 2008

God you're stupid. This is one of his few albums that was on a major label with any real production effort. Almost every one of his releases is self recorded, self produced, and self distributed through his drummer's site.

Damn, you're a moron. You don't seem to realize that I don't give a **** about Buckethead. You're wasting your breath.

You fail to understand the concept of relativity, in that just because it wasn't all over the radio that it wasn't a much bigger release than every one of his other albums, and you somehow called it "obscure". That's about as ignorant as it gets bud.

Okay bud, I fail to see how Jordan is more obscure than his song with Serj. Funny thing is that you missed the point again. You keep focusing on this small issue of me thinking the song was more obscure as if that makes my opinion null and void. Don't be a moron.

You can call me a fanboy, but that doesn't change the fact that you seem to think you're a Connoisseur from watching some youtube videos and checking out an album or two, but somehow think that a guy who plays the same D pents over and over and over amounts to being a better songwriter. I take it you don't actually play guitar though, so maybe it's a lost cause trying to even discuss who the better songwriter for the instrument is. And if you knew anything, you'd know that Izzy wrote almost every song on AFD in the first place, negating the argument that Slash was such a great songwriter in the GNR hayday.

You are hilarious. I never claimed to be a conoisseur and I love how you just assume I've never heard any of his albums. I never said I hadn't.

Slash could never, and has never written songs that come close to Ghost Host, Padmasana, Soothsayer, Final Wars, Too Many Humans...the list goes on.


If you want to be taken seriously, quit focusing on one point from my side of the argument and calling me ignorant.

October 24th 2008

"If you want to be taken seriously, quit focusing on one point from my side of the argument and calling me ignorant."

...but you literally are ignorant. Your argument was that you thought slash was a better songwriter, but as I've pointed out...the majority of the songs he's famous for playing on...he didn't even write.

So what was your point again?

October 24th 2008

It's goddawful. I mean really, REALLY bad. It sounds like a version of the Ebola virus for the ears. They were never good in the first place, and it's not like they were ever going to get better. People call them an "iconic" rock band, but all they did was write basic hard rock songs and then make Slash put some solo on top of it, every single time. Nothing new or innovative there. The worst part of it all is that they are considered greater than some of the best bands ever, like Fugazi and Bad Religion to name a couple. It's sickening.

October 24th 2008

I've made stinkier things than that, I suppose that's worth something.
Not ear bleeding bad, but not too great either.

October 24th 2008

...but you literally are ignorant. Your argument was that you thought slash was a better songwriter, but as I've pointed out...the majority of the songs he's famous for playing on...he didn't even write.

If you knew anything at all, you would realize that while Izzy Stradlin may have contributed to more songs it is known that Slash was the main contributor to the key songs on the album. Look who's ignorant.

So what was your point again?

That you won't shut your stupid ass up about me not liking Buckethead. Not to mention the fact that the youtube vids I've seen include many of the songs on his albums. I don't own his albums because I don't like them, but I've heard a good portion of them. You say I act like I'm a connoisseur from youtube vids. No, a connoisseur generally likes what he's obsessed with. I don't like Buckethead. Not because I'm ignorant. Now can you give your hands a rest.

October 25th 2008

"If you knew anything at all, you would realize that while Izzy Stradlin may have contributed to more songs it is known that Slash was the main contributor to the key songs on the album. Look who's ignorant. "

Dude...your point was that he is a better songwriter...but he didn't write the songs, Izzy did. Slash wrote the solos he played, not the songs.

How can you stand by your argument that he is a better songwriter when he didn't even write the songs? Your argument makes no sense. Izzy didn't "contribute" to the songs, he wrote them and Axl wrote the lyrics. Maybe you should pick up Slash's autobiography or the new GNR book and learn a thing or two.

October 25th 2008

How can you stand by your argument that he is a better songwriter when he didn't even write the songs? Your argument makes no sense. Izzy didn't "contribute" to the songs, he wrote them and Axl wrote the lyrics. Maybe you should pick up Slash's autobiography or the new GNR book and learn a thing or two.

Because Slash wrote the key songs on AFD. And he wrote damn good solos. Let's compare Buckethead's crappy solo in this song to some of the ones on AFD. Yes, I know IM TEH IGNORANT BECUZ THIS ISNT BUCKETHEADS ONLY SOLO OR SONG! Seriously, this started with me making an offhand comment stating my opinion and you just go into a bitchfest with everyone in this newspost.

October 26th 2008

i don't give a rats!

October 26th 2008

Izzy may have come up with a few basic chords but Slash improvised most of the rhythm and lead guitar parts on that album, including Welcome to the Jungle, Paradise City, and Mr. Brownstone. To Izzy's credit, he did pretty much all of Sweet Child O' Mine with the exception of the solo, but that hardly merits crediting him with the majority of the songwriting on Appetite.

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Guns N' Roses
London 1991
Guns N' Roses
Hard Skool
Guns N' Roses
Appetite For Destruction (Super Deluxe)
Guns N' Roses
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Appetite for Democracy (Video)

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