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why not
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Money. This shit's a job also.
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He honestly sounds like Trevor at times and the band still sounds great.
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They still sound on point but I was kind of hoping they might sound a bit more revitalized. This was a pretty safe single.
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Yeah, this was pretty damn good. Not TBDM's best work obviously, but still solid. Also, despite not being written by Trevor, the lyrics are way better than I thought they'd be
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Brian isn't Trevor by any means but this album is still gonna rip.
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It's a solid song, but yeah it's nothing new
Although the vocals were a pleasure to hear
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Aight song
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song rips
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song is alright but brian is doin a great job at filling trevor's shoes. stoked for this one even if this is p safe
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pretty solid, solid 2.5, like 90% of their discog
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^^^^^^ Awful take Wretched bro.
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Not as mind blowing as I hoped, but that's ok. I always like what this band does.
And yeah crazy how similar to Trevor Brian sounds
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^Funny thing is Wretched is a great TBDM clone band
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Very good. Im glad they’re still going.
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excellent single, just happy to see the band keep going and Brian sounds surprisingly great. was hard to tell how he was doing when playing live, but this put any fears I had to rest
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song sounds like every other song theyve made, tbh TBDM kinda sounds like a TBDM clone band now lol
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Solid song. Brian sounds like he's kinda low in the mix but maybe that's just me. It's kinda surprising how similar to Trevor he sounds.
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Imagine expecting TBDM to reinvent their sound at this point in their career lmao
Song rips as usual
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I'm glad the boys are back and continuing on, but this sounds like 100 other TBDM songs. You can hear the Statutory Ape riff in the main riff of this song.
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very solid to be expected. solo is sweet. if you told me this was trevor i would believe you. wonder if he's going for an impression or if this is his normal voice. RIP trevor.
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Song rules. Brian sounds killer.
Trevor would be proud of these dudes m/
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Cool to hear Ryan Knight back on guitar too. Dude is insane.
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im just glad they are back
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it def sounds like tbdm but feels a bit too safe lol. the vox do sometimes sound very close to trev at points which is wild
overall ya just glad to see them still goin
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I saw the tracklist on Spotify, the album looks to be at just about 30 min long
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Way too safe instrumentally, my first listen didn’t leave any sort of impression. Vocals sound solid though.
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Loving it the more I listen to it. Brian definitely has a similar sound to Trevor but you can tell he still has room to improve. The production kind of kills the guitars for me though. Either way, I'm hyped
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Not very memorable but not bad. I want more epics like sunless empire. Do the guitars sound a little buried? Drums are cranked tho.
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Yeah, guitars are a little lost in the mix, which sucks cause what you can make out sounds like some very sick riffage.
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Extremely impressive how similar Brian sounds to Trevor. Never expected that.
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That album art looks like a straight up butthole lol
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never really got into them but it’s fucking terrible what happened to them.
Agree with everyone saying that they’re just glad the band is still going.
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The lead singer did backing vocals the entire time that they've been a band, so it's not like you haven't heard him in their previous releases.
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yeah see I didn’t know that. Hard to beat that.
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Yea, I didn't really know that either until I looked it up after hearing the new song earlier. I saw them live a long time ago, but I don't remember anything about it besides Trevor screaming "Closed Casket Requiem!" at the beginning of that song because I was drunk lol
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I mean if people here didn't have a chance to see them live I'd say def go for it. Trevor situation is sad af but I'm fine with them continuing the legacy
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I fucking miss Trevor so much man. His passing really hit me after finding out how nice of a guy he was. True metalhead too.
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Ok this song fucking ripz. Definitely nothing new but the riffage cannot be denied. Ryan being back in the band is a huge plus.
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Solid. Like it more than most of Verminous.
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Never been my cup of tea personally but good for them for still going and making new music that I'm sure old fans will enjoy. RIP trevor
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Band always delivers
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The song is so sick and i looove Brians vocals! Sounds like Trevor possess him and im all there for it! Love this band to death, R.I.P Trevor, he must be proud wherever he is❤
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..........and more boring then ever!
That album cover looks like something needs a little dusting off......
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agreed with yall, this isn't a breath of fresh air or anything novel for them, but Brian sounds not just good, but quite a bit like Trevor sometimes.
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Honestly if you had told me this was some unreleased old track with Trevor I would have believed you. Brian sounds almost exactly like Trevor.
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Sounds exactly like their other songs
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There's no way that can possibly be the real album cover, right?
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They definitely made it look like an anus on purpose. Goofy ahh artwork fits these guys' personalities
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Have the people complaining about the artwork only looked at the thumbnail or something?
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New track just dropped:
Mammoth's Hand -
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New song is pretty solid
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Lets gooooo!!! Album is gonna slay.
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is this prog
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The Prog Dahlia Murder
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Mammoth's Hand is much better than Aftermath and more along the lines of what I was expecting from these dudes
Edit: Jammed that new song twice now and it rips so hard. Hell yes.
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yeah man, 2nd listen was great, song rips
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Yeah I've got it on repeat and it's sounding better and better with every listen. This album is gonna slap.
Also that music vid is incredible lol
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They're (still) really good live too, although Trevor's stage presence is sorely missed.
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