This broke a few hours ago but I saw no article, so here's a thread.
As a note: Sputnik's link code doesn't seem to like being clicked on, so copy/paste the Linktree and it'll work.
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alas, I'm on a different continent
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ill be there
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Brooklyn stand up
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Remember when Jayson said that there would never be an Orchid reunion
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remember when you had actually listened to a record you rated
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Take a seat peasant
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The 2020’s are really the resurgence of screamo and I’m so here for it
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Name a huger reunion. You cant.
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pageninetynine needs to come back but this is a good start. Time to break some shit.
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I swear Mappy was talking about this before it was even announced.
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alas, I'm on a different continent [2] big rips
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spec still talks to mappy ooooh wuuyyyha?
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Doesn’t pg99 come back every couple years for shows? I swear I saw them kinda recently in Baltimore
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Brooklyn stand up [2]
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sput reunion at the BK show?
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ah cool, they did an interview with MachineMusic earlier this year - and so did Botch before reforming!
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pg.99 is currently active! They're played a handful of shows this year and have at least one 2024 date with Saetia lined up.
Think they only exist nowadays as a touring/occasional run of shows band, not sure about new music.
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why cant saetia just do hot cross and reform hot cross and make more hot cross
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I feel like I remember Saetia reforming and there was some controversy over this vocalist or something and they got kicked out? Might've been a different band.
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na so the vocalist was in hot cross and the guitarist jamie behar was in off minor. it was the off minor dude who wasnt part of the reunion in the end because of being a creep or something
dude had a weird pretentious blog that screamed 'im an arrogant douche bag' aswell. think he became a doctor in nyc
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ok it seems he was a douchebag to his ex
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bring it west
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Yeah thought I remembered that story. Dude is an ass.
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from the article:
regarding the allegations, he said, “All this outrage was over mean texts and snide remarks. No physical violence. No sexual violence. No threats. I was mean to her during our break up. PERIOD. She has never claimed anything more than that herself.”
if what he said was true that seems like a dumb reason to have been cancelled tbh
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^ worst party ever vibes
stoked for this reunion, hope they bring it to the west coast
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Oh shit, that's around the same time I wanted to go the US! Would be pretty sick to see them live.
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ready to S C R E A M
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here we fuckin go
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brooklyn en fuego
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