this is going to get spicy.
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Vocalists going by CJ are always bad news.
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This is the same band that released Whore to a Chainsaw.
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Ahaha i can’t wait for him to go live tomorrow
This drama is spiccccyyyy
I’m here for it
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next they should do whoever writes their songs got em
rare deathcore W fr tho gj lads
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"This is the same band that released Whore to a Chainsaw."
Lmao good call, he should have had a second thought before posting that tho, wasn't too smart on his part
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It's like you can't even openly fantasize about burning a literal child to death for saying they're both a boy and a girl anymore
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What did he say or was it the usual bigot shit?
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He said some kids mother should be burned to death. (I think because her kid said they were both genders and she was like “aww okay” instead of screaming at the kid).
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Ah, yeah that'll do it.
I'll be real interested to hear what he has to say tomorrow if only for its sure to be a shitshow.
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what's he doing tmrw?
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"The latter part of McMahon's post is in reference to the initial anti-trans comments he made in the first place. He'd reportedly reposted a video that was originally shared by political commentator Matt Walsh where a mother asked her child if they were a boy or a girl, and the child answered "both." McMahon proceeded to comment that the mother "should be burned to death" for accepting the response."
holy shit, good riddance to him
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His comments weren't even directed at the trans/lgbtq+ community, they were directed at the woman in the video he posted literally prompting a child under the age of 5 to answer questions about their sexual identity and what they identify as. Kids that young have no fucking clue what any of that stuff is, nor should they, which I think was the point he way trying to make.
He was right to say that kind of behaviour isn't on, but obviously he could've phrased it a lot better.
Looks bad as fuck on the other band members for going behind his back, re-recording the vocals in secret and then having him find out via an Instagram post. Very interested to hear what he has to say about this when he does a live stream tomorrow.
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Bloody brilliant to kick out the transphobic arsehole. Im sure he has done other questionable shit as well
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Not super familiar with this band (except constantly mixing them up with Fit For An Autopsy) but the song is dope ngl
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what he say tho
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Lol sorry no shot the dude reposting Matt Walsh is anything but a frothing at the mouth bigot
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Basically that a woman with a child that was questioning their gender identity should be burnt to death.
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Yeah I don't really know why they didn't just get a new vocalist and then have that vocalist record on their NEXT album for the first time.
Re-recording and announcing it the day the album drops is SUPER fucking petty lol
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band did the right thing, fuck him
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truly a fucking around and finding out moment
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New guy is apparently some Tyler bloke from Aversions Crown. Physical version of the record have Cj, digital new dude
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and kompys is spot on, no shot this guy isn’t a complete piece of shit if he’s agreeing with those freaks over at the daily wire
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Godlike (Tyler's Version)
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"Everyone has their own right to free speech and to seek their truth; they are also free to receive the consequences that come with it"
This so much, and they're always so shocked when the consequences arrive lol.
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"I just woke up and saw the news. Yes this is how I found out. And yes it's not the whole story"
I've no doubt this dickhead had no idea how much his antics irked his bandmates, im sure he has a lot to say how he never saw it coming
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jesus christ lol.
Bermuda saves this album.
what is going on?
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"Burn everyone to death."
love it
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This is going to be rough for Thy Art sonically. Unless they're willing to take more risks with their music going forward, it's going to be tough to find a better vocalist.
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I'm wrong! The vocalist from Aversions Crown they grabbed, does an excellent job as a replacement. I forgot how similar that last AC record sounded to Thy Art.
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"his contributions to the recently released album Godlike have been removed"
what does this mean tho? Did they remove his vocals?
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rare deathcore W fr tho gj lads [2]
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@henry Tyler something from Aversions crown is new vocalist
Digital release of new album: Tyler on vocals
Physical release and single release of the album: Cj on vocals
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So basically a clusterfuck
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His last comment is pretty fucking stupid but he’s had a history of saying stupid polarizing shit. If you’re in a touring band with any sort of following that’s a pretty good way to get yourself ousted. Nobody is gonna support the band with the loudmouth hateful dumbass front man except edgelords that support that kind of behavior
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Thy Art is Transphobia with their new album TERFlike
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Yeah I mean even if he believed in that stuff, I have no idea why a public figure would post that to the world lol
Like what the hell is the point of that
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Reminds me of JK Rowling. Like you can believe whatever you want, but why the fuck are you making it a crusade to burn yourself to the ground?
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Bout Fuckin time, this guy was always an asshole
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Bye bozo
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Also fuck you bozo
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Actually on second thought they’re a shitty deathcore band their fans are probably just as edgy as the singer was. This might actually hurt them lol
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im very unsurprised a deathcore lyricist is a chud lol
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Good for them, obviously shouldn't be a problem for the band. A deathcore vocalist is easily replaced and doesn't contribute much to a band's songwriting anyway.
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"His comments weren't even directed at the trans/lgbtq+ community, they were directed at the woman in the video he posted literally prompting a child under the age of 5 to answer questions about their sexual identity and what they identify as. Kids that young have no fucking clue what any of that stuff is, nor should they, which I think was the point he way trying to make.
He was right to say that kind of behaviour isn't on, but obviously he could've phrased it a lot better."
Yeah, pretty much this
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Was jamming these literally yesterday. No idea what he said, but good on them for getting rid of them
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Man who literally wrote entire songs about how violence based in intolerance is evil threatens to burn woman to death because he disagrees with her beliefs
You truly cannot make this shit up lmao
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Also I see the enlightened centrists are showing up here to defend his comments and "our children" when the original tweet is from a man who thinks adults should be able to have sex with teens but sure go off fellas
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"Godlike (Tyler's Version)"
legendary comment
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probably worth noting that CJ didn't write the band's lyrics
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That was probably Andy, the lead guitar
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Obviously I don't want it word for word, but what exactly did he say that's kicked up such a storm? I've only been able to find his "apology" if that's what you wanna call it
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I only know this bad through association with Fit For An Autopsy. Maybe a new vocalist will reinvigorate this band the same way it did for FFAA?
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No one appears to have seen the video he reposted, it was completely innocent. Dude is a psycho.
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Also fuck you bozo [2]
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Anyone who listens to Matt Walsh is rightfully punted off the planet.
RIP Bozo
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Godlike (Tyler's Version)
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Glad they kicked him to the curb, and the new album slaps.
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honestly that Aversion Crown dude sounds just like him, only place this may hurt em is on their live performances, CJ was a very charismatic showman, other than that, they'll be fine
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"Also I see the enlightened centrists are showing up here to defend his comments and "our children" when the original tweet is from a man who thinks adults should be able to have sex with teens but sure go off fellas"
"Anyone who listens to Matt Walsh is rightfully punted off the planet.
RIP Bozo"
Also CJ has always been an edgy fuckwit. From mooning his fans to making fun of the sexism within the scene that some of his own fans experienced.
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this is funny as hell
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Okay, now sack the nazi brand shirt wearing bassist please.
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At this point it's easier to just not have opinions on things. Then you don't need to explain yourself.
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Isn’t this the second time he was kicked out of the band or am I thinking of another deathcore band?
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Different CJ who used to sing for Lorna Shore.
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TAIM CJ got kicked/quit between albums before for drugs/money or something (i have no source). He came back and didnt miss an album though. Lorna Shore CJ was a racist sexpest and got kicked after texts leaked.
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Allow me to begin with what should be a worthless and unnecessary qualification: i don't know this dude or this band, first album ive listened to past an unsatisfied skim and skip.
People throw stones too much, myself included.
He could be saying "burn everyone to death" like in a joking hyperbolic way, which would be my guess. Question is whether he would be more likely to burn everyone to death or if he never would and the people shitting on him would. Obviously a lot of wickedness comes from behind closed doors. He clearly wants to express himself publicly.
A lot of people pretending to be extremely ethical might be the very ones who make it a popular thing to do to burn someone/scapegoat someone, etc. Rousing up their peers, banding against someone.
This man is obviously being burned metaphorically by a hoard of people (way less seriously, but still symbolically important). I think people should legitimately emotionalize that. hoard of people, many fans, ostracizing and removing him from job, bashing his social and personal perception, etc. etc. over something he said that you may or may not understand. I know I for one have questions. Whether he's wrong or not, you might be being a massive hypocrite. It is worth noting that this kind of singling out with real social, political, emotional ramifications happens often, and may be a remnant of a more serious crime during a period of time where physical extremism was less taboo.
I know there is something disturbing about the video he commented on. People saying its "harmless," there's at least something unperceptive or willfully ignorant about that. Abusive consequences are a possibility. Suggesting to a child who has a specified sexual organ as compared to another that they might be either gender before they are capable of conceiving of gender is clearly a premature intercourse (word working both ways here is intentional). Kids are supposed to be allowed to develop, and if they are allowed to develop, they might very well find themselves in their gender without being pushed one direction or another except by the nature of who and what they are.
"Burn everyone to death" sounds extreme tho, so we're really relying on an extreme sense of satire here that makes me a little woah and I just don't know him that well, and as I think many of us have learned, people are not mature enough for that, so best to keep that level of satire amongst the mature. The public is immature. And here I am being a hypocrite. Sharing all this like this. But at least I've left out the satire mostly. When in Rome...
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- the mom in the video just agrees with the child, she didn't TELL the child they were one thing or another. Kids say wacky things all the time.
- i haven't met a Matt Walsh watcher/fan that wouldn't be completely insufferable to be in a band and tour with
- based on TAIM's statement, this looks like this was another issue in a long line of problems, especially since they parted ways once before. If he was indeed threatening to ruin the band "from the inside" as they stated, he might have lost his job regardless of any perceived "cancellation"
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How many Matt Walsh watchers/fans have you interacted with? Cause you sound insufferable yourself, bub.
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a few! Maybe 4-5 if I was just guessing if they liked him or not. Mostly band guys too when I was playing more often. Painfully unfunny but will tell 1 million dad jokes consecutively, bland music taste, cringe facebook posts, creepy with women etc etc. I won't project too much of my personal experience since thats anecdotal af, my bad for being insufferable bb
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any level of transphobia above 0 is unacceptable. claiming it's "satire" (something you've made up btw, afaik CJ has not said his comment was satirical) is not a defense, never has been a defense, and never will be. simply because he may not mean the words he saying (again, no proof of this, just something you made up) does not remove the harm these words cause. in this case, contribution to the ongoing campaign of violence, hatred, and erasure of the LGTBQ+ community.
fuck off megajake.
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This idiot should have realises he was a public figure and been more aware od what he was putting into the social sphere. Yes everyone is entitled to their own world views but guess what his shit opinions are damaging the bussiness he is a part of. The band is a bussiness and one member doing or saying the wrong thing can simply be a lynch pin to the entire thing and damage everyone in and involved in the band. Also any bad or horrid views about LGBTQI+stuff from bands in metal/hardcore /punk is usually a red flag because guess what these scenes are largely made up of or have roots in the alternative communities. While right wing bands exist and Nazi/extremists do populate these scenes they are a smaller vocal minority. Metal/punk/hardcore should be a safe place for all and respecting everyones identity/sexuality. So fuck Cj like other band said this is the straw that broke the camels back, no doubt theres more they arent sharing. Fuck him, i have no sympathy for him if he wants to share his views do it on a private account,. Fuck dance gavin dance, fuck Daughters the band
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Well, it was fun while it lasted 😕
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What happened to make deathcore great again
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Glass Casket is on the case with that.
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even extreme metal is safe edgy today
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Anyone that keeps making this about a parent mildly referencing gender with a child (objectively ok) is telling on themselves that they're in deep with this conspiratorial bullshit. The issue is he got up on his platform and called for a stranger's death.
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Basically what Game said, whether you view his comments or behaviour as teansphobic or not. His comments where vile
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Imagine seeing such a small snippet of a video between a parent and their kid with absolutely no surrounding context whatsoever and thinking it’s a good idea to wish death upon them. Absolutely insane and childlike behavior
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Yeah I think it goes beyond transphobia and more so paints that he's just a violent prick. Ofc people can be disappointed, the man was/is a great vocalist but IDK what about that makes him defensible.
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The band is gay anyway.
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Lol now Ronnie is throwing his two cents in. Lol this is only going to get better with that muppet involved
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Band has sucked since Infinite death
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Holy War*
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Band released one good EP and sucked ass ever since. I know what I said
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"Suggesting to a child who has a specified sexual organ as compared to another that they might be either gender before they are capable of conceiving of gender is clearly a premature intercourse..."
The fuck is this bullshit
Why do these types always push this fantasy narrative that a child wouldn't understand gender when it literally the first thing forced upon them out the womb and all throughout childhood? Pink vs. blue? Boys vs. girls? Y'all literally brought this upon yourselves
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If you think other parents are degenerates just make sure you take care of your child in better ways - end of story
Band sucks, the guys a fucking junkie but his bandmates are spineless cunts in this situation
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Lol that guy wrote a very lengthy comment about a band and issue he claims to care little about
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did the band not give him the boot and openly condemn his actions? re-recording the album to take him out is also pretty savage
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Ronnie Radke is such a fucking moron
And he makes terrible music
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Its wild man
I mean here people are kind of with the decision of booting CJ but as far as I can see everywhere else people kissing his ass so hard you'd think it painful for him to sit
Idk how people can be as upset as they are when it is just a simple case of "fuck around and find out" lol
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shouldve known that cj was a dumbass when he drops a track called make america hate again unironcally
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deathcore fans being simple minded asf, not surprised
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“Why do these types always push this fantasy narrative that a child wouldn't understand gender when it literally the first thing forced upon them out the womb and all throughout childhood? Pink vs. blue? Boys vs. girls? Y'all literally brought this upon yourselves”
People give wayyyy too much weight to getting trucks to play with instead of barbies.
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I also don't buy this "children doesn't understand gender" narrative tbh
if a child understands it wants a cookie, it understands it wants to be a girl
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Edgelord bands edgelord frontman voices his edgelord opinions = minds implode
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you really think your identity is only as nuanced as a fucking cookie? I guess even adults don't understand gender
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Nah Dear Desolation owned and was easily their best album
Definitely a one off unfortunately
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"you really think your identity is only as nuanced as a fucking cookie?"
don't think xfing was really saying that, just that children do have some limited notions of gender and sexuality even in elementary school and shit.
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"I also don't buy this "children doesn't understand gender" narrative tbh
if a child understands it wants a cookie, it understands it wants to be a girl"
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You get to be quiet actually, user who defended CJ calling for a stranger's murder in this thread.
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When did i exactly defended that action?
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"if a child understands it wants a cookie, it understands it wants to be a girl"
When I was about 6 or 7, I told everyone who wanted to hear it that I was in love with my sister. Why? Because a friend said it and I looked up to him so I wanted to be cool too. A few years later I got asked by a phychologist if I ever thought about wanting to be a girl. I misunderstood the question and said yes, because sometimes I wondered what it would be like, not that I actually felt like a girl in a boy's body.
Kids have their own motivations for saying things that can be wildly unrelated to the actual subject.
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"His comments weren't even directed at the trans/lgbtq+ community, they were directed at the woman in the video he posted literally prompting a child under the age of 5 to answer questions about their sexual identity and what they identify as. Kids that young have no fucking clue what any of that stuff is, nor should they, which I think was the point he way trying to make.
He was right to say that kind of behaviour isn't on, but obviously he could've phrased it a lot better."
Yeah, pretty much this"
This is the most cowardly way you could've defended him, but is nonetheless exactly that. You want it to be about your ridiculous draconian beliefs about what parents can talk to their kids about while implicitly downplaying what he did. Worm shit.
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Ah, there's truly nothing like the trans experience of watching a bunch of cis people say "this is what i think being trans is like" and then serve up the most dumbass metaphors and comparisons ever
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"This is the most cowardly way you could've defended him, but is nonetheless exactly that. You want it to be about your ridiculous draconian beliefs about what parents can talk to their kids about while implicitly downplaying what he did. Worm shit."
He has right to disagree with what happened on the video, yet could have rephrased on a lot of different ways, he overreacted and the death wish on the woman was uncalled and hyperbolic to say the least, that's why i quoted that comment above. Again, where exactly i agreed with what happened? funny thing is you feel confortable calling others "cowards" and "worms" on internet at the slightest disagreetment, talking about overreactions
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Freedom of speech in 2k23. Lovely.
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Yeah so you're still being a coward. He called for a stranger's murder, there's no bullshit about "ah but he could've made his point better oh no", his "point" was sadistic and you're justifying it.
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"I also don't buy this "children doesn't understand gender" narrative tbh
if a child understands it wants a cookie, it understands it wants to be a girl"
Kids are really really really dumb.
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"Yeah so you're still being a coward. He called for a stranger's murder, there's no bullshit about "ah but he could've made his point better oh no", his "point" was sadistic and you're justifying it."
I already showed you how i never justified what he said yet you insist on it, you are going on circles so no point on keep going with this debate, duces
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Ya'll really love to just throw that word around huh
I'll save everyone the click, he listens to NSBM and is racist as fuck lmao
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everyone already knows
keep watching your little kid anime though
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you know it's actually very ironic that the only reason i've ever heard of Galneryus was because a song of theirs was in an anime like 15 years ago lol
it did kind of slap tho
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Lmao what is this
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Don’t know the full story still so hard to make judgement. Everything he said in the video he put up is hard to disagree with, you have to be careful not to offend anyone these days though so probably better to say nothing when you are highly visible in the public eye. What I think is extremely piss poor is the rest of the band lying and deceiving fans, and letting CJ promote the album on his social media right up to release date after having re-recorded with another vocalist. That’s just reprehensible. Had they done the correct thing and been up front the backlash would not be so severe.
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force of courage is their best album imo but a pompous ass called casavir will prob swear by their debut
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nvm he has advance and angel as 5s
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damn pengui coming in hot with the most disgusting take on this situation yet, not a word about cj calling for someone's murder but the band members are oh so disgusting lol.
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i mean i do agree that secretly going behind your singer's back and re-recording all his parts just to wait until the day of release to kick him out is absolutely absurd behavior
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because he obviously meant it literally and its not the type of thing derpcore bands say glibly all the time and from what i gather was his signature phrase
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like they for sure ratfucked him but idk, im pretty ok with ratfucking someone that's this much of a piece of shit. it's so mild in the face of what he did.
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Oh yeah i for sure don't feel bad for CJ at all, it just wouldn't surprise me if this is like a Dance Gavin Dance / Moose Blood situation where they kick out the "bad guy" only for all of them to turn out to be kind of shitty dudes
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You guys do know that a half decent vocalist can record an album in a few days right? Seems like a last minute decision to have someone else do it, hence the pushing the album date back a week
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‘Gameofmetal’, do you take everything everyone says literally? I haven’t heard or watched the video of what he said but one would presume he is using it as a figure of speech to describe his hatred for what the mother is doing to the child. Only a person that is super simple would literally take it as he is threatening to find and kill this woman. Happy to be corrected, as said I’ve only seen the video he posted.
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Who cares this much about this shitty band
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I reckon it's funny that they secretly recorded new vocals and still let him promote it lol. who really cares though. CJs a dick and the band is average. CARRY ON LIVING PEOPLE
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Pengui, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Refusing to normalize letting kids choose what gender they are is goofy ass shit. It shouldn’t matter if a kid wants to go by he or she or they, nobody is doing surgery on them, if they continue to identify as trans, they can talk to doctors and professionals as life goes, nothing irresponsible is happening, people like CJ are perpetuating a narrative of fear monegrino that is cancerous.
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Did CJ ever post his rebuttal?
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he posted an apology kek, tbf I don't think he was saying "fuck trans people" either but what he did was nonetheless shitty
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oh wait apparently he was forced to make it lol, I'm out of the loop
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Universe calling … The ‘child’ in question was around 1 year old. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think a majority of the population agree that sex, sexuality or anything of the like should be pushed or discussed with a child who can’t even speak yet. Everything he said in his ‘apology’ video was pretty spot on. It comes across as genuine but maybe there are underlying things that we don’t know about. Morally, I put lying and deceit as worse than anything that he has evidently done at this stage. Should it be proven that he has been homophobic, intolerant, racist or anything of the like then my view would absolutely change.
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yea because you're a bad person.
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comes on guys cj was clearly being cheeky when he said he wanted that mother to burn to death. that mother, on the other hand, was obviously being a literal groomer trying to indoctrinate her 1-year-old child.
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Shrodingers douchebag strikes again
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Pleasantly surprised with the majority of responses Sputnik users. Instagram is a polarizing nightmare with most of CJ's followers now outrightly spewing hate. CJ made some really disappointing/uninformed comments at a show in Vancity about the DTES (re: homeless community). It's good to see the band respond quickly and effectively with the recent issue being so public and providing some background on it being just one piece if a bigger issue with CJ. I understand some of the comments about the re-recording, but I think the context matters regardless of it being "petty."
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That would be disappointing to hear if he has made disparaging remarks about anyone facing or dealing with homelessness. None of this has been posted anywhere by the band. Perhaps if they were more forthcoming around the other reasons why they were happy to allow him to continue to promote the band until the album release, there wouldn't be the kickback that is now occurring. It's just so wrong and shady imo they have lost a lot of credibility. Like I said at the end of the day the band has been on a slight downward trajectory with other Aussie bands on the up. Will be interesting to see how everything progresses from here. Has anyone actually heard who the confirmed vocalist is?
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Why do people defend groomers so hard
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pedocon theory in full swing
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all the CJ simps/chuds seem to conveniently leave out the part where the band said this most recent incident was in a long line of incidents/problems they've had with him over an extended period
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Yeah thats the thing Tellah, also this must really been the straw that broke the camels back if they did have a replacement lined up so quickly. So id say they where planning on doing it soonish but Cjs actions sped up their plan to give him the boot
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Yeah that's a very fair assumption, and id put money on that. Lots of reports of him performing poorly and making shitty remarks during live shows too.
Even outside of the culture war stuff, that Aversions Crown guy is more than capable of doing CJ's job. Added bonus that he isn't a dipshit. Outside of Godlike, I was A/Bing the most recent Aversions Crown record and random Thy Art is Murder songs and they are quite similar vocally. I'd be interested in having both cuts of Godlike just to jump between the tracks lol
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You might as well just boycott every death metal/deathcore band. Why are you listening to it if you're so triggered? Censorship is the dumbest thing.
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The band is equally as free to not perform with cunts as CJ is to share his opinion uncensored
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I hate when people think free speech is just being able to say whatever the fuck without consequence. No one is calling Cj McMid to be stoned in the street or arrested, but he can certainly be kicked from a band for being a PR disaster for them.
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Pengui, letting a one year old decided if they’re a boy or a girl is harmless, you just suck.
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No worries mate. Everyone has their opinion. I didn't post on here initially to get into an argument. There's too much good music going around at the moment to get uptight about a couple of faceless people on the internet thinking its good to talk about sexuality with an infant. Good luck to you mate.
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Gender doesn't = sexuality, dipshit.
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I mean there actually is simply no harm in talking about gender to a young child because honestly the chances they will remember that question or conversation is close to nil. Idk how one can get so hung up over that.
And yeah I second sexuality and gender being two separate portions of what make up someone's identity. Gender identity may include feminine/masculine hobbies you find you enjoy or feminine/masculine traits you may want to present. Sexuality is...well what you enjoy in your sex life.
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At the end of the day it really doesn't matter. No good can come out of the situation. You can be pro respect and equality and hold the opinion that certain subjects shouldn't be discussed with infants and toddlers.
My issue is that they were happy enough to let him promote the album right up to the point of release to ensure extra $$ and streams etc. So essentially using him for financial gain as well as duping their own fans. They should have been up front and honest with the bands fans who have purchased the music/tickets etc. parted ways with him and do the media release then and there. I have no issue with a band parting ways with somebody who doesn't align with their values anymore. One value I hold highly is integrity and honesty. I'm not going to say any more on the matter, it's unusual for me to argue about anything on the internet. In closing, I'll leave some Thy Art is Murder lyrics here from before Chris McMahon joined the band.
I'm inflicting bloodshed upon bitches,
Just because I hate the female race.
Women were born to be fucked.
For some men,
The power to destroy a life
Becomes a quest for dominance.
I need to own this world.
Your life amounts to nothing.
Lifeless slut, in love with God.
My life feels half complete
By fucking bitches to their death
By feeding maggots to my gut
I am the torturous one
Bitches bow to me
Wash my feet with the moldiest blood from the dirtiest one
I curse the world with evil
Devour pretty whores
Rape and bury them six feet under
You want fucking lust?
I am the winner
Of this charade
Where bitches bow to me
And curse my name
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pengui you're a bozo
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nothing more poetic than a derpcore lyricist i have to say
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My issue is that they were happy enough to let him promote the album
Right. That’s your issue.
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Just stick by your word and boycott pretty much every extreme metal band. It's so offensive. That's what rock/punk/metal etc are all about.
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Dear Pengui, stop talking
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Hey pengui, again, they probably decided to re-record the vocals on a whim after this last episode and did it within the last couple weeks before the album’s release. You’re angry about something that you are totally making assumptions about. Regardless band sucks/who cares
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botb. I think you are confused. I don’t care enough about the band to be angry. If you look at my ratings of their albums you would know that. I was participating in the discussion and giving my opinion that I believe it’s poor form to continue to push album and concert sales onto your fans using him as the vocalist. It’s dishonest and lacks integrity. Why could this not have been disclosed to fans or CJ when they made the decision a few weeks ago? The fact is, none of us are in the band or know all the reasons why they wanted him out, nor does it matter.
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Wish you had any empathy for the mother that has received an unbelievable amount of harassment now or even just a little bit of fair regard for the bandmates whose business CJ was tanking with his narcissism. Skill issue I guess.
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I haven’t seen the video in question of the mother mate although I would question why such a video would be posted publicly on social media in the first place? Obviously she shared it publicly for clicks or likes so would have been aware that it could be divisive. Generally most parents at a minimum keep their social media on some kind of semi privacy setting when sharing pictures or videos of their young children. When you say whose business he was tanking, if I recall years back the band was already on a decline. I think he either left or went on hiatus. They blew up again when he returned. Album and ticket sales have also been through the roof over the last year so you probably need to fact check your claim of ‘tanking their business’.
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Go watch it already then instead of blindly downplaying it all. It was publicly shared as an innocent moment between a parent and a child, widely reshared by Matt Walsh, a fascist political pundit who reframed it as abusive parentage, and then reshared again by CJ who said she should be burned alive.
Can't imagine how joining in on a fascist's targeted harassment campaign and furthermore calling for someone's death might hurt the band's business, no idea really.
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I have no interest in searching out some ‘influencers’ video nor do I have the energy to research some what I presume is an American political identity, American politics is way to hysterical and over the top for me to have much interest. Just relax be a good person and treat everyone with respect. It’s not hard. Obviously CJ made a mistake in whatever he said around her burning in hell regardless of it being literal or not and the apology seemed genuine. Im all for a society where someone can recognise they stuffed up, make a genuine apology and life should move on. If the band decides they want to part ways because their values no longer align.. by all means. Just don’t deceive your fans for the sake or making some extra album or ticket sales. Do the right thing and sack him, let everyone know, then go and re-record your album and those that wish to support that can do so.
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Here's the funny part, he only apologized because the band made him and he openly walked back the apology now that he is not in the band. Of course you'd know that if you actually looked into the topic instead of blindly responding because you don't want to searching out a "influencer" video.
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"At the end of the day it really doesn't matter. No good can come out of the situation. You can be pro respect and equality and hold the opinion that certain subjects shouldn't be discussed with infants and toddlers.
My issue is that they were happy enough to let him promote the album right up to the point of release to ensure extra $$ and streams etc. So essentially using him for financial gain as well as duping their own fans. They should have been up front and honest with the bands fans who have purchased the music/tickets etc. parted ways with him and do the media release then and there. I have no issue with a band parting ways with somebody who doesn't align with their values anymore. One value I hold highly is integrity and honesty. I'm not going to say any more on the matter, it's unusual for me to argue about anything on the internet. In closing, I'll leave some Thy Art is Murder lyrics here from before Chris McMahon joined the band.
I'm inflicting bloodshed upon bitches,
Just because I hate the female race.
Women were born to be fucked.
For some men,
The power to destroy a life
Becomes a quest for dominance.
I need to own this world.
Your life amounts to nothing.
Lifeless slut, in love with God.
My life feels half complete
By fucking bitches to their death
By feeding maggots to my gut
I am the torturous one
Bitches bow to me
Wash my feet with the moldiest blood from the dirtiest one
I curse the world with evil
Devour pretty whores
Rape and bury them six feet under
You want fucking lust?
I am the winner
Of this charade
Where bitches bow to me
And curse my name"
So what if you can see >.< the dark inside of me ._. no one will ever change this pengui that I have become >
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"Here's the funny part, he only apologized because the band made him and he openly walked back the apology now that he is not in the band."
What a surprise. How naive do you have to be to think that it was genuine.
Pengui: "B-but bro, he apologized, he said he was sorry, so thats that, he made a mistake and now we can move on because hes really sorry bro!! Who would say they were sorry and not mean it??"
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Why do you care about this mediocre band so much
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homie we're in a Thy Art is Murder thread and you've commented wHy dO yOu cArE sO mUcH like 500 times lmao, maybe people have different taste from you and want to discuss the band woAHhAHH. Hate and Dear Desolation clear the EP anyways
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Nah, their EP is the only thing of note the have ever made, and it was from a completely different vocalist anyways.
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Currently Digging:
Charli XCX
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If I had a nickel for every time someone says a metal band's first EP was the only good release...
I'd be fucking rich
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Very sad to learn that the person from the very funny "deathcore Michael Jackson" video is actually a knob, oh well, back to my life
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“Why do people defend groomers so hard”
Also curious about this.
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Charli XCX > This shitty band
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guy got what he deserved
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“ Charli XCX > This shitty band” [2]
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Fuck him! The hardest part of enjoying music is when the artist is a piece of shit (cough cough, ALL THAT REMAINS) I’m glad the band members, collectively, chose to kick him out, and replaced his vocals. It was a smart move. There’s no place for this type of ignorant and intolerant behaviour.
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Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll call it a day
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Remember when Liberals were actually Liberal.
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i wonder how many of the people playing devils advocate here would be cool with a guy with a massive platform pick a vid of a interaction you had with your toddler and tell his horde of fans that he wished you, personally, would burn to death, and for it to be met with thunderous applause, really, its not that hard to unpack here guys, hes a piece of shit whaterver way you wanna spin it
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"You might as well just boycott every death metal/deathcore band. Why are you listening to it if you're so triggered? Censorship is the dumbest thing."
Corpsegrinder is literally one of the nicest guys out there and has never pulled shit like this so whats your point? that you gotta be a piece of shit if you listen to death metal?
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today I learned censorship = publicly wishing death on someone having consequences
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“ I don’t care enough about the band to be angry. If you look at my ratings of their albums you would know that. I was participating in the discussion and giving my opinion that I believe it’s poor form to continue to push album and concert sales onto your fans using him as the vocalist. It’s dishonest and lacks integrity. “
A. I don’t care enough to be angry. Here are the reasons I am angry
B. I know you lack basic reading comprehension but I’m a nice guy so I don’t mind once again typing that “they probably didn’t know this was going to happen like this while they were recording and promoting the album and made the last minute decision to give him the boot and re-record the vocals and flew by the seat of their pants a bit to the finish line”
There’s plenty of reasons to dislike this band, but like not everything is some stupid conspiracy man lmao
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Also i said it before, they where likely planning on giving him the boot already. His stupidity just sped up the process.
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haha damn the beat goes on. Could reply to anything on here.
Definitely true that the most important thing is that the dude called for someone to be burned to death, and after watching the second supposedly real apology video, he said a lot of things that are fine, but he pretty much stuck by that extremist view... as someone else said about satire that i made it up haha, I was just saying i was withholding judgment and suggesting a possibility but its true didn't seem to be any satire there. He was just saying this person and people in general who are bad to children deserve to burn to death. I do think as someone else said, he wasn't necessarily being totally literal as much as using a hyperbole to describe his hatred, but this is still objectively wrong. that kind of extremism pretty much the #1 source of human wickedness and a lot of what's wrong with this thread. That part really is simple. Extremism of hatred of any kind... just wrong and horrible for all of us.
It'd be really nice and a really good sign for the human race if people didn't spew aggression back and forth even on a thread like this. A lot of just trying to get the one-up on others and overall vulturing around. It's the internet, it's sputnik, it's people, but all can and should improve.
History teaches, and people clearly are yet to learn. The era changes, and contemporary ethics change, but the hate continues. Just stop throwing the stone, from whichever side. The criminal needs a heartfelt education, not a prison or a stone to the dome. Obviously there's a reality of what to do with them if they're doing shit by force or deceit, but short of that, leave the hatred out of it.
@pengui, Stand your ground haha. in spite of what others have said, I'd bet on you being a good person.
As for those people who've directed some of those fuck offs at me, may we all grow wiser in time but however I'm wrong, it's all love baby, and when judgment falls, may that judgment fall in all our favor. nihilists, pagans, believers, straights, duel-wielders, smartasses and dumbasses, bless us all, God knows, sometimes seems like we need it, and though today, we may be not far from our animal origins, perhaps some day soon we'll have evolved to be more human, more shepherd, and less destroyers. May all our hatred become righteous rage, love-driven and unhateful and please oh please, let it find its way into the befouled bowels of deathcore so that this seemingly misbegotten genre may realize its destiny in melodic excellence. Til then, we forgive its drivel and seek out its ten seconds of sonic triumph amidst hours of trash and then debate gender issues and hatred over its singers we don't really know...
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Woman was wrong. Cj was wrong. Cj way too extreme, needs to chill bigtime. You'd think with as much suffering as there is in the world, people would just decide they didn't want anyone to suffer, even their enemies or people they think are wrong, but apparently that's not the case. Still, there's time yet left for us as individuals and as a species. We hairless chimps will rise to true morality, preserve our planet, and defeat senescence, and on that day, we will say, you know brother, sister, you're not so bad. You've been through hell, and I wish a living heaven on earth upon you.
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Bro this isn't the place to type out your manifesto
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Charli XCX > This shitty band [3]
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"We hairless chimps will rise to true morality, preserve our planet, and defeat senescence, and on that day, we will say, you know brother, sister, you're not so bad. You've been through hell, and I wish a living heaven on earth upon you."
Mate what the fuck are you on about.
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I mean im usually one of the people thats lets all chill out and get along and calm down
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glad they got rid of the transphobe but the band suck anyway
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“ You'd think with as much suffering as there is in the world, people would just decide they didn't want anyone to suffer, even their enemies or people they think are wrong, but apparently that's not the case. Still, there's time yet left for us as individuals and as a species. We hairless chimps will rise to true morality, preserve our planet, and defeat senescence, and on that day, we will say, you know brother, sister, you're not so bad. You've been through hell, and I wish a living heaven on earth upon you.”
There are some things, deliberate, intentional choices some people make and harms they inflict, that I’m not going to say “you’re not so bad” to a rapist or a child molester or a human trafficker etc.
I don’t think it’s true morality to look at someone who is fully capable to reflect on themselves and make a choice on how they live and act and treat people and brush away such violent, evil intentional choices like they were dust from the shoulder. Shit, even in Buddhism there’s a scripture of a Buddha killing in a past life to save the people the other man would have killed otherwise and to spare said man from the bad karma. Even the Dalai Lama endorsed the killing of Osama Bin Ladin.
I don’t want anyone to suffer if they don’t deserve it. There are some choices that i don’t think can be justified to say they don’t deserve judgment or some kind of consequence. To instead say they should be seen as an equal when they’ve chosen to give that, and their humanity, up in order to attempt to debase another with violence, of a physical, emotional, psychic, sexual, or any other nature, is reckless and impotent
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is that like wall of text a copy pasta cos i cant be fucked looking it up to check
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I fart, and then I poop. Sometimes a bit of pee comes out but I ALWAYS whipe and wash my hands.
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"glad they got rid of the transphobe but the band suck anyway"
Skele isnt a transphobe? Genuinely surprised.
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"Skele isnt a transphobe? Genuinely surprised."
Why would I be ?
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Idk, you used to say a lot of homophobic and racist shit so i just assumed.
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"Idk, you used to say a lot of homophobic and racist shit so i just assumed."
Yes, I did. And I've grown up. I was like 17 at the time and a horrible bastard. Anyone who's genuinely racist, homophobic, or transphobic needs culling
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Fair enough, i was also a shithead at that age.
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Yup. I'd also say that basically everyone on this site was dropping homophobic slurs. Shit, yesterday I was revisiting a load of threads my friend bookmarked when I was away, and the amount of undeleted, unbanned users dropping the F-slur is unreal. Times have changed.
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Now the real issue is that sometime the poopoo is sticky and regular toilet paper doesn't do an adequate job of scraping the poopoo off my butthole.
That's when I knew I had to switch to TUSHY!
TUSHY is affordable and economical. I save a ton of money and never feel unfresh.
Buy TUSHY today!!!
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lol wut
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@starboystargirl, too good.
@MoM, yeah all that is true. I wasn't suggesting there shouldn't be any consequences or that there isn't a place for standing against wrongdoing. And those extremes that necessitate immediate response to prevent physical actions from taking place are obviously something else entirely than a matter of nonphysical influence. I would say part of the debate here is legitimately inciting physical violence is a bad thing, which some people are saying happened, "burn her to death" = wishing death upon a stranger. Others are saying it's not literal, it's just expressing how much he hates what she's doing by using the symbol of doing the worst possible thing to a person. Either way, I'd say its extreme. I think best case for everyone, and legitimately taking a stand against anything bad from occurring would be to publicly disagree and say why its completely wrong while also acknowledging why the person might be angry so that both sides, aka anyone who stands against him and anyone who supports him, might have the opportunity to have a better perspective. It's not to say that people standing against him is wrong as much as it feels like the idea of punishment is masquerading as a legitimate sense of justice and like it'll legitimately address moral erring. People are going to extremes just so they can feel completely self-righteous and perfectly ethical. Then they get angry at you for looking into it further. They push wrongdoers further into secrecy and alienate both the wrongdoers and themselves from learning from the situation in order to say they've already evolved and others are subhuman. It's obviously wrong and the source of bigotry, and they're behaving this way in their conscience and are only happening to get away with it because bigotry is now stood against by the majority. If it were still a majority, they would likely be the ones doing the bigotry if it were in their power to do it and if it were socially advantageous. In my opinion. It's just not in their interest now. It's in their interest to maintain a different appearance with different opinions.
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Their music kinda sucks.
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Actually I'll revise that. It sucks. So who cares. Move the fuck on. There are plenty of other bands to listen to. This band is dead.
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shit band agreed ahrd m/
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“Even the Dalai Lama endorsed the killing of Osama Bin Ladin.”
The Dalai Lama is a self-admitted, bought and paid for CIA asset. I’m not saying I disagree with the conclusion, but maybe not the best source for impartial foreign policy analysis.
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almost a year later, this record still isn't good tbh. calling it a 'couple tracks' kinda record is stretching it. the new vocalist sounds kinda just like CJ though.
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