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Moody indie single for the day

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We’ll have an in-depth obituary of the recently-deceased Alex Chilton later in the week, but for the moment we’d like you to enjoy 1969‘s living tribute, ‘Alex Where Are You,’ which was released in 2008.

Chilton was at ground zero when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and was briefly feared dead, inspiring, among other things, this heartfelt vignette from the threesome’s sole recording, Maya. After a couple of days where things seemed to be touch and go, an evacuation team was able to reach Chilton in his home, where he was alive and well.

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See also: Sputnikmusic’s review of Maya.

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Sputnik 2 was an unmanned spacecraft. That is, except for Laika (pictured on the left), who calmly commanded the satellite as it rocketed through the heavens. She did an admirable job of things until she died of overheating. However, her name now lives on forever as the first mammal to orbit the Earth — an accomplishment that understandably subjected Yuri Gagarin and John Glenn to fits of jealousy.

We’re not launching Sputnik 2.0, and no animals have been harmed in the production of this update.

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