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KILL or KEEP Vol.10

Kanye West – My Fantasy!

At the start of KILL or KEEP Vol.9 (Taylor Swift – Red), we promised we were getting back together.

But then, at the end of that KILL or KEEP, we broke up again.

It took some time, but an elite KILL or KEEP hitsquad eventually assembled for a champion assignment album party. It was time to do the inevitable: to look back in time, to a time before 100 gecs, before Whorecore-gate, before nu-gaze,, before retroism decided Linkin Park were good actually, and to start directly into the face of the modern music landscaping capitalism egotism vortexes. That’s right. We were to examine a record that changed the shape of commercial hip-hop and wiped its arse across the whole consenting pop landscape including, as of now the good pages of KILL or KEEP. It was a proper comeback and we took the elevator up to the top. Can we get much higher? Is he too high? Too big for his boots? If so, just you watch as we KILL him down to size.

Without further ado, I give you: Kanye West…what do you even say about the man?

Kanye West's 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' Turns 5! | 2DOPEBOYZ


The team is johnnyoftheWellnormaloctagonPheromone and Windowpain.

Every song must either be KILLed or KEEPed.

We played with a special rule: Every song KILLed must be accompanied by a cancellable take that Kanye himself has not yet said. 

We forgot to enforce a minimum KILL threshold, but this did not turn out to be an issue. 


Starting Impressions

Windowpain: My name is WP

jotW: Right team I have beer shall we KILL and KEEP Kanye West

WP: No I don’t have a beer yet

Phero: I have loved MBDTF [I have a beer] for years and years. It is one of my favourite albums from one of my favourite artists! Kanye is a sort of fuckin awful guy but man College Droupout – Yeezus is one of the most spectacular runs in moosic. I haven’t heard this album in full in years however so I have no idea if it’ll hold. Will i KILL will I KEEP will Chris Rock’s involvement in this kill Johnny.

jotW: I am a spangled boi and grew up with Graduation/808s-era Kanye singles yet somehow took until this year to hear this album! It is kinda good! The highs are very high and I like them! The majority of it is material I did not ever expect I’d want to hear again but now we’re KILLing and KEEPing and I cannot wait! Kanye West is bad. Merry filthy Christmas you dime minxes.

WP: Sometimes I leave this album playing in my room when I’m not there so I can come back to a nice vibe. Downloaded the album from the US nation archives a year ago and have listened to it pretty regularly, less so in recent months in part due to mixed feelings but probably more because of the arrival of dream dolphin in my library.

Norma: I’ve always had mixed feelings about this album – I get that Kanye’s thing at the (MTV?) awards show with T Swift was a low moment for him, but to base an entire record on ‘winning people back/apologising’ is a bit odd. Because of this, I always felt that this release had this weird mixture of taking rap to new heights vs pandering to what his fans wanted after the Heartbreaks album. MBDTF is definitely a good album, but I also think it’s far from his best work and could benefit from some edits. Don’t think I’ll KEEP every track, but I’ll definitely be….breaking some hearts in this KILL OR KEEP

(1) Dark Fantasy

jotW: Damn Nicki Minaj is a whiplash change from Pig Destroyer.

WP: KEEP!!! I like the bit where he drools into the mic

Norma: Nicki destroys her verses on this album agreed. Wait sorry what did you say?

jotW: This album is big pig (insert pork reference Kanye reference here) she is destroy

Phero: I fantasise this back in chicago is goat opener do u get it

jotW: Bravery in my bravado is goat opener I do love this one

Norma: Yeah it’s a great opener for sure, and has one of those very iconic one-liners ( YOU AIN’T GOT NO FUCKIN YEEZY IN SERATO?!) but I rarely return to this song. 

Phero: Kanye sounds kinda permanently like he’s putting on an older boy voice if ygm. lmao my parents are on one rn i wont lie this might not fly for kill keep time lol

Norma:  What is the dill here do you not own headphones phero my boy

jotW: Phero is borderline famous for refusing to buy new headphones at any and all costs it is the boi he is

Norma: Should we do a kickstarter for phero’s new headphones

jotW: YES we must and the first donation shall be a KEEP for this song it is kept!!!!!

Norma: How exciting it is KEPT, I concur. KEEP DAT OPENER!

(2) Gorgeous

jotW: This also has a top 10 one-liner (two-liner!) but everything else about it hmmm I feel like we should be in a snooker bar with too much neon but we are not! Also half the team is already down lmao what has happened  

Norma: What is that one liner you refer to jotw?

jotW: Ballz of forget hehe it is a two liner

WP: it might be considered a two liner due to the number of things you forgot about. 

Norma: Ah ok ok ok. Idk what snooker bar is but I dig this song more than the opener. They both have this hyper-repetitive thing going on with the beat and I just think this beat is more interesting. Love the strings in it. 

WP: personal fave here, love the bit that doesn’t change and words just keep hitting, especially the fish dicks that he still doesn’t understand. 

jotW: Hmmm yeah the beat/flow is defs more interesting than the opener (even if there are fewer good meme lines maybe), but this song does go in hard on the 2-bar sample repetition and also has a vocal unison with it (which is one of the things about this album that crops up again and does not spark big joy for me)

WP: i think it is funny anymore. Black balls.

jotW: Um I will be mean and KILL Gorgeous for being 6 minutes of one single samplehookflow that sticks hard enough to rock 3 minutes but then kinda starts to grate. Cancellable unKanye quote is um, um, maybe they forgot about his black balls but not as hard as they forgot the 50% of black boxes supposedly not recovered from supposedly bombed 9/11 flights we love American myths (KILL me).

Norma: Johnny out here breaking hearts. I will KEEP Gorgeous. One of the few spots on this album where the flows are pretty much immaculate. 

WP: i will KEEP because i like the sample and the words.

(3) Power

jotW: This does fuck. 

Norma: It do.

WP: peak of the album change my mind. I will kiss the asshole.

Norma: Yikes. Blank face in the windowpane…

jotW: Yokes. Crimson sample is so tight on this, beat is tight, it is big, I underrated this one, everyone underrated AUSTIN-POWERS.

Phero: hello family emergency I am back but starting POWER from beginning I am BEHINDt his is the peak of the album i agree eminem song name man

Norma: WELCOME BACK PHERO. Everyone loves this song and I love that for them; I also love this song but I think there are at least 3 or 4 songs that dunk on this. 


Phero: If I ever did a box I would come out to this song and I would be topless and STRONG

WP: its meant to be about power but he never talks about watts.

Phero: watt do u mean lol classic

jotW: Jumping out the window more like VOLTING off the veranda hurrr

Phero: what is kanye’s diamond encrusted piece?

jotW: Power is maybe the best character in Chainsaw Man and coincidentally a hard KEEP.

WP: KILL because someone has to. Quote: “i dont even know if electricity is real. Im pretty sure it was invented to make twitter so i could be banned for speaking the truth”

Phero: How ye doing a kinda awkward question these days. KEEP hard KEEP. Hardest KEEP i am topless and strong.

Norma: KEEP especially because it probably upsets robert fripp every time he hears it

(4) All of the Lights (Interlude)

WP: Gives me enough time to compose myself after being exposed to such power.

jotW: Hot take All of the Lights isn’t good enough to deserve an interlude and I am sad that all dat Power momentum gets stopped on this one. KILL it and um um um cancellable quotation idk Qanon is the only force that can end homelessness.

Phero: I think this song is super necessary in context of the album actually lol this one minute intro is not super necessary. Ok KILL and quote: “slowcore band low are a bunch of big fuckin cry babies”

Norma: A lovely interlude but unnecessary agreed. KILL

WP: KEEP because the instrumental doesn’t have his voice in it so will remain timeless and be listened to in concert halls around the world for thousands of years to come.

(5) All of the Lights

Phero: so fuckin funny that Fergie has a verse on this song. It is 2010

Norma: oh my GOD i forgot about that lawl

jotW: FERGIE omg yes I also forgot this

Phero: Fergie on the freshman xxl freestyle when. MJ Gone.

WP: Who is fergie i was born in 2001

Phero: Fergie invented child poverty helping

WP: that sounds like a kanye quote

Norma: It really does unfortunately

Phero: [with the where is the love song oh no i didn’t mean that like that] song is epic i think johnny why do you think it killed power momentum

jotW: “Restraining order” wow foreshadowing can things get worse can they. And hmm the interlude killed Power momentum, this beat is bringing it back though 

WP: drum track is beast. 

Norma: Good lad johnny yeah the beat on all of the lights rules

Phero: KID Cudi on a Kanye album used to bring a comforting friendly aw now it is sad aw HAHAHA Fergie verse has just started for fuck sake

jotW: mymindmymindmymind

Norma: thistimethistimethistime

Phero: when Fergie says she is going all the way this time where is she going?

jotW: I don’t know but I will meet her halfway

WP: i think the album is all downhill from here, execpt for the one runaway and hell of a life. KEEP

Phero: I don’t think this album is for halfway meeting

jotW: Mega hot take Kanye himself is the worst part of this including the Fergie verse mmmm

Norma: KEEPing this because without it there are no lights and then i wouldnt be able to see what i’m typing right now. Also because it is one of the best tracks on the album and a pop crossover marvel

Phero: we should have made a rule for KEEPing because I dont know if I will actually KILL anything. KEEP and I am glad Fergie 

Norma: Good thing johnny and I are here to balance out phero’s absolute fanboy energy

jotW: KEEPing this and am happy because I expected to KILL. Song is a shiny shiny celeb party thing that we are invited to hmm it is fun.

(6) Monster


WP: i dont like this song. Its repetative but thats boring by now, previous songs did it better. Flow is weaker than a french shower.

jotW: Oh fuck yes cannot wait for this to be the best song ever and then to have vampire pallidboy Bon Iver pop up at the end and drain the life out of it. Tiger sample is fuckin life Nicki is life.

Phero: do not fuckin act like Bon Iver is the worst part of this song when Jay Z’s verse exists fucking lmao 

jotW: Lmfao ngl I straight up blanked that.

Norma: If Drifter was here he would wallop you Phero

Phero: “Murder, murder in black convertibles, I Kill a block, I murder the avenues, I/ Rape and pillage your village, women and children / Everybody want to know what my Achilles heel is / Love, I don’t get enough of it


Norma: IDK :( Nicki’s verse is the best thing about this song though can we talk about that


Phero: presence is a present kiss my arse wow its christmas aw. Yh man Nicki’s verse fuckin slaps. Especially in the car with James Corden and Adele!

jotW: Ugh beat/flow are too infectious oh wait what the fuck is this verse oh yeah. Okay yeah Jay-Z is such a liability lmfao. VAMPIRES AND BLOODSUCKERS Bon Iver foreshadowing valid

WP: loch ness monster!!! Another reason this song will be killed im afriad. Sounds like a childs bed time story.

Phero: LOVE. Ok haha I chat shit this verse flows hard lyrics r awful.

Norma: Jay makes bad verses sound sick yeah

Phero: this [Nicki] verse is maybe the best on the album discuss

jotW: It is probably the best on the album discuss tag yourself I am monster_shoe.

WP: bad verse i am full of wall plaster. Starts strong but ends bad

Phero: windowpain licks walls pass it on


Phero: I wanna see Kanye do these nicki voices live 

jotW: Hahaha dying

Phero: do u think kanye and bon iver enjoyed hanging out. What do u think they got up to

jotW: I don’t know, but I wish I wanted to KILL this song just so I could make an insincere cancellable quote about Bon Iver and white hipster nationalism.

Norma: KEEP honestly i always forgot bon iver was on this i dont think i knew who he was until like two years ago

WP: KILL because of niki minage. Kanye quote “i think the real monster is the friends we made along the way. I once found bon iver will a synth in his bum recording.”

Phero: KEEP and aw i bet they had a cuddle

jotW: KEEP this is a huge KEEP even though it has two awful features I love it.

(7) So Appalled

Phero: fuckin ridic-oo-las

jotW: I should jam this one more I remember it being big good.

Phero: “Donald Trump takin dollars from yall” wow kanye must be pretty left wing heh

jotW: Man of the people who the people??? Prod on this one maybe the best on the album discuss (although damn that beat does sound clipped as all fuck Now That’s What I Call Fucking Ridiculous)

WP: the bit in the beat where it goes dun dun dun doon is great but thats all the nice things i have to say really.

Phero: best production on album is devil. Issue with this one is all the verses and features are hard and rip and good but there are just maybe too many ???

Norma: This is a sleeper cut on the record for sure, amazing prod, amazing atmosphere. Too long though. And yeah Devil is best prod on the album agreed. 

Phero: would u rather be underpaid or overrated? Answer. 

Norma: I would rather be over-phero’d than under-phero’d tbh, yfm?

jotW: Chris Rock-type clap 

Phero: u can be under me bb

Norma: *giggles and hides blushing face*

WP: sounds like norma is wearning jeans again

Norma: WP you just get me.

jotW: Kanye should have had a cameo in Sin City discuss

Phero: Kanye had a cameo in the second anchorman movie and that’s quite similar tbf

Norma: There was a second Anchorman movie?

jotW: Donda 2 

Wp: violins really starting to wear me down, feel like im stuck in a swan.

Phero: “violins really starting to wear me down” – sad classic music enjoyer

Norma: “violins really starting to wear me down – sad classic music enjoyer” – phero. Guys I’m gonna KILL this i think uh oh

Phero: KEEP again I am a Kanye truther.

jotW: KEEP it is ridiculous.

WP: i have easily decided to KILL this song because its fucking ridicless. Quote “its sometimes ridiculous how talented i am to make such genius compositions that not everyone has heard. I think they should play this in all the schools, especially in china where im not well known”

(8) Devil in a New Dress

jotW: Never sure whether to KILL or KEEP the way this sounds like 3 different songs playing at once.

Norma: Top 5 Kanye songs and best track on the album. 

Phero: Kanye truthers know this is one of the best songs on the album norma knows jotw doesnt window licks wall

Norma: Window licks wall yeah, some things never change. We ain’t married but tonight I need some consummation. Is it still okay to be under you phero?

Phero: you my sin-sation Norma.

WP: im talking about saytan noodles over here.

Norma: Hot take but I have never liked Seitan. Apologies to all muh vegan sputters.

Phero: gtfo from under me.

Norma: I really sabotaged that didn’t I. Ah, well

jotW: You are what you eat :[

Phero: Johnny is hot takes on 2020’s british post punk

WP: he did do some nice singing about not saying a word, which is why i dont believe he can not say words.

Phero: this production here is transcendent and lol i love that rick ross features are genuinely consistently really good when he’s just, like, fuckin rick ross.

jotW: Rick Ross feature is huge and kinda ties this together for me hmmmm

Norma: Thank god, I was worried johnny wouldnt like the rick ross feature. It’s ridicless and awesome. KEEP

Phero: “getting tupac money twice over” is a kinda insensitive bar as tupac was dead when this was released. 

jotW: I feel Kanye’s vox isn’t thicc enough to ride that instrumental properly but Rick Ross brings it all home hmmm yeah go on, this can KEEP fuck why am I being so kind to this album.

WP: its gonna a big KILL for me, doesnt matter if production is great because even god shits sometimes. “Kanye quote: gods shit smells worse than kims feet”

Phero: I swear u said you liked this album at the start oh no. One of the biggest KEEPs for me. 

WP: i do but not some of the songs idk i probs changed my mind.

(9) Runaway

Phero: those fucking keys.

jotW: Run away with me! Why do we have this song literally every single KILL or KEEP?

Phero: did Kanye even think of inviting Carly Rae to this song.

Norma: It really would have been a vast improvement. Maybe he did invite her but she ran away?



Phero: “I sent this bitch a picture of my dick” 5 this album 

Norma: Lmfao unimpeachable logic

WP: beat and flow score highly here, i think he should have considered adding some ood samples from doctor who. Keys blend beatifully into solid rhythm,

Norma: I love the message of this song and I think it’s beautiful. I love kanye meme moments but he’s at his best when he’s introspecting. Definitely did not need to be ten minutes though. 

Phero: this song could be thirty minutes of this and it’d still be a classic. Genuine take ngl. *changed from forty to thirty I am realistic*

Norma: Your pragmatism is appreciated

Phero: get back under me! 

Norma: Your invitation is appreciated 

jotW: It is the Starless of the 2010s. This song may at one point have semi-singlehandedly inspired me to make a 200 song playlist about feeling like a productive piece of shit AND DID IT WORK OH BOY.

WP: “This song may at one point have semi-singlehandedly inspired me” Johnny 2023 

Phero: song is top 3 on the album for me. Makes me feel feelings pretty hard. 

WP: I think its got some lovely sensitive moments. Agree with phero,

jotW: 3 straight minutes of bad Bon Iver impersonation lfg I love this shit

Phero: mum: we have Bon Iver 22, a Million at home. Bon Iver’s 22, a million at home: 

Norma: I definitely had phero’s mum likes bon iver’s 22 a million on my bingo card just saying

jotW: Phero’s mum is Essex Dolly Parton do not ask questions 

WP: 100 gecs would be better than bon iver here.

Phero: 100 gecs were like 4 and still into deftones when this album was released pls

Norma: Alright so this song is finally wrapping up and I feel like I have aged many years. I will still KEEP however

jotW: Yes yes yes KEEP.

WP: Big KEEP from me because of not in spite of long iver ending.

Phero: First 5 mins of song: GUYS I’M SELF-AWARE BUT I CAN EGO TRIP, DON’T THINK I WON’T DO IT || Rest of song: hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr still the hardest KEEP I love. song is KEEP I will expand on this I think

(10) Hell of a Life

Phero: opens with duck noises i love this open

Norma: We do love duck noises

WP: underrated song on the album. Duck noises are duck farts and amazing.

jotW: Is this song Drifter’s favourite on the album why do I have a weird feeling that it is? 

Norma: Probably because of the duck noises

Phero: yeah this song is one of the best. Haha fucking it definitely is Drifter’s favourite isn’t it

Norma: Great song yeah. Would have been great if the album ended with it. Sorry not sorry

WP: make a nun come is under appreciated lyric on the album.

Phero: u guys ever make a nun cum? xx

Phero: guys?

Norma: *phero looks around nervously*

jotW: [ur mum joke]

Phero: [dolly parton joke]

Phero: the beat here beat is fuckin nasty. 

Phero: ok lmao hear me out here. This fuck with the lights on bit really reminds me of ray william johnson’s old youtube music project thing and I have ALWAYS thought this. Really takes me out of the song. 

jotW: This song feels like it’s been on for 6 mins how are we just halfway through, yeah I really did not appreciate that halfway point LIGHTS ON reminder 

WP: because its twice as good so you only need half as much. 

Norma: Yeah things being overlong is a problem throughout this album unfortunately, Definitely understand that criticism

jotW: Sweep picking is pretty fire though nice Steve Vai feature

Phero: this bit at the end. “Fell in love with a pornstar” onwards is such a classic. One of the best moments on the album. So epic. The production chefs kiss. KEEP.

Norma: Agreed phero. KEEP.

WP: Another KEEP in the back of the net. 

jotW: Album is an almost hysterical level of good production/godawful engineering and I’m feeling it on this. KILL because sex fart sounds are still farts, um um um fakeKanye cancel quote um why are we worried about HIV we should have been talking about anal and autism all this time.

Phero: do u think kanye knows what engineering is when he hasn’t even heard of watts??? 

(11) Blame Game

WP: i propose heresy of skipping half of blame game. Its 8 minutes.

Norma: Cut the entire final trio of this abum. *drops mic*

WP: suits me fine.*dabs*

Norma: *Reciprocates dab*

jotW: This is a classic case of taking a GOATed sample and adding absolutely fuckall worthwhile to it ngl, gonna channel some zak energy on this shit.

Norma: But does it riff and what have you?

jotW: *sits on synth punkishly*

Norma: Seriously what the hell is this song why is it still playing

Phero: I, er, quite like this song :3

jotW: The vocal echoes on that verse just made me laugh out loud :[

Norma: It contributes to the theme of the album wonderfully, unfortunately it’s a very confused song

Phero: the theme of the album is chris rock monologues

WP: this song reminds me of drowning in a puddle and kanye trying to save me but not wanting to get his feet wet.

Phero: lmao

Norma: Ground is lava???

WP: lavaavavavavava

Phero: I like when Kanye does slam poetry. 

WP: only reason to keep

jotW: L-O-V-E ((((eloquentleeeeee))))

Norma: KILL 

Phero: sput list: artists spelling out the word ‘love’ in songs

Norma: Genius 

jotW: Every single artist we have ever KILLed and KEPT has done this Billy Corgan has done it Trent has done it Adrianne Lenker has probably done it let’s go.

WP: KILL quote “my favourite game is finding people to blame. It makes me feel better about being a genius. Ill sit on wikipedia for hours looking through battles and seeing the obvious ways peopl lost and be grateful to god for making a genious who wouldnt have made the same mistakes.”

Phero: usually user KILL used the word f****t a lot more????

jotW: ^lmao. KILL this but KEEP Chris Rock (his bit can replace the All of the Lights interlude) um um cancelquote abolish condoms love the Pope.

Phero: If we are trying to make this album a 5 yeah you can kill this. KILL and cancel quote: “Weezer and Lil Wayne need a colab song”

jotW: REUPHOLSTERED maybe the best single second on the album tbqh.

(12) Lost in the World

Norma: This song is like Kanye pulled some of his ideas for TLOP out of the oven before they were done baking. Seriously the final trio of this album sounds like b-sides, totally lacks that x factor present on most of the rest of the album. KILL

Phero: This song is one of the best on the album sorry. 

WP: Got a nice build up to when the beat finally drops so really gives you a chance to tune in and get into it.

Norma: Predictable phero take gottem

Phero: send feet pics

Norma: Otw

jotW: This reminds me of the Wrens it has good feet.

Phero: I remember being locked out of my house once and this song was on and it was still super frustrating but I did enjoy this song !

Norma: Sounds traumatic!!! Did you have to break the door down or smash a window

jotW: I locked you out I was dancing to this inside, hot take this is not a good song but it would be top 5 on the album if we were in a club.

Phero: I channelled bon iver energy and sat outside for my family to come back.

WP: then you did not kill the door i mean the deer.

jotW: This Kanye angel/hell verse is unironically quite Aidan Moffat.

Phero: Ma-ma-se, ma-ma-se, ma-ma-ku-sa. I love syllables man 

Norma: Best part of the song yeah

Phero: I genuinely don’t get how you can slate this song norma ffs SUCH a bop

Norma: I don’t make the rules phero. KILL

jotW: This is definitely half-baked commercial goods and I kinda enjoy that bc I am cheap trash but I also dislike it a little bit because hm.

Phero: If by definitely you mean defiantly I’ll take it. 


jotW: KILL this and rope in that Bon Iver cancel quote from earlier.

Phero: KEEP yes yes

(13) Who Will Survive in America?

Phero: did u guys know this was kanye speaking through helium

jotW: True/false the same guy who sold Kanye helium for this song also converted him to Christianity. 

WP: i think the album had to end this way otherwise we wouldnt appreciate the start as much and kanye probably would have gone so off the rails so much ever. Just the price we pay for democracy liberty and justice.

Phero: norma are u american u are right

Norma: I am eric

Phero: ig u survived

jotW: KILL cancel quote there are no survivors there are only media lies norma is an AI.

WP: what does websters say about kanye: KEEP

Norma: If by AI you mean American Idiot i dont know if I am but I wanna be

Phero: KILL and cancel quote: “Johnnyofthewell is good sputnik staff”

Norma: KILL


Closing Remarks


jotW: This album by the American artist Kanye West is a good album and I maybe forgot that a lot of its okay-bits are actually good-bits. Still has quite a bit of unnecessary flab! Um, I will KEEP it but make it smaller, drain the swamp drain the swamp.

Norma: That’s all well and good but is it a gud ablum? I maintain that this album is overrated but still KEEP it. It is rightfully considered a Big Deal and sounds great to this day. Is that a contradiction oh dear whatever will I do!!!

Phero: I am a sick fuckin fan and I love this album! I think it’s great. I think it balances the pop overproduction, grandeur, and norm sensibility perfect. It’s probably his best album ever if it doesn’t have GONE on it. It’s as close to a classic as Kanye ever got and it might even be one. Album slaps, bangs n thunders. Big KEEP.

WP: I will KEEP this album close to my heart in preparation for the fire giant and other times of great need. Feels pretty unique or maybe im uncultured but i value it for what it is, rather than who made it (looking at you mike oldfield and bon iver).

Final KILLstats

jotW: 6/13 (46%)

Norma: 5/13 (38%)

Phero: 3/11 (27%)

Windowpain: 4/13 (31%)

Surviving Tracklist

The following are the remaining songs that not one competitor elected to KILL.

They constitute the new, official version of the album:

1. Dark Fantasy

2. All of the Lights

3. Runaway

KILL or KEEP will return (very) soon, please be excited and stay posted!



Vol.1: Smashing Pumpkins – Mellon Collie…

Vol.2: Nine Inch Nails – The Fragile 

Vol.3: Carly Rae Jepsen – Emotion

Vol.4: Deftones – White Pony

Vol.5: Nightwish – Once

Vol.6: Tavito Nanao – Heavenly Punk Adagio

Vol.7: Big Thief – Dragon New Warm Mountain…

Vol.8: The Beatles – The Beatles

Vol.9: Taylor Swift – Red



i forgot about this one wasn't this a decade ago drop pinkerton

pinkerton dropping soon this was a very long time i had a missed called from Windowpain today

hell of a life is NOT my favorite and jay z is FINE on monster but thanks for the shoutouts british

dark fantasy is fine. for all its pomp the rza beat is very rza-ish, idk not really a strength
gorgeous is kinda boring. kinda cool funky hook but doesn't do much for me--except raekwon's verse which is fantastic
I loved power when it came out--it rips
I loved all of the lights when it came out--it's still kinda good, but sounds so "pop" to me now, like that element takes over the virtues
monster I remember laughing the first time I heard nicki's verse--LAUGHING. had no idea what to expect and it was so good. the song is ok, idk, kinda frozen in time, self-parodic
so appalled is a cool song for the heads with a Deep beat but idk if that's good
devil has that amazing bink beat. not like much goes on over it, but check out bink!
runaway is cool but was always overrated. no need for it to be that long. idk
hell of a life I used to call my least favorite. the iron man hook is a little uhhhhh
blame game is fine idk
last two are cool, good, kinda swoop in to save the album

Drifter name ur fav immediately this has been hanging over us for months

runaway should be longer

based havey

the best is so appalled for the Deep beat robert mentioned

or power

well DAMN glad my name isn't normaloctagon right now

lmfao only three tracks left

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Bro chill you’re scaring the hoes

oh damn what happened to all the bots that used to use the sput forum i hope they are doing ok

what happened to the like considerable amount of millennials with like 35,000 posts. They didn’t come here.

denboy did

this song reminds me of drowning in a puddle and kanye trying to save me but not wanting to get his feet wet.

Still have never listened to this album despite all of the buzz it gets.

Heh this was great to revisit and reread, lots of fun and funny moments, big ups to the KILL or KEEP team for having me

I am going to revisit this album now today. Havn't given it a full spin since high school.

Also I am pretty sure you all kept Power, why isn't it on the final tracklist?

Navm, I see there was a KILL from WP

When will the opeth fans be arriving i made a very clever opun in here that demands appreciation, similar to Kanye in that way now that i think about it ; )

kanye fans are horses

Damn Norma u don't fuck with seitan

Love a good seitan alfredo

@johnny apparently Kanye had (has?) a horse ranch in Wyoming, who would have thunk

@kompy listen if i wanted to eat bread i would just go to the store and buy a loaf

Definitely Keep.


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