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I like this more than Riptide, but the chorus feels so out of place. I don't hate it at least lol
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I don't listen to these guys much but I enjoyed this. Little sunshine skeleton guys are vibin'.
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Why did I hit play? Why ive had a shit day and made it worse by listening to this shit
So its pop punk for a bit then its post hardcore again. What utter shit not even good genre fuckery. Its like old A day to remember without the charm
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Band blows but this is easily one of the worst things I've heard all year.
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shit band
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yeah this is incredibly bad
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“ Its like old A day to remember “
Time is a flat circle
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Time is a tostada?! This was mediocre
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This was mediocre [2]
Love their band logo tho
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Maybe my A Day To Remember nostalgia is blinding me. It's not quite as "fun" as ADTR at their best, but I kinda like this.
I think it was an odd choice to have the acoustic chorus so early in the song, rather than a switch-up towards the mid/end.
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Lol this sunshine makes me want to close the blinds...
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Not a bad song, along the same quality levels of their last album.
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I'm glad caleb seems happier and healthier but this ain't it.
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