With June shaping up as an excellent month for new album releases, I’m in between jotting together a few potential reviews at the moment. As these albums require more detailed listening and examination for the sake of an informative dissection, I’m often lacking the time to hear many other 2015 releases at the same time. What I often do in this case is stockpile a handful of EPs, for the obvious reasons that they take less time to listen to. By pure coincidence, I came across 3 consecutive EPs last week that were all acoustic based. For the record, I enjoyed all three, which were recorded by Pvris, Brigades and State Champs.
I recall looking at the track-listing for the State Champs EP (titled ‘The Acoustic Things’) and being disappointed that only one of my highlights from their album ‘The Finer Things’ was included. Yet, upon listening to the 7 included tracks, I found that the tune ‘Simple Existence’ stood out. I wondered why I had not included that as an LP highlight, so I went back and listened to the electric version. The answer was simple? The acoustic version was better!
Without harping on the pop-punk goes acoustic factor, it reminded me of a couple of years back when I was listening to the discography of (arguably middling) Massachusetts quintet A Loss For Words. Sure, they have a knack for a catchy hook, but so does 90% of pop-punk bands. The fact that they have released a duo of ‘Webster Lake’ acoustic EPs probably should tell them something. In one case, they absolutely blew one of their own originals (‘Finite’) out of the water by involving We Are The In Crowd’s Taylor Jardine.
But the aforementioned bands are all small-fry in the grand scheme of things. So it got me to thinking of what are some of the best and most famous examples of musicians who have recorded an acoustic version of their own song, which betters the original. It’s actually a tricky proposition, because I find myself instantly drawn to originals that were fantastic in their own right. Songs such as Foo Fighters’ ‘Everlong’, Breaking Benjamin’s ‘Diary of Jane’ and (controversially) Eric Clapton’s ‘Layla’. The other thing that comes to mind is the ‘MTV Unplugged’ series from the early 90s, which especially gave greater credibility to grunge and alt-rock bands such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Live and Alice In Chains.
And then, of course, there’s ‘Everchanging’; the highlight from Rise Against’s 2001 debut ‘The Unraveling’. “Have you ever been a part of something that you thought would never end… and then of course it did”.
Ok, enough with the videos because I’m no expert… So let’s have a discussion: What is your favorite version of an acoustic song that betters the original, where both were performed by the same artist? Let me reiterate that last condition by ruling something like ‘Hurt’ by Johnny Cash out of eligibility. I see that more as a cover version, which sounds like a whole different discussion topic (“Coming Soon” to a fantastic website near you).
As they say at the end of those dreaded English essays: DISCUSS…..
Damn this is a hard one tho. Im not usually a fan of acoustic versions of songs.
Genuinely cant even think of one lol. Sitting this discussion out it seems
Me faves are James- Protect Me.
R.E.M - the bonus medley on document which includes so. Central Rain.
Or maybe not, if zakalwe is having the same trouble as you thinking of nominations. R.E.M are a band that should have been more suited to the format, I think. Unsure how many times they recorded acoustic versions though.
and Dashboard Confessional's "Hands Down"
Another case in point is the way more mainstream rock fans viewed Pearl Jam & Nirvana after their MTV Unplugged sets. There was anguish & emotion in their voice & words... They weren't just screaming.
Too right William. I recall when I first heard the electric version of it & immediately thought it should have been a predominantly acoustic track. I reckon if they had recorded it for any other album than their debut, it would have been.
The acoustic version of Demon Hunter's "The Tide Began to Rise." I'm not entirely sure if it betters the original since I love both versions but it's certainly one of my favorite acoustic tracks.
Such Great Heights - Iron & Wine.
I enjoy it 1000x more than the original by Death Cab.
my favorite acoustic version of any song ever
Hey dbizzles, that's a cover.:-0
Dunno Atari, I really like it too, but it feels a little samey in mood to me. I think it really helped to bring Lynn's voice along though.
Hey SharkTooth, get a dog up ya! Not bad, although Nick's voice is a little too similar throughout imo.
Interesting suggestion keyblade. Shoegaze & dream pop doesn't usually work well acoustic imo. But that's maybe because I'm not a fan of the genre(s) in the first place.
I'll take your word for it Toondude. Maybe if they released an album full of softer songs, I'd listen.
Will do when I get a chance ToonDude.
Keeping it more on a rock subject, I do like Red's acoustic remix of "Breathe Into Me" as well
As far as songs where I like the acoustic version better, the only example i can think of right now is 'replace you' by Silverstein. It was on their Transitions EP and it just brings the feels a lot more than the regular version that was on 'Rescue.'
Agreed Atari. And I sometimes forget that at the time of their acoustic EP, they had yet to release a full LP... Which I'm gonna give a proper listen to this weekend.
As for your suggestion, I'll give that a listen when I can... It might make me delve into that Silverstein discog, which I've been meaning to do for about 4 years!
To date, this is probably the most insane acoustic rendition I've ever heard. So very good.
Eagles - Hotel California (live acoustic version kills)
Incubus - Anti-Gravity (original flat out sucks, acoustic version is great)
But enough about that. Back to the subject...
As for acoustics which best the originals, I get to think of Pennyroyal Tea by Nirvana. Not that the original isn't great (nor that there aren't any other amazing standouts on that album), but this one just has a longing which is incredible. Definitely one of my favorites by Nirvana.
Another that comes to mind, is Bruce Springsteen's Ghost of Tom Joad. I know that the acoustic is the original, and the one with full band wasn't released until years later, but it's a good example of a reversed situation.
Chris Cornell's interpretation of Billie Jean is also very interesting.
Also, Wonderwall by Ryan Adams, although that's a cover, sorry :-]
Original song:
"I do like Red's acoustic remix of "Breathe Into Me""
I'd actually heard this before and forgotten about it. Good? Yes. Better than the original? Not quite sure,
"'replace you' by Silverstein"
Good call on this Atari. The original seems very straight & narrow without a great deal of diversity or vocal range. The acoustic version gives it much more feeling & overall impetus.
"the GOAT of acoustic versions (albeit a cover)"
This Jeff Buckley wannabee has got absolutely nothing on, well, Jeff Buckley with their respective COVERS.
"Heaven's Gate - Noah's Dream"
Very cool AW... But I couldn't find the original electric version (if there is one) to compare? It's like power metal gone acoustic.
"Eagles - Hotel California"
Kind of a song that can be played any way and it would still be cool (Lord, I hope I haven't given some doof doof remixer an idea). But yeah, love some of the acoustic guitar work on this.
"Deftones - Be Quiet and Drive"
An interesting version. I'd agree vocally, but replacing the riff (as it needed to for mood) is a big loss imo.
Yep, awesome & probably deserves more kudos from that session.
"Bruce Springsteen's Ghost of Tom Joad"
Going all reverse on me. It would actually be interesting to know of some songs that started electric but that recording never saw the light of day because the band realised it would be a better acoustic song.
"Your text reminded me a time when MTV Unplugged was not just music but a great experience overall. Nirvana's unplugged album is a religious experience"
I felt the same about the PJ session manosg. Both of your song suggestions are technically covers though.
"Skindred - Pressure"
Groovy & quite impressive, but I've never been one for that reggae vibe myself.
"Incubus - Pardon Me":
Good suggestion hC, since the song definitely has a different vibe. It's probably a little better than the original, but marginal imo.
"Thursday: A Hole in the World":
Hopelust, I actually think the original is the worst song on 'FC'! So anything's an improvement imo. And this acoustic version is indeed pretty good.
"Our Courage, Our Cancer by While She Sleeps"
With that piano intro, I wonder if the song wasn't written acoustically in the 1st place. But great call here Matt. The guitar-work is really cool & the almost constant gang vocals is just my kinda thing.
"Coheed and Cambria's "Here We Are Juggernaut""
This is indeed one of those instances where it almost feels like a totally different song... & it's almost difficult to compare.
That said, when a band takes the time to properly re-arrange a song to suit and complement the acoustic setting, the results can be fantastic. Tracks that spring to mind;
Deftones - Be Quiet and Drive (I know this has been mentioned already). Easily recognizable as the same song yet stands strong as it's own piece. The vocal melody is pretty much the same, but Chino's voice barely rises above a whisper and the re-written guitar parts give the song a fully developed and unique atmosphere from the aggression of the original.
Matthew Good - Generation X-Wing and Hello Time Bomb, were both among Good's most boring and generic songs in their original forms, but the acoustic versions meld his usual snide lyricism with the atmospherics of his slower tracks into a strangely potent mix. Plus the re-worked bridge of the former gives it a whole new sense of pacing.
Fair to Midland were always very good at acoustic re-workings too. Vice-Versa sounds great, if a little unpolished, with the acoustic piano and the bluesy guitar leads, and songs like Amarillo Sleeps on My Pillow have bluegrass influences that shine just that little bit brighter when they aren't competing with distortion and general electronic noise.
Devin Townsend - Funeral. I prefer the original by a long shot, but the acoustic version is great too. Where the original is 8 long minutes of stormy atmospherics and a pained, searing vocal performance that would shred most throats to a bloody mess, the acoustic's gentle fingerpicking accompanied by Townsend's smooth tenor trade frustration for gentle weariness.
"Noah's Dream": Same as above AW, is it because it's half as short? You can kinda tell that song was written as an acoustic tune & transformed into power metal. Not that I know that for a fact, but it seems like it.
Thrice - "Trust": Good call here dbizzles. Then again, I'm not as big on 'TIoS' as most around here.
Amenra - Razoreater: I agree, but it's not my genre of specialty. I'd probably think that every acoustic version of theirs was better than the original.
"theres an amazing acoustic version of swing life away by rise against": I'd love to hear the electric hardcore version.