Sun Kil Moon
I Also Want to Die in New Orleans

very poor


by TheManMachine USER (5 Reviews)
March 20th, 2019 | 99 replies

Release Date: 2019 | Tracklist

Review Summary: The four biggest words in the book are spelled like this:

I first listened to this new Sun Kil Moon album, last week at work, around 9:15 a.m. You see, I start every day at work by listening to a new album I've never listened to. On this day that album was the new Sun Kil Moon. I thought to myself, man, it seems like yesterday I was listening to that last Sun Kil Moon album. It was really about four months ago, but when you hear two separate 90-minute drawls by the same guy four months apart it can feel like the dullest of deja vu. I work in a warehouse. I pick orders, pick up things and put them on pallets, then wrap the pallets up and put them on a truck. I also take pallets with things on them off of trucks, the same way I put them on: with a pallet jack.

When putting pallets onto trucks, it's important to stack them in particular patterns, otherwise they might shift and fall and get wrecked. One time in 2013 I watched a trucker open the back door of his truck only to have the stuff fall all over him. I never want to be the guy that makes that happen to someone, so I always try to load the pallets properly. But hey I'm sure it's happened to someone whose truck I personally loaded; and whether it was my fault or the driver's abrupt braking/bad driving, wherever you are, that poor guy, I am sooooo sorrrrry.

I thought about texting a friend about how depressed I was about this Sun Kil Moon album, but then I remembered I don't have any friends who have really listened to Sun Kil Moon, they'd probably text something back like "who's Sun Kil Moon" or "Sun Kil Who" or "is that the Benji guy", so I didn't text any friends about this Sun Kil Moon album. After finishing an order I stared out the dock door into the outside world while sipping hot black coffee and eating an overripe Chiquita banana. In the midst of wholesale who-cares and cringey and and well-meaning mutter ramble, he deployed the Obama-deported-people-too argument and it almost made me wish he'd return to how Europeans only wear tight clothes or the time he ate some lamb with salt on it.

For lunch I took Route 5 to Hazard Avenue and went to a Chipotle, about three miles from where I work. On the drive I was listening to Opeth's 'Orchid', which was a breath of fresh air to my ears after listening to that new Sun Kil Moon. Not that Orchid is my favorite album or anything, I dunno, it was just a breath of fresh air after listening to that fvckin' new Sun Kill Moon. At Chipotle I got a sofritas bowl. I used to get carnitas, but me and my girl went veg recently and the sofritas are pretty good. Along with the sofritas in the bowl I got black beans, brown rice, corn, lettuce, hot salsa, and the guacamole, which costs extra.

The cashier said "that'll be $9.31" and I handed her a $20 bill. She opened the drawer, put it in, and accidentally shut it before taking the change out. She seemed flustered, and I guess the change amount had disappeared from the screen, so she asked me how much change I should be getting back. I could've told her the truth, I could've lied and said I gave her a hundred so that'll be $90.69 plz. Instead I said, "You want me to count this change. What do I look like, a change counter. You're the cashier and your job is to count the change. I was once a cashier, and I counted change then, but now I work in the warehouse and I don't wanna count any change." She looked pissed but held her tongue, I apologized and told her she owed me $10.69 which was the correct change. She gave me the change and I took my bowl. If I were Mark Kozelek, I might've thought she had a thing for me.

I sat inside the Chipotle and ate my sofritas bowl, thinking about my friends and Obama and that trucker who had the stuff fall over him and my girl. And as I scooped the last bit of beans, the new Sun Kil Moon album came to a close. I reflected briefly, and reckoned my favorite bits might be when he imitates a dog after his butt gets whacked and when he imitates a maid he insulted while punching himself. I took my last bite of the beans, put my plastic fork and empty bowl in the trash, walked to my car, and drove back to work.

11:48 P.M.
March 19th 2019

user ratings (79)

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Staff Reviewer
March 20th 2019


"If I were Mark Kozelek, I might've thought she had a thing for me."
lmao I love this review, not even sure it's a review but you did a good job of explaining how it made you feel, and that's good enough for me

March 20th 2019


Album Rating: 3.5

bad take

Staff Reviewer
March 20th 2019


Yeah, enjoyable read to say the least. Pos'd.

J() Alexander
March 20th 2019


Pos because the album you reviewed has an album cover with a cat. I like cats.

Staff Reviewer
March 20th 2019


All I've heard from him is Common as Light and Love and I did not enjoy that. Maybe I'll try Benji but that's all I'll put myself through by this guy

March 20th 2019


kinda have a soft spot for the koze but this review was great, lol. will still jam and probably enjoy

March 20th 2019


Band has always been hipster garbage

March 20th 2019


Best review I've read this month! Pos.

March 20th 2019


Brilliant satire of the last 50 SKM albums, pos

March 20th 2019


'All I've heard from him is Common as Light and Love and I did not enjoy that. Maybe I'll try Benji but that's all I'll put myself through by this guy'

This is a bit dumb no?

Can people stop saying they haven't enjoyed a 'new school' SKM and then say they're going to listen to another 'new school' SKM to make up their mind on Kozelek.

How about try 'old school' Kozelek like 'Ghosts of the Great Highway' and then maybe 'April' :/

March 20th 2019


I mean you've 5'd Damo 'the drip tard' Rice neek - 'Ghosts of the Great Highway' would be a 200 out of 10 on that scale.

Currently Koz is having a laugh about his own mythology primarily for the benefit (or not) of his existing fanbase because he'd finished proving himself as a conventional guitarist and song writer. The man's a borderline genius when it comes to that stuff so please everyone listen to that material first before claiming the man is a hack lol

The last few SKM albums come across almost like in-jokes not everyone is privvy to understanding the Koz sense of humour unless you've been following him for ages.

Papa Universe
March 20th 2019


"I start every day at work by listening to a new album I've never listened to"

sun POS moon

March 20th 2019


"they'd probably text something back like "who's Sun Kil Moon"" or "Sun Kil Who"" or "is that the Benji guy""."

if kozelek is reading this he'll probably get real mad about all that and make a two-hour long spoken word rant of an album out of it

March 20th 2019


rly good mark kozelek lyrics you've written here. seriously though, hilarious review. props.

March 20th 2019


This was excellent, can't stand the new spoken word Sun Kil Moon garbage and won't be listening
I will do as Doof said and keep jamming Ghosts, April and Red House Painters stuff

March 20th 2019


Read the lyrics to that one about school shootings and really am not interested. Nice one here, mate. Probably better than the album, innit.

March 20th 2019


Multiple lines got a good chuckle outta me, here's a pos.

March 20th 2019


review absolutely better than the album every album since benji has been pretty bad especially since common as light so im sure this is horrible. ghosts, april and admiral all the way

March 20th 2019


Album Rating: 1.5

haha I feel like these reviews have been done to death, but this genuinely made me laugh quite a bit - I don't think I've every remotely enjoyed a SKM album, I don't even like RHP that much, sigh.

'In the midst of wholesale who-cares and cringey and and well-meaning mutter ramble, he deployed the Obama-deported-people-too argument and it almost made me wish he'd return to how Europeans only wear tight clothes or the time he ate some lamb with salt on it.' bump

March 20th 2019


"If I were Mark Kozelek, I might've thought she had a thing for me."

strong strong pos

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