
Reviews 6
Approval 83%

Soundoffs 196
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Album Edits 6

Album Ratings 373
Objectivity 68%

Last Active 10-06-22 2:20 pm
Joined 02-25-14

Review Comments 16,853

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  • kildare LMAO!!!! That was a perfectly placed video. I've been itching to join that fray and that totally neutralized me
    July 26 06:11 PM
  • FowlKrietzsche nooooooooooo
    July 26 06:03 PM
  • JesperL hell yeah! album's an absolute beauty
    July 7 09:56 AM
  • SlothcoreSam Ok I'm on it
    July 3 02:38 PM
  • Wildcardbitchesss psn is lowfeelsblvd. Might be on later today, but I got Thursday - Sunday off so I?ll def be on a lot then!
    June 30 05:14 PM

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