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Last Active 07-02-22 4:52 am
Joined 03-25-09

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  • Futures thanks man, means a lot to me. and sorry to hear dude, it's scary stuff when you have no clue what is going to happen. if you ever need to vent or whatever, i'm here. i get it. but anyway island vacation, sounds awesome lol. where was it? and yeah i think prometheus is a super underrated album, love how experimental it is. and electronic is a genre i really need to deep dive into soon, always meant to with aphex, box, autechre. gotta get to it this year.
    June 21 02:28 AM
  • Futures but yes absolutely music has helped me a ton lately. i was on a huge black metal binge and jammed all of emeperor which is now one of my favorite bands. and doing a sabbath discog jam chronologically for the first time ever. been an absolute blast. how about you man?
    June 11 07:37 PM
  • Futures really sorry to hear that man. hope you can battle through that and it isn't life long. it's a cancer that like 100 people a year get unfortunately and there isn't too much data but it isn't good. it just keeps coming back until it eventually does you in. i've kind of accepted that fact. but you know the 5 year prognosis was like 20% so i'm just lucky to be here and maybe i can get a miracle.
    June 11 07:35 PM
  • budgie anywheeeeeeere u aaaaaare. i wanna b wwith uuu
    June 11 05:14 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell nioh is the opposite of souls in that the first playthrough is really just a warmup for a longer combat RPG experience and the mechanics and build specificities run easily deep enough to support this. enemy placement gets a major switchup after ng 2 (and 1 can be cleared p fast) so stick at it. DLC is awesome for the first two packs and the first mission of the third (which comes with a few killer functions for the rest of the game so whatev)
    June 10 02:54 AM

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