i want to mort.

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Album Ratings 3181
Objectivity 71%

Last Active 12-24-21 9:57 pm
Joined 05-18-12

Review Comments 32,779

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  • Snake. RIP capfriendly
    July 10 02:07 PM
  • Futures great catching up with you man. missed it. if you ever want to chat about whatever, i'm always here. and recs of course, i trust your taste! also burzum- det som engang var rules hard.
    April 28 09:31 PM
  • Futures absolutely. traveling across europe has always something i wanted to do. scandinavia seems like the most picteresque place.
    April 26 11:13 PM
  • Futures maybe i should visit glorious finland haha. seems like a nice place.
    April 26 11:01 PM
  • Futures man that sounds like an incredible experience. la crosse is a nice place, friend went to college there. hope you come back sometime!
    April 26 10:48 PM

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