Decibel's Top 40 Albums Of 2008 2008-11-27 by Dave de Sylvia EMERITUS | 47 Comments | Decibel Magazine has posted its list of the top 40 metal albums of 2008.
40. Coffins, Buried Death (20 Buck Spin)
39. Withered, Folie Circulaire (Prosthetic)
38. Graveyard (Tee Pee)
37. North, What You Were (Cavity)
36. Decrepit Birth, Diminishing Between Worlds (Unique Leader)
35. Witch, Paralyzed (Tee Pee)
34. Aura Noir, Hades Rise (Tyrant Syndicate)
33. Cynic, Traced in Air (Season of Mist)
32. Meshuggah, obZen (Nuclear Blast)
31. This Comp Kills Fascists Vol. 1 (Relapse)
30. Samothrace, Life's Trade (20 Buck Spin)
29. Blacklisted, Heavier Than Heaven, Lonelier Than God (Deathwish, Inc.)
28. Bloodbath, The Fathomless Mastery (Peaceville)
27. Testament, The Formation of Damnation (Nuclear Blast)
26. 5ive, Hesperus (Tortuga)
25. Hennes Siste Host, Host (Init)
24. Gridlink, Amber Gray (Hydra Head)
23. Trap Them, Seizures in Barren Praise (Deathwish, Inc.)
22. Hour of 13 (Shadow Kingdom)
21. Hail of Bullets, Of Frost and War (Metal Blade)
20. Intronaut, Prehistoricisms (Century Media)
19. Gods and Queens (Robotic Empire)
18. Toxic Holocaust, An Overdose of Death (Relapse)
17. Esoteric, The Maniacal Vale (Season of Mist)
16. Enslaved, Vertebrae (Nuclear Blast)
15. Gojira, The Way of All Flesh (Prosthetic)
14. Pyramids (Hydra Head)
13. Amon Amarth, Twilight of the Thunder God (Metal Blade)
12. Krallice (Profound Lore)
11. Harvey Milk, Life . . . the Best Game in Town (Hydra Head)
10. Disfear, Live the Storm (Relapse)
9. Made Out of Babies, The Ruiner (The End)
8. Wetnurse, Invisible City (Seventh Rule)
7. Origin, Antithesis (Relapse)
6. Rotten Sound, Cycles (Spinefarm)
5. The Gates of Slumber, Conqueror (Profound Lore)
4. Opeth, Watershed (Roadrunner)
3. Genghis Tron, Board Up the House (Relapse)
2. Nachmystium, Assassins: Black Meddle Part 1 (Century Media)
1. Torche, Meanderthal (Hydra Head)
Tagged: Various Artists (Metal)
Saw this in the new issue. Cynic at 33 but Nachtmystium at 2? That makes no sense at all.
| | | ^123123
| | | Wow, what a horrible list. It's like INDIE CRED +1000000000000000000000000000
| | | ^ I know that, I've read several publications that unabashedly praise their new album, as well as the previous one. I still don't see why Cynic would rank so low compared to several other ones on this list that can't really compare. Does Metal Hammer have a top 40 yet? I'm looking forward to theirs and possibly if Terrorizer has one.
| | | well i guess sputnik is unique in the area of hating Nachtmystium's new album.
| | | wow I've only listen to 8 of the albums on the list.
Hurray for me!
| | | Great to see Torche sitting pretty. Also Wetnurse, Genghis Tron and Made out of Babies are welcome additions to the top 10. This list ain't too bad...
| | | Hmmm...wonder where BTA would sit?
| | | I cringed when I saw this was Decibel's list but you know, it ain't all bad
I don't know if BTA is kvlt enough for this list...I would say pretty high but that's just because I heart them...
| | | I find it pretty lame they forgot Scar Symmetry (which, imo, is significantly better than the Amon Amarth record.)
| | | No Kiuas = fail
| | | nevermind.
guess the release date is wrong.This Message Edited On 11.27.08
| | | I only have 4 albums on that list...of which the Gojira, Testament and Rotten Sound ones aren't that special. In fact, they're pretty boring if you ask me. Amon Amarth is good but not as good as WOOOS. So, pretty crap list if you ask me.
Looking forward to the MH list more though, cos all my purchases come from hearing about them on MH!
EDIT:TRAP THEM FUCK YEAH!This Message Edited On 11.27.08
| | | They put a compilation disc at #31? That's kinda lame.
| | | Torche at #1? Did not expect that, nice to see 5ive and Intronaut on there though.
Didn't see Made out of Babies and Harvey Milk the first, nice.This Message Edited On 11.27.08
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top 40 metal albums
29. Blacklisted, Heavier Than Heaven, Lonelier Than God (Deathwish, Inc.)
| | | I need to check some of these albums out, haven't got round to them all.
Oh and here in the UK, there used to be a pop boyband called 5ive and it brought the lulz when i saw a band with the same name in this list.
| | | i didn't even know trap them put out a new album this year. those guys are one of the best bands i discovered recently. and genghis tron ended up being one of my faves from the year too. even tho it came out wayyy back in feb. same with disfear.
| | | WTF, NO SLIPKNOT?!!!
^ me joking of course
kinda sad how i've only listened/own 2 of those albums (good ol' gojira and meshuggah)
| | | oh shit i completely forgot about the Rotten Sound album
| | | It's funny how people complain about these lists. Opinions guys! Good list overall.
| | | awful list
| | | Board up the House shouldn't be 3, it's good, but not that good.
| | | torche at #1 is a pleasant surprise. i wouldn't say it's my favourite of the year, but it's had some heavy and frequent listenage from me.
| | | obZen love ftw
| | | no equilibrium =(
| | | i thought torche sucked
:/ :/ :/
| | | all the albums on here ive listened to ive had no higher than a 3.5 :/
| | | Yes #17...funeral Doom woo
| | | what is decibel
| | | Well, from that list I have Cynic, 5ive, Intronaut, Made Out Of Babies, Opeth, and Genghis. Now, some other albums that I think are worth mentioning:
Burst, Lazarus Bird
Grayceon, This Grand Show
In Mourning, Shrouded Divine
Today I Caught The Plague, Ms. Mary Mallon
And maybe (because I guess these bands are not "extreme" enough, or probably they are just gay):
Candiria, Kiss the Lie
Protest The Hero, Fortress
Spylacopa, SpylacopaThis Message Edited On 11.28.08
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37. North, What You Were (Cavity)
Album should be higher tbqh
| | |
Candiria, Kiss the Lie
| | | ... I might just get sued for asking this... but douesn't Death Magnetic count at least as 40th??
| | | ^ yeah, along with crucible of man, ultra beatdown, all hope is gone, and overcome
joking again
Idk, its production was probably what got it booted off the list, the main reason people liked the album was because it was different from newer metallica somewhat
| | | death magnetic counts as eligible for last position
| | | for the most part this list gives good albums cred. they did leave off a couple(and i totally forgot about rotten sound's new shit) but overall this list covers a vast amount of genres for a top 40 list, most of them the best albums from that genre in 08. my list is waywayway different but its nice to seem them give decrepit birth credit where credit is due
| | | one album i thought was real cool, and nice to see on a list like this was pyramids. i thought it was really interesting.
| | | Decibel usually has a pretty solid list, and the magazine is pretty decent. Not sure what to say about Origin being that high up though..
| | | Where is the Faceless's Planetary Duality?
| | | good to see harvey milk near the top 10 
| | | Cynic is far too low.
| | | i'm just glad to see gojira there
| | | also, why didn't Cursed III make this list? i could (and have)listen to that all day...
| | | They missed a few solid albums that should be top 10 in most list. I don't follow decibel so I'm not sure what they are bias towards. However, PTH was a great album imo.
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