Tim Charles and Xenoyr had a special chemistry on stage that made the band.
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yet another thing the lockdowns ruined
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I'm not saying lockdown were a good thing, however, it sure made a lot of people in showbusiness that touring constantly is tiresome and does take a toll on mental and physical health.
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Not a fan of the band, but I root for the guy, gruelling is the life of musicians.
-- thing the lockdowns ruined
sad but true.
The two cents that I can think of, is French darkwave outfit Minuit Machine; they were a female duo that released a killer album in 2019 (Infrarouge), but the girl responsible for the instrumentals got COVID which impaired her hearing ability. Now the outfit is managed by the vocalist.
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first few albums were truly special, sound became a bit stale over time
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Not unexpected. Would be interested to see what directtion they go next. I'm not sure who does the lyrics but Xenoyr did the album art covers.
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I'm glad they got Dan back on drums. losing two founding members would've been tough.
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I love every album this band has put out so I'm sad to see the original lineup being changed. On the other hand, I like the new dude from Black Crown Initiate a lot too so hopefully some more banger albums on the horizon
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Also Xenoyr
By all means he was actually extremely influential in controlling the bands image/direction even if people are more in it for Tim's lovely flamenco influences than Xenoyr's admittedly quite powerful death growls.
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This is certainly a strange departure to see but it might work out well, there will certainly be more creative avenues to take that might own or suck or somewhere between. Who knows!!
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Great news (both drummer being back and vocalist leaving), by far the most annoying thing about this band were the harsh vocals (everything after Portal of I). I am not saying the guys technique was bad or anything, but it was incredibly boring to my ears.
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citadel was by far the most annoying about this band
the falloff to that piece of shit album from portal of i must be studied
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I'm studying it as we speak and ancient archeological evidence states that ur opinion is SHIT
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I peer-reviewed Dedes' work and came to the same conclusion
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Am here to add a third expert opinion to the same conclusion as Dedes.
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I might be stupid but I thought Citadel was their best album?
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Not stupid, it is.
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it was my album of the 2010s in a close one with Winters Gate and Pelagial
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My eyes merged two news titles that were close together and I somehow managed to read this as 'Xenoyr leaves Jonas Brothers'
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Jonas brothers never recovering now
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