Honestly I kinda fuck with it. Solid track.
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The song itself is good but also a tad too familiar, sounding like a condensed combination of Luna and Black Brick. I'm more hyped about how tight they sound and the production, not to mention George's vocals sounding more relentless than ever.
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why does this band insist on naming every last thing they make by wandering into their nearest middle class home decor store and fingerpointing every bougie product description in sight
someone sponsor them for a competent interior designer and new taste in everything
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Frances the Mute ahh album cover
Song/video rules. Very excited for the album!
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Paul Banks ? Im hoping for Heimlich Maneuver vibes
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Very good song.
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I very much dig. That part around 2 mins is delightful
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I loved all their albums including the last, it was a really well done, but the screaming vocals and heavy riffs needed to come back. This was excellent.
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this has been a bountiful deafheaven season indeed. i am so excited to hear the rest of this album, you have no idea.
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Fucking awesome track. I am by no means a hater on Infinite Granite; it was very tasteful and well done and I still spin it quite a bit... but this band pulls off this type of intensity way too well to not make it the cornerstone of their sound.
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Song is phenomenal, can't wait for the record.
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This is a straight up 90s second wave bm sounding track and I LOVE IT DAMN.
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Fuck yes. Second half of the song goes hard. Expectations: high.
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I think a lot of peeps are just happy to hear them do metal again
I did personally want a full album in Black Brick style and this may be it.
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where the FUCK did this come from
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Yeah this is good
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definitely a slapper, fantastic song!!!
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Back to the screaming thank god. Stunning track, almost has an early 2000s posthardcore thrice/thursday thing going on w the riffs
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Got used to a Deafheaven song not being 7+ minutes long so yeah, it straight up slaps.
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This is the closest to straight BM I can remember hearing from these guys
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Maybe they'll actually top the first two minutes of Brought to the Water finally
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Very enjoyable tune m/
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alright we're back baby
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It's alright
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Damn, that was excellent! Thank god their doing the heavy stuff again, or at least hopefully and this isn't just a random one off track.
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too short but in the context of the album (more tracks) i don't think that should matter that much if the rest are similarly-lengthed.
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Roads to Judah >
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"Roads to Judah >"
truest shit i ever read
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judah is their best album tho so that goes without saying
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Fuck yeah there’s a sequel to Pecan Tree.
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tunnel of orange trees
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They just announced a tour with Gatecreeper. That is a very Sputnik-esque pairing and I’m here
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Melodic, brutal, and… concise. I like it.
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As much as I like the return to the brutal blackgaze sound, I really hope there are some Mombasa-esque stuff on this new album. I need more Mombasa.
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I'm most excited to see Trauma Ray on their next tour, love me some solid shoegaze.
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I really liked Infinite Granite but this is quite exciting.
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Tried to give their last album a shot because it was getting a lot of hype and it didn't click at all. Will see if this one does.
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Wow, song is a banger, need to check out the album now
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that was quite good yeah
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fuck yea this was sick as hell
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At first this was sounding like a "We have Deafheaven at home" situation but the entire back half of that track is absolute peak.
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Good song
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Good tune
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Good ditty
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Good good
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New song is one of their best tracks so far. Actually hyped for this new album.
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Its very very good.
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I have not been able to stop listening to Magnolia. Best song in years.
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oh wow paul banks feature that absolutely rules
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