The owner of Green Leafe Café in Williamsburg, Virginia, Glenn Gormley, claims he has been receiving death threats after being blamed by some fans for the incident.
hahahahahahahahaThis Message Edited On 05.12.07
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Wow, I'm sure glad I saw them two days before this madness.
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Hopefully they die and that cafe owner gets a trophy.
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this band sucks 
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MCR and Muse suck.
Big time.
Ofc, it is only my opinion...
This article was really funny though.
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"Hopefully they die and that cafe owner gets a trophy"
their (MCR) music is total crap. just high-pitched pretentious 'singing'/screaming over the ugliest guitars i've ever heard; sound like f*ckin violins infected with emo crapness.
This Message Edited On 05.12.07
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Muse are okay. :/
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Ha ha ha ha funny to hear.
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If I worked in that cafe I would have likely served them bad food as well.
and everyone above - dont talk smack about Muse 
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MCR have some really devoted fans.
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^^ In other words, they're all psychotic....Well, either this or cut themselves.
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Haha now that they aren't dead they'll probably write a song about salmonella poisoning. That would be somethingto see
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Definitly not something to hear though...then again what is something to hear by them?
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heh, it never specifies who's fans it was.
coulda been those wacky muse fans.
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their (MCR) music is total crap. just high-pitched pretentious 'singing'/screaming over the ugliest guitars i've ever heard; sound like f*ckin violins infected with emo crapness.
WOW you sound real informed.
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get muse to safety and then the owner should sacrifice himself and poison mcr for the good of mankind.
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"Basically what he's saying is you're a moron."
I know your intention was good, but i really don't need your help to figure out what he's saying.This Message Edited On 05.12.07
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^^ True Dat
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fans are so fucking rediculous sometimes
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my chemical death threat is a fucking kickass band name. if i ever joined a band i would call them that.
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Yea but emos brought it on themselves. They are they ones singing about that crap.
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If you mean those with depression/suicidal tendencies, then yes i believe they are not to be called emo....but this isn't about them, this is about a band we all like to make fun of, so get your fill while you can, and by the way i wasn't the only one who referred to the word "emo" so thanks for singling me out....thanks.
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This is fucking weak!!!
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Yea but emos brought it on themselves. They are they ones singing about that crap.
Thats the shit we're talking about. It's like talking to a brick wall.
And planewreq was making a statement towards everyone who comes here and makes these stupid fuckin emo comments. That would include you tinathefatlard.
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I've read a lot of MCR and other "emo" band lyrics, and they really do bring it upon themselves. If they dont want people to stereotype them then they should stop singing like theyre asking for it.
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^^^ Agreed.
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I've read a lot of MCR and other "emo" band lyrics, and they really do bring it upon themselves. If they dont want people to stereotype them then they should stop singing like theyre asking for it.
People these days... so ignorant.
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I think our definitions of "emo" are different. Emotional music, in my opinion, can be written quite often by bands that aren't "emo." I really dont find anything wrong with bands singing about how their hearts are broken or whatnot, thats "emotional." Bands labeled as "emo," in general, make me laugh. MCR included.
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There is a right and a wrong definition of emo. I'll give you a second to figure out the right one.
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It doesnt matter. If you mean "emo" like just plain emotional stuff, thats one thing. Any band can therefore write an "emo" song. Im talking about that increasingly popular trend for people to start listening to bands like MCR and make their lyrics a part of their life. Ive seen it pollute the minds of lots of people. Im not pinpointing anybody on this site, but Im saying that of all the fans of emo bands, sadly, the ones that cut themselves and pride on being this nonconformist group are the ones that speak the loudest. I have friends who listen to MCR that cant stand those crazy kids, and theyre pulled into the stereotype that a lot of these emo kids bring upon themselves.
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i'd advise you to stop talking before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.
You should have taken chan's advice.This Message Edited On 05.13.07
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mynamesischan, if you know what emo is, could you explain it?
Also even though I really can't stand MCR's music (whether they're emo or not), food poisioning them for not liking their music is really, really low.
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if a song is emotional, that doesn't make it "emo." every ****ing song ever written is emotional to some extent.
We're not talking about ANY song...of course all songs have emotions one way or the other but what we are talking about right here are the band's whose lyrics beg for someone to shoot them in the head because they are drowning in a pool of misery, etc. This Message Edited On 05.13.07
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if a song is emotional, that doesn't make it "emo." every ****ing song ever written is emotional to some extent.
I know. Im trying to differrentiate the meaning of emo im getting at. Some people like to argue that "emo" is strictly just emotional. Im not talking about that at all.
where the hell are you getting this "cutting" ****? Not from the people that cut themselves, obviously, but probably from people like you that generalize
Actually.... no. you speak as if its impossible to come across someone who cuts themselves. I have f'cking neighbors who do it. People in my school. They classify themselves proudly as emo kids.
If these lyrics speak to someone, more power to them. Music is supposed to connect to people and make them feel certain ways, and if MCR is doing that for someone, who are you to critisize it?
Thats different if the lyrics speak to someone. I get touched by songs every day. But if someone takes the meaning of lyrics too literally to the point where they focus their life around it, I think thats ridiculous. Not only in emo, but in any case of music. I think its awful every time someone writes "666" on a church after litsening to slayer. its the same concept.
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we are talking about right here are the band's whose lyrics beg for someone to shoot them in the head because they are drowning in a pool of misery, etc.
I guess your just pulling shit out of thin air now because no bands do that, especially MCR. Really have you people ever listened to MCR or bands you people say are "emo"? Because it sounds like you don't and you hate on them just to seem cool.
Opeth sings about death and depression all the time. Yet do people go around saying that Opeth are "emo" and "depressed"?
Completly true.This Message Edited On 05.13.07
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You guys are completely missing my point. And I didnt contradict myself, I was clarifying what aspect of emo I was arguing about. Its my opinion that a lot of people brand themselves as emo. They pathetically try to imitate their favorite artists, and quite often live their life by it. MCR fans included. This group of people brings a lot of criticism upon themselves because they try to be so drastically different than anything else. You cant deny that a large portion of music fans lean toward this trend, and quite often in the emo genre.
Now, Im not for the "hey emo kids r gay cuz they cut themselvez" criticism, but there are way too many people that sadly bring it upon themselves.
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If you go back to my first comment in this pointless argument you might actually notice that the entire point I was making is that people like this bring it upon themselves. I really dont worry about what someone wears or how they style their hair. They can do whatever's comfortable with them. I think its a little retarded (in my own opinion of course) when kids, specifically young teenagers, attempt at making a statement with their appearance. It doesnt affect me, but I think its pointless at the same time and thats why a lot of people tend to criticize them. And, more than often, the statement they make is directly tied to music.
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Well, yeah, they bring it on themselves in the same way that rape victims bring it on themselves by being women.
I dont know why but my quote came out saying soemthing weird.This Message Edited On 05.13.07
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Plath is right, a few of the users here need to think about what they are posting.
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Well, yeah, they bring it on themselves in the same way that rape victims bring it on themselves by being women.
Rape victims can change the fact that theyre women though. People who dress flamboyantly and intentionally try to bring attention to themselves dont exactly have to. Its their call and power to them if they want to, but my point is that people will criticize them based on that. Im not saying I support that criticism, Im just pointing it out that it happens.
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I would just like to recognize chan's PWN! on somefatlardperson. That was extremely enjoyable.
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Bfhurricane, your argument is going nowhere so just drop it.
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"I would just like to recognize chan's PWN! on somefatlardperson. That was extremely enjoyable."
I second this motion. Emo sterotypes are hilarious and completely unfounded.
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if you really don't like MCR, then please don't whine about it and waste your time. also, please learn how to use grammar people.
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