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Attack of the Clones

Rewatching this as an adult is the biggest disappointment. This should be the pinnacle of the prequel trilogy, a huge and epic affair. Instead we get the worst dialogue in the whole series, a nonsensical storyline and a borefest. So George, you're telling me all the original stormtroopers were actually clones of Boba Fett's "dad". Ok cool story George. Not only that but Obi Wan is the biggest retard this side of Nar Shadda. You were sent to hunt down Boba Fett's dad for trying to kill a Republic senator and it sent you to an army of clones of that very dude...and the Jedi are all like yup, seems good. And these are the more celebrated scenes; we then get the infamous Naboo shitstorm which I won't even go to, and while we're at it the side-scroller in Bowser's Castle is boring as hell, and Count Dooku is the dumbest most pointless villain in the whole series. Not even Clone Wars could save that character. 2/10 thanks for the memes George
11No Doubt
Rock Steady

The Phantom Menace

The only reason this is above Attack of the Clones is because at least you can ignore this one since it's basically pointless. In all seriousness, while this one is slightly less outright stupid and offensive as Clones, it makes up for it with boring exposition, boring action scenes and boring dialogue. At least Jar Jar keeps things slightly alive cos this film is a cadaver otherwise. The idea of the "Phantom" Menace is ok and as a kid I was ok with the make-believe politics that made me feel like this was some serious business, but this movie is basically the perfect Boxing Day-afternoon flick to fall asleep to full of prunes and yorkshire pudding. Also Duel of the Fates is cool. 3/10
10Billy Idol
Vital Idol

The Last Jedi

Jesus christ. From the moment of that terrible yo mama joke I was worried. Yeah this movie is basically another snore-fest. I could be more forgiving of a more art-housey Star Wars film if it wasn't meant to be the 2nd movie of a trilogy and a direct sequel to Force Awakens, but this movie does itself no favours with its tone-killing humour, weird pacing, and boring and illogical story. TFA also had an issue with failing to really set-out the political and galactic context of its new universe but this movie suffers it even worse. I get this movie is trying to be "subversive" but even after its incessant yapping as to the fact it still ends up exactly where it began, shitting on both its prequel and its sequel in the process. Rian man, some of just want a fun Star Wars film. This is mostly on Disney for planning the trilogy terribly though. Some cool set-pieces and Luke's semi-interesting arc can't save this boring trainwreck. 3/10
9Young Thug
So Much Fun

Rise of Skywalker

For the record every film up to and including this one is roughly exchangeable and I tolerate them each differently in different months. This movie is definitely the anti-Last Jedi. Found that movie boring? Well there's too much shit crammed into this one to be bored. Hated Last Jedi Luke? No problem. Hated everything to do with Rey? No problem. Hated Rose? Who the fuck is that Disney asks. The storyline is mind-boggling stupid and full of holes, the music is even worse arranged than in the Last Jedi, there are so many different new characters introduced it ends up feeling like that episode of Rick and Morty. It's hard to respect this movie at all when it stinks of meddling by corporate reactionaries, to the point this movie is basically a cyborg husk of a Star Wars movie, but at least it's not as boring as the previous 3 entries. If The Phantom Menace and Last Jedi are rohypnol and Clones is alcohol then this is most probably crystal meth. 3/10

Rogue One

Wow another fucking snorefest. Probably the most overrated Star Wars movie. Characterisation is in the dirt; there are no characters. The most interesting main character is literally the droid. Pacing for the first 2/3 of the movie is really off as well with a pretty basic story. The final third of the movie is basically what made the movie's name imo, with probably the best looking space-battle I've ever seen, but then it could've just been uploaded to Youtube as a 40 minute short and it would get the same job done. 5/10
7John Williams
Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Revenge of the Sith

It pains me to put this so low cos its highlights rank up there with the best moments in the entire saga, but man, the dialogue just ruins it and the quality just isn't sustained enough for such an important moment in the Skywalker story. Until the fateful final season of GoT the rise of Vader was probably the most laughably unbelievable fall to evil ever depicted on screen. Some of the set-pieces are cool but still the story feels pretty telegraphed. Dooku is still lame, Grievous is lame, everything is just a bit lame. Film still holds a special place in my heart for being the first Star Wars I saw in the cinema but these days I really have to be in the mood for it. 6/10
6The Plot in You

Return of the Jedi

Depending on the day I might place this below RotS. This movie gets by on nostalgia imo, and a bare selection of highlights, much like RotS. The opening set-piece on Tattooine is cool, as is the stuff with Luke and Vader later on in the movie. Other than that there isn't much to write home about. Han is lame as is often pointed out, the Ewoks are boring and stupid as is always pointed, as is C3PO who managed to be even more annoying as usual. The movie is just a serviceable finale but little more. 6/10
5Various Artists
Cyberpunk 2077: Radio, Vol. 2


Great movie. Alden Ehrenreich is fantastic as Han Solo, and some solid story-writing crafts a fun and accessible standalone Star Wars movie. Fan-service is done tastefully and the characters including Chewbacca are great. 7/10
DISCO4 :: Part I

The Force Awakens

I loved this movie so much I saw it in the cinema 3 times. A super-fun call back to the OG Star Wars. Kylo Ren is dope, Rey and Finn are great here, as is Poe Dameron. The future looked so bright when this movie came out, reviving the OT visual aesthetic in beautiful fashion, its new characters and the dynamics between old and those new, with enough mystery to hook you into the next movie... Starkiller base is stupid though and I'm kind of annoyed the Rebels just blew Ilum up like it was nothing. I have a few issues with the story and world-building (or lack of) but overall I was just thankful to have a fun nostalgic Star Wars movie. 8/10
3The Weeknd
After Hours

The Mandalorian

Hey kids, want some drugs? I got cute gremlins, cute Dads, I got good fan-service, I got wicked cinematography and great writing, ranging from Lucas+ to Tarantino-esque. 9/10
Amusing Her Feelings

Empire Strikes Back

No introductions 10/10
1The New Age
Think Too Much; Feel Too Little

Star Wars 1977

Still the pinnacle of Star Wars for me. Its whimsical vibe is the one constantly chased after by countless Star Wars media. The introduction of Vader is menacing (as a kid terrifying) and Alec Guiness does a fantastic job drawing you into the legend of the Jedi and the force. The visuals, while rudimentary and static compared to Empire, are stunning for its time, and sometimes I just enjoy watching behind the scenes videos on youtube from the making of this film. 10/10
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