Reviews 20 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 116 News Articles 12 Band Edits + Tags 53 Album Edits 58
Album Ratings 1829 Objectivity 81%
Last Active 08-06-22 7:06 am Joined 04-25-13
Review Comments 4,646
| Panzerchrist I meant to respond to this a while ago, but time just got away from me.Really dug your Dissimulator review. Summed up a lot of my personal feelings on the record.Also just glad to see it get a little more traction, as a result. It's a good record. It deserves it.
| Pon Ah will check, luv me some bossa nova metal
| Voivod Have you listened to the new Atrophy album? Nothing new under the sun imho, but extremely solid and well ahead of the contemporary competition.
| Muzz79 Hey man thanks for checking Allegiance. And nice rating coming from a thrash expert