Must have been a personal thing because his drumming was unreal.
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How long until we can make a whole band that only consists of former Slipknot members?
What would they call their band? Left Behind? SlipNOT? All band is gone?
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Band is falling apart. Think it's about time to hang it up.
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They’re doing everything they can to keep Corey from making a Slipknot MuthaFuckin Taylor album
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damn this sucks
i've met jay personally and he's a really sweet guy but between this and against me his passion has to be running out
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"What would they call their band? Left Behind? SlipNOT? All band is gone?"
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Corey Taylor really be doing all this lol
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Cant have someone be competent ay their job and take away attention from the Diva . Guess we will have to wait to hear what patron music magazine artist saint Corey taylor jas to say about this after he stops felalating himself
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^ he’ll probably say “got any water?”
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Not surprised if Corey and Clown are downsizing financial liabilities for Slipknot’s legacy phase
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I mean imho they’ve been legacy for a decade but still
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I guess they were tired of the gallop rythms they have cornered themselves into the last two albums especially. It worked on We are not your Kind but it got old.
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The post was taken down on their IG now.
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Another casualty at the hands of Corey and Clown. Guarantee it. Between this, those terrible overpriced “maggot” masks, and the entire last album…band needs to be done. This shit all sucks.
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They just hate drummers
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Bring in Brooks Wackerman. His style and ingenuity would definitely fit let them do what made them so good with their first three albums
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I think Taylor Swift can probably handle the gig
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He's better than they deserve at this point.
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all that was left was a little green blob on his drum seat
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Band is so dumb
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Corey Taylor is a grade-A harmony destroyer
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"Bring in Brooks Wackerman. His style and ingenuity would definitely fit let them do what made them so good with their first three albums"
nah brooks can stay playing to the same crowds for better money while having more creative freedom all without having to wear a gimp suit in a7x
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$$$$$$ thing as always
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95% of the time people are in and out of your favorite bands the same reason people are in and out of selling life insurance— money
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they should hire billy rymer. also don't feel like this is the end of the band but from all the other interviews leading up to this it seemed like they were taking at least a year break or so before another tour, so other members could do their solo stuff. jay doesnt have any solo gigs i'm aware of sooo probably just didn't wanna get benched for a year+. surprised at the fan response on twitter though i remember the general consensus of doubt when he was first revealed.
i'm also curious about a slimmed down lineup of slipknot, it's kind of impressive how long all the departing members lasted in a 9dude band.
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Oh man, Rhymer would be pretty interesting in that band. If they could bring back even Vol 3 levels of aggression it'd be pretty awesome.
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what's Chris Adler doing these days?
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Oh dear, it is CMFT Cant Be Stopped all over again
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Nickelback has equal metal cred as Slipknot in 2023. Side of a bullet bay bay
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I think Nickelback has more overall cred than Slippyknot at this point. NB’s re-evaluation is going well, Slipknot’s is like someone scratched their nuts and sniffed their fingers
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eh whatever
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shit band, who cares
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'all that was left was a little green blob on his drum seat'
nice one xD
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At the end of the day, even 2 people with minor differences working together over the course of 2+ decades can cause major issues/drama. It's no surprise than in a group as large as Slipknot, you were eventually going to start seeing stuff like this.
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weinberg out deez nutz
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I know Krimh tried to get the gig when Joey left, given his background with Decapitated and SepticFlesh he definitely has the credentials to push Slipknot in a more extreme direction again.
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I would actually give them a whirl if Krimh joined
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Well Mike Mangini is free now
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band will never make another s/t, no point being invested tbh
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Should pack it up yeah, had a good run
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Slipknot isn't even a band anymore, it's an LLC with a probable questionable revenue split. Clown and CMT probably hog a lion's share of the money this band generates.
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I have a lot of respect for this band, some years ago they were one of those bands that led me to more extreme genres and they did a couple of great records.
It is that same respect that makes me say that it's time to close shop, before they completely ruin their legacy.
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Slipknot lol
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Feeling like a waste management receptacle the way they've been abusing me since 2004 tbh
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Not suprised, the internal unity of the band has been fractured since Paul Gray's death.
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To balance the negativity, I had a wholesome Slipknot moment last week. A coworker was telling me about going to see Cypress Hill last year and being nervous about seeing Slipknot because he's not a metalhead (also very short with long dreadlocks, definitely not a mosher) but he ended up having a blast
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Chris Fehn recently said in an interview how miserable he was starting to feel in the band prior to his exit without (obviously) going into any detail, but regardless with Joey, Chris and Jay being fired and Craig wanting out there's little reason to doubt this band being a shitshow at the moment.
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Sucks, they were one of my favorite live bands before Craig was out.
They don't deserve Jay at this point. Too good a dude, too good a drummer. Don't think they could have done a better job replacing Joey.
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Not sure I want them to hang it up, though. They're kind of an institution, for better or worse. The modern-era Kiss.
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they have run their course and then some
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Slipknot is an absolute revolving door at this point. Sad to see, especially considering how close they all seemed to be.
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ye remember when they used to pride themselves on all sticking together. now Corey and the Clown man want everything to themselves.
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Till We Die has lost all meaning hasn't it
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His drumming on Grey Chapter actually blew my mind, he did an amazing job at copying Joey. Wasn't the same, but he made a valiant effort
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Clown’s son taking over drumming duties I bet.
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i will drum for slipknot
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the Ship of Slipknot kinda beat
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guess after 10 years he wanted some stake and instead got the boot
but there's also a slipknot drum tech on insta saying he couldn't play. Although that tech is bringing up triggering the kicks like it's a bad thing bad drummers do which is plain wrong
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I don't trust a drum tech still blowing Slipknot's pipe. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone else who would offer the smooth-brained opinion that Jay Weinberg can't play drums.
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can't wait to see which better band hires him
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nu metal giveth and nu metal taketh
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I have no trouble believing egos are running wild in Slipknot, but I've also heard a fair amount about how Weinberg is difficult to work with. I forget who, but years ago someone in Against Me posted on social media after he was kicked out and listed all of the demands and inconveniences they had to deal with while he was in the band. Sounded like he was making it the Jay Weinberg show. I mean they even responded to him with pictures of a drum machine on social media when he announced he was out of the band. All of this is to say Slipknot may be a band of egotists, but Weinberg may be very well be one himself. Sort of an "Everyone Sucks Here" scenario imo
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You better be a dickhead to survive a decade with Corey "mf" Taylor.
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Band is jokes
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Insert mandatory Lars Ulrich replacement joke here
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tomas haake should join
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I support anyone who would oppose Cory Taylors creative input in the 2020s. His solo career is the 2nd coming of Kid Rock.
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"I support anyone who would oppose Cory Taylors creative input in the 2020s. His solo career is the 2nd coming of Kid Rock."
Honestly Corey might be worse. Kid Rock at least seems somewhat self-aware.
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I think Jay's style held them back least as much a band could be 23 years in. I think it's also the reason why their live setlists have barely changed. I dunno if he can any of the real Joey type shit
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Def comes off like Jay wasn't anticipating it, and I think that's a bullshit move, tbh. Unless someone's a totally insufferable dick, you give them a heads-up.
The culture where bosses can fire employees on the spot but employees have to give 2 weeks notice has a lot to do with "bosses" in bands shitting on their own legacy.
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I doubt it has to do with his abilities considering he isn't a primary songwriter for the band. Again, that defaults to the "actual" Slipknot members *eyeroll*
You could even make an argument that the band was holding Jay back simply because of their reliance on the same formula. Not incorporating other ideas into the band from other bandmates just insulates them from critique or change.
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Yeah their songwriting has been shit lately if anything he helped spice things up
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Can’t find Jay’s Instagram now. He delete?
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Can’t find Jay’s Instagram now. He delete?
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Wtf happened to this band? Absolute clown show in recent years.
Imagine getting rid of the most interesting part of your sound post gray era
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Would be cool if we got some actual answers from Jay or Slipknot.
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It has literally been the clown's show for recent years lol
God this band's schtick is so juvenile. Do Mushroomhead go this hard with their gimmick?
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does conan still have the max weinberg 7?
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folks slipknot has always been lame, i get they were a lot of peoples first metal band but thats just cause your parents didnt love you enough to have black sabbath in the house
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okay boomer
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i actually had vol 3 the subliminal verses on compact disc (remember those?) when it came out. piece of fuckin crap
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it must've sounded terrible on your RV speakers
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a warped cassette copy of idaho might sound like a metal band if you squinted real hard
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for those who don't know Clown's son is gonna be his replacement. Currently playing in a band called Vended who sound just like Slipknot.
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"for those who don't know Clown's son is gonna be his replacement."
Is that official or just speculation?
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Isn’t that the band Corey’s son does vocals in? Are Corey’s and Clown’s kids seriously in a band together? ffs they’re gonna ruin that one too
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Guys, it’s actually me. I’m replacing the drummer and Clown. I start on Monday
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Ringo will be the new drummer.
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>a warped cassette copy of idaho might sound like a metal band if you squinted real hard
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haha i thought that was funny too man
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hope they replace him with Max Weinberg
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They should do themselves a favour and call it quits...
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He released a statement i saw this morning and apparently he found out tje same day they announced the news. Which is an insanely dick move
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yeah, band are a joke at this point. weinberg was literally one of the strongest aspects of the band post joey and paul.
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anyone else's youtube absolutely flooded with 15-20 minute youtube videos about how slipknot is dead???
pretty shocked people are treating this like such a big deal. jay was always a fill-in. they'll find a capable replacement and continue as if nothing happened lol
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"band are a joke at this point"
so you're telling me that there was a time when this band wasn't a joke?...
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Ok, next. Boycott KNOTFEST and throw "JUST RETIRING SLIPKNOT NAME ALREADY" sign right to corey face.
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