Average Rating: 3.61 Rating Variance: 0.70 Objectivity Score: 74% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAlice in Chains DirtAlice in Chains Jar of FliesAvenged Sevenfold Waking The FallenAvenged Sevenfold Life Is But A Dream...Birds in Row We Already Lost the WorldBrand New Science FictionChelsea Wolfe AbyssChelsea Wolfe Pain Is BeautyChelsea Wolfe She Reaches Out to She Reaches Out to Sheis anyone shocked this is incredible? Shes been on fire for like 15 years lol Bow to the fucking QueenConverge All We Love We Leave BehindConverge Jane DoeConverge You Fail Me ReduxDangers AngerDanzig Danzig II: LucifugeDaughters You Won't Get What You WantDead Prez Let's Get FreeDeafheaven SunbatherDeathspell Omega KenoseDeathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem AeternumDeathspell Omega ParacletusDeftones Koi No YokanEvery Time I Die RadicalFoxing Nearer My GodFoxing FoxingGaza I Don't Care Where I Go When I DieGenghis Tron Board Up the HouseGhost (SWE) MelioraGorguts Colored SandsGravediggaz 6 Feet DeepJPEGMAFIA VeteranKendrick Lamar To Pimp a ButterflyKing Woman Celestial BluesKnocked Loose A Tear in the Fabric of LifeNas IllmaticNeurosis The Eye Of Every StormNine Inch Nails The FragileNine Inch Nails The Downward SpiralOathbreaker RheiaPig Destroyer Phantom LimbPoppy EAT (NXT Soundtrack)Queensryche Operation: MindcrimeRefused The Shape Of Punk To ComeRun the Jewels RTJ4Shin Guard 2020State Faults Children of the MoonStatic Dress Rouge Carpet DisasterTeam Sleep Team SleepThe Armed Only LoveThe Dillinger Escape Plan DissociationThe Dillinger Escape Plan Ire WorksThe Drones I See SeaweedThe Notorious B.I.G. Ready to DieTouche Amore Stage Four4.5 superb'68 Two Parts Viper.Crrust Pain Is A Mere Sensation156/Silence Undercover ScumbagAgoraphobic Nosebleed/Converge The Poacher DiariesAlice in Chains Live FaceliftAlice in Chains Black Gives Way to BlueAlice in Chains Alice in ChainsAlice in Chains MTV UnpluggedAltar of Plagues Teethed Glory and InjuryAmenra Mass VIAt the Drive-In Relationship of CommandAvenged Sevenfold The StageAvenged Sevenfold NightmareBackxwash HIS HAPPINESS SHALL COME FIRST...Bad Meets Evil Hell: The SequelBetter Lovers God Made Me an AnimalBirds in Row You, Me, and the ViolenceBirds in Row Audiotree LiveBirds in Row Gris KleinBlack Flag My WarBlack Fucking Cancer Procreate InverseBlack Sabbath Master Of RealityBlack Sabbath DehumanizerBlack Sabbath Heaven And HellBlindfolded and Led to the Woods Nightmare WithdrawalsBlood Command Cult DrugsBotch We Are the RomansBrand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside MeBrand New DaisyBrutus (BE) NestCap'n Jazz AnalphabetapolothologyCarcass Symphonies of SicknessCarcass Necroticism: Descanting the InsalubriousChat Pile God's CountryChelsea Wolfe Hiss SpunChelsea Wolfe Unknown Rooms: A Collection of Acoustic SongsChelsea Wolfe Live At Roadburn 2012Chris Cornell Chris CornellCity of Caterpillar City of CaterpillarCity of Caterpillar Mystic SistersCloset Witch ChiaroscuroCloud Rat Do Not Let Me off the CliffCloud Rat PollinatorCloud Rat MokshaCloud Rat Do Not Let Me Off The Cliff (Deluxe Edition)Cloud Rat Cloud Rat ReduxCloud Rat ThresholdCoarse ICobalt Slow ForeverCobalt GinCode Orange Love Is Love // Return To DustColin Stetson HereditaryConjurer IConjurer MireConjurer PathosConverge Jane LiveConverge Axe to FallConverge You Fail MeConverge Petitioning The Empty SkyConverge I Can Tell You About PainConverge Thousands of Miles Between UsConverge The Dusk in UsConverge Bloodmoon: IConverge The Poacher Diaries ReduxCove CoveCremations Dissolution of BalanceCrippling Alcoholism With Love From a Padded RoomCult of Luna and Julie Christmas MarinerCursed IIDanzig Danzig III: How The Gods KillDanzig DanzigDaughters DaughtersDavid Arnold Casino RoyaleDeafheaven New BermudaDeafheaven Ordinary Corrupt Human LoveDeafheaven Black BrickDeath SymbolicDeath The Sound of PerseveranceDeathspell Omega The Furnaces of PalingenesiaDeathspell Omega DroughtDeathspell Omega Veritas Diaboli Manet in AeternumDeathspell Omega Mass Grave AestheticsDeftones GoreDeftones Diamond EyesDeftones Saturday Night WristDeftones White PonyDeftones Around the FurDeftones OhmsDenzel Curry TA13OODenzel Curry Melt My Eyez See Your FutureDer Weg Einer Freiheit NoktvrnDown NOLADrive Like Jehu Yank Crimedrive your plow over the bones of the dead Tragedy as CatharsisEarl Sweatshirt SolaceElliott False CathedralsEmployed To Serve The Warmth Of A Dying SunEND/Cult Leader Gather and MournEnvy The Fallen CrimsonEthel Cain PervertsEvery Time I Die Low TeensEvery Time I Die From Parts UnknownEvery Time I Die New Junk AestheticEvery Time I Die Hot Damn!Failure In The Future Your Body Will Be The Furthest Thing From Your Mindfor your health/Shin Guard Death of SpringFoxing Draw Down the MoonFoxing Live at the GrandelFrail Body Artificial BouquetFrontierer OxidizedFrontierer The Skull Burned Wearing Hell...Full of Hell Weeping ChoirFull of Hell Trumpeting EcstasyFull of Hell Coagulated BlissAlbum slams ass, is anyone surprised at this point?Full of Hell and Merzbow Full of Hell and MerzbowFull of Hell and Nothing When No Birds SangFull of Hell/Code Orange SplitGaerea MirageGatherers " ( mutilator. ) "Gaza No Absolutes in Human SufferingGel (USA-NJ) Only ConstantGenghis Tron Cloak of LoveGhost (SWE) Opus EponymousGhost (SWE) Seven Inches Of Satanic PanicGhost (SWE) ImperaGorguts Pleiades' DustGospel The Moon Is a Dead WorldGospel The LoserGospel MVDM: Magick Volumes Of Dark MadderGouge Away , DiesGreg Puciato Child Soldier: Creator of GodGreg Puciato Fuck ContentGreg Puciato 11/11/22: Los AngelesGreg Puciato MirrorcellGreyhaven This Bright and Beautiful WorldGreyhaven Stereo GriefGustavo Santaolalla The Last of Us OSTGustavo Santaolalla The Last of Us Part II OSTHermit and the Recluse Orpheus vs. The SirensHighly Suspect Mister AsylumHorrendous IdolHorrendous AnaretaHorrendous Ontological MysteriumImperial Triumphant Vile LuxuryImperial Triumphant AlphavilleImperial Triumphant An Evening with Imperial TriumphantInsignificant Other i'm so glad i feel this way about you!Integrity Humanity is the DevilJeromes Dream PresentsJeromes Dream The Gray In BetweenJerry Cantrell Degradation Trip Volumes 1 & 2Joyce Manor Joyce ManorJPEGMAFIA All My Heroes Are CornballsJPEGMAFIA I Lay Down My Life For YouJPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown Scaring the HoesJulie Christmas Ridiculous and Full of BloodKendrick Lamar GNXKendrick Lamar good kid, m.A.A.d cityKendrick Lamar untitled unmastered.King Woman Created in the Image of SufferingKnocked Loose You Won't Go Before You're Supposed ToLingua Ignota Sinner Get ReadyLittle Simz Sometimes I Might Be IntrovertLittle Simz No Thank YouLoma Prieta I.V.Loma Prieta LastMad Season Above (Deluxe Edition)Madvillain MadvillainyMarmozets The Weird and Wonderful MarmozetsMaruja Connla's WellMegadeth Rust In PeaceMelted Bodies Enjoy YourselfMetallica ...And Justice For AllMetallica Master Of PuppetsMetallica Live Shit: Binge & Purgemeth. Mother of Red LightMethwitch IndwellMidwife (USA) LuminolNapalm Death Apex Predator - Easy MeatNight Verses Lift Your ExistenceNine Inch Nails BrokenNine Inch Nails StillNirvana In UteroNorma Jean RedeemerNorma Jean WrongdoersOathbreaker Eros|AnterosOathbreaker MaelstromOathbreaker Audiotree SessionsObscure Sphinx EmovereThis shit is fuckin tight, glad to have these guys backOpeth DamnationParamore This Is WhyPhoebe Bridgers PunisherPig Destroyer TerrifyerPig Destroyer Prowler in the YardPlebeian Grandstand False Highs, True LowsPoppy Negative SpacesPortrayal of Guilt Suffering is a GiftPortrayal of Guilt We Are Always AlonePortrayal of Guilt ChristfuckerPortrayal of Guilt Devil MusicPortrayal of Guilt/Soft Kill SplitPupil Slicer MirrorsPupil Slicer BlossomQueens of the Stone Age Rated RQueensryche Operation: LivecrimeQueensryche Rage For OrderRage Against the Machine Rage Against the MachineRid Of Me Access To The LonelyRolo Tomassi GrievancesRolo Tomassi Time Will Die And Love Will Bury ItRoman Candle (USA-NV) Discount FireworksRun the Jewels Run the Jewels 2Serpent Column Mirror In DarknessSerpent Column Endless DetainmentSilver Snakes SaboteurSkeletonwitch Devouring Radiant LightSmidley Here Comes The DevilSoundgarden SuperunknownSoundgarden BadmotorfingerSunny Day Real Estate DiarySunny Day Real Estate How It Feels To Be Something OnSvartidaudi Revelations of the Red SwordSystem of a Down ToxicitySystem of a Down MezmerizeTeam Sleep Woodstock Sessions, Vol. 4Thantifaxath Hive Mind NarcosisThe Armed UntitledThe Armed Young & BeautifulThe Armed Spreading JoyThe Armed UltrapopThe Callous Daoboys Celebrity TherapistThe Chariot One WingThe Cure DisintegrationThe Cure Songs of a Lost WorldThe Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the KillerThe Dillinger Escape Plan Option ParalysisThe Dillinger Escape Plan Miss MachineThe Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating InfinityThe Dillinger Escape Plan Irony Is a Dead SceneThe Drones Feelin Kinda FreeThe Gits Frenching the BullyThe HIRS Collective We're Still HereThe Locust Plague SoundscapesThe Microphones The Glow Pt. 2The Nietzsche The ParnassusThe Ocean PrecambrianThe Smashing Pumpkins Siamese DreamThe Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite SadnessThe Weeknd House of BalloonsThou UmbilicalThou Magusthoughtcrimes Tap Nightthoughtcrimes Misery's A Musethoughtcrimes Altered PastsThrice To Be Everywhere Is to Be NowhereTouche Amore ...To the Beat of a Dead HorseTouche Amore LamentTrap Them Darker HandcraftTropical Fuck Storm BraindropsTropical Fuck Storm A Laughing Death in MeatspaceTyler Bates and Chelsea Wolfe XUnited Nations United NationsVenom Prison SamsaraVenom Prison ErebosVorvan AwakenedWake Devouring RuinWake Thought Form DescentWeezer WeezerWeezer PinkertonWeezer OK HumanWhite Eyes (GER) BeastmodeWhite Lung ParadiseWolves in the Throne Room Primordial ArcanaYashira Fail To BeYautja Songs of Lament4.0 excellent'68 In Humor and Sadness156/Silence People Watching200 Stab Wounds Slave To The ScalpelA.A. Williams As The Moon RestsAgainst Me! Reinventing Axl RoseAgoraphobic Nosebleed ArcAgriculture AgricultureAgrimonia AwakenAlexis Marshall House of Lull. House of WhenAlice in Chains Rainier FogAlice in Chains The Devil Put Dinosaurs HereAlice in Chains FaceliftAll Pigs Must Die Nothing Violates This NatureAll Pigs Must Die All Pigs Must DieAmenra Mass VAmenra Mass IIIIAmenra Mass IIIAmenra De DoornAmerican Nightmare American NightmareAnatomy (US) S/TAnimosity AnimalAntichrist Siege Machine Purifying BladeArchspire Relentless MutationAs Living Arrows Hope and RuinAshenspire Hostile ArchitectureAt the Drive-In In/Casino/OutAt the Gates Slaughter of the Soulatameo it sure is sad to hope for the best while...Avenged Sevenfold City Of EvilAvenged Sevenfold Diamonds In The RoughAvenged Sevenfold Live At The Grammy MuseumAzoic GatewaysBackxwash I LIE HERE BURIED WITH MY RINGS AND MY DRESSESBad Waitress No TasteBeth Gibbons Lives OutgrownBetter Lovers Highly IrresponsibleBillie Eilish Hit Me Hard and SoftBird Eater UtahBirds in Row CollectedBirds in Row and Coilguns You and I in the GapBlack Curse Endless WoundBlack Eyes Black EyesBlack Flag DamagedBlack Midi HellfireBlack Sabbath 13Black Sabbath Mob RulesBlack Sabbath Sabbath Bloody SabbathBlack Sabbath Vol. 4Black Sabbath ParanoidBlindfolded and Led to the Woods Rejecting ObliterationBlood Command Return of the ArsonistBlood Command Funeral BeachBlood Command GhostclocksBoygenius the recordBrutus (BE) BurstBrutus (BE) Unison LifeBruxa Maria The Maddening Caina Setter of Unseen SnaresCalligram AskesisCandy (USA) It's Inside YouCandy (USA) Heaven Is HereCandy (USA) FlippingCaptain Jazz Captain JazzCarcass HeartworkCarcass Surgical SteelCave In JupiterCave In Until Your Heart StopsCave In Heavy PendulumChained to the Bottom of the Ocean Tell Me What You See Vanishing and I Will Tell YouChained to the Bottom of the Ocean Decay and Other Hopes Against ProgressChained to the Bottom of the Ocean Sisyphean CrueltyChamber (USA) A Love to Kill ForChat Pile Remove Your Skin PleaseChelsea Wolfe The Grime And The GlowChelsea Wolfe ApokalypsisChelsea Wolfe Hypnos / FlameChelsea Wolfe UndoneChoir Vandals Darker ThingsCitizen YouthCloser (US) All This Will BeCloud Rat Cloud RatCloud Rat QliphothCloud Rat Blind RiverCloud Rat Discography 2010-2015Coalesce OXCoalesce 0:12 Revolution in Just ListeningCode Orange CyclesCollapsed Skull Eternity Mazecolourblind Move Like YouCommon Sage Closer To;Converge No HeroesConverge When Forever Comes CrashingConverge Unloved and Weeded OutConverge Beautiful RuinConvulsing Engraved Upon Bleached BoneCorrosion of Conformity DeliveranceCounterparts Heaven Let Them DieCove Pig GodCreeping Death Wretched IllusionsCulture Abuse PeachCurl Up and Die The One of Above All, The End of AllCursed ICursed III: Architects of Troubled SleepCursed Blackout At SunriseDanzig Deth Red SabaothDanzig Danzig 4Darkest Hour Godless Prophets and the Migrant FloraDarkher RealmsDarkthrone Astral FortressDavid Bowie BlackstarDC Dark Nights: Death Metal Dark Nights: Death Metal SoundtrackDeath Individual Thought PatternsDeath HumanDeath (USA-MI) ...For the Whole World to SeeDeathspell Omega The Synarchy of Molten BonesDeathspell Omega Si Monvmentvm Reqvires CircvmspiceDeftones DeftonesDemilich NespitheDepartures Death Touches Us, From The Moment We Begin To LoveDer Weg Einer Freiheit FinisterreDeszcz IIIDie Spitz TeethDirect Measure Direct MeasureDispirited Spirits The Redshift BluesDodheimsgard Black Medium CurrentDown Down II: A Bustle in Your HedgerowDown Down III: Over the UnderDr. Dre The ChronicDragged Into Sunlight Hatred For MankindDreamwell In My Saddest Dreams, I Am Beside YouDrug Church CheerDry Socket Sorry For Your LossEazy-E Eazy-Duz-ItEdge of Sanity Crimson IIEdge of Sanity CrimsonEminem The Marshall Mathers LPEmma Ruth Rundle and Thou May Our Chambers Be FullEmma Ruth Rundle/Jaye Jayle The Time Between UsEmployed To Serve Greyer than You RememberEnabler All Hail the VoidEND (USA-NJ) Splinters From An Ever-Changing FaceErdve VaitojimasErdve SavigailaEscuela Grind Memory TheaterEthel Cain Preacher's DaughterEvergarden In LightEvery Time I Die Ex LivesEvery Time I Die The Big DirtyEvery Time I Die SalemExtol Undeceivedeyelet The Devil Shining Out Your EyesEyes (DK) CongratulationsFailure Fantastic PlanetFailure MagnifiedFAIM Your Life And Nothing Elsefallfiftyfeet Twisted World PerspectiveFear Before The Always Open Mouthfeeble little horse Girl With FishFires in the Distance Air Not Meant For UsFleshwater We're Not Here To Be Lovedfor your health Nosebleedsfor your health In Spite OfForeign Hands What's Left UnsaidFoxing The AlbatrossFoxing DealerFoxing The Albatross: Ten YearsFrail Body A Brief MemoriamFrameworks SmotherFrank Iero and The Future Violents Heaven is a Place, This is a PlaceFrontierer UnlovedFucking Invincible It'll Get Worse Before It Gets BetterFucking Invincible I Hate Myself And Want You To DieFull of Hell Roots Of Earth Are Consuming My HomeFull of Hell Rudiments of MutilationFull of Hell Amber Mote In The Black VaultFull of Hell Garden of Burning ApparitionsGaerea Unsettling WhispersGatecreeper An Unexpected RealityGaza He Is Never Coming BackGaza EastGenghis Tron Dead Mountain MouthGhost (SWE) InfestissumamGhost (SWE) Ceremony And DevotionGhost (SWE) Rite Here Rite Now (OMPS)Ghost Spirit HourglassGlass Beach plastic deathGlassing Dire And SulkGlassjaw Material ControlGod Mother MaktbehovGod Mother VilseleddGod Mother SinneseldGodspeed You! Black Emperor No Title as of 13 Feb 2024 28,340 DeadGorgoroth Under the Sign of HellGouge Away Deep SageGreat Falls Objects Without PainHail Spirit Noir Fossil GardensHalsey If I Can’t Have Love, I Want PowerHarlots BetrayerHaunter (USA-TX) ThrinodίaHaunter (USA-TX) Discarnate AilsHEALTH RAT WARSHeavenly Blue We Have The AnswerHesitation Wounds (LA) ChicaneryHesitation Wounds (LA) Hesitation WoundsHis Hero Is Gone The Plot Sickens: Enslavement RedefinedHoplites ΠαραμαινομένηHyperdontia DerangedIce Cube AmeriKKKa's Most WantedIce Cube Death Certificateidle threat Blurred VisionsIDYLLS Prayer for TerreneImperial Triumphant Abyssal GodsIn Flames The Jester RaceIn Flames WhoracleIn Flames Come ClarityIncendiary Change The Way You Think About PainInfant Island Obsidian WreathInitiate Cerebral CircusInside The Beehive Drink Bleach; Live ForeverIntegrity To Die ForIntegrity Those Who Fear TomorrowIntegrity Howling, For the Nightmare Shall ConsumeIntestine Baalism Ultimate InstinctIoanna Gika ThalassaIress SolaceIron Maiden The Book Of Souls: Live ChapterIron Maiden SenjutsuISIS OceanicIsserley Virchow MethodJack White No NameJamie Lenman DevolverJerry Cantrell Boggy DepotJerry Cantrell I Want BloodJoliette Luz de BengalaJoyce Manor Never Hungover AgainJPEGMAFIA Black Ben CarsonJPEGMAFIA LP! (online)JPEGMAFIA Communist Slow JamsJPEGMAFIA EP2!JPEGMAFIA I Lay Down My Life For You (Director's Cut)Julien Baker Sprained AnkleKANGA You And I Will Never DieKEN mode LovedKendrick Lamar Mr. Morale and the Big SteppersKendrick Lamar DAMN.Kicked in the Head by a Horse Sporadic DystrophyKiller Mike R.A.P. MusicKilling The Dream In Place, ApartKing Woman DoubtKnocked Loose Upon Loss SinglesKnoll MetempiricKollapse ArKrallice Porous Resonance AbyssLaster Andermans MijneLera Lynn ResistorLewd Acts Black Eye BluesLingua Ignota CaligulaLola Young This Wasn’t Meant For You AnywayLord Mantis Death MaskLovehoney Devil WomanLovehoney Feelin' No WayLovehoney LovehoneyMajority Rule Interview With David FrostMamaleek Diner CoffeeMamaleek Vida BlueMannequin Pussy I Got HeavenMark Lanegan Whiskey For the Holy GhostMark Lanegan BubblegumMaruja KnocknareaMayhem DaemonMegadeth EndgameMegadeth Countdown To ExtinctionMegadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?Megadeth Killing Is My Business... and Business Is Good!Metallica Death MagneticMetallica Ride The LightningMetallica Beyond Magneticmeth. I Love Youmeth. The Children Are Watchingmeth. ShamemewithoutYou Catch For Us the FoxesMidwife (USA) Prayer HandsMingle Harde Mongol HordeMisfits Static AgeMisfits Famous MonstersMisfits American PsychoMissouri Executive Order 44 Seventeen Dead In Caldwell CountyMissouri Executive Order 44 Salt SermonMol DioramaMoodring Your Light Fades AwayMoose Blood I'll Keep You In Mind, From Time To Timemoreru itsunohini...moreru 粛 粛moreru 消えない / 壊れないMork SyvMortal Incarnation Lunar Radiant DawnMortality Rate Sleep DeprivationMouthBreather (USA-MA) PigMr. Bungle The Raging Wrath Of The Easter BunnyMrs. Piss Self-SurgeryMudvayne L.D. 50Mutoid Man War MoansN.W.A. Straight Outta ComptonNapalm Death Throes of Joy in the Jaws of DefeatismNas King's Disease IIINecrowretch Swords of DajjalNegative Blast Echo PlanetNerver Believer's HitNerver/Chat Pile Brothers In ChristNeurosis A Sun That Never SetsNeurosis Times Of GraceNeurosis Through Silver In BloodNine Inch Nails Not The Actual EventsNine Inch Nails Bad WitchNine Inch Nails Ghosts VI: LocustsNionde Plågan TransformationNO MAN ERASENO MAN Glitter and SpitNocturnal Departure Cathartic Black RitualsNoise Trail Immersion Symbology of ShelterNorma Jean The Anti MotherNorma Jean All HailOh Hiroshima MyriadOld Man Gloom Seminar III: ZozobraOld Man Gloom ChristmasOpeth Blackwater ParkOpeth Still LifeOranssi Pazuzu MuuntautujaOrchid OrchidOrgone (USA-PA) PleromaPagan Black WashPalm (USA-PA) Trading BasicsPanzerfaust The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter IV: To Shadow ZionParamore Brand New EyesParamore Riot!Persefone CorePhoebe Bridgers Stranger in the AlpsPig City Terminal DeclinePig Destroyer Head CagePig Destroyer Book BurnerPig Destroyer 38 Counts of BatteryPig Destroyer Painter of Dead Girls (2024 Remaster)Plebeian Grandstand How Hate is Hard to DefinePlebeian Grandstand Rien ne suffitPool Kids Pool KidsPortrayal of Guilt Portrayal of GuiltPortrayal of Guilt Audiotree LivePredatory Void Seven Keys To The Discomfort of BeingPrimitive Man CausticPrince Daddy and The Hyena Prince Daddy And The HyenaPyrrhon The Mother of VirtuesPyrrhon What Passes for SurvivalPyrrhon ExhaustQrixkuor Poison PalinopsiaQueens of the Stone Age Songs for the DeafQueens of the Stone Age ...Like ClockworkQueensryche Promised LandQueensryche EmpireRage Against the Machine The Battle of Los AngelesRecord Setter I Owe You NothingRegional Justice Center Crime and PunishmentRespire Black LineRespire HiraethRid Of Me TravelingRolo Tomassi Where Myth Becomes MemoryRough Francis Urgent CareRun the Jewels Run the JewelsRun the Jewels Run the Jewels 3Saidan Onryo II: Her Spirit EternalSargeist Let The Devil InScarcity AveilutScreaming Trees DustScreaming Trees Sweet OblivionSeeress The Dream PassesSeeYouSpaceCowboy The Romance of AfflictionSeeYouSpaceCowboy Coup de GrâceSerpent Column KathodosSerpent Column Tassel of AresShedfromthebody AmareShedfromthebody A Dead and Aimless HumShikari Robot WarsShin Guard CerebralShin Guard Five SongsShow Me The Body Dog WhistleSiberian Hell Sounds/Convulsing SplitSmidley SmidleySnail Mail LushSome Girls Heaven's Pregnant TeensSomewhere South of Here Leave Me for the CrowsSOUL GLO Diaspora ProblemsSoundgarden Down on the UpsideSoundtrack (Film) Scott Pilgrim vs. The WorldSpectral Wound A Diabolic ThirstSpectral Wound Songs of Blood and MireSpiritual Beggars Ad AstraSpite House Spite HouseSpotlights SeismicState Faults ClairvoyantStomach Earth Stomach EarthStreet Sects End PositionSuccumb XXISufjan Stevens JavelinSunny Day Real Estate The Rising TideSvffer Lies We LiveSwans To Be KindSYFF The World is YoursSystem of a Down System of a DownSystem of a Down HypnotizeTeethgrinder DystopiaTemple Of Angels Endless PursuitThe Armed Common EnemiesThe Armed Perfect SaviorsThe Armed/ Tharsis They SplitThe Callous Daoboys God Smiles Upon the Callous DaoboysThe Cramps Songs The Lord Taught UsThe Drones The Miller's DaughterThe End (CAN) ElementaryThe Mars Volta De-Loused in the ComatoriumThe Necromancers Servants of the Salem GirlThe Notorious B.I.G. Life After DeathThe Obsessives Heck No, NancyThe Offspring SmashThe Republic of Wolves Why Would Anyone Want To Live This Long?The Supervoid Choral Ensemble Live From the Downwhen TerminusThe Weeknd After HoursThe Weeknd Dawn FMThirty Nights of Violence To Die In Your PortraitThou Rhea SylviaThou A Primer of Holy WordsThou Blessings of the Highest OrderThrice VheissuThrice The Illusion of SafetyTitus Andronicus The MonitorTomb Mold The Enduring SpiritTool LateralusTool ÆnimaTool UndertowTouche Amore Is Survived ByTouche Amore Lament (Demos)Touche Amore Spiral in a Straight LineTragedy VengeanceTrap Them Seizures In Barren PraiseTrap Them Sleepwell DeconstructorTrap Them BlissfuckerTrap Them Crown FeralTropical Fuck Storm Suburbiopia / This Perfect DayTropical Fuck Storm Tropical Fuck Storm's Inflatable GraveyardUmbra Vitae Light of Deathunable to fully embrace this happiness The Morning Sun and the End of the WorldUniform ShameUniform and The Body Everything That Dies Someday Comes BackUnited Nations Never Mind the Bombings, Here's Your Six FiguresUnreqvited DisquietUnreqvited Stars Wept to the SeaVehemence (FRA) OrdaliesVorvan Once Love Was LostVorvan In GloomVowws Under the WorldWake ConfluenceWaltzer Time TravelerWayfarer American GothicWeakling Dead as DreamsWeezer The White AlbumWeezer MaladroitWeezer Everything Will Be Alright in the EndWheeler Walker Jr. Redneck ShitWhirr DistressorWhite Ward Futility ReportWhite Ward Debemur MortiWiegedood There's Always Blood at the End of the RoadWolf Alice Blue WeekendWolf King Loyal to the SoilWormrot HissYautja The LurchYear of the Knife No Love LostZao The Well-Intentioned Virus3.5 great100 Demons In The Eyes Of The Lord2Pac Me Against the World2Pac All Eyez on MeA.A. Williams A.A. WilliamsA.A. Williams Forever BlueA.A. Williams Songs from IsolationAbsent In Body Plague GodAlice in Chains SapAlice in Chains LiveAll Pigs Must Die God Is WarAltarage The Approaching RoarAmia Venera Landscape The Long ProcessionAran Maahan LaskettuArmand Hammer We Buy Diabetic Test StripsArmand Hammer ShrinesASkySoBlack Autumn In the WaterAt the Gates At War with RealityAudioslave AudioslaveAvenged Sevenfold Sounding The Seventh TrumpetAvenged Sevenfold Black ReignAvenged Sevenfold Diamonds In The Rough (Remastered)Azusa Heavy YokeBackxwash God Has Nothing To Do With This Leave Him Out Of IBathe Alone I Don't Do HumidityBell Witch Future's Shadow I: The Clandestine GateBesvarjelsen AtlasBillie Eilish Happier Than EverBlack Sabbath Black SabbathBleed The Dream Built By BloodBlind Girls An Exit ExistsBlood From The Soul DSM-5Blood Incantation Timewave ZeroBlood Incantation Absolute ElsewhereBodyweb train_wreck_simulationBossk Audio NoirBotch American NervosoBotch An Anthology of Dead EndsBoygenius boygeniusBoygenius the restBrand New Deja EntenduBreather Resist CharmerBull of Apis Bull of Bronze Offerings of Flesh and GoldCalligram DemimondeCalvaiire ForcepsCancer Christ God is ViolenceCapra ErrorsCapsule (US) BlueCarcass Torn ArteriesCave In White SilenceChained to the Bottom of the Ocean Obsession DestructionChained to the Bottom of the Ocean Consumed by the Vitriol of LifeChapel of Disease ...And as We Have Seen the StormCharli XCX BratChat Pile This Dungeon EarthChat Pile Cool WorldChelsea Wolfe Birth of ViolenceChelsea Wolfe UnboundChepang SwattaChevelle Sci-Fi CrimesChevelle Wonder What's NextChildish Gambino "Awaken, My Love!"City Hunter Deep BloodCleopatrick the boysCoalesce Functioning on ImpatienceCoalesce Give Them RopeControl Denied The Fragile Art of ExistenceConverge Y2KConverge Halo In A HaystackCouch Slut ContemptCounterparts A Eulogy for Those Still HereCrooked Still Shaken by a Low SoundCrosses CrossesCrosses Initiation / ProtectionDanzig Who Killed Marilyn?Dead Cross Dead CrossDead in the Dirt The Blind HoleDead Poet Society -!-Dead! The Golden Age of Not Even TryingDeafheaven Roads to JudahDeath LeprosyDeath Spiritual HealingDeath Goals A Garden of Dead FlowersDeathless Void Deathless VoidDeathspell Omega Diabolus AbsconditusDeathspell Omega The Long DefeatDenzel Curry ZuuDie Choking IVDivide And Dissolve Gas LitDoctor Smoke The Witching HourDoomriders BLACK THUNDERDoomriders Darkness Come AliveDown Down IV - Part IDustin Kensrue Desert DreamingDying Fetus Make Them Beg for DeathDying Wish Symptoms of SurvivalElwood Stray Gone With the FlowEminem The Slim Shady LPEminem The Eminem ShowEminem The Marshall Mathers LP 2Eminem KamikazeEmma Ruth Rundle On Dark HorsesEmployed To Serve Eternal Forward MotionEnabler Eden Sank to GriefEND (USA-NJ) The Sin of Human FrailtyEntry Exit InterviewEnvy Alnair in AugustEscuela Grind IndoctrinationEvery Time I Die Gutter PhenomenonFeminazgul No Dawn for MenFoie Gras Holy HellFoxtails FawnFrontierer Orange MathematicsFuck It I Quit The Human VirusGhost (SWE) PrequelleGojira From Mars to SiriusGouge Away Swallow b/w SweatGrave Pleasures MotherbloodGreywind AfterthoughtsHarm's Way (USA-IL) IsolationHeilung OfnirHesitation Wounds (LA) Awake For EverythingHoney Revenge RetrovisionHoplites ΨευδομένηHousehold (MN) Everything a River Should BeHow to Care for Flowers For a Brief Moment I Felt the Sun’s Warmth…Hulder Verses In OathImperial Triumphant IncesteIn Flames ColonyIn Flames ClaymanInfant Annihilator The Battle of YaldabaothIntegrity The Blackest CurseJamie Lenman Muscle MemoryJob For A Cowboy Moon HealerJoshua Fit For Battle To Bring Our Own EndJulie Pushing DaisiesKiller Be Killed Reluctant HeroKillswitch Engage Alive or Just BreathingKimbra Primal HeartKing Buffalo Longing To Be The MountainKing Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of...Letters From The Colony VignetteLingua Ignota All Bitches DieLinkin Park Hybrid TheoryLinkin Park MeteoraLittle Simz Drop 7Loathe (UK) I Let It In And It Took EverythingLucy Rose This Ain't the Way You Go OutMalist Karst RelictMark Lanegan Field SongsMastodon LeviathanMastodon Crack the SkyeMe and Him Call It Us LossMegadeth Cryptic WritingsMegadeth So Far, So Good... So What!Metallica MetallicaMichigander Everything Will Be Ok EventuallyMicrowave Let’s Start DegeneracyMidwife (USA) ForeverMidwife (USA) Like Author, Like DaughterMilitarie Gun All Roads Lead To The GunMilitarie Gun All Roads Lead To The Gun IIMind Eraser CaveMisery Index The Killing GodsMisery Signals Of Malice and the Magnum HeartMisfits Walk Among UsMisfits Earth A.D./Wolf's BloodMisfits Vampire GirlMitochondrion VitriseptomeMondaze Late Bloommoreru 山田花子Morgue Supplier InevitabilityMudvayne The End of All Things to ComeMudvayne Lost and FoundNAILS You Will Never Be One Of UsNAILS Abandon All LifeNAILS Unsilent DeathNAILS I Don't Want To Know YouNAILS Every Bridge BurningNak'ay Closed Doors / Open VeinsNas It Was WrittenNecrofier Prophecies of Eternal DarknessNeurosis Fires Within FiresNightosphere KatabasisNine Inch Nails Hesitation MarksNine Inch Nails Add ViolenceNine Inch Nails Ghosts V: TogetherNirvana NevermindNirvana BleachNo Cure I Hope I Die HereNo Devotion No OblivionNo Sun Rises Ascent / DecayNorma Jean Polar SimilarNorma Jean MeridionalNxWorries Why Lawd?Oathbreaker OathbreakerOld Man Gloom The Ape of God IIOne with the Riverbed SuccumbOv Sulfur The Burden Ov FaithPallbearer Sorrow And ExtinctionPallbearer Foundations of BurdenPanopticon The Rime of MemoryPantera Vulgar Display of PowerParamore After LaughterPersefone Lingua Ignota: Part IKristen Hayter literally isnt even on the album 1/5Phoxjaw Royal SwanPictoria Vark The Parts I DreadPig Destroyer The Octagonal StairwayPorcupine Tree Closure/ContinuationPortal AvowPortrayal of Guilt Let Pain Be Your GuidePrimitive Weapons The Future of DeathQueensryche QueensrycheRagana We Know that the Heavens Are EmptyRage Against the Machine Evil EmpireRain Check ReliefRefused FreedomRefused Songs To Fan The Flames Of DiscontentRemo Drive Greatest HitsRites of Spring Rites of SpringRivers of Nihil Where Owls Know My NameRotten Sound ApocalypseRoyal Blood Royal BloodScarcity The Promise of RainSectioned AnnihilatedSeizures Reverie of the Revolving DiamondSerpent Column Ornuthi ThalassaSexless Marriage This Is Not LoveSheer Mag Compilation LPSilent Planet The Night God SleptSilent Planet Everything Was SoundSilver Snakes Death and The MoonSkeletonwitch Serpents UnleashedSlaughter Beach, Dog Crying, Laughing, Waving, SmilingSlayer God Hates Us AllSlayer Seasons in the AbyssSlayer South of HeavenSoftcult Softcult on Audiotree LiveSquint Wash AwayState Faults Head in the CloudsStill Life From Angry Heads With Skyward EyesSUMAC What One BecomesSuper Unison AutoSvalbard When I Die, Will I Get Better?Svalbard The Weight of the MaskSweet Pill Where the Heart IsSylvaine Novata2reeban Sa7eb al motor yastanad 3leikonTEETH (CAN) A Biblical Worship Of ViolenceThe Black Queen Fever DaydreamThe Body and Full Of Hell One Day You Will Ache Like I AcheThe Callous Daoboys Die on MarsThe Damned Things IroniclastThe Dismemberment Plan Emergency & IThe Fall of Troy The Fall of TroyThe Flex Wild Stabs in the DarkThe HIRS Collective Friends. Lovers. Favorites.The Kill Make 'em SufferThe Lion’s Daughter Skin ShowThe Mall (USA-MO) ZoneThe Mars Volta Frances the MuteThe Offspring Ixnay on the HombreThe Offspring AmericanaThe Sawtooth Grin CuddlemonsterThe Weeknd Hurry Up TomorrowThin DuskThirdface Do It With A SmileThor Axe Solar RipsThrice The Artist in the AmbulanceThrice The Alchemy Index Vols. I & IIThrice The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IVThy Darkened Shade Liber Lvcifer I: Khem SedjetTool Fear InoculumTouche Amore Parting The Sea Between Brightness And MeTrenches The Tide Will Swallow Us WholeTropical Fuck Storm Deep StatesTurnstile Glow OnTV Girl French ExitType O Negative Life Is Killing MeUlcerate Stare Into Death and Be StillUlcerate Cutting the Throat of GodUmbra Vitae Shadow of LifeUndeath Lesions of a Different KindUnderneath Nothing Here is Held SacredUnderneath It Exists Between UsVein.fm This World Is Going to Ruin YouVenom Prison PrimevalVermord Dawn of the Black HarvestVitriol (USA) Suffer & BecomeVorvan Sailing the Vastness of OceansWake Sowing the Seeds of a Worthless TomorrowWake Misery RitesWar On Women Wonderful HellWarp Chamber Implements of ExcruciationWater From Your Eyes StructureWeezer The Green AlbumWeezer HurleyWhite Lung PremonitionWhitechapel The ValleyWhores. GoldWisp (US) PandoraWolves in the Throne Room Thrice WovenWorld Peace Come And SeeWormrot DirgeWounded Touch AmericanxietyWreath of Tongues PenanceWVRM Swarm SoundxMeans to an Endx Winnipeg Straight EdgeYoung and in the Way When Life Comes to DeathYoung and in the Way I Am Not What I AmZao Liberate Te Ex InferisZao Where Blood and Fire Bring RestZao The Crimson Corridor3.0 good'68 Love Is Ain't Dead'68 Give One Take One'68 Yes, and...A Perfect Circle Thirteenth StepA Perfect Circle Mer de NomsAntaeus Cut Your Flesh and Worship SatanAntaeus CondemnationAntigama DepressantAshen (TWN) This world is not oursAugust Burns Red Death BelowBathory Blood Fire DeathBathory Under the Sign of the Black MarkBatushka RaskolBear VANTABillie Eilish When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?Billie Eilish Don't Smile at MeBlack Midi SchlagenheimBlack Midi CavalcadeBlood Command World DominationBoundaries Death Is Little MoreBrand New Leaked Demos 2006Bring Me The Horizon POST HUMAN: NeX GEnCalva Louise Over The ThresholdCandy (USA) Good To FeelCannibal Corpse Violence UnimaginedCar Bomb w^w^^w^wCar Bomb MetaCar Bomb CentraliaCarcass SwansongCarly Cosgrove See You in ChemistryCattle Decapitation TerrasiteCave In Perfect Pitch BlackCave In AntennaCelestial Swarm Gateways to the NecroverseChelsea Wolfe Mistake In PartingCode Orange I Am KingCode Orange Under the SkinCode Orange The AboveCodefendants This Is Crime WaveCold Gawd God Get Me the Fuck Out of HereConverge Pound for Pound: The Wolverine Blues SessionsConverge Live At The BBCConverge Caring and KillingCult Leader Lightless WalkCult Leader A Patient ManCurrents The Death We SeekDads American Radass (This Is Important)Deafheaven Infinite GraniteDeathspell Omega Infernal BattlesDefeated Sanity Chronicles of LunacyDeftones AdrenalineDeftones CoversDeftones Black StallionDenial Of Life No ReasonDoomriders Grand BloodDown Down IV - Part IIDragged Into Sunlight Terminal Aggressor IIDream State RecoveryDying Wish Fragments of a Bitter MemoryEminem InfiniteEmployed To Serve ConqueringEmployed To Serve Change Nothing Regret EverythingEND (USA-NJ) From the Unforgiving Arms of GodEnvy EunoiaEvery Time I Die Last Night in TownExpander Neuropunk BoostergangEyes Wide Open The Upside Downfallingwithscissors the death and birth of an angelFlesher Tales of Grotesque DemiseFull Of Hell and Primitive Man Suffocating HallucinationFull of Hell/Gasp Full of Hell/GaspGel (USA-NJ) / Cold Brats Shock TherapyGenghis Tron Dream WeaponGhost (SWE) PopestarGhost (SWE) If You Have GhostGiraffe Tongue Orchestra Broken LinesGiver Sculpture Of ViolenceGouge Away Burnt SugarGraphic Nature New SkinGreen Day SaviorsHalsey The Great ImpersonatorHarm's Way (USA-IL) PosthumanHeavy Heavy Low Low Hospital BomberHighly Suspect The Boy Who Died WolfHighly Suspect As Above, So BelowCant believe this band made something decent after five years of dogshitIn Flames ForegoneiNTICE CeraphimInvicta Halls of ExtinctionJerry Cantrell BrightenJoyce Manor Of All Things I Will Soon Grow TiredKaonashi Dear Lemon House, You Ruined Me: Senior YearKiller Be Killed Killer Be KilledKillswitch Engage IncarnateKillswitch Engage Disarm the DescentKillswitch Engage The End of HeartacheKillswitch Engage Killswitch EngageKnelt Rote TrespassKnocked Loose A Different Shade of BlueKnow//Suffer The Great DyingKorn KornLightning Bolt Sonic CitadelLiturgy H.A.Q.Q.Man Must Die The Pain Behind It AllMegadeth DystopiaMetallica Kill 'Em AllMidwife and Vyva Melinkolya OrbweavingMilitarie Gun Life Under The GunMindforce New LordsMoodring StargazerMouthBreather (USA-MA) Self-TapeMutoid Man MutantsN.W.A. Niggaz4LifeNightbringer Terra DamnataNine Inch Nails Pretty Hate MachineNorma Jean Deathrattle Sing for MeNot Your Friends Constructing A Mental BreakdownObscene (USA-IN) ...From Dead Horizon to Dead HorizonOld Man Gloom Seminar II: The Holy Rites of Primitivism RegressiOld Man Gloom NOOld Man Gloom The Ape of God IOpeth HeritageOpeth Pale CommunionOpeth SorceressOranssi Pazuzu Muukalainen PuhuuPain of Truth (USA) Not Through BloodPalm Reader BraillePantera Cowboys from HellPantera Far Beyond DrivenParamore All We Know Is FallingPijn and Conjurer Curse These Metal HandsPoison Ruin Harvestproduction is what shows sound like when you?re standing across the street from the venueProwl The Forgotten RealmsPyrrhon Abscess TimeQueens of the Stone Age Era VulgarisQueens of the Stone Age Lullabies to ParalyzeQueensryche Condition HumanReverend Kristin Michael Hayter Saved!Ripped to Shreds 魔經 - Demon ScripturesRob Zombie Hellbilly DeluxeSanguisugabogg Pornographic SeizuresScalp Domestic ExtremityScreaming Trees Even If and Especially WhenScreaming Trees Invisible LanternScreaming Trees Buzz FactoryScreaming Trees ClairvoyanceScreaming Trees Uncle AnesthesiaScreaming Trees Last Words: The Final RecordingsSeeYouSpaceCowboy The Correlation Between Entrance And Exit WoundsSerpent Column KatartisisSkeletonwitch Breathing the FireSkeletonwitch Beyond the PermafrostSlayer Reign in BloodSleep Token TwoSleep Token OneSlint SpiderlandSlipknot IowaSlow Crush EaseSoundgarden King AnimalSpellling Spellling and the Mystery SchoolSpirit Possession Spirit PossessionSprints Letter to SelfStaind DysfunctionStatic Dress vol.3Stone Temple Pilots PurpleSunflo'er All These Darlings and Now MeSunny Day Real Estate Sunny Day Real EstateSystem of a Down Steal This Album!System of a Down Protect The Land/Genocidal HumanoidzThe Acacia Strain Step Into The LightThe Devil Wears Prada Color DecayThe Dirty Nil Fuck ArtThe Hives The Death Of Randy FitzsimmonsThe Hotelier Home, Like NoPlace Is ThereThe Offspring Rise and Fall, Rage and GraceThe Requiem A Cure to Poison the WorldThe Salt Pale Collective A Body That Could Pass Through Stones And TreesThe Smashing Pumpkins Machina II/The Friends & Enemies of Modern MusicThe Smashing Pumpkins GishTitus Andronicus An ObeliskTool 10,000 DaysTropical Fuck Storm Submersive BehaviourTunic Wrong DreamTwin Temple Twin Temple (Bring You Their Signature Sound....Unprocessed ...And Everything In BetweenVacant Home Can You Show Me Who I Am?Vallendusk Fortress of Primal GraceVermin Womb DeclineWear Your Wounds Rust on the Gates of HeavenWeezer The Red AlbumWeezer Van WeezerWhite Zombie La Sexorcisto-Devil Music Vol. 1White Zombie Astro Creep: 2000William Duvall One AloneWVRM Colony CollapseYouth Code Youth CodeZulu A New Tomorrow2.5 averageA Perfect Circle eMOTIVeAFI AFI (The Blood Album)Avenged Sevenfold Avenged SevenfoldBad Omens The Death of Peace of MindBeartooth DisgustingBlood Command Praise ArmageddonismCaustic Wound Death PostureCode Orange ForeverDamageplan New Found PowerDanzig 7:77 - I LuciferiDarko (US) Dethmask, Pt. 3Deftones (Like) LinusDisturbed The SicknessDrain (USA-CA) California CursedEminem RecoveryEminem Music To Be Murdered ByEmployed To Serve Long Time DeadEternal Sleep The Emptiness Of...Five Finger Death Punch War Is The AnswerFrostbitt Machine DestroyFrozen Soul Crypt Of IceGland NeuroticaGodsmack GodsmackGodsmack AwakeGojira MagmaGreen Day American IdiotGreen Day Revolution RadioHalestorm Back from the DeadHarm's Way (USA-IL) RustHazing Over Tunnel VisionHeadbussa Vengeful Mindheadcave 1Her Last Sight MirrorsIn Flames Reroute to RemainIn Flames Soundtrack to Your EscapeIntegrity Suicide Black SnakeJinjer DuélJustice For The Damned Pain Is PowerJute Gyte Unus Mundus PatetKiller Mike MichaelKillswitch Engage As Daylight DiesKirk Hammett PortalsKnocked Loose Laugh TracksKnocked Loose Pop CultureKorn The Serenity of SufferingKorn See You on the Other SideKorn Take a Look in the MirrorKorn IssuesKorn Follow the LeaderLinkin Park The Hunting PartyLiving Gate DeathlustMake Them Suffer How to Survive a FuneralMarmozets Knowing What You Know NowExtremely disappointed in this release. Marmozets took everything they got wrong with their first record and made an entire album of it. It feels like none of the tracks go anywhere. Boring.Meshuggah ImmutableMetallica Hardwired...To Self-DestructMetallica St. AngerMetallica LoadMetallica 72 SeasonsNorma Jean O' God, the AftermathNorma Jean Bless the Martyr and Kiss the ChildOathbreaker Ease Me & 4 InterpretationsOceans Ate Alaska Lost IslesOld Man Gloom Meditations in BPantera Power MetalParamore ParamorePhoebe Bridgers So Much WinePoppy I DisagreeProfiler A Digital NowhereRage Against the Machine RenegadesRefused This Just Might Be... The TruthRivers of Nihil The WorkSanguisugabogg Homicidal EcstasySkeletonwitch Forever AbominationSlayer RepentlessSlayer World Painted BloodSlayer Christ IllusionSlayer Divine InterventionSlipknot SlipknotStaind Break The CycleStatic Dress vol.2Stone Temple Pilots CoreStone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots (2010)Succumb SuccumbThe Armed Everlasting GazeThe Smashing Pumpkins Monuments to an ElegyThe Smashing Pumpkins OceaniaTool OpiateTouche Amore Dead Horse XTristan Tzara Omorina Nad EvropomUmphrey's McGee MantisUnityTx MADBOYVenom Prison AnimusVenom Prison The Primal ChaosWear Your Wounds WYWWear Your Wounds DunedevilWeezer The Teal AlbumWeezer Raditude2.0 poorAs I Lay Dying Through Storms AheadAvenged Sevenfold Hail To The KingBeartooth AggressiveBlind Equation Death AwaitsBrand New Your Favorite WeaponBurzum Hvis Lyset Tar OssBurzum Det Som Engang VarCode Orange The Hurt Will Go OnCode Orange UnderneathConverge Endless ArrowDanzig Circle of SnakesDevice DeviceEminem EncoreEminem RelapseEminem The Death of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce)Every Time I Die The Burial Plot Bidding WarFive Finger Death Punch American CapitalistGodsmack FacelessHazing Over PestilenceHellyeah Blood for BloodHellyeah Unden!ableI Prevail LifelinesIDLES TANGKIn Flames A Sense of PurposeIn Flames Sounds of a Playground FadingKillswitch Engage Killswitch EngageKrimewatch DemoLil Tecca TECLinkin Park Minutes to MidnightLinkin Park A Thousand SunsLinkin Park Living ThingsLinkin Park One More LightLinkin Park From ZeroMake Them Suffer Make Them SufferMany Eyes The Light AgeKeith became a divorced dad and starting making music for divorced dads.Melt-Banana 3+5Meshuggah The Violent Sleep of ReasonMetallica ReloadMisfits The Devil's RainMisfits Horror XmasNorthlane Mirror's EdgePaleface Swiss Chapter 3: The Last SelectionPearl Jam Vs.Pearl Jam TenProphets of Rage The Party's OverPsyopus Our Puzzling Encounters ConsideredQueensryche Operation: Mindcrime IIQueensryche Hear In The Now FrontierRefused War MusicSanguisugabogg Tortured WholeSharptooth Clever GirlSkeletonwitch At One With the ShadowsSlayer Diabolus in MusicaSlayer Show No MercySlayer Undisputed AttitudeSpiritbox RotoscopeThe Smashing Pumpkins ZeitgeistThe Smashing Pumpkins Shiny and Oh So Bright, Vol. 1Titus Andronicus A Productive CoughUnderoath VoyeuristWage War BlueprintsWaking The Cadaver Authority Through IntimidationWeezer Make BelieveWeezer Pacific Daydream1.5 very poorAnal Trump To All the Broads I've Nailed BeforeAsking Alexandria Where Do We Go from Here?Attack Attack! Attack Attack!Cheekface Too Much to AskDanzig Danzig Sings ElvisDanzig Danzig 5: BlackacidevilEmmure Look At YourselfFive Finger Death Punch Got Your SixHighly Suspect The Midnight Demon ClubHollywood Undead Swan SongsIn Flames Siren CharmsIn Flames BattlesJack Harlow That's What They All SayMegadeth Super ColliderParkway Drive Darker StillPearl Jam VitalogyQueensryche Frequency Unknown (Tate's Queensryche)Red Hot Chili Peppers CalifornicationSleep Token Take Me Back to EdenStone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots (2018)Sublime SublimeTaylor Swift The Tortured Poets Department (Anthology)The Chainsmokers CollageThe Chainsmokers BouquetWhile She Sleeps Self Hell1.0 awfulA Day To Remember You're WelcomeAttack Attack! Someday Came SuddenlyAvenged Sevenfold The Best of 2005-2013B.o.B EARTHBlack Flag What The...Burzum FilosofemCapture Til DeathEminem RevivalEmmure Eternal EnemiesEmmure FelonyFalling in Reverse Popular MonsterHighly Suspect MCIDHumanity's Last Breath AshenI See Stars The End of the World PartyIn Flames Down, Wicked and No GoodIssues IssuesKim Dracula A Gradual Decline in MoraleLil Uzi Vert Eternal Atake 2Queensryche Dedicated to ChaosRonald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized MedicineScene Queen BimbocoreSkrewdriver White PowerDidnt know the main guys been dead for decades RIP BOZO hope you’re enjoying hellThe Sixth Chamber Beyond the Night VeilTom Macdonald and Adam Calhoun The Brave 2Tougher Than Nails Ariseth, Warrior EPTougher Than Nails Delusional Blasphemies DestroyedWage War StigmaWu-Tang Clan Once Upon a Time in ShaolinXXXTENTACION 17Yngwie Malmsteen World On Fire
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z