
Soundoffs 8
Album Ratings 9045
Objectivity 100%

Last Active 12-19-22 8:50 am
Joined 03-03-15

Review Comments 1,516

Average Rating: 3.01
Rating Variance: 1.00
Objectivity Score: 100%
(Very Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain
Alan Stivell Renaissance de la harpe celtique
Alice Coltrane Turiya Sings
All Traps On Earth A Drop Of Light
Anathema Judgement
And Also The Trees (Listen for) the Rag and Bone Man
Anglagard Hybris
Anna von Hausswolff Dead Magic
Aquilus Griseus
Aranis Aranis II
Aranis Aranis I
Auli and Anima Saulkrasti Mixed Choir Latvju z​ī​m​ē​s rot​ā​ties
Bark Psychosis Hex
Be'lakor Stone's Reach
Caitlin Maude Caitlín
Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita Clychau Dibon
Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita Echo
Cho Gongrye 진도상여소리
Christine Primrose Aite Mo Ghaoil
Coaltar of the Deepers Yukari Telepath
Cocteau Twins Heaven or Las Vegas
Cocteau Twins Treasure
Cocteau Twins Victorialand
Comus First Utterance
Cryptopsy None So Vile
Davaasuren Bayarbaatar Chants diphoniques mongols
Daylight Dies Dismantling Devotion
Dead Can Dance Within the Realm of a Dying Sun
Demilich Nespithe
diSEMBOWELMENT Transcendence into the Peripheral
Dismember Like An Ever Flowing Stream
Djeli Moussa Diawara Djeli Moussa Diawara
Dolores Keane and John Faulkner Broken Hearted I'll Wander
Domnisoara Pogany Kahani
Emilio Cao Lenda da Pedra do Destiño
Emilio Cao Fonte Do Araño
Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse
Ensiferum Ensiferum
Enslaved Axioma Ethica Odini
Entombed Left Hand Path
Enya The Memory of Trees
Equilibrium Sagas
Esoteric Metamorphogenesis
Esoteric The Pernicious Enigma
Evilfeast Wintermoon Enchantment
Evilfeast Elegies of the Stellar Wind
Flook Haven
Flook Ancora
Forseti Erde
Gazpacho Demon
Gorguts Obscura
Gorguts Colored Sands
Grainne Yeats Féile na gCruitirí Béal Feirste 1792
Gris Il Était Une Forêt...
Gris À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Âme Constellée...
Gyvata Su vėjužiu kalbėjau
Harmonium L'heptade
Havnatt Etterlatte
Hideaki Masago, Yuko Sasama and Masahiko Todoroki 生きものの音 (Ikimono-no-Oto)
Hisashi Chikaarashi こんなもんですけど (Konnamondesukedo)
Hugjiltu 循环 (Cycle)
Ichiko Aoba 0
Ichiko Aoba 0%
Ikki Suzuki Branco no Yume Omotteta Koto ga Ienakute
Immolation Here in After
Immolation Close to a World Below
In Gowan Ring Hazel Steps Through A Weathered Home
Insomnium Above the Weeping World
Jan Garbarek Twelve Moons
Julee Cruise Floating into the Night
June Tabor Against the Streams
Kandia Kouyate Birika
Kauan Sorni Nai
Kei Ogura 彷徨 (さまよい) (Houkou (Samayoi))
Kila Luna Park
Kim Juk-Pa 뿌리깊은나무조선소리선집 1 <김죽파 가야금산조>
Kim Seok-chul 무악 동해무속사물
Kim Seok-chul 동해안 별신굿
Kitchens Of Distinction The Death of Cool
Ksiezyc Ksiezyc
KURI Dancing of the Wind [​風​の​舞​]
L'Ham de Foc Cor De Porc
Lankum False Lankum
Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares
Lisieux Psalms Of Dereliction
Loreena McKennitt The Visit
Luar Na Lubre Cabo Do Mundo
Luar Na Lubre Lo mejor de Luar Na Lubre - XV Aniversario
Magma Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh
Mari Boine Idjagieðas / In The Hand Of The Night
Mary Bergin Feadóga Stáin
Mary O'Dowd Portrait of Mary O'Dowd
Mary O'Hara Songs of Ireland
Masakatsu Takagi Kagayaki
Mazzy Star Among My Swan
Mestisay El cantar viene de viejo
Milladoiro A Galicia de Maeloc
Moonsorrow Verisäkeet
Moonsorrow Viides luku - Hävitetty
Moonsorrow Jumalten aika
Morbid Angel Altars of Madness
Musk Ox Woodfall
Musk Ox Inheritance
My Dying Bride The Dreadful Hours
Nami Uehara Sølvharpe: Celtic & Nordic Music for Harp
Nature and Organisation Beauty Reaps the Blood of Solitude
Nature and Organisation Death in a Snow Leopard Winter
Nature and Organisation Snow Leopard Messiah
Nest (FIN) Within a Decade
Neun Welten Vergessene Pfade
Nobue Kawana のぶえの海 (Nobue no umi)
Oh Gap-soon 농악 / 농부가
Opeth Still Life
Opeth Morningrise
Opeth Blackwater Park
Popol Vuh Hosianna Mantra
Rapture Futile
Renaissance Ashes Are Burning
Renaissance Scheherazade and Other Stories
Rosa Cedron Entre dous mares
Sangre de Muerdago O Camino das Mans Valeiras
Sangre de Muerdago Xuntas
Saor Guardians
Saturnus Martyre
Shape of Despair Angels Of Distress
Shape of Despair Monotony Fields
Sigur Ros Agætis byrjun
Skepticism Lead and Aether
Skepticism Stormcrowfleet
Skepticism Aes
Slowdive Souvlaki
Steve Hackett Voyage of the Acolyte
Steve Roach Structures from Silence
Summoning Stronghold
Summoning Old Mornings Dawn
Suo Mieltäni Meri Ajaa
Svitlana Nianio Китиці (Kytytsi)
Swallow the Sun The Morning Never Came
Talk Talk Laughing Stock
Tamira Puoro Feather Spines
Tenhi Kauan
Tenhi Vare
Tenhi Folk Aesthetic 1996-2006
The Bulgarian Voices Angelite Fly, Fly My Sadness
The Monks of the Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery Sacred Ceremonies
The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus The Gift of Tears
The Visit Through Darkness Into Light
Toumani Diabate Kaira
Toumani Diabate with Ballake Sissoko New Ancient Strings
Toumani Diabate's Symmetric Orchestra Boulevard de L'independance
Trembling Strain Tower
Vali Skogslandskap
Weakling Dead as Dreams
Wilderun Sleep at the Edge of the Earth
Wilderun Veil of Imagination
Windir Arntor
Yun Yun-seok 飛翔

4.5 superb
...and Oceans As in Gardens, So in Tombs
2nd Moon 두번째달
Abigor Taphonomia Aeternitatis - Gesänge im Leichenlicht
Adramelech Psychostasia
Aevestaden Ingen Mere Gr​å​ter
Afenginn Opus
Afenginn Klingra
Afro Celt Sound System Volume 1 - Sound Magic
After Crying Megalazottak es Megszomoritottak
Agalloch The Mantle
Agalloch The White
Agnes Obel Philharmonics
Agnes Obel Aventine
Agnes Obel Citizen Of Glass
Ahab The Call Of The Wretched Sea
Akhlys The Dreaming I
Akhlys Melinoe
Good to see my mother in law is doing something worthwhile, posing for black metal album covers.
Akiko Shikata Raka
Alamaailman Vasarat Käärmelautakunta
Alash Alash
Alba (UK) Alba
Alcest Souvenirs D'Un Autre Monde
Alcest Écailles De Lune
Alcest Les Voyages De L'Âme
Alcest Shelter
Alcest Kodama
Alice Coltrane Journey in Satchidananda
Alice Coltrane Ptah, The El Daoud
Alice Coltrane Divine Songs
Allelic À Contre Vent
Altai Zolgoyo Doo
Altan The Blue Idol
Altar of Plagues Teethed Glory and Injury
Aly Bain and Ale Moller Fully Rigged
Amber Asylum Still Point
Amenra Mass VI
Amorphis Under the Red Cloud
Amorphis Queen of Time
An Abstract Illusion Illuminate the Path
Anata The Conductor's Departure
Anathema Eternity
Anathema We're Here Because We're Here
Anathema Weather Systems
Anathema Distant Satellites
Ancient Wisdom ...And the Physical Shape of Light Bled
And Also The Trees The Bone Carver
Anda Union Homeland
Angellore La Litanie des Cendres
Angelo Branduardi Gulliver, la luna e altri disegni
Anglagard Viljans Oga
Anima (BR) Espiral Do Tempo
Anki Sateen jalkeen
Anna Rynefors and Erik Ask-Upmark Dråm
Anna von Hausswolff Ceremony
Anna von Hausswolff Live at Montreux Jazz Festival
Aquilus Arbor
Aquilus Bellum I
Aquilus Bellum II
Aranis Songs from mirage
Arcana Coelestia Le Mirage de L’idéal
Arcn Templ Emanations of a New World
Artesia Chants d'Automne
Artificial Brain Labyrinth Constellation
Asturias Missing Piece of my Life
Asturias Across the Ridge to Heaven
Asturias Legend of Gold Wind
Ataraxie L'être et la Nausée
Ataraxie Le D​é​clin
Atheist Unquestionable Presence
Atoma Skylight
Austras Laiwan Birds in Shells
Autopsy Mental Funeral
Avantasia The Mystery Of Time
Backworld Anthems From The Pleasure Park
Backworld For the Life of the World
Bark Psychosis Codename: Dustsucker
Be'lakor The Frail Tide
Be'lakor Of Breath and Bone
Be'lakor Vessels
Beach House 7
Behemoth The Satanist
Beketh Nexehmu De Svarta Riterna
Beketh Nexehmu De Fornas Likgaldrar
Bell Witch Mirror Reaper
Beltaine Rockhill
Beltaine KoncenTrad
Benedicte Maurseth, Berit Opheim, Rolf Lislevand and Hakon S Tidekverv
Berroguetto Hepta
Bestia Arcana To Anabainon Ek Tes Abyssu
Beyond Creation Earthborn Evolution
Birch Book Vol. III - A Hand Full of Days
Bjork Vespertine
Black Sun Aeon Darkness Walks Beside Me
Blind Guardian Nightfall In Middle-Earth
Blind Guardian At The Edge Of Time
Blood of a Pomegranate 7000 Haunting Artsakh
Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta I - Fathers Of The Icy Ages
Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The Stars
Bolt Thrower Those Once Loyal
Bolt Thrower War Master
Bolt Thrower ...For Victory
Boris Amplifier Worship
Brian Finnegan The Ravishing Genius of Bones
Brian Finnegan Hunger Of The Skin
Brigada Victor Jara Danças e Folias
BUCK-TICK Atom Miraiha No.9
Bukkene Bruse Steinstolen
Burzum Filosofem
Byungki Hwang 가야금 작품집 (Kayakum Masterpieces)
Cages Inside a Ringing Chord
Caladan Brood Echoes Of Battle
Camel Moonmadness
Camerata Meiga Habelas Hailas
Can Tago Mago
Can Bardd The Last Rain
Can Bardd Devoured by the Oak
Candy Claws Ceres And Calypso In The Deep Time
Carcass Heartwork
Caspian Dust and Disquiet
Casualties of Cool Casualties of Cool
Catherina Early Consort Ductia
Catherine Wheel Ferment
Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita SOAR
Causa Sui Summer Sessions Vol. 1
Ceis Wandering Aengus
Charlie Grey and Joseph Peach Spiorachas - A High Place
Charlie Grey and Joseph Peach A Breaking Sky
Chelsea Wolfe Pain Is Beauty
Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper
Chirleison A Whisper
Cho Gongrye 대지의 창
Cho Gongrye and Park Byeong-Cheon 남도 들노래
Chunyang Yao Post​-​Oblivion 泯​默​集
Clannad Clannad 2
Cloud Atlas Trio Echoes from a Faded Past
Cnoc An Tursa The Giants Of Auld
Coaltar of the Deepers Submerge
Coconoe イルカは長い夢をみる ~ The Dolphin's Long Dream
Cocteau Twins Sunburst and Snowblind
Cocteau Twins Love's Easy Tears
Coig Ashlar
Coldworld Melancholie²
Colosseum (Fin) Chapter I: Delirium
Convulsing Perdurance
Corde Oblique Volontà d'arte
Coroner Mental Vortex
Cuelebre Oinos
Cult of Luna The Beyond
Cult of Luna A Dawn to Fear
Cult of Luna and Julie Christmas Mariner
Current 93 Thunder Perfect Mind
Current 93 All the Pretty Little Horses
Current 93 Of Ruine Or Some Blazing Starre
Current 93 Soft Black Stars
Current 93 Where The Long Shadows Fall: Beforetheinmostlight
Current 93 The Inmost Light
Cynic Traced in Air
Daemonia Nymphe Psychostasia
Dan Swano Moontower
Danish String Quartet Last Leaf
Dark Moor The Hall of the Olden Dreams
Dark Moor Autumnal
Dark Sanctuary Les Mèmoires Blessèes
Dark Sanctuary L'être Las - L'Envers du Miroir
Dark Tranquillity The Gallery
Darkher The Buried Storm
Darkspace Dark Space I
Darkspace Dark Space III
Darkthrone A Blaze in the Northern Sky
David Arkenstone Celtic Spa
David Eugene Edwards Hyacinth
Dead Can Dance The Serpent's Egg
Dead Can Dance Spleen and Ideal
Dead Congregation Graves of the Archangels
Dead Congregation Promulgation of the Fall
Deafheaven Sunbather
Death Leprosy
Deathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
Declan O'Rourke Chronicles of the Great Irish Famine
Defeated Sanity The Sanguinary Impetus
Dennis Cahill and Martin Hayes Live in Seattle
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Finisterre
Derek Bell Carolan's Receipt
Dervish Midsummer's Night
Desolate Shrine Deliverance from the Godless Void
Deva Csillag
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas Dusk And Void Became Alive
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas Die Verbannten Kinder Evas
DIM (CA) Steeped Sky, Stained Light
Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Dir En Grey Uroboros (Remastered & Expanded)
Dir En Grey Arche
Disemballerina Undertaker
Disillusion Back to Times of Splendor
Do Make Say Think Stubborn Persistent Illusions
Doom VS Aeternum Vale
Downfall of Nur Umbras de Barbagia
Draconian Sovran
Draconian Under A Godless Veil
Dragged Into Sunlight Hatred For Mankind
Dream Theater Images And Words
Dream Theater Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory
Dreamers' Circus Second Movement
Dreamgrave Presentiment
Druadan Druadan
Drudkh Forgotten Legends
Drudkh Autumn Aurora
Drudkh Microcosmos
Duncan Chisholm Affric
Duncan Lyall Infinite Reflections
Duskmourn Legends
Duskmourn Of Shadow and Flame
Ea Ea II
Edge of Sanity Crimson
Egschiglen Zazal
Elder (USA-MA) Reflections of a Floating World
Elend Les Tenebres du Dehors
Elend Winds Devouring Men
Ellende Todbringer
Eluvium Copia
Elysian Blaze Blood Geometry
Emperor/Enslaved Emperor/Hordanes Land
Empyrium Songs of Moors and Misty Fields
Empyrium Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays
Empyrium A Retrospective
Empyrium Into the Pantheon
Empyrium Über den Sternen
German symphonic folk/doom titans Empyrium return after 7 years with their strongest outing since Songs of
Moors and Misty Fields. The immaculate contrasts between dark folk and melancholic doom, between operatic
vocals, whispers and growls, between acoustic guitars and a variety of traditional folk instruments (dulcimer,
flute, violin), elevate Über den Sternen to a higher level, combining the best of old and new Empyrium.
Eneferens The Bleakness Of Our Constant
Enisum Arpitanian Lands
Enshine Singularity
Enslaved Ruun
Enslaved Vikingligr Veldi
Enslaved Hordanes Land
Enslaved Vertebrae
Enslaved In Times
Enteli Enteli
Enya Watermark
Enya Shepherd Moons
Enya The Very Best Of Enya
Epica The Divine Conspiracy
Epica Design Your Universe
Epica The Quantum Enigma
Equilibrium Turis Fratyr
Equilibrium Erdentempel
Erutan The Court of Leaves
Esoctrilihum The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods
Esoteric Epistemological Despondency
Esoteric The Maniacal Vale
Esoteric Paragon of Dissonance
Esoteric A Pyrrhic Existence
Estas Tonne Internal Flight
Estatic Fear A Sombre Dance
Estatic Fear Somnium Obmutum
Ethereal Shroud Trisagion
Eva Alkula & Tomoyo Nakai Youkihi
Evilfeast Lost Horizons of Wisdom
Evilfeast Mysteries of the Nocturnal Forest
Evoken Quietus
Evoken Antithesis of Light
Eye of Solitude Canto III
Eye of Solitude Cenotaph
Fairyland Score to a New Beginning
Faith and the Muse Elyria
Faith and the Muse Annwyn, Beneath the Waves
Falkenbach Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty
Falkenbach ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri...
Falkenbach ...En Their Medh Riki Fara...
Falls of Rauros Vigilance Perennial
Falls of Rauros Patterns in Mythology
Fallujah The Flesh Prevails
Fauna Avifauna
Fejd Eifur
Fen Carrion Skies
Fen Winter
Fiddlers' Bid Hamnataing
Fields of Mildew Fields of Mildew
Fields of Mildew II
Fields of Mildew A triad of incomplete woes
Fields of Mildew The Complete Woes
Finntroll Nattfödd
Finntroll Vredesvävd
Trollhorn's excellent keys and production shine on this rock-solid, and very Moonsorrow-esque record.
Finsterforst Zum Tode Hin
Fishmans Uchuu Nippon Setagaya
Fjoergyn Ernte im Herbst
Fleetwood Mac Rumours
Fleuves Fleuves
Floating Cloud Acoustic Band 幻想郷事変
Flook Rubai
Florence and the Machine Ceremonials
Flying Mijinko Band Central Asian Tour
Folque Folque
Forefather Steadfast
Foret Endormie Une Voile Déchirée
Forseti Windzeit
Forteresse Thèmes pour la Rébellion
Francois Robin and Mathias Delplanque L'ombre de la b​ê​te
Fu Xi In The Quiet Road
Funebrarum Beneath the Columns of Abandoned Gods
Funebrarum The Sleep of Morbid Dreams
Fyyralyyra Fyyralyyra
Gamma Ray Land of the Free
Garden of Shadows Oracle Moon
Gazpacho Night
Gazpacho Missa Atropos
Gazpacho Molok
Ghost Brigade IV - One with the Storm
Gjallarhorn Sjofn
Gjallarhorn Ranarop – Call of the Sea Witch
Glenn Branca The Ascension
Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞
Gorguts Considered Dead
Gorguts From Wisdom to Hate
Grada Cloudy Day Navigation
Grouper Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill
Grouper A I A: Dream Loss
Grouper A I A: Alien Observer
Gunnfjauns Kapell and Visby Allmanna Sangen Volund
Hail Spirit Noir Mayhem In Blue
Haken The Mountain
Haken Affinity
Ham Dong-jeong-wol 함 동정월 가야금 산조 (Ham Tongjŏngwol Kayagŭm sanjo)
Handdlion Musica Handdlion
Handdlion Night in the Forest of Circus Orchestra
Hannu Saha Mahla
Hans Brimi Hyljarliv
Harmonium Les Cinq Saisons
Haruka Nakamura Grace
Haruka Nakamura Twilight
Haruyo Matsuda くれなゐ夢幻 (Kurenai Mugen)
hatao enishi
Hatao and Nami Tiden i Skogen
Hatao and Nami Silver Line
Hautville Mater Dolorosa
Havnatt Gammal Bygd
Havukruunu Kelle Surut Soi
Havukruunu Uinuos Syömein Sota
Heilung LIFA
Helengard Helengard
Heol Telwen An Deiz Ruz
Herea Hereä
Hirofumi Nakamura and Tetsuya Uchiyamada The World Is Filled With Blessings
Hiroko Ara Moon Drops
Hiroko Taniyama Boku wa tori janai - 僕は鳥じゃない
Hiroko Taniyama Tenkūkashū - 天空歌集
Hiroshi Yoshimura Music For Nine Post Cards
Hizuru 飛鶴 -Hizuru
HOH & Current 93 Island
Hooded Menace Fulfill the Curse
Hooded Menace Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed
Horn Jahreszeiten
Horrendous Anareta
Horrendous Idol
Hoshigata no Niwa breath and breadth
Howls of Ebb Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows
Huun-Huur-Tu Ancestors Call
Hyperion (SWE) Seraphical Euphony
Hypocrisy Hypocrisy
Ichiko Aoba Kamisori Otome
Ichiko Aoba qp
Ichiko Aoba "gift" at Sogetsu Hall
Ichiko Aoba Adan no Kaze
Ichiko Aoba "Windswept Adan" Concert at Bunkamura Orchard Hall
Ichiko Aoba Ichiko Aoba With 12 Ensemble (Live at Milton Court
Ihsahn Arktis.
Imants Kalnins and Ainars Mielavs Par lietām, kuras tā ar nekad nepāriet
Imbaru El Cerro Y La Penumbra
Imbaru Las Cadenas Del Epitafio
Imbaru Trukur
Immolation Unholy Cult
Immolation Dawn of Possession
Immortal At the Heart of Winter
In Flames Subterranean
In Gowan Ring Abend the Knurled Stitch O'er the Glinting Spade
Inanna Converging Ages
Inanna Void of Unending Depths
Incantation Onward to Golgotha
Incantation Diabolical Conquest
Incantation Mortal Throne of Nazarene
Insomnium Since the Day It All Came Down
Insomnium Winter's Gate
Intronaut The Direction of Last Things
IQ The Road of Bones
Iron Maiden The Number Of The Beast
Ironomi niji
Ivar Bjornson and Einar Selvik Hugsjá
Jambinai ONDA
Johan Hedin Angel Archipelago
Johan Hedin and Gunnar Idenstam Låtar
Jordsjo Nattfiolen
Joy Division Closer
Joy Division Unknown Pleasures
Juha Kujanpää Kivenpyörittäjä (Tales And Travels)
Juha Kujanpää Kultasiipi (Goldwing)
Julia Holter Loud City Song
Jun Konagaya Travel
Jun Konagaya Organ
June Tabor Airs and Graces
June Tabor, Iain Ballamy and Huw Warren Quercus
Kaatayra Toda História pela Frente
Kaatayra Inpariquipê
Kalenda Maya Norske Middelalderballader / Norse Ballads
Kalmah Swamplord
Kalmah They Will Return
Kalmah Swampsong
Kalmah Palo
Kam Ata Tengri Teg
Kamelot The Black Halo
Kan [UK] Sleeper
Karen Tweed and Timo Alakotila May Monday
Kata Tívils døtur
Katatonia Brave Murder Day
Katatonia Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Katatonia Dead End Kings
Katatonia The Fall Of Hearts
Kataxu Hunger of Elements
Kate Bush The Kick Inside
Kathryn Tickell Air Dancing
Kauan Pirut
Kauan Kaiho
Kauan Ice Fleet
Kazan (CRO) Ružo
Kenichiro Isoda ナチュラル・トリップ マジエルの星
Kenichiro Isoda クラムボンの瞑想
Kevin Burke and Micheal O Domhnaill Promenade
Khemmis Hunted
Khusugtun Jangar
Kim Seok-chul 巫樂 <동해오구굿>
Kinoko Teikoku Uzu Ni Naru
Kloster Især til de levende
ko-ko-ya Frevo!
Koyhat Ritarit and Primo Karhujuhla / The Bear Feast
Kristen Noguès An Evor
Ksiezyc Rabbit Eclipse
KURI Rei Mei [​黎​明​]
KURI Distant Memories [​遠​い​記​憶​]
Kyuss Welcome To Sky Valley
Kyuss Blues For The Red Sun
L'Ham de Foc U
Lacrimas Profundere Memorandum
Lankum The Livelong Day
Lars Hollmer Sola
Lars Hollmer Viandra
Lei Qiang Chinese Traditional Erhu Music 1
Limbonic Art Moon In The Scorpio
Limbonic Art In Abhorrence Dementia
Ling Tosite Sigure Inspiration Is Dead
Ling Tosite Sigure Just a Moment
Ling Tosite Sigure #5
Lisa Lynne Daughters of the Celtic Moon
Lisa Lynne New Morning
Llan de Cubel La Lluz Encesa
Lor In Forgotten Sleep
Loreena McKennitt The Book of Secrets
Loreena McKennitt The Mask and Mirror
Lovi The Caverns of Lempo
Luar Na Lubre Plenilunio
Lunasa Merry Sisters Of Fate
Lunasa Lúnasa with the RTÉ Concert Orchestra
M83 Dead Cities, Red Seas and Lost Ghosts
Magma K.A. (Köhntarkösz Anteria)
Magma Zëss : le jour du néant
Malfet The Snaking Path
Malfet The Way to Avalon
Manchester Orchestra A Black Mile to the Surface
Manegarm Vargstenen
Mar De Grises Draining The Waterheart
Mar De Grises Streams Inwards
Mare Cognitum Phobos Monolith
Mare Cognitum Luminiferous Aether
Mari Boine Goaskinviellja (Eagle Brother)
Mari Boine Gávcci jahkejuogu - Eight Seasons
Mari Boine Alva
Maria Kalaniemi and Aldargaz Ahma
Maria W Horn and Sara Parkman Funeral Folk
Mariee Sioux Faces in the Rocks
Marissa Nadler Ballads of Living and Dying
Marja Mattlar Polku
Markku Lepisto Tupasoitto
Markku Lepisto Trio New Voices
Mary O'Hara Mary O'Hara
Masakatsu Takagi Omusuhi
Massive Attack Mezzanine
Mastodon Crack the Skye
Mazzy Star So Tonight That I Might See
Mazzy Star She Hangs Brightly
Meg Davis Captain Jack and the Mermaid
Merit Hemmingson Trollskog: Mer svensk folkmusik på beat
Merit Hemmingson och Beppe Wolgers med Folkliga "Det For Två Vita Duvor..." Folkton I Vikens Kapel
Mgla Exercises in Futility
Michael McGoldrick Wired
Michael McGoldrick Arc
Mid-Air Thief Crumbling
Mike Oldfield Ommadawn
Milladoiro O berro seco
Mio (NOR) Ingen tid å miste
Miserere Luminis Miserere Luminis
Misthyrming Söngvar elds og óreiðu
Mistur In Memoriam
Mithotyn King of the Distant Forest
Mithotyn In the Sign of the Ravens
Mono Walking Cloud and Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered and the Sun Shined
Mono You Are There
Mono Hymn to the Immortal Wind
Mono / World's End Girlfriend Palmless Prayer / Mass Murder Refrain
Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja
Moonsorrow Voimasta ja kunniasta
Moonsorrow Tulimyrsky
Morbid Angel Covenant
Morbus Chron Sweven
Mortiferum Preserved in Torment
Motorpsycho The All Is One
Mournful Congregation The Monad Of Creation
Mournful Congregation The Book Of Kings
Mournful Congregation The Incubus Of Karma
Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh and Irish Chamber Orchestra R​ó​is​í​n ReImagined
Mustarastas Purjeenpaikkaaja
My Dying Bride The Angel And The Dark River
My Dying Bride Turn Loose The Swans
My Dying Bride Like Gods Of The Sun
My Dying Bride The Light At The End Of The World
Myriam Gendron Ma délire - Songs of Love, Lost & Found
Myrkgrav Takk Og Farvel; Tida Er Blitt Ei Annen
na ba na Hajimari no Hana
Nachtreich Sturmgang
Nachtreich/Spectral Lore The Quivering Lights
Nala Sinephro Endlessness
Namaume Namaume Journey
Nami Uehara Banks of the Lake
Narsilion (SPA) Nerbeleth
Natalie Padilla, Blayne Chastain and Peter Romero Fiddle & Flute - Traditional Irish Music
Native Construct Quiet World
Nature and Organisation A Dozen Summers Against the World
Ne Obliviscaris Citadel
Nechochwen Heart of Akamon
Nenia C'Alladhan Nenia C'Alladhan
Neptunian Maximalism Eons
Nest (FIN) Trail of the Unwary
Neun Welten Destrunken
Nhor Within the Darkness Between the Starlight
Niemi Spiraalit (Spirals)
Nightbringer Ego Dominus Tuus
Nightfaller Fall Into The Night
Nightwish Once
Nightwish Century Child
Nightwish Wishmaster
Nightwish End Of An Era
Nightwish Imaginaerum
Nils Okland Blå Harding
Nils Okland and Sigbjorn Apeland Lysoen - Hommage a Ole Bull
Nils Okland Band Lysning
Nokturnal Mortum The Voice of Steel
Norkul Tokyo Heiðrún
Novembre Novembrine Waltz
Novembre The Blue
Novembre Dreams D'Azur
Novembre Ursa
Nucleus Torn Andromeda Awaiting
Null (USA) Hiraeth
Nyckelharporkestern Byss-Calle
Obliteration Nekropsalms
Obsequiae Aria of Vernal Tombs
Obsequiae The Palms of Sorrowed Kings
Obsidian Gate The Nightspectral Voyage
Obtained Enslavement Soulblight
Oceansize Frames
Of the Wand and the Moon The Lone Descent
Onmyo-Za Kongo Kyuubi
oofujitsubo Heartbeat of the Sky (空の鼓動)
Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse
Opeth Ghost Reveries
Opeth Watershed
Oranssi Pazuzu Mestarin Kynsi
Orcan Desolation
Osi and the Jupiter Nordlige Rúnaskog
Osterlide Kilden
Paavoharju Yha Hamaraa
Pallbearer Heartless
Paradise Lost Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us
Paradise Lost The Plague Within
Paysage d'Hiver Steineiche
Paysage d'Hiver Winterkälte
Paysage d'Hiver Das Tor
Paysage d'Hiver Im Wald
Paysage d'Hiver Schnee
Peatbog Faeries Faerie Stories
Pennou Skoulm Trinkañ
Pennou Skoulm Fest-Noz
Per Saemund Bjorkum Berg og vatn
Pernille Anker Jordsalme
Pettersson and Fredriksson Sotali
Planxty Planxty
Planxty Cold Blow and Rainy Night
Pomni Imya Svoyo Небо и Камень
Pomni Imya Svoyo Птицы
Popol Vuh In den Garten Pharaos
Porcupine Tree Deadwing
Preterite From the Wells
Primordial Where Greater Men Have Fallen
Quikion Waltz Nostalgie
Quikion Ramadan
Rajaton Nova
Ralph Lundsten Nordisk Natursymfoni Nr 4: En Sommarsaga
Rapture Silent Stage
Rapture Songs For The Withering
Renaissance Turn of the Cards
Requiem in White Of the Want Infinite
Rhona MacKay Ceòl na Clàrsaich
Rippikoulu Musta Seremonia
ROBA Music Theatre Jig Fantasy ship
ROBA Music Theatre garan pi poron
Robin Williamson A Glint at the Kindling
Robin Williamson Songs of Love and Parting
Rome Masse Mensch Material
Rome Flowers From Exile
Ross Ainslie Vana
Rota Fortunae Solstice
Rota Fortunae Hinterland
Rotting Christ Non Serviam
Runic Liar Flags
Ryuichi Sakamoto 1996
Saidan Onryo II: Her Spirit Eternal
Sakaue Masumi The Last Irish Bard ~ Turlough O'Carolan
Sakaue Masumi Circle Color
Sangre de Muerdago Noite
Sangre de Muerdago O Vento que Lambe as miñas Feridas
Saor Aura
Sara Parkman Eros Agape Philia
Satomi Hosomi 7つの表情のフルート
Saturnus Veronika Decides To Die
Saturnus Paradise Belongs To You
Saturnus The Storm Within
Sayaka Ikuyama Spirited Harp
Sean McAloon and John Rea Drops of Brandy
Sedaa Letter from Mongolia
Seiichi Yamamoto Crown of Fuzzy Groove
Selvans Lupercalia
Septicflesh The Great Mass
Serpent (JPN) Cradle of Insanity
Serpentent Ancient Tomes, Volume I: Mother of Light
Setherial Nord
Seventh Wonder Mercy Falls
Shade Empire Omega Arcane
Shanachie Ljus
Shanachie She Was Under the Tree
Shanachie Time Blue
Shape of Despair Shades Of...
Shape of Despair Illusion's Play
Shiina Ringo Shouso Strip
Shiina Ringo Kalk Samen Kuri no Hana
Shylmagoghnar Emergence
Sieben Ogham Inside The Night
Sieben Sex and Wildflowers
SIG:AR:TYR Beyond The North Winds
SIG:AR:TYR Northen
Sigh Hail Horror Hail
Sigh Imaginary Sonicscape
Sigur Ros Takk...
Silly Wizard So Many Partings
Skepticism Farmakon
Skepticism Ethere
Skuli Sverrisson Ser​í​a II
Skumring De Glemte Tider
Skyclad Prince of the Poverty Line
Sleep Dopesmoker
Sleep Sleep's Holy Mountain
Slow (BE) V - Oceans
Slow (BE) VI – Dantalion
Slowdive Pygmalion
Slowdive Slowdive
Slowdive Outside Your Room
Slowdive Slowdive
Slumber Fallout
Soilwork The Living Infinite
Sol Invictus In the Rain
Solanaceae Solanaceae
Solstafir Otta
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Dead Lovers Sarabande (Face One)
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell (Or: The Vampyre Su
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows La Chambre D'Echo - Where The Dead Birds Sing
Soup (NOR) Visions
Spectral Lore III
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing
Steve Roach Dreamtime Return
Steve Roach Mystic Chords & Sacred Spaces
Steven Wilson The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)
Steven Wilson Hand. Cannot. Erase.
Stormlord Mare Nostrum
Stundom, Jonas Frolund and Emma Kragh-Elmoe fragmenter af en dans
Suffocation Effigy of the Forgotten
Summoning Oath Bound
Sunless Ylem
Suo Ei päivien perijätä
Suo Maan unia, puun unia
Susanne Lundeng Vals til den røde fela
Swallow the Sun Ghosts Of Loss
Swallow the Sun New Moon
Sweet Trip You Will Never Know Why
Sweet Trip Velocity : Design : Comfort
Symphony X The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Symphony X V: The New Mythology Suite
Takashi Kokubo Solar Wind ~ Mystery of Aurora ~
Talisk Abyss
Talk Talk Spirit of Eden
Tartan Amoebas Evolution
Tenhi Maaaet
Tenhi Saivo
Tenhi Valkama
Thank You Scientist Stranger Heads Prevail
The Angelic Process Weighing Souls With Sand
The Dear Hunter Act IV: Rebirth in Reprise
The Dear Hunter Act V: Hymns with the Devil in Confessional
The Gathering Nighttime Birds
The Gathering Souvenirs
The Gloaming The Gloaming
The Great Old Ones Cosmicism
The Land of Nod The Land of Nod
The Monks of the Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery Sacred Ceremonies Volume Three
The Moon and the Nightspirit Regő Rejtem
The Moon and the Nightspirit Of Dreams Forgotten and Fables Untold
The Ocean Pelagial
The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus Mirror
The Ruins of Beverast The Thule Grimoires
The Swan and Blossoms 阴天 Overcast (Demos 2012​-​2015)
The Unthanks Sorrows Away
The Visit Between Worlds
The Visit Offering
The War On Drugs A Deeper Understanding
Them Teeth Sun of Serpent, Moone of Cipher
Theocracy Ghost Ship
Thomas L. Thomas Welsh Traditional Songs
Thou Tyrant
Thou Heathen
Thou Magus
Thou Umbilical
Thy Catafalque Meta
Thy Catafalque Naiv
Thyrfing Valdr Galga
tipsipúca Growing
Toshifumi Hinata Sarah's Crime
Toumani Diabate Djelika
Treacherous Orchestra Origins
Treacherous Orchestra Grind
Trees of Eternity Hour Of The Nightingale
Trembling Strain Fuka - 巫歌
Trembling Strain Bottom of Empty
Trha Nvenlanëg
Trha novej qalhnjënno
Tribulation The Children Of The Night
Tribulation Down Below
Trio Fleur Blooming
Trobar De Morte The Silver Wheel
Tsuumi Sound System Hotas
Tsuumi Sound System Floating Letters
Tsuumi Sound System Growing Up
Tuomas Holopainen Music Inspired by the Life and Times of Scrooge
Turid Vittras Visor
Type O Negative October Rust
Type O Negative Bloody Kisses
Uinuos Walakiat
Ulcerate Everything Is Fire
Ulcerate Shrines of Paralysis
Ulcerate Cutting the Throat of God
Unholy (FIN) Rapture
Vaa Ur sägen och hävd
Vali Forlatt
Vallendusk Fortress of Primal Grace
Valravn (DK) Koder på snor
Various Artists Whom The Moon A Nightsong Sings
Various Artists Devil's Tune: Ethnic Music From the Twilight Zone
Various Artists Íslandsklukkur - Rhythms Of The North
Various Artists Wizard Women of the North
Varsog Sola e komma
Vektor Terminal Redux
Venenum Trance of Death
Vezha Khmar Міф
Vilma Timonen Quartet Forward
Vindland Hanter Savet
Virginia Astley From Gardens Where We Feel Secure
Virginia Astley Hope in a Darkened Heart
Vostok La Geometria Della Abitudini
Vox Vulgaris The Shape of Medieval Music to Come
Warg (ITA) Primal Breath
We Lost the Sea Departure Songs
Wedrujacy Wiatr Tam, Gdzie Miesiac Oplakuje Swit
Wedrujacy Wiatr O Turniach, Jeziorach I Nocnych Szlakach
Westward the Light Westward the Light
Weyes Blood Titanic Rising
When Nothing Remains Thy Dark Serenity
Whispered Metsutan - Songs of the Void
Wilderun Epigone
William Jackson Inchcolm
Wimme Cugu
Windir 1184
Windir Likferd
Winterfylleth The Threnody Of Triumph
Winterfylleth The Hallowing Of Heirdom
Winterfylleth The Reckoning Dawn
Wintergatan Wintergatan
Wintersun Wintersun
Wobbler From Silence to Somewhere
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters
Wongraven Fjelltronen
World's End Girlfriend Last Waltz
Wormwood Ghostlands - Wounds From A Bleeding Earth
Worship Last Tape Before Doomsday
Worship Dooom
Wovenhand Blush Music
Xanthochroid Of Erthe and Axen: Act I
Xanthochroid Of Erthe and Axen: Act II
Yamato Ensemble Japanese Music by Michio Miyagi, vol. 1
Yamato Ensemble Music of Japan: The Legacy of Myoonten
Yann-Fanch Kemener and Didier Squiban Enez Eusa
Yat-kha Yenisei Punk
Year of No Light Ausserwelt
Yirinda Yirinda
YOB The Illusion Of Motion
YOB The Unreal Never Lived
Yoshihisa Sakai Restaurant of the Soul
Yui Onodera and The Beautiful Schizophonic Night Blossom
Zabadak Tooi Ongaku
Zachatorte and Natsume Ono Sutekina 1-Nichi
Zosha Warpeha Silver Dawn

4.0 excellent
*shels Plains Of The Purple Buffalo
...and Oceans Cosmic World Mother
3 Tolker 3 Tolker
A Forest of Stars Beware the Sword You Cannot See
A Stick and a Stone Versatile
A Swarm of the Sun The Rifts
A Winged Victory for the Sullen A Winged Victory for the Sullen
Aalto Tuulilabyrintit
Aalto Aalto
Abigail Williams Walk Beyond The Dark
Abyssal (UK) Antikatastaseis
Abyssal (UK) A Beacon In The Husk
Acathexis Acathexis
Accordion Tribe Sea of Reeds
Ad Nauseam Nihil Quam Vacuitas Ordinatum Est
Ad Nauseam Imperative Imperceptible Impulse
Aerialists Dear Sienna
Aether Realm Tarot
Aethoro Spiritdance
Aevestaden Solen var b​ä​ttre d​ä​r
Afenginn Bastard Etno
Afenginn Lux
Afro Celt Sound System Volume 3: Further In Time
After Crying Fold Es Eg
Agalloch Pale Folklore
Agalloch Marrow of the Spirit
Agalloch and Nest Split
Agnes Buen Garnas and Jan Garbarek Rosensfole
Agnes Obel Myopia
Aiste Smilgeviciute ir Skyle Broliai
Akercocke Words That Go Unspoken...
Akercocke Renaissance in Extremis
Akiko Shikata Haikyo to Rakuen
Akira Uchida Sasanami
Akkajee Lastenkerääjä
Alamaailman Vasarat Vasaraasia
Alash Achai
Albion (UK) Pryderi
Albion (UK) Lakesongs of Elbid
Alcest Spiritual Instinct
Alcest Les Chants de L'Aurore
Ale Moller Hästen Och Tranan
Alison Kinnaird The Harp Key (Crann nan teud)
Alkaloid The Malkuth Grimoire
Alkaloid Liquid Anatomy
All My Faith Lost The Hours
Alon Mor Within
Altai-Hangai Gone With the Wind
Altan Harvest Storm
Altan Island Angel
Altan Local Ground
Altan Urag Унага Төрөв (Foal's Been Born)
Alustrium A Tunnel to Eden
Alvvays Blue Rev
Amber Asylum The Natural Philosophy of Love
Amber Asylum Songs of Sex and Death
Amber Asylum Frozen in Amber
Amenra Mass IIII
Amenra Mass III
Amenra Mass V
Amiensus Reclamation: Part 1
Amiensus Reclamation Pt. II
Amigo the Devil Manimals
Amorphis Tales From The Thousand Lakes
Amorphis Eclipse
Amorphis Silent Waters
Amorphis Skyforger
Amorphis Circle
Amorphis Halo
An Abstract Illusion Atonement Is Nigh
An Abstract Illusion Woe
Anacrusis Screams and Whispers
Anathema A Natural Disaster
Anathema Alternative 4
Anda Union The Wind Horse
Anda Union Heemor: Windhorse Reprise
Anglagard Epilog
Angra Temple of Shadows
Anilah Warrior
Animals As Leaders The Joy of Motion
Ann O'aro BLEU
Anomalous Ohmnivalent
Anton Belov Piano Works I
Antti Martikainen Throne of the North
Aoratos Gods Without Name
Aorlhac L'esprit des vents
Aorlhac La cité des vents
Aorlhac Pierres Brûlées
Aquilus Cloak of Autumn Shroud
Argine Le luci di Hessdalen
Argine Luctamina in Rebus
Arooj Aftab Night Reign
Arstidir Lifsins Vápna Lækjar Eldr
Arstidir Lifsins Aldafǫðr Ok Munka Dróttinn
Arstidir Lifsins Saga á tveim tungum I: Vápn ok viðr
Arstidir Lifsins Saga á tveim tungum II: Eigi fjǫll né firðir
Artesia Wanderings
Artesia Hilvern
Artesia En cette fin de jour
Artesia T​é​n​è​bres, prenez​-​moi la main
Artificial Brain Infrared Horizon
Artificial Brain Artificial Brain
Asgeir Asgeirsson Persian Path
Asphyx The Rack
Asphyx Last One on Earth
Aspid кровоизлияние (Extravasation)
Assu Áššu
Asturias Trinity
Asturias At the Edge of the World
Asturias Elementals
Asturias Bird Eyes View
Asturias Marching Grass on the Hill
Asturias Fractals
At the Gates The Red in the Sky Is Ours
Ataraxie Slow Transcending Agony
Ataraxie Résignés
Atramentus Stygian
Augury Concealed
Augury Fragmentary Evidence
Augury Illusive Golden Age
Auri Auri
Autopsy Severed Survival
Avalanche Kaito Talitakum
Avantasia The Metal Opera
Avantasia The Wicked Symphony
Avantasia Moonglow
Avatarium Avatarium
Ayami Suzuki Vista
Azarath Blasphemers' Maledictions
Azur Azur noget bl​å​t
Þrju a palli Hátíð fer að höndum ein
Þrju a palli Ljóð Jónasar Árnasonar Við Erlend Þjóðlög
Backworld Isles of the Beast
Backworld Come the bells
Backworld Good Infection
Baek In-Young 백인영의 가야금산조
Bagad Kemper Hep Diskrog
Baishui 時間 / Time
Baishui 雨來 / Rain Comes
Baishui 遊記 / A Travel Book
Bal-Sagoth The Power Cosmic
Bal-Sagoth Starfire Burning Upon the Ice-Veiled Throne
Ballake Sissoko and Derek Gripper Ballaké Sissoko & Derek Gripper
Baobab and Haruka Nakamura カナタ (Kanata)
Barde Barde
Bards of Skadi Glysisvallur: Musick from the frozen Atlantis
Basco The Crow in the Walnut Tree
Basco Interesting Times
Batsukh Dorj Ögbelerim: Music for My Ancestors
Batushka Litourgiya
Batzorig Vaanchig The Great Chinggis Khaan
Be'lakor Coherence
Beach House Teen Dream
Beach House Bloom
Beach House Depression Cherry
Beach House Once Twice Melody
Beketh Nexehmu De dunkla herrarna
Beketh Nexehmu De Dunklas Sorgeakt (Ett Nordiskt Afvsked​.​.​.​)
Bel Canto Shimmering, Warm and Bright
Beleno Na Ca'l Fuau
Bell Witch Longing
Benedicte Maurseth Hárr
Benedicte Maurseth Alde
Benedicte Maurseth and Knut Hamre Rosa i botnen
Berroguetto Viaxe por Urticaria
Berroguetto Kosmogonías
Bestia Arcana Holokauston
Beyond Creation The Aura
Birch Book Vol. II - Fortune And Folly
Bjork Post
Bjork Homogenic
Bjork Debut
Bla Bergens Borduner Blå Bergens Borduner
Black Curse Endless Wound
Black Curse Burning in Celestial Poison
Black Kirin XiaoShao
Black Kirin 庚子
Blackmore's Night Shadow Of The Moon
Blind Guardian Somewhere Far Beyond
Blind Guardian A Night At The Opera
Blind Guardian Imaginations From The Other Side
Blind Guardian Tales From The Twilight World
Blind Guardian The God Machine
Blindead Affliction XXIX II MCMXCVI
Blood and Sand Bardo
Blood Incantation Starspawn
Blood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human Race
Blood Incantation Absolute Elsewhere
Blurred City Lights (JPN) 天使のいない街で
Blut Aus Nord Ultima Thulee
Blut Aus Nord The Work Which Transforms God
Blut Aus Nord 777 - Cosmosophy
Blut Aus Nord Hallucinogen
Blut Aus Nord Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses
Blut Aus Nord Disharmonium – Nahab
Bolt Thrower Realm of Chaos
Bolt Thrower The IVth Crusade
Bolt Thrower Mercenary
Bolzer Aura
Bonfire Radicals The Space Between
Boris Flood
Boris Boris At Last -Feedbacker-
Boris Pink
Boris Akuma no Uta
Boris Heavy Rocks
Boris Dronevil -Final-
Brave Timbers Secret Hopes
Brave Timbers For Every Day You Lost
Braxius É​(​v​)​szak
Bremer and McCoy Utopia
Brendan Perry Ark
Brendan Perry Eye of the Hunter
Brian Finnegan When The Party's Over
Brian Finnegan Shepherds
BRUIT The Machine Is Burning...
BUCK-TICK One Life, One Death
BUCK-TICK 13-kai wa Gekkou
BUCK-TICK Yume Miru Uchuu
Byungki Hwang Kayagum Masterpieces Vol. 3: The Labyrinth
Caligula's Horse Bloom
Caligula's Horse In Contact
Camel Mirage
Camel Rajaz
Camel The Snow Goose
Camel (JPN) Party!
Camel (JPN) Wonder Garden
Camerata Mediolanense Le Vergini Folli
Camerata Mediolanense Atalanta Fugiens
Camerata Mediolanense Campo Di Marte
camiidae Music For Bugs
Can Ege Bamyasi
Can Future Days
Carcass Necroticism: Descanting the Insalubrious
Carcass Surgical Steel
Carloman Carloman III
Catherine Wheel Chrome
Cathy Jordan All the Way Home
Celtic Frost Monotheist
Cerekloth In the Midst of Life We Are In Death
Changes (USA-IL) Fire of Life
Chapel of Disease ...And as We Have Seen the Storm
Chelsea Wolfe Apokalypsis
Chelsea Wolfe Unknown Rooms: A Collection of Acoustic Songs
Chelsea Wolfe Hiss Spun
Chelsea Wolfe She Reaches Out to She Reaches Out to She
Chiyomi Yamada and baobab Songs Of My Land
Cho Gongrye 진도 강강술래와 상여소리
Chthe'ilist Le Dernier Crépuscule
Chthonic Seediq Bale
Chululu Letter from Murray
Cicada (Taiwan) Seeking the Sources of Streams
Cicada (Taiwan) 回返 Coastland Revisited
Cillian Vallely The Raven's Rock
Cinder Well The Unconscious Echo
Clannad Dúlamán
Clannad Magical Ring
Clouds (INT) Doliu
Clouds (INT) Dor
Coaltar of the Deepers Newave
Coconoe 或る日のHalo ~ A Halo of Light One Day
Cocteau Twins Blue Bell Knoll
Cocteau Twins Head Over Heels
Cocteau Twins Four-Calendar Cafe
Cocteau Twins The Spangle Maker
Cocteau Twins Aikea-Guinea
Cocteau Twins Lorelei
Convocation No Dawn for the Caliginous Night
Convulsing Grievous
Cormorant Metazoa
Cormorant Dwellings
Cormorant Diaspora
Coroner No More Color
Corquieu Salia
Cosmic Putrefaction The Horizons Towards Which Splendour Withers
Cosmic Putrefaction Crepuscular Dirge for the Blessed Ones
Cosmic Putrefaction Emerald Fires Atop The Farewell Mountains
Cruciamentum Charnel Passages
Cryptopsy Blasphemy Made Flesh
Csejthe Reminiscence
Cult of Luna Salvation
Cult of Luna Cult of Luna
Cult of Luna Somewhere Along the Highway
Cult of Luna Eternal Kingdom
Cult of Luna Vertikal
Cult of Luna The Long Road North
Currency (AUS) First Exchange
Current 93 Black Ships Ate the Sky
Current 93 I Have A Special Plan For This World
Current 93 Sleep Has His House
Current 93 Lucifer Over London
Current 93 If a City is Set Upon a Hill
CyberTribe Cyberthnic
CyberTribe Cyber Dawn
Cynic Focus
Daemonia Nymphe Ο Βακχικός Χορός Των Νυμφών
Daemonia Nymphe Δαιμόνια Νύμφη
Daemonia Nymphe Krataia Asterope
Dai Lam Linh Ðại Lâm Linh
Daisuke Tobari Guitar
Daisuke Tobari ドラム (Drum)
Dargaard Eternity Rites
Dargaard The Dissolution of Eternity
Dark Sanctuary Dark Sanctuary
Dark Sanctuary Royaume Melancolique
Dark Sanctuary Exaudi Vocem Meam - Part II
Dark Tranquillity Character
Dark Tranquillity Damage Done
Dark Tranquillity Projector
Dark Tranquillity Fiction
Dark Tranquillity Atoma
Darkflight Closure
Darkher Realms
Darkspace Dark Space II
Darkspace Dark Space III I
Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger
Darkthrone Under a Funeral Moon
David Galas The Cataclysm
David Galas The Happiest Days of My Life
Dawn of Solace The Darkness
Dawn of Tears Descent
Daylight Dies Lost To The Living
Daylight Dies A Frail Becoming
De Domhnaigh (JPN) Turas
Dead Can Dance Aion
Dead Can Dance Dead Can Dance
Dead Can Dance Into the Labyrinth
Dead Can Dance Toward the Within
Dead Congregation Purifying Consecrated Ground
Deadwood Picturing a Sense of Loss
Death Scream Bloody Gore
Death The Sound of Perseverance
Death Individual Thought Patterns
Death Symbolic
Death Human
Deathspell Omega Kenose
Deathspell Omega Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum
Deathspell Omega Paracletus
Deathspell Omega The Synarchy of Molten Bones
Deathspell Omega The Furnaces of Palingenesia
Decadence (GR) A Beheaded Winner and Fragrances ff Happiness
Decadence (GR) Something To Love, Something To Spend
Deceased As the Weird Travel On
Deceased Ghostly White
Declan O'Rourke In Full Colour
Defeated Sanity Psalms of the Moribund
Defeated Sanity Chapters of Repugnance
Defeated Sanity Passages Into Deformity
Defeated Sanity Disposal Of The Dead // Dharmata
Defeated Sanity Chronicles of Lunacy
Demigod Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Demilich The Four Instructive Tales... of Decomposition
Demolition Hammer Epidemic of Violence
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Stellar
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Noktvrn
Derek Bell Ancient Music for the Irish Harp
Dervish The Boys of Sligo
Desolate Shrine The Sanctum of Human Darkness
Desolate Shrine The Heart of the Netherworld
Devin Townsend Ocean Machine: Biomech
Diabolical Masquerade Nightwork
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas Come Heavy Sleep
DIM (CA) Compendium I
DIM (CA) Compendium II
DIM (CA) Compendium Reliquiae
DIM (CA) The Holy Crag
Din Brad Dor
Dir En Grey Kisou
Dir En Grey Uroboros
Dirge (FR) Lost Empyrean
Disemballerina Disemballerina
Disma Towards the Megalith
Do Make Say Think Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn
Do Make Say Think You, You're a History in Rust
Do Make Say Think Other Truths
Dominia Divine Revolution
Domnisoara Pogany Apercu
Dona Anicide Dona Anicide
Donnacha Dennehy Grá agus Bás
Doom VS Dead Words Speak
Doom VS Earthless
DorDeDuh Dar De Duh
Douji Morita A Boy
Draconian Arcane Rain Fell
Draconian Turning Season Within
Dragonland Starfall
Dragonland Astronomy
Drakskip 鼓動する足 - Thrill of Being
Draugnim Vulturine
Drawn Bow Visions
Dream Unending Tide Turns Eternal
Dream Unending Song of Salvation
Dreamers' Circus Blue White Gold
Dreamers' Circus Rooftop Sessions
Drudkh Blood In Our Wells
Drudkh Estrangement
Drudkh The Swan Road
Drudkh Songs of Grief and Solitude
Drudkh They Often See Dreams About The Spring
Drudkh All Belong to the Night
Duncan Chisholm Farrar
Duncan Chisholm Canaich
Duncan Lyall Milestone
Dungen Ta Det Lugnt
Duskmourn Fallen Kings and Rusted Crowns
Dyble Longdon Between a Breath and a Breath
Dzivia Rujnuj
Ea Au Ellai
Earthside A Dream In Static
Eddie Marcon ゑでぃまぁこん (Eddie Marcon) (1)
Eddie Marcon や​っ​ほ​の​ぽ​と​り​ (​Yahho No Potori)
Edge of Sanity Crimson II
Edge of Sanity Purgatory Afterglow
EDIEH Spring Songs
Egschiglen Gobi
Egschiglen Gereg
Einar Selvik Snake Pit Poetry
Einherjer Blot
Eirikura Reflection of a Higher Realm
Eis Galeere
Eivor Slor
Elder (USA-MA) Dead Roots Stirring
Elder (USA-MA) Spires Burn/Release
Elder (USA-MA) Lore
Elder (USA-MA) Innate Passage
Elderwind The Magic of Nature
Elds Mark Elds Mark
Elend The Umbersun
Elend Sunwar The Dead
Elin Kaven Eamiritni - Rimeborn
Eline Hellerud Asbakk Sol inn vinduet
Ellende Ellende
Elmoe og Hoffmann Vandkanten
Elyvilon Nimueh's Gift
Emilie Lorentzen Moersm​å​l
Emilio Cao Cartas Mariñas
Emma Salokoski and Ilmiliekki Quartet Vi sålde våra hemman
Emperor Emperor
Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Empty Vessel Music There's Nobody Hiding Under The Gorse Bush
Empyrium Weiland
Emy Sakai Vetla Jento Mi 〜ハーディングフェーレ伝統曲集〜
Enekk Ver Sterk Mín Sál
Enisum Seasons Of Desolation
Ensemble Gamut UT
Enshine Origin
Enslaved Frost
Enslaved Below the Lights
Enslaved Isa
Enslaved Eld
Enslaved Mardraum - Beyond the Within
Enslaved RIITIIR
Enslaved E
Enslaved Heimdal
Entombed Clandestine
Epica Consign to Oblivion
Epica The Phantom Agony
Epica Requiem for the Indifferent
Equilibrium Rekreatur
Erik Ask-Upmark Himlens polska
Erina Uozumi ISO1600の花嫁
Erlend Apneseth Trio With Frode Haltli Salika, Molika
Esko Jarvela Epic Male Band Esko Järvelä Epic Male Band
Esoctrilihum Inhüma
Esoctrilihum Eternity Of Shaog
Esoctrilihum Dy'th Requiem for the Serpent Telepath
Esoctrilihum Consecration of the Spiritus Flesh
Esoctrilihum Saopth's
Esoctrilihum Astraal Constellations of the Majickal Zodiac
Esoteric Subconscious Dissolution Into the...
Evael Breath
Evilfeast Funeral Sorcery
Evoken A Caress of the Void
Evoken Embrace the Emptiness
Evoken Atra Mors
Exulansis Hymns of Collapse
Exuma Exuma
Fair to Midland Fables From a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times is True
Fair to Midland Arrows and Anchors
Fairport Convention Liege and Lief
Fairyland Of Wars in Osyrhia
Faith and the Muse Ankoku Butoh
Faith and the Muse Evidence of Heaven
Falkenbach Heralding - The Fireblade
Falkenbach Asa
Falls of Rauros Key to a Vanishing Future
Fallujah Nomadic
Fallujah Empyrean
Fallujah The Flesh Prevails (Remixed & Remastered)
Fedrespor Fra en Vugge i Fjellet
Fedrespor Tid
Felpeyu Tierra
Fields of Mildew III
Fields of Mildew Herbst
Finntroll Jaktens tid
Finntroll Nifelvind
Finsterforst Rastlos
Fiolministeriet Fiolministeriet
Fishmans Long Season
Fishmans Kuuchuu Camp
Fishmans 98.12.28 Otokotachi no Wakare
Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac
Fleshkiller Awaken
Floating Cloud Acoustic Band 東方アイリッシュ
Floating Points, Pharoah Sanders & The LSO Promises
Flook Flatfish
Flute Duo Recolte Bountiful Harvest of the Flute?
Flute Duo Recolte Musical Harvest of the Flutes!
Folknery Useful Things
Folque Fredlos
Foret Endormie Le d​é​sespoir utopique
Foret Endormie / Quercus Alba Forêt Endormie / Quercus Alba Split
Forndom Daura Dura
Forndom Flykt
Fossilization Leprous Daylight
Francesca Vincentie ETT LIV F​Ö​R ETT LIV
Frigg Oasis
Frigg Frigg
Frode Haltli Avant Folk II
Fuigodza Ohanashi
Fuigodza Toriceera Ryokouki
Funi Funi
Furia Ksiezyc milczy luty
Gabbarein Gabbarein
Gae Bolg Requiem
Gae Bolg and the Church of Fand John Barleycorn Must Die
Gae Bolg and the Church of Fand La ballade de l'Ankou
Galandum Galundaina Senhor Galandum
Galandum Galundaina Quatrada
Gallowbraid Ashen Eidolon
Galneryus Advance To The Fall
Galneryus Beyond the End of Despair...
Galneryus The Flag Of Punishment
Galneryus Angel of Salvation
Galneryus Under the Force of Courage
Galneryus Ultimate Sacrifice
Galneryus Into the Purgatory
Galorn Galorn
Gammal Gran やがて樹になる (Spring in Serenity)
Gao Hong and Kadialy Kouyate Terri Kunda
Garefowl Cliffs
Garmarna Guds Speleman
Gas Pop
Gate (NO) Iselilja
Gates of Ishtar At Dusk and Forever
Gazpacho Tick Tock
Gazpacho March of Ghosts
Geasa Angel's Cry
Genevieve Beaulieu Augury
Ghost (SWE) Meliora
Ghost Brigade Isolation Songs
Ghost Brigade Until Fear No Longer Defines Us
Gnoss Drawn from Deep Water
Gnoss Brother Wind
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada
Goran Mansson Mon
Gordon Bok, Ann Mayo Muir and Ed Trickett Turning Toward the Morning
Gorguts The Erosion of Sanity
Gowns Red State
Grada Endeavour
Grada The Landing Step
Grainne Brady Newcomer
Grave Miasma Odori Sepulcrorum
Greg Joy Celtic Secrets
Grim (JPN) Message
Grimner Frost Mot Eld
Groovedge 4 CORNERS
Groovedge Reduction
Groovedge Build
Grouper Ruins
Guldimund Dem, Vi Plejede At Være
Gwerz Musique Bretonne de Toujours
Haavard Haavard
Habadekuk Hopsadaddy
Hades Almighty The Dawn of the Dying Sun
Hades Almighty Alone Walkyng
Hail Spirit Noir Fossil Gardens
Hail the Sun Wake
Haken Aquarius
Haken Visions
Haken Restoration
Hammock Kenotic
Hammock Chasing After Shadows...Living with the Ghosts
Hammock Departure Songs
Harkalidid Harkaliðið
Harmonica Creams Nemuri irazu
Haruka Nakamura Still Life
Haruka Nakamura and Luca 未 草(Hitsujigusa)
Harul Vinay भराड़ी घाट / Bharari Ghat
Hatao and Nami Songs of Raindrops and Breeze
Hautville Le Moire
Havnatt Havdøgn
Havnatt Ragnhildstreet
Havnatt Heimferd
Heafodban Bl​ó​dwracu
Hedningarna Tra
Heilung Ofnir
Heilung Futha
Hekate Die Welt der dunklen Gärten
Hekla Stalstrenga Makramé
Hekla Stalstrenga Hekla Stålstrenga
Helengard Firebird
Helevorn Compassion Forlorn
Helga (SWE) Wrapped in Mist
Helloween Straight Out of Hell
Helloween Helloween
Hevongaard Airs de l'Ancien Monde
Hindarfjall Från Tidernas Begynnelse
Hindarfjall Seden
Hiroko Ara Garden
Hiroshi Yoshimura Green
Hitoshi Kojo Meteoric Eyes 覚醒彗星
Hooded Menace Never Cross the Dead
Hooded Menace Effigies of Evil
Hooded Menace Darkness Drips Forth
Hooded Menace The Tritonus Bell
Horn Naturkraft
Horrendous Ecdysis
Horrendous Ontological Mysterium
Hoshigata no Niwa a study in tone and distance
Howls of Ebb Vigils of the 3rd Eye
Howls of Ebb The Marrow Veil
Hughes de Courson O'stravaganza: Vivaldi in Ireland
Hulkoff Kven
Hum Inlet
Huun-Huur-Tu The Orphan's Lament
Hvalfugl Øjeblikke Vi Husker
Hvalfugl Som En Faldskærm
Hvalfugl By
Hvalfugl Bag Vore Øjne Strømmer Drømme Sagte Forbi
Hypno5e Acid Mist Tomorrow
i Haxa i Häxa
Ichiko Aoba Origami
Ichiko Aoba Utabiko
Ichiko Aoba Mahoroboshiya
Ichiko Aoba amuletum bouquet
Ifing Against This Weald
Ikuinen Kaamos Closure
Ilgi Ne Uz Vienu Dienu
Ilkka Heinonen Trio Savu
Imar Avalanche
Imbaru El Inherente Sentir en los Árboles
Imbaru De la Tierra a la Aurora
Imbaru Series Oníricas (Piano Pieces)
Immolation Failures for Gods
Immolation Hope and Horror
Immolation Majesty and Decay
Immolation Providence
Immolation Atonement
Immolation Acts of God
Impetuous Ritual Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Excrescence
Imre Peemot Dük ortuluktung ünü: The Sound of Wool Island
In Flames The Jester Race
In Flames Whoracle
In Gowan Ring The Serpent And The Dove
In Gowan Ring Twin Trees
In Mourning Shrouded Divine
In Mourning The Weight of Oceans
In the Silence A Fair Dream Gone Mad
In Vain (NO) The Latter Rain
Inanna Transfigured in a Thousand Delusions
Incantation Upon the Throne of Apocalypse
Incantation Vanquish in Vengeance
Incantation Dirges of Elysium
Inferi (USA) Revenant
Inigo Ugarteburu For The Unknown
Inigo Ugarteburu back&forth
Inneres Gebirge Schlafender K​ö​nig
Insomnium In the Halls of Awaiting
Insomnium Across the Dark
Insomnium Shadows of the Dying Sun
Insomnium Heart Like a Grave
Instinkt Hur
Instinkt Grum
Intestine Baalism Banquet in the Darkness
Intestine Baalism An Anatomy of the Beast
Intestine Baalism Ultimate Instinct
Ion (UK) Immaculada
IQ Dark Matter
Iron Maiden Powerslave
Iron Maiden Somewhere In Time
Iron Maiden Piece Of Mind
Iron Maiden Brave New World
Iron Maiden Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Isenordal Shores of Mourning
Isenordal Spectral Embrace
Iseul Kim's Two Voices Evolving
ISIS Oceanic
ISIS Panopticon
ISIS Celestial
ISIS In the Absence of Truth
ISIS Wavering Radiant
Ivar Bjornson and Einar Selvik Skuggsja: A Piece for Mind & Mirror
Jacques Pellen Celtic Procession
Jan Hasker Pastoral Song - 牧歌
Jan Johansson Jazz Pa Svenska
Jex Thoth Blood Moon Rise
Johan Hedin Innersta Polskan
Johan Hedin and Gunnar Idenstam Låtar II: Swedish Folk Tunes
John Francis Flynn Look Over the Wall, See the Sky
John Rea Traditional Music On The Hammered Dulcimer
John Stark and Aino Karelia Tunes and Songs of Finland
Jonathan Hulten Chants from Another Place
Jora Tatata
Jordsjo Jord
Jordsjo Pastoralia
JPP String Tease
Judas Priest Painkiller
Juha Kujanpää Niin Kauas Kuin Siivet Kantaa
Julia Holter Aviary
Juri et Lisa All Things Are Quite Silent
Jurre Timmer Fragmented
Jusqua Grand-pere Unkin
Jusqua Grand-pere The Forest
K.C. Jiang Chinese Music for Irish Whistle (爱尔兰哨笛吹奏的中国歌曲)
Kaatayra Só Quem Viu o Relâmpago à Sua Direita Sabe
Kalandra The Line
Kalenda Maya Kalenda Maya: Medieval and Renaissance Music
Kalmah The Black Waltz
Kalmah 12 Gauge
Kalmah Seventh Swamphony
Kalmah Kalmah
Kamelot Epica
Kamelot Karma
Kamelot Ghost Opera
Kamijo Symphony of the Vampire
Kandia Kouyate Kita Kan
Karnataka Delicate Flame Of Desire
Katatonia Viva Emptiness
Katatonia The Great Cold Distance
Katatonia Night Is the New Day
Kate Bush Never for Ever
Katrien Delavier Harpe Irlandaise
Kauan Lumikuuro
Kauan Aava Tuulen Maa
Kauan Kuu..
Kenichiro Isoda プリオシンの浜辺
Kenichiro Isoda 夢のさざなみ
Kenichiro Isoda – イライラ解消
Kenichiro Isoda 時空のきらめき
Kenji Komatsuzaki and Takashi Hamada The Amur Adonis
Keor Petrichor
Kevin Burke If the Cap Fits
Kevin Burke and Micheal O Domhnaill Portland
Khemmis Absolution
Khemmis Desolation
Khyrkhaas Songs of Our Elders: Music of the Mountain-Steppes
Kila Lemonade And Buns
Kila and Oki Kíla and Oki
Kim So-hee P'ansori
Kim Suk Chul Ensemble The Shamans of the Eastern Seaboard
Kim Youngkil 김영길의 아쟁 - 박종선류 아쟁산조, 시나위
Kimi Djabate Dindin
Kimi Karki Eye for An Eye
Kimi Karki The Bone of My Bones
Kinoko Teikoku Eureka
Kirschstein Kirschstein
Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water
Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat If The Sky Falls, We Shall Catch Larks
Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat An Interlude to the Outermost
Kitchens Of Distinction Strange Free World
Kjell Braaten Ferd
Kloster Ni salmer og en aftensang
Kloster Half Dream, Half Epiphany
ko-ko-ya Travelogue
Koenji Hyakkei Angherr Shisspa
Koenji Hyakkei Hundred Sights of Koenji
Koenji Hyakkei Dhorimviskha
Kondo Minako Living​-​room musics
Kostnateni Úpal
Kozo Toyota Internal Circulation
Krampus Survival of the Fittest
Kristen Noguès Marc'h Gouez
Kristine Barrett Unvisited Tombs: M​ö​drar
Krypts Cadaver Circulation
KURI Mirage Market [​蜃​気​楼​の​市​場​]
Kuroyuri Shimai 星のひとみ
Kyuss ...And The Circus Leaves Town
L'Ham de Foc Cançó De Dona I Home
Labyrinth Return to Heaven Denied
Labyrinth Return to Heaven Denied Pt. II: A Midnight Autumn
Lacrimas Profundere Burning: A Wish
Lankum Between the Earth and Sky
Lankum Live in Dublin
Lantlos .neon
Lantlos Melting Sun
Lars Hollmer Tonöga
Lars Hollmer Vandelmässa
Lars Hollmer Utsikter
Lars Hollmer & Yuriko Mukoujima Duo Live and More
Lena Willemark and Ale Moller Nordan
Lepisto and Lehti Helsinki
Liberte Jau au​š​t au​š​ru​ž​ė
Ling Tosite Sigure #4
Ling Tosite Sigure Still a Sigure Virgin?
Ling Tosite Sigure I'mperfect
Ling Tosite Sigure last aurorally
Lisa Gerrard The Mirror Pool
Lisa Gerrard and Pieter Bourke Duality
Lisa Lynne Seasons of the Soul
Lisa O'Neill All Of This Is Chance
Lisieux Abide!
Liturgy H.A.Q.Q.
Liz Doherty and Fiddlesticks Racket in the Rectory
Llan de Cubel Deva
Llan de Cubel IV
Llan de Cubel Un Tiempu Meyor
Lor Edge of Eternity
Lord Mantis Death Mask
Loreena McKennitt An Ancient Muse
Loreena McKennitt Parallel Dreams
Lost Soul Immerse in Infinity
Lovi Kirmukarmu
Luar Na Lubre Hai Un Paraiso
Luar Na Lubre Saudade
Lucas 15 Lucas 15
Luftstrak Siska
Lunarsea Hundred Light Years
Lunasa Otherworld
Lunasa Lunasa
Lunasa Lá Nua
Luneth Luneth
Lynched Cold Old Fire
Mademoiselle Cho những ngày âm u
Magma Ëmëhntëhtt-Rê
Magma 1001° Centigrades
Magma Köhntarkösz
Magma Félicité Thösz
Maire Ni Chathasaigh The New Strung Harp
Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh Imeall
Makit Dolan Muqam Troupe 巴亚宛 Bayawan
Malevolent Creation Retribution
Malfet Alban Arthan
Malfet Dolorous Gard
Malignant Altar Realms of Exquisite Morbidity
Manchester Orchestra Mean Everything to Nothing
Manegarm Vredens Tid
Maple Fyshh 君​が​ど​ん​ど​ん​離​れ​て​行​く You Are...
Mar De Grises The Tatterdemalion Express
Mare Cognitum An Extraconscious Lucidity
Mare Cognitum Solar Paroxysm
Mari Boine Gula Gula (Hør stammødrenes stemme)
Mari Boine Leahkastin (Unfolding)
Maria Kalaniemi and Aldargaz Iho
Maria Kalaniemi and Timo Alakotila Ambra
Maria Kawamura 「春の夢] Sanctus
Mariee Sioux Gift For The End
Mariee Sioux Grief in Exile
Marissa Nadler Songs III: Bird on the Water
Marissa Nadler July
Marja Mattlar Tuli
Marja Mortensson Raajroe – The Reindeer Caravan
Markku Lepisto Silta
Markku Lepisto Solos
Martti Pokela Snow Kantele
Masato Anjyo Luule
Mastodon Remission
Mastodon Leviathan
Mastodon Blood Mountain
Matto Congrio Matto Congrio
Maud The Moth Orphnē
Meadow and Gen Tanabe Two Lands
Men's Cap Trace
Men's Cap In My Hands
Meridiane To Walk Behind the Sun
Meriheini Luoto Metsänpeitto
Meriheini Luoto Metsänpeitto 2
Merit Hemmingson Huvva! - Svensk folkmusik på beat
Merope Salos
Meus September
Meus Miserere Mei Deus
Mew And the Glass Handed Kites
Mew Frengers
Mew No More Stories
mewithoutYou Catch For Us the Foxes
mewithoutYou [Untitled]
Mgla With Hearts Toward None
Mgla Mdlosci
Mgla Further Down the Nest
Michael McGoldrick Aurora
Mid-Air Thief Gongjoong Doduk
Midnight Odyssey Funerals from the Astral Sphere
Miho Kei and Jazz Eleven こけざる組曲
Mike Oldfield Tubular Bells
Mila Mar Mila Mar
Mila Mar Nova
Mild Star Sorrow Time (淋しい時)
Mince Pye Pye To Go
Ministry Psalm 69
Minwhee Lee 빌린 입 (Borrowed Tongue)
Minwhee Lee 미​래​의 고향 (Hometown to Come)
Mio (NOR) M​Í​O
Misthyrming Algleymi
Misthyrming Með hamri
Mistur Attende
Mithotyn Gathered Around the Oaken Table
Modern Irish Project 3 Films
Modern Irish Project Moving Cloud
Mono Under the Pipal Tree
Mono One Step More and You Die
Montz Matsumoto Missing Home
Moonsorrow Suden uni
Moonsorrow Varjoina kuljemme kuolleiden maassa
Morbid Angel Formulas Fatal to the Flesh
Morbid Angel Blessed Are the Sick
Morbid Angel Gateways to Annihilation
Mors Principium Est Dawn of the 5th Era
Mortiferum Disgorged from Psychotic Depths
Motorpsycho The Tower
Mournful Congregation The June Frost
Mrs. Sarah Makem Ulster Ballad Singer
Mulgwaumm Latent Focus
Musk Ox Musk Ox
Mustarastas Elämänpuu
Mustarastas Siluetti
My Bloody Valentine Loveless
My Dying Bride As The Flower Withers
My Dying Bride Songs Of Darkness, Words Of Light
My Dying Bride A Line Of Deathless Kings
My Dying Bride A Map Of All Our Failures
My Dying Bride Feel The Misery
Myriam Gendron Not So Deep as a Well
Myrkgrav Trollskau, skrømt og kølabrenning
Myrkur Folkesange
Naervaer Skiftninger
Naervaer Demonstration 95
Naevus Silent Life
Nahtram An Ominous Journey
Nanto Folk Mates 旅人が来るまでに昔話を思い出しておこう
Nathanael Larochette Earth And Sky
Nathanael Larochette Old Growth
Ne Obliviscaris Portal of I
Ne Obliviscaris Urn
Nebelung Vigil
Nebelung Palingenesis
Nechochwen OtO
Nechochwen Algonkian Mythos
Nechochwen Kanawha Black
Negura Bunget OM
Nemecek Prokletije II
Nest (FIN) Woodsmoke
Nest (FIN) Hidden Stream
Nest (FIN) Fabled Lore/ Hidden Stream
Neun Welten The Sea I'm Diving In
Niekku Niekku
Niekku Niekku 3
Nightbringer Apocalypse Sun
Nightbringer Hierophany of the Open Grave
Nightwish Oceanborn
Nightwish Dark Passion Play
Nile In Their Darkened Shrines
Nils Okland Straum
Nils Okland Band Kjølvatn
Nina Simone Little Girl Blue
Niningashi Heavy Way
Nishigaitokenchiku 老人はひきずり足で歩いていた
Nocturnus The Key
Nokkenoc N​ø​kkenoc
Nokturnal Mortum Lunar Poetry
Nokturnal Mortum Goat Horns
Novembre Materia
Novembre Classica
Novemthree Renewing
Novy Svet Fin. Finito. Infinito
Nucleus Torn Knell
Nucleus Torn Krähenkönigin
O'Jizo Cranking Out
O'Jizo Via Portland
Oado Life Era
Obliteration Perpetual Decay
Obliteration Black Death Horizon
Obliteration Cenotaph Obscure
Obscura Cosmogenesis
Obscura Omnivium
Obsequiae Suspended in the Brume of Eos
Obtained Enslavement Witchcraft
Oceansize Effloresce
Ocelon Of the Lost Heritage
October Falls Tuoni
October Falls Marras
October Tide Rain Without End
Officium Triste Reason
Oidupaa Vladimir Oiun Divine Music from a Jail
Olafur Arnalds ...And They Have Escaped The Weight Of Darkness
Oliver Cherer Sir Ollife Leigh & Other Ghosts
Omnium Gatherum New World Shadows
Omnium Gatherum Beyond
Omnium Gatherum The Burning Cold
Oniric Mannequins
Onmyo-Za Maou Taiten
Onmyo-Za Kishi Bojin
Onmyo-Za Garyou Tensei
Onmyo-Za Mugen Houyou
Onmyo-Za Houyoku Rindou
Onmyo-Za Koujin Rasetsu
Onmyo-Za Fuujin Kaikou
Onmyo-Za Karyo Binga
Onmyo-Za 覇道明王 (Hadō Myōō)
oofujitsubo Remains of Dreams
Opeth Orchid
Opeth Deliverance
Opeth Damnation
Ophis Spew Forth Odium
Oranssi Pazuzu Värähtelijä
Orbe and Maika Orbe I
Oriver ティンホイッスルのうた~Song Of The Tin Whistle~
Oromet Oromet
Orphan School Lotus in the Creek
Oscilation Circuit Série Réflexion 1
Osi and the Jupiter Uthuling Hyl
Osi and the Jupiter Stave
Osterlide Østerlide
Ougenweide All die weil ich mag
Oystein Sevag Caravan
Paavoharju Laulu Laakson Kukista
Paavoharju Yön mustia kukkia
Pallbearer Sorrow And Extinction
Pallbearer Foundations of Burden
Pan.Thy.Monium Khaooohs and Kon-Fus-Ion
Panopticon Roads to the North
Panopticon Autumn Eternal
Panopticon .​.​.​And Again into the Light
Panopticon The Rime of Memory
Papangu Holoceno
Paradise Lost Draconian Times
Paradise Lost In Requiem
Paradise Lost Icon
Paradise Lost Tragic Idol
Paradise Lost Obsidian
Park Jiha All Living Things
Patrick and Patricia Folk or Alive
Paul Mounsey City of Walls
Paysage d'Hiver Paysage d'Hiver
Paysage d'Hiver Schattengang
Paysage d'Hiver Kristall und Isa
Paysage d'Hiver Die Berge
Peatbog Faeries Welcome to Dun Vegas
Peatbog Faeries What Men Deserve to Lose
Pekka Streng Kesämaa
Pettersson and Fredriksson Brand
Pettersson and Fredriksson Virek
Piano Magic The Troubled Sleep of Piano Magic
Piirpauke Piirpauke
Pirnales Pirnales
Planxty The Well Below The Valley
Plini Other Things
Plini Sweet Nothings
Plini The End of Everything
Plini Handmade Cities
Pomni Imya Svoyo Имярек
Porcupine Tree In Absentia
Porcupine Tree Signify
Porcupine Tree Stupid Dream
Porcupine Tree Lightbulb Sun
Porcupine Tree Fear of a Blank Planet
Possession of the Polar Shaman Possession of the Polar Shaman
Preterite Pillar of Winds
Primordial The Gathering Wilderness
Primordial To The Nameless Dead
Primordial Spirit The Earth Aflame
Primordial Storm Before Calm
Primordial Exile Amongst The Ruins
Profetus The Sadness Of Time Passing
Protandrous Loter​í​a Azteca
Pyramids with Nadja Pyramids with Nadja
Queens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf
Queens of the Stone Age ...Like Clockwork
Quercus Alba Waters to Nowhere
Quo Vadis Defiant Imagination
Rachel Walker Gaol
Rant The Portage
Raphael Weinroth-Browne Worlds Within Live
Rauma 深い海 (Deep Ocean)
Remembrance Fall, Obsidian Night
Reminiscence (POR) To Halcyon Days
Renaissance Prologue
Renaissance Novella
renge 灯りたち (Lights)
renge Memories of a Blue Day -Selected Works-
Rev Galen Rev Galen
Rhapsody of Fire Symphony Of Enchanted Lands II
Rhapsody of Fire Power Of The Dragonflame
Rhapsody of Fire The Frozen Tears Of Angels
Rhapsody of Fire From Chaos to Eternity
Rhun (USA-ME) Conveyance In Death
Ritsuko Kobayashi, Keiko Kodaira and Masaru Morita 冬景色 (Fuyugeshiki)
Rivendell (JPN) Aeolian
Riverside Second Life Syndrome
Riverside Out Of Myself
Riverside Rapid Eye Movement
Riverside Shrine Of New Generation Slaves
Riverside Love, Fear And The Time Machine
Robin Williamson Myrrh
Rome Confessions D'Un Voleur D'Ames
Rome Nera
Rome Die Æsthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit
Rosa Cedron Nada que perder
Rota Fortunae Vespers
Rotting Christ Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers
Russian Circles Enter
Russian Circles Empros
Russian Circles Memorial
Rydvall Mjelva Isbrytaren
Rydvall Mjelva Vårdroppar
Rydvall Mjelva Vårvindar Friska
Ryosuke Sakamoto Travels With My Lute
Sababa 5 and Yurika Kokoro - こ​こ​ろ
Sacrilege GBG The Fifth Season
Saidan Jigoku: Spiraling Chasms of Blackst Hell
Saidan Visual Kill: The Blossoming of Psychotic Depravity
Salacoro After Tears...
Sangre Cavallum Barbara Carmina
Sangre de Muerdago Sangre de Muerdago
Sangre de Muerdago Deixademe Morrer No Bosque
Sangre de Muerdago Lembranzas dende o Lado Salvaxe
Sangre de Muerdago Vagalumes
Sangre de Muerdago Nas Fragas do Rio Eume
Sangre de Muerdago and Novemthree Braided Paths
Sangre de Muerdago, Judasz and Nahimana Cantiga de folhas e agulha
Sangre de Muerdago, Judasz and Nahimana A Ilus​ã​o da Quietude
Saor Roots
Saor Forgotten Paths
Sara Parkman Vesper
Sarah Palu Ikivirta
Saturnus Saturn In Ascension
Sayaka Ikuyama Light
Scarcity Aveilut
Searing Meadow Corroding From Inside
Seckou Keita Mali
Sedaa East West
Septicflesh Communion
Septicflesh Sumerian Daemons
Serac (USA-WA) Irradiance
Serendou Avel An Douar
Serenity in Murder The Highest Of Dystopia
Serpent (JPN) xGODx
Serpent Column Mirror In Darkness
Shadow Of Intent Reclaimer
Shanachie Sally Garden
Shao Rong Orchid
Shape of Despair Return To The Void
Sharon Shannon, Frankie Gavin, Michael McGoldrick & Jim Tunes
Shattered Hope Abscence
Shono "Hunters. Throat singing from the shores of Baikal
Shores of Null Beyond the Shores (On Death and Dying)
Shylmagoghnar Transience
Si-Folk Si-Folk III: East Céili
Sian (SCO) Sian
Sieben Our Solitary Confinement
SIG:AR:TYR Godsaga
SIG:AR:TYR Citadel of Stars
Sigh Gallows Gallery
Sigh Hangman's Hymn
Sigh Scenes from Hell
Sigh In Somniphobia
Sigh Heir to Despair
Sigh Shiki
Sigur Ros ( )
Sigur Ros Kveikur
Silent Jeff River Reflection
Sinikka Langeland The Half-Finished Heaven
Sinikka Langeland The Magical Forest
Sinmara Aphotic Womb
Sinmara Hvísl Stjarnanna
Siomha Brock Infinite Space
Sirom The Liquified Throne of Simplicity
Skepticism Alloy
Skepticism Companion
Skuli Sverrisson Sería
Skyclad A Burnt Offering for the Bone Idol
Skyfire Timeless Departure
Skyfire Spectral
Sleep Jerusalem
Sleep The Sciences
Slowdive Just for a Day
Slowdive Morningrise
Slowdive Holding Our Breath
Slowdive 5
Slowdive Everything is Alive
Slugdge Gastronomicon
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology
Soazig Chant et harpe Celtique
Soda Stereo Dynamo
Sofia Lindroos and Marianne Maans Toner i ljus och gestalt (Voices in Light)
Soilwork The Ride Majestic
Sojourner Empires of Ash
Sol Invictus King & Queen
Solas The Words That Remain
Solefald The Linear Scaffold
Solo Cissokho and Indre Jurgeleviciute Solo & Indre
Solstafir Köld
Solventis Alcyon
Sombres Forets Royaume De Glace
Sombres Forets La Mort du Soleil
Somei Satoh Mandara Trilogy
Song Soon Dan 송순단 무가 II
Songleikr Godtfolk
Sonne Hagal Helfahrt
Sonne Hagal Ockerwasser
Sonne Hagal and Aurum Nostrum Sinister Practices In Bright Sunshine
Sophicide Perdition of the Sublime
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Dead Lovers Sarabande (Face Two)
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Les Fleurs Du Mal
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Children Of The Corn
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Mitternacht
Soriah with Ashkelon Sain Atlan
Sorrow (SCO) Under The Yew Possessed
Sorrow (SCO) Sleep Now Forever
Sound Horizon Elysion ~Rakuen Gensou Monogatari Kumikyoku~
Sound Horizon Märchen
Spaelimenninir i Hoydolum Spælimenninir í Hoydølum
Spaelimenninir i Hoydolum Umaftur
Spectral Lore and Mare Cognitum Sol
Spectral Lore and Mare Cognitum Wanderers: Astrology of the Nine
Spectral Voice Sparagmos
Spectrale Arcanes
Spilmenn Rikinis Ljómalind
Spilmenn Rikinis Gullhetta
Spirit Adrift Divided by Darkness
Staran Staran
Steve Roach The Magnificent Void
Steve Von Till If I Should Fall to the Field
Steven Wilson Grace for Drowning
Stormtide Wrath of an Empire
Stortregn Impermanence
Strangeweather Like Shadows in Grey Rivers
Strangeweather Strangeweather
Stratovarius Visions
Stratovarius Nemesis
Strawbs From the Witchwood
Streif Nøring
Stundom må jeg holde din h​å​nd?
Sturle Dagsland Sturle Dagsland
SubRosa (US) More Constant Than The Gods
Suffocation Pierced From Within
Sukekiyo Adoratio
Suldusk Anthesis
Sulphur Aeon Gateway to the Antisphere
Sulphur Aeon The Scythe of Cosmic Chaos
Summoning Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
Summoning Nightshade Forests
Summoning Dol Guldur
Summoning Minas Morgul
Suo Suuri härkä
Susanne Lundeng Forunderlig Ferd
Susanne Lundeng Nattevåk
Svartidaudi Flesh Cathedral
Svartidaudi Revelations of the Red Sword
Svavelvinter Mörkrets Tid
Sven Nyhus Kvartett Spiller Opp Til Gammeldans
Sven Nyhus Kvartett Trollsteget
Swallow the Sun Hope
Swallow the Sun Plague Of Butterflies
Swallow the Sun Moonflowers
Swap Mosquito Hunter
Sweet Trip Halica: Bliss Out v.11
Sweet Trip A Tiny House, In Secret Speeches, Polar Equals
Sylvan Grey Ice Flowers Melting
Sylvia Woods The Harp of Brandiswhiere
Symphony X Paradise Lost
Syven Aikaintaite
Syven Corpus Christi
Tabor Liebe
Tamas Katai Erika Szobája
Tarbagan Taigam - My Taiga
Tarbagan Nodoomi - Steppean Diorama
Tartan Amoebas Giant
Telenn Gwad Time When Poets Taught Angels to Love
Tempalay ((ika))
Tempel (USA-AZ) On the Steps of the Temple
Tenhi Airut: Aamujen
Tenhi Airut : Ciwi
Tenhi Hallavedet
Thank You Scientist Maps of Non-Existent Places
Thank You Scientist Terraformer
The Angelic Process Coma Waering
The Austrasian Goat Paved Intentions
The Bonny Men The Broken Pledge
The Chasm Deathcult for Eternity: The Triumph
The Chasm The Spell of Retribution
The Chasm Farseeing the Paranormal Abysm
The Chasm Conjuration of the Spectral Empire
The Chasm Procession to the Infraworld
The Chasm The Scars of a Lost Reflective Shadow
The Chieftains The Chieftains 4
The Chieftains Boil the Breakfast Early
The Corrs Forgiven, Not Forgotten
The Cure Disintegration
The Dear Hunter Act II: The Meaning of, & All Things Regarding Ms. Leading
The Dear Hunter Act III: Life and Death
The Elemental Chrysalis The Calocybe Collection
The Elemental Chrysalis The Dark Path To Spiritual Expansion
The Fall of Every Season Amends
The Flower Kings Banks of Eden
The Gathering if_then_else
The Gathering How to Measure a Planet?
The Gathering Home
The Gathering Mandylion
The Gloaming 2
The Great Old Ones Tekeli-Li
The Great Old Ones EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy
The Great Old Ones Kadath
The Halton Quartet Based on True Events
The Handover The Handover
The Joy of Nature The Empty Circle Part III: Anitya
The Monks of the Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery Sacred Ceremonies 2 - Tantric Hymns
The Moon and the Nightspirit Osforras
The Moon and the Nightspirit Metanoia
The Necks Sex
The Ocean Precambrian
The Ocean Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic
The Ocean Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | Cenozoic
The Phonometrician Mnemosyne
The Phonometrician El Mar Convertido en Oceano
The Ruins of Beverast Rain Upon the Impure
The Ruins of Beverast Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite
The Ruins of Beverast Unlock the Shrine
The Ruins of Beverast Blood Vaults - The Blazing Gospels of Heinrich...
The Ruins of Beverast Exuvia
The Shroud A Dark Moon Night
The Swan and Blossoms 遇​雨​而​生​Sentiment in Rain
The Swan and Blossoms 月​下​世​界 World Below the Moon
The Trials of Cato Hide and Hair
The War On Drugs Lost in the Dream
The Wicker Man 73 The Wicker Man
The Windmill Tribus
Them Teeth Illfänas
Theocracy Mirror of Souls
Theocracy As the World Bleeds
Therese Schroeder-Sheker Rosa Mystica
Thergothon Stream From The Heavens
Third Ear Band Third Ear Band
Thou Peasant
Thou Summit
Thurnin Útiseta
Thy Catafalque Tuno Ido Tarlat
Thy Catafalque Roka Hasa Radio
Thy Catafalque Rengeteg
Thy Catafalque Vadak
Thy Light No Morrow Shall Dawn
Thyrfing Vansinnesvisor
Thyrfing Urkraft
Tico Moon Beautiful Days
Tico Moon Arietta
Tico Moon Hajimari No Kane
Tico Moon Daydream Garden
Tiiu Helina Veli
Till skog M​Å​NGATA
Tim Hecker No Highs
Timo Alakotila and Yuka Fujino Seiras
tipsipúca Storyteller
tipsipúca Duo!!
TK From Ling Tosite Sigure Flowering
TK From Ling Tosite Sigure Fantastic Magic
Tomasz Budzynski Taniec Szkieletów
Tomasz Budzynski Luna
Tomb Mold Manor of Infinite Forms
Tomb Mold Planetary Clairvoyance
Tomb Mold The Enduring Spirit
Tone Hulbaekmo Svevende jord
Tore Bruvoll and Jon Anders Halvorsen Nattsang
Toshifumi Hinata Reality In Love
Toshifumi Hinata Broken Belief
Toshihiro Nakanishi's Reel's Trip Reel's Trip
Toumani Diabate The Mande Variations
Transigil Transigil
Trembling Strain Four Pictures - 四つの弔歌
Trespassers William Different Stars
Trespassers William Having
Tri- Notes of North
Tribulation The Horror
Tribulation The Formulas Of Death
tricolor Good Morning, Liffey
Triptykon Eparistera Daimones
Triptykon Melana Chasmata
Trobar De Morte Fairydust
Trobar De Morte Nocturnal Dance of the Dragonfly
Troy Donockley The Unseen Stream
Tsadig Delhii Deer Saatah Zuur
Tuhka Tuhka
Turid Bilder
Turnover Peripheral Vision
Ubazakura Die Andere Nacht (Oder. G)
Ulcerate The Destroyers of All
Ulcerate Vermis
Ulcerate Stare Into Death and Be Still
Ulrika Boden Vålje Å Vrake
Ulrika Boden Rätt nu är det på tiden
Ulvens Dottrar En klunk av det blå - Blue Draught
Ulvesang Ulvesang
Un Sentiment
Undeath Lesions of a Different Kind
Undeath It's Time...To Rise From the Grave
Unhuman Unhuman
Urferd Resan
Uzmanibu UZMANĪBU - Latvian Folk Music
Vader The Art Of War
Vader De Profundis
Vader Litany
Vader Impressions In Blood
Vader Welcome to the Morbid Reich
Vader Tibi et Igni
Valhalore Voyage into Eternity
Valkyrien Allstars slutte og byne
Vallendusk Black Clouds Gathering
Valravn (DK) Valravn
Various Artists Der Wanderer über Dem Nebelmeer
Various Artists Anima
Various Artists Peace and Quiet III: 月の栞 (Tuki No Siori)
Various Artists La Nuit Des Fées
Various Artists La nuit des fées saison 2: Messages des fées
Various Artists John Barleycorn Reborn: Dark Britannica
Various Artists Nordisk Sang (Music Of Norway)
Various Artists Celtsittolke Vol. 6
Various Artists Tonebod
Varsog Vårsøg
Vasen Essence
Vauruva Por Nós da Ventania
Vektor Black Future
Vektor Outer Isolation
Veliu Namai Alkai
Vergissmeinnicht His Own Strange Songs
Vergissmeinnicht Whispering Solitude
Versailles Noble
Vertebra Atlantis Lustral Purge in Cerulean Bliss
Vesperal (FR) Conqueror of Emptiness
Vesperal (FR) Wasteland
Vevaki F​ó​rnspeki
Vezha Khmar П​л​а​ч
Vilma Timonen Quartet VTQ
Vilma Timonen Quartet Drops
Vintergrav Skogkatt
Violin no Kikoeru Machi バイオリンの聞こえる街
Virginia Astley The Singing Places
Virtual Dream Plaza 无限渴望
Virvum Illuminance
Visby Allmanna Sangen Utlottningen
Void Of Silence Human Antithesis
Voivod Dimension Hatröss
Vorna Sateet palata saavat
Vox Vulgaris In the Ruins of Saint Lars
Vox Vulgaris Vespers in Lye Church
Vox Vulgaris The Sandsborg Sessions
Walknut Graveforests and Their Shadows
Wallachia Shunya
Wang Yiling 枯萎颂 (Ode to Wither)
Ward Irish Music Archives The Francis O'Neill Cylinders
Wardruna Runaljod - Gap Var Ginnunga
Wardruna Runaljod - Yggdrasil
Wardruna Runaljod – Ragnarok
Waste of Space Orchestra Syntheosis
Wataboshi わたぼうし
Waul of the Weald Waul of the Weald
We Lost the Sea The Quietest Place on Earth
Weh En natt kom doed
Weh Origins
Weh Folkloren
Werkraum Early Love Music
Westward the Light Flow Country
Weyes Blood And in the Darkness, Hearts Aglow
When Nothing Remains As All Torn Asunder
Whispered Shogunate Macabre
White Ward Futility Report
Wicher Odwilż
Wilderun Olden Tales and Deathly Trails
Will O' The Wisp Will O' The Wisp
Winterfylleth The Mercian Sphere
Winterfylleth The Divination Of Antiquity
Winterfylleth The Imperious Horizon
Wintersun Time I
Wobbler Dwellers of the Deep
Wodensthrone Curse
Woljager Van't Liewen un Stiawen
Wolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 Stars
Words of Farewell Immersion
World's End Girlfriend Hurtbreak Wonderland
World's End Girlfriend The Lie Lay Land
Worm Foreverglade
Wuthering Heights The Shadow Cabinet
Xandria Neverworld's End
Xanthochroid Incultus
Xanthochroid Blessed He With Boils
Xera Lliendes
Yamato Ensemble Art Of The Japanese Koto, Shakuhachi And Shamisen
Yamazaki Yasuyuki All Things In Nature
Yara Asmar synth waltzes and accordion laments
Yasunori Mitsuda Kirite
Yat-kha Dalai Beldiri
Yellow Eyes Immersion Trench Reverie
Yellow Eyes Rare Field Ceiling
Yndi Halda Enjoy Eternal Bliss
Yndi Halda Under Summer
Yo-Yo Ma and Others Appalachia Waltz
YOB The Great Cessation
YOB Catharsis
YOB Clearing The Path To Ascend
YOB Our Raw Heart
You Joe Ceili Band The Best of You Joe Ceili Band
You Joe Gakudan Aura, Venias
You Joe Gakudan Tusind Tak
You Joe Gakudan Fiddlism Theory
Yuki Hattori Ihala
Yuki Kojima Take Off -Beyond the Respect-
Yuko Sasama and Ryozan Sakata Peace and Quiet I: 青い花 (Aoi Hana)
Yulia Charkova Chitǐ khyllygh chadyghanym
Yumi Tahara My Gentle Harp
Yumie Kushitani Hikari
Zabadak Welcome to Zabadak
Zachatorte Ochanoma Trip!
Zealotry The Last Witness
Zhrine Unortheta
Zofie Siege Gems in Dirt

3.5 great
...and Oceans The Symmetry of I - The Circle of O
...and Oceans The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts
...and Oceans A.M.G.O.D.
1476 In Exile
6hunesseq Ma olen maa peal v66ras
A Forest of Stars A Shadowplay for Yesterdays
A Forest of Stars Grave Mounds and Grave Mistakes
A Swarm of the Sun The Woods
A Winged Victory for the Sullen Atomos
Aalto Ikaro
Abigail Williams In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns
abstractaeon El planeta azul
Acathexis Immerse
Accordion Tribe Accordion Tribe
Accordion Tribe Lunghorn Twist
Adimiron Et Liber Eris
Aerialists I Lost My Heart On Friday
Aether Realm One Chosen By The Gods
Aetheria Conscientia The Blossoming
Aevestaden and Kanaan Langt, langt vekk
Affinage Русские песни
Affinage Русские песни. Послесловие
After Crying Overground Music
After Crying De Profundis
After Forever Decipher
Ahab The Divinity Of Oceans
Ahab The Giant
Ahab The Boats Of The Glen Carrig
Aiste Smilgeviciute ir Skyle Vilko Vartai
Akasha Canticles of the Sepulchral Deity
Akercocke Choronzon
Akhlys House of the Black Geminus
Akira Nirasawa and Trembling Strain Dwelling of Telescopefish
Alamaailman Vasarat Maahan
Alan Stivell Chemins de Terre
Alan Stivell Reflets
Alan Stivell À l'Olympia
Alan Stivell E Langonned
Alan Stivell Journée à la maison
Alash Buura
Alash Meni Mana
Ale Moller Band Bodjal
Aleah Aleah
Alice Damon Windsong
Alison Kinnaird & Christine Primrose The Quiet Tradition
Alkaloid Numen
All My Faith Lost As You're Vanishing In Silence
All The Luck In The World A Blind Arcade
Allelic Reverberations
Allelic The Smoke of Atavistic Fires
Alrakis Alpha Eri
Alsarath Come to Daggers
Altai-Hangai Naariits Biilye
Altan Another Sky
Altan Urag Made in Altan Urag
Alustrium A Monument to Silence
Aly Bain and Ale Moller Beyond the Stacks
Amazing Blondel Evensong
Amber Asylum Bitter River
Amiensus Restoration
Amiensus Ascension
Anacrusis Manic Impressions
Anastasia (MK) Melourgia
Ancestors Suspended in Reflections
Ancient Mastery Chapter One: Across The Mountains Of ...
Ancient Wisdom Cometh Doom, Cometh Death
Anciients Heart of Oak
And Also The Trees Mother​-​of​-​pearl Moon
Andreas Tophoj and Rune Barslund Trails and Traces
Andy Aquarius Golla Gorroppu
Angellore Errances
Angellore Rien ne Devait Mourir
Anilah Chrysalis
Animals As Leaders Animals as Leaders
Anna von Hausswolff All Thoughts Fly
Annamaret Nieguid duovdagat
Annarella and Django Jouer
Anne Garner Lost Play
Anne Garner Be Life
Annika Hoydal Havid
Aorlhac A la croisée des vents
Aosoth V: The Inside Scriptures
Approaching Mountains Ley
Aranis RoqueForte
Arbete och Fritid Arbete Och Fritid
Arbete och Fritid Arbete Och Fritid (1973)
Arbete och Fritid ...sen dansar vi ut
Arcane Known/Learned
Arch/Matheos Winter Ethereal
Argine Umori d'autunno
Ariana Tikao and Bob Bickerton Muriwai
Arne M. Solvberg Nordfjordslåttar
Arstidir Arstidir
Arstidir Svefns og vöku skil
Arstidir Lifsins Jǫtunheima dolgferð
Arstidir Lifsins Aldrlok
Artesia Llydaw
Asgeir Asgeirsson Two sides of Europe
Asgeir Asgeirsson Travelling through cultures
Ash Borer Cold of Ages
Ashbringer Yūgen
Asturias Dimensions
Asturias In Search of the Soul Trees
Asya Sergeeva Heart of Winter
At the Gates Terminal Spirit Disease
Ataraxia Il fantasma dell'Opera
Ataraxia Kremasta nera
Ataraxia Suenos
Ataraxie Anhedonie
Atheist Piece Of Time
Atlas Pain What the Oak Left
Audn Farvegir Fyrndar
Auli Sen​č​u balsis / Voices of the Ancestors
Auli and Orkestris RIGA Au​ļ​o R​ī​ga
Auri II - Those We Don't Speak Of
Austras Laiwan Ephemerality of April Dreams
Autopsy Morbidity Triumphant
Autopsy Ashes, Organs, Blood and Crypts
Avantasia The Metal Opera Pt. II
Avantasia Ghostlights
Avantasia A Paranormal Evening With The Moonflower
Avathar Bûrgulu kû-ghâra
Ayami Suzuki Passages
a_hisa Colors 2
Þrju a palli Icelandic Folk Songs
Bab L' Bluz Swaken
Backworld Holy Fire
Backworld Of Silver Sleep
Bagedai Bagedai
Baishui 冬 / Winter
Baishui 花拾叁樓主人
Barde Images
Barlast Musik f​ö​r scener
Barren Earth Curse of the Red River
Barren Earth A Complex of Cages
Barry Phillips Tr​å​d.
Basco Raek mig Faklen
Bastarda Nizozot
Bastarda & João de Sousa Fado
Battle Dagorath II - Frozen Light of Eternal Darkness
Battle Of Mice A Day of Nights
Bazar Bla Nordic City
Bazar Bla Nysch
Beach House Devotion
Bear, the Storyteller L'Ermita​ñ​u que Coronó les Nubes
Beautiful Death Beautiful Death III
Before The Dawn Deadlight
Bell Witch Future's Shadow I: The Clandestine Gate
Belphegor Totenritual
Beltaine Winter Wind
Belzebubs Pantheon of the Nightside Gods
ben yosei Lagrimento
Benedicte Maurseth Benedicte Maurseth
Bent Knee You Know What They Mean
Beorn's Hall Estuary
Berroguetto Navicularia
Berroguetto 10.0
Beyond Creation Algorythm
Birch Book Vol. I - Birch Book
Black Crown Initiate The Wreckage of Stars
Black Crown Initiate Violent Portraits of Doomed Escape
Black Sun Aeon Blacklight Deliverance
Blaze of Perdition The Harrowing of Hearts
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction
Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta III - Saturnian Poetry
Bolt Thrower In Battle There Is No Law!
Bolt Thrower Honour - Valour - Pride
Boris Dronevil
Boris Absolutego
Boris NO
Borknagar True North
Boss Keloid Melted on the Inch
Bosse Echoes Of The Forgotten
Bosse-de-Nage Further Still
Brighde Chaimbeul Carry Them With Us
Brocade 促​織​​ (Fighting Crickets)
Brymir Breathe Fire to the Sun
BUCK-TICK Kyokutou I Love You
BUCK-TICK Tenshi no Revolver
BUCK-TICK Memento Mori
BUCK-TICK Razzle Dazzle
Bucovina Sub Stele
Bukkene Bruse Åre
Bukkene Bruse Spel
Burlakat Oma
Burzum Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Butter Dogs Sky
Byssus Byssus
Byungki Hwang Kayagum Masterpieces Vol. 2: The Silk Road
Caama​no and Ameixeiras Quitar o aire
Caligula's Horse The Tide, the Thief and River's End
Camel Camel
Camel A Nod And A Wink
Camerata Mediolanense Musica Reservata
camiidae cambrian animals !!
Can Monster Movie
Can Bardd Nature Stays Silent
Carcass Torn Arteries
Castle Zagyx Doors to the Battlefields of Ertbe
Catherine Wheel Adam and Eve
Catrin Finch and Aoife Ni Bhriain Double You
Cecile Corbel Songbook Volume 2
Celtic Cross (UK) Hicksville
Cenotaphe Monte Verità
Cerys Hafana The Bitter
Chaos Divine The Human Connection
Chappie (JPN) Boku no Tomodachi
Chelsea Wolfe Abyss
Chelsea Wolfe Birth of Violence
Chinchin Densha ちんちん電車
Christine Primrose Gun Sireadh Gun Larraidh
Chululu Tapestry of the Stars
Cinder Well No Summer
Civerous Maze Envy
Clann Zu Rua
Clannad Crann Úll
Clannad Nádúr
Clarissa Connelly World of Work
Coaltar of the Deepers Come Over to the Deepend
Coaltar of the Deepers No Thank You
Cocteau Twins Tiny Dynamine
Coig Rove
Cold Dew 欲欲
Coldworld Autumn
Communicant Harbor Song
Convulsing Errata
Cor Scorpii Monument
Corde Oblique Respiri
Cormorant Earth Diver
Coroner Punishment For Decadence
Corpse d'Alsace :Death 23 Death:
Cosmic Putrefaction At the Threshold of the Greatest Chasm
Count to Altek Path Kethona
Crepuscle Heavenly Skies
Crimson Moon Oneironaut
Cristobal Avendano and Silvia Moreno Lancé esto al otro lado del mar
Cruciamentum Obsidian Refractions
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus
Current 93 The Starres Are Marching Sadly Home
Current 93 Tamlin
Current 93 Birth Canal Blues
Current 93 The Light is Leaving Us All
CyberTribe Cyber Cycle
Cynic Ascension Codes
Daikanyama Oukoku Before the Peperoncino Gets Cold
Dalriada Jégbontó
Dalriada Áldás
Dammerfarben Im Abendrot
Dan Brown Rewilding
Daniel Rossen You Belong There
Danish String Quartet Wood Works
Danish String Quartet Keel Road
Dark Forest Aurora Borealis
Dark Reality Umbra Cineris
Dark Reality Blossom of Mourning
Dark Reality Oh Precious Haze Pervade the Pain
Dark Sanctuary De Lumiere Et D'Obscurite
Dark Sanctuary Cernunnos
Dark Tranquillity Skydancer
Dark Tranquillity Construct
Darkspace Minus One
Darkthrone Soulside Journey
Darkthrone Panzerfaust
Davaasuren Bayarbaatar The Art of Mongolian Khöömii
Dave Lindholm Vanha & uusi romanssi
Dave Lindholm Aino
Dawn of Solace Waves
De Domhnaigh (JPN) Flow of Time
Dead Can Dance Anastasis
Dead Letter Circus This Is The Warning
Deafheaven Roads to Judah
Death Spiritual Healing
Death in June But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?
Death in June Brown Book
Deathspell Omega Mass Grave Aesthetics
Declan O'Rourke Since Kyabram
Defeated Sanity Prelude to the Tragedy
Deha Cruel Words
Deleyaman Fourth, part one
Deligma Forever Faded
Deluge Grander August In The Urals
Dementia ad Vitam De Gaïa, le Poison...
Denez Prigent Sarac'H
Departe Failure, Subside
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Der Weg Einer Freiheit
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Unstille
Derek Bell Derek Bell Plays With Himself
Derek Bell From Sinding to Swing
Dervish At the End of the Day
Desolate Shrine Tenebrous Towers
Desolate Shrine Fires of the Dying World
Devin Townsend Project Addicted
Dick Gaughan Handful of Earth
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas In Darkness Let Me Dwell
DIM (CA) Compendium III
DIM (CA) Parachrism
Dimmu Borgir Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Dimmu Borgir Eonian
Dir En Grey Withering to Death
Disillusion Ayam
Diskord Degenerations
Dismember The God That Never Was
Dismember Indecent And Obscene
Divinity The Singularity
Do Make Say Think & Yet & Yet
Dopamine Dying Away In The Deep Fall
Draconian The Burning Halo
Dragonland Under the Grey Banner
Draugnim Northwind's Ire
DRD Namái
Dreadnought A Wake In Sacred Waves
Dream Theater Awake
Dream Theater Black Clouds and Silver Linings
Dreamers' Circus A Little Symphony
Dreamers' Circus The Lost Swans
Dreamers' Circus Langt Ud' I Skoven
Dreamgrave Monuments
Drown (US) Subaqueous
Drudkh Eternal Turn of the Wheel
Duncan Chisholm The Door of Saints
Duncan Chisholm Sandwood
Duncan Chisholm Live at Celtic Connections
Duncan Chisholm Black Cuillin
Dusk Majestic Thou in Ruin
Dvergmal Visor og kvæde frå Blåberglandet
Dvergmal Song I Himmelsalar
Dvne Asheran
Dvne Etemen Ænka
Dwarrowdelf From Beneath the Fells
Dwarrowdelf Evenstar
Dynfari Dynfari
Dynfari Vegferð Tímans
Dzivia Žniajar Mrojaŭ
Dzo-nga The Sachem's Tales
Dzo-nga Thunder In the Mountains
Eartheater Phoenix: Flames Are Dew Upon My Skin
Eddie Marcon Shinkiro no naka, Anata
Edge of Sanity The Spectral Sorrows
Egschiglen Traditionelle mongolische Lieder
Egschiglen Sounds of Mongolia
Ekstasis The Adversary
Elderwind The Colder The Night
Elderwind Fires
Elend A World in Their Screams
Elend Weeping Nights
Eline Hellerud Asbakk Noen salmer fra nord
Eline Hellerud Asbakk Av eller på
Ellende Weltennacht
Ellende Lebensnehmer
Ellende Triebe
Ellende Ellenbogengesellschaft
Ellende Todbringerin
Ellereve Reminiscence
Ellie Wilson Memory Islands
Eloign Old Yarns
Eloign Chasing the Sound
Elspeth Anne Mercy Me
Elyvilon Drums in the Deepwood
Elzevir Rise From Knees
Empyrium A Wintersunset...
Eneferens The Inward Cold
Eneferens In The Hours Beneath
Enekk Meðan vit nærkast jørðini
Enekk Fyra Naetur Fyri Jol
Enisum Forgotten Mountains
Ensemble Gamut RE
Enslaved Utgard
Entombed Wolverine Blues
Envy A Dead Sinking Story
Envy All the Footprints You've Ever Left and the Fear Expecting Ahead
Envy The Fallen Crimson
Enya A Day Without Rain
Enya Amarantine
Epheles Je Suis Autrefois
Epica The Holographic Principle
Equilibrium Demo 2003
Equipoise Demiurgus
Erebos (JPN) Knell
Eric Clayton A Thousand Scars
Eric Sahlstrom and Gosta Sandstrom Spelmanslåtar från Uppland
Eriko Yajima Yoakegata
Esoctrilihum Pandaemorthium
Esoctrilihum Funeral
Esoctrilihum Döth​-​Derni​à​lh
Ethereal Shroud They Became the Falling Ash
Every Time I Die From Parts Unknown
Evilfeast / Uuntar Odes to lands of past traditions
Evoken Hypnagogia
Exire Across Rivers of Yore
Exire Whom Does the Grail Serve?
Exire Vinland Tales
Eye of Melian Legends of Light
Eye of Solitude Slaves To Solitude
Fabricant Drudge To The Thicket
Faceless Burial Speciation
Faceless Burial At the Foothills of Deliration
Fair to Midland Inter.Funda.Stifle
Fairyland The Fall of an Empire
Fairyland Osyrhianta
Faith and the Muse The Burning Season
Falkenbach Laeknishendr
Fallujah Dreamless
Falsobordone Fikon, fiddlor och finlir
FARA Energy Islands
Fates Warning Awaken the Guardian
Fates Warning Perfect Symmetry
Fates Warning Parallels
Fates Warning Theories of Flight
Fearthainne Fearthainne
Fearthainne Knowing
Fejd Storm
Fejd Nagelfar
Felpeyu Yá!
Fen The Dead Light
Fen Monuments to Absence
Fergus Mcreadie Stream
Fiddlers' Bid All Dressed In Yellow
Fiddlers' Bid Naked and Bare
Fief VI
Fifth Density Dominion of the Sun
Filarfolket Smuggel
Finntroll Ur jordens djup
Finntroll Blodsvept
Finsterforst Weltenkraft
Finsterforst Zerfall
Fire + Ice (England, Neo-Folk) Hollow Ways
Fire + Ice (England, Neo-Folk) Runa
Firelink The Inveterate Fire
Fires in the Distance Air Not Meant For Us
Firtan Okeanos
Fishmans Orange
Fispeir fieldnote
Fjoergyn Jahreszeiten
Fleshvessel Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed
Fleuves #2
Flibbertigibbet Whistling Jigs To The Moon
Floating Cloud Acoustic Band Carnival
Flook Flook! Live!
Flotsam and Jetsam The End of Chaos
FOG (KOR) fogesque II
Fogweaver Magelight
Folque Kjempene På Dovrefjell
Folque Vardøger
Foredoomed Chaos and Beauty
Forefather Engla Tocyme
Forefather Ours is the Kingdom
Forest Silence Philosophy Of Winter
Foret Endormie Étire dans le ciel vide
Forndom Faþir
Forndom Alster
Forndom Mo​þ​ir
Forseti Jenzig
Foscor Les Irreals Visions
Freija Lempilauluja
Fresu Pellen Marchand Trio Condaghes
Friends of Alice Ivy The Golden Cage and Its Mirrored Maze
Frigg Economy Class
Frode Haltli Avant Folk
Frozen Shield Ínia
Fuigodza Fuigomatsuri
Funereal Presence Achatius
Gae Bolg Aucassin et Nicolette
Gae Bolg and the Church of Fand Tintagel
Gaerea Unsettling Whispers
Gaerea Limbo
Gaerea Mirage
Gaiteiros Treixadura Unha Noite No Muiño
Galandum Galundaina Modas i anzonas
Galar De Gjenlevende
Galneryus One For All - All For One
Galneryus Reincarnation
Galneryus Resurrection
Galneryus The Stars Will Light the Way
Garfo Oração ao cadáver desconhecido
Garmarna Vedergallningen
Gate Iselilja
Gate (NO) Jygri
Gate (NO) Svevn
Gates (USA-NJ) Bloom and Breathe
Gazpacho Fireworker
Geir Sundstol Langen Ro
Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
Ghost (SWE) Opus Eponymous
Ghost (SWE) Ceremony And Devotion
Ghost (SWE) Prequelle
Gjallarhorn Grimborg
Gnoss The Light of the Moon
Gordon Bok A Tune for November
Gorguts Pleiades' Dust
Grada Natural Angle
Grainne Brady The Road Across the Hills
Grande Loge Unruh - Soliloquium in Splendor
Grande Loge Mantras
Green Lads Nebula
Greg Joy Textures
Greg Joy Celtic Secrets II
Greg Joy Celtic Passion
Grimner Vanadrottning
Gueta na Fonte Camín D'Arcana
Guild Of Lore Winterstead
Guldimund Jeg venter i lyset
Gwynbleidd Nostalgia
Habadekuk Mollevit
Hades Almighty ...Again Shall Be
Hagathorn Hartwold
Hail Spirit Noir Pneuma
Hail Spirit Noir Oi Magoi
Hail Spirit Noir Eden In Reverse
Hail the Sun Elephantitis
Hail the Sun Secret Wars
Hail the Sun Divine Inner Tension
Haken Vector
Haken Virus
Hal and Nikolaj Hal & Nikolaj
Halldor Meland Halldor Meland
Hamferd Támsins likam
Hamferd Men Gu​ð​s Hond Er Sterk
Hammock Raising Your Voice... Trying to Stop an Echo
Hands Of Despair Hereafter
Hanging Garden Inherit the Eden
Harmonium Harmonium
Hartfield True Color, True Lie
Haruka Nakamura Melodica
Haruka Nakamura Still Life II
Hautville No Milk for Babies
Havukruunu Usvakuningas
Havukruunu Rautaa ja Tulta
Havukruunu Havulinnaan
Haxan (FRA) Sorceress
Hedningarna Karelia Visa
Heilung Drif
Heisk Heisk
Hel Das Atmen der Erde
Helena Espvall and Masaki Batoh Helena Espvall & Masaki Batoh
Helena Espvall and Masaki Batoh Overloaded Ark
Helevorn Forthcoming Displeasures
Helevorn Espectres
Hell (USA) Hell
Hellripper Warlocks Grim And Withered Hags
Helmet (FRA) Tales of the Helmet's knight
Hemlokk In the Shade of Irminsul
Herea Veden värit
Heretoir The Circle
Herhums Humming in Chaos
Herhums To Save Us All
Hindarfjall L​ä​rads Grenar
Hiroshi Yoshimura Soundscape 1: Surround
Hitoshi Kojo Eclosion 羽化
Hohka Puutarhautuminen
Hollenthon Domus Mundi
Hollenthon With Vilest of Worms to Dwell
Honey and the Bear Away Beyond the Fret
Hopesfall The Satellite Years
Hopesfall No Wings To Speak Of
Horizon Ablaze The Weight Of A Thousand Suns
Horn of the Rhino Weight of Coronation
Horrendous The Chills
Hoth Oathbreaker
Huun-Huur-Tu 60 Horses In My Herd
Huun-Huur-Tu Where Young Grass Grows
Hvalfugl Bag Vore Øjne
Hvalfugl Str​ø​mmer
Hvalfugl Sagte Forbi
Hyperdontia Nexus of Teeth
Hyperdontia Hideous Entity
Hyperdontia Harvest of Malevolence
Hypno5e A Distant (Dark) Source
Hypno5e Sheol
Hypocrisy Virus
Hypocrisy Abducted
Hypocrisy The Final Chapter
i Haxa Part I
i Haxa Part Two
i Haxa Part Three
Imar Afterlight
In Flames Colony
In Flames Lunar Strain
In Gowan Ring Love Charms
In Mourning Monolith
In My Rosary Farewell To Nothing
Incantation The Infernal Storm
Incantation Sect of Vile Divinities
Incantation Unholy Deification
Incarnia Proclamatoin
Inconcessus Lux Lucis The Crowning Quietus
Inculter Fatal Visions
Indesinence Vessels of Light and Decay
Inferi (USA) The Path of Apotheosis
Infernal Coil Within a World Forgotten
Inga Juuso and Harald Skullerud Juusk
Inneres Gebirge D​ä​mmernder Tag
Insomnium Anno 1696
Intronaut Prehistoricisms
Intronaut Valley of Smoke
Invisible Garden Invisible Garden
Ioanna Gika Thalassa
Iomair Fishing For An Apparition
Ion (UK) Madre, Protegenos
IQ Resistance
Ironomi Sketch
Isenordal Requiem for Eiréné
Istapp Blekinge
Izz Don't Panic
Jacques Pellen Les tombées de la nuit
Jacques Pellen Ēphēmēra
Jambinai Différance
Jan Garbarek Esoteric Circle
Jan Hasker 城市 - City
Jan Johansson Jazz pa ryska
John Francis Flynn I Would Not Live Always
John Frusciante To Record Only Water for Ten Days
Jon Faukstad Og Per Saemund Bjorkum Slåttar Frå Torger Olstads Notebok
Jonathan Hulten Eyes Of The Living Night
Jonna Jinton Songs & Callings
Jordi Savall The Celtic Viol
Jordsjo Jordsjø (demo)
Jordsjo Jordsjø II (demo)
Jordsjo Salighet
Joshua Chuquimia Crampton Profundo Amor
Judas Priest Firepower
Juha Kujanpää Old Ways, New Ways
Julie Christmas Ridiculous and Full of Blood
Jun Konagaya Memento Mori
Kalmah For the Revolution
Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa and Bassalyki Sploty
Kardemimmit Kaisla
Karfagen Messages From Afar: First Contact
Karfagen Echoes From Within Dragon Island
Karlahan A Portrait of Life
Karman (JPN) 鹿児島から (Live at Lagbag Music Togo, 2023)
Kata 1902
Kataklysm Sorcery
Katatonia Discouraged Ones
Kati Ran Sála
Kauan Tietäjän Laulu
Kauan Muistumia
Kayhan Kalhor and Toumani Diabate The Sky Is The Same Colour Everywhere
Kenichiro Isoda まどろみの森
Kenji Komatsuzaki and Takashi Hamada Dark Island - Celtic Melodies on Hammer Dulcimer
Kenn Nardi Dancing With the Past
Kenyasu Sanpei 憧憬
Kesys Ep 1
Kevin Meehan Spanish Point
Key (FIN) Silver Moon Slumber
Key (FIN) Crown of Winter
Khemmis Deceiver
Khusugtun Khusugtun
Kila Gamblers' Ballet
Kila Mind the Gap
Kim Jung Min 박녹주제 흥보가 (Heungbo-ga)
Kim Seok-chul 높새바람
Kim Seok-chul
Kim So-hee 口音 (입소리) / 상주아리랑 (메나리제)
Kinnaris Quintet Free One
Kinnaris Quintet This Too
Kirsten Braten Berg Syng Du Mi Røyst
Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat The Nebulous Dreams
Klabautamann Merkur
Kloster The Waves and Winds Still Know His Voice
Koenji Hyakkei Ni (Viva Koenji!)
Koenji Hyakkei Nivraym
Koji Koji Moheji Across the Line
Kosmos Tarinoita voimasta
Kotaro Hata Light to Illuminate
Krallice Demonic Wealth
Krallice Porous Resonance Abyss
Krallice Mass Cathexis 2 - The Kinetic Infinite
Krallice Inorganic Rites
Kristen Noguès Kernelec
Kristine Barrett Ancestors
Kvaen The Great Below
L'Acephale L’Acephale
Lacrimas Profundere La Naissance D'Un Rêve
Lacrimas Profundere Bleeding the Stars
Lantlos Agape
Lars Hollmer XII Sibiriska Cyklar
Lars Hollmer Vill Du Höra Mer
Lars Hollmer Andetag
Lau Nau Kuutarha
Lazuli Le Fantastique Envol De Dieter Böhm
Legacy of Emptiness Over the Past
Leprous Bilateral
Leprous Malina
Les Chants du Hasard Les Chants du Hasard
Les Discrets Septembre Et Ses Dernières Pensées
Lichmagick Lichmagick
Light Field Reverie Another World
Limbonic Art Ad Noctum - Dynasty Of Death
Lindsey Stirling Artemis
Lisieux I
Little Moon Dear Divine
Liturgy Origin of the Alimonies
Liturgy 93696
Loopsel Öga för öga
Lord Mantis Pervertor
Loreena McKennitt A Midwinter Night's Dream
Loreena McKennitt Lost Souls
Loreena McKennitt The Road Back Home
Loss Despond
Loss Horizonless
Lost Crowns Every Night Something Happens
Lothlorien (NZ) Greenwood Side
Lovebites Awakening From Abyss
Luar Na Lubre Espiral
Luar Na Lubre O son do ar
Luar Na Lubre Extra:mundi
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody Ascending to Infinity
Luiza Brina Prece
Lunar Aurora Andacht
Lunasa Redwood
Lunasa Se
Lunasa Cas
Lunatic Soul Through Shaded Woods
Lychgate The Contagion in Nine Steps
Lykathea Aflame Elvenefris
Macabre Omen Gods Of War - At War
Magenta Masters of Illusion
Magma Kobaïa
Magma Ẁurdah Ïtah
Magma Üdü Ẁüdü
Magma Attahk
Magma Kãrtëhl
Majesty of Silence Zu Dunkel Für Das Licht
Malevolent Creation The Ten Commandments
Malist In the Catacombs of Time
Malokarpatan Nordkarpatenland
Malokarpatan Krupinské Ohne
Mammal Hands Captured Spirits
Manami Kakudo Contact
Manchester Orchestra The Million Masks of God
Mare Cognitum The Sea Which Has Become Known
Mari Boine Band Bálvvoslatjna (Room of Worship)
Maria Kalaniemi Bellow Poetry
Maria Kalaniemi and Sven Ahlback Ilmajousi - Luftstråk
Marissa Nadler The Saga of Mayflower May
Marissa Nadler The Path of the Clouds
Marissa Nadler and Stephen Brodsky Droneflower
Marja Mattlar Pariisi–Vuorenkylä
Marja Mortensson B​å​almaldahkesne - Entwined
Marja Mortensson Aarehgïjre - Early Spring
Maroulita de Kol Anásana
Marrasmieli Between Land And Sky
Marrasmieli Martaiden mailta
Marsh Dweller Wanderer
Martha Guiney The Raven's Call
Martti Pokela Kantele of Finland
Mary Bergin Feadóga Stáin 2
Masashi Kuno Essential Hurdy Gurdy
Matt Carmichael Marram
Maya Ongaku Approach to Anima
Mazzy Star Seasons of Your Day
Megan Henderson Pilgrim Souls
Meikhaneh La Silencieuse
Meikhaneh Chants du dedans, chants du dehors
Meme ちとてとち
Meresburg A Journey Upon Ancient Lands
Merit Hemmingson and Folkmusikgruppen Bergtagen
Merope Naktės
Messa Close
Metallica Master Of Puppets
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Meus Downpour
mewithoutYou Brother, Sister
mewithoutYou Ten Stories
mewithoutYou Pale Horses
Mgla Presence
Mgla Age of Excuse
Michael McGoldrick Fused
Mick O'Brien, Emer Mayock and Aoife Ní Bhriain Tunes from the Goodman Manuscripts
Midnight Odyssey Shards of Silver Fade
Mila Mar Elfensex
Mince Pye Renaissance Dance Music
Mirrorthrone Gangrene
Miserere Luminis Ordalie
Mist of Misery Severance
Mizmor and Thou Myopia
Mizuiro No Kokoro 水色の心 (Mizuiro No Kokoro)
Modena City Ramblers Riportando tutto a casa
Modern Irish Project Tune Up
Moonlight Sorcery Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle
Morbid Angel Domination
Morbus Chron Sleepers in the Rift
Moron Police Boat on the Sea
Mors Principium Est The Unborn
Mors Principium Est ...And Death Said Live
Motorpsycho The Crucible
Mournful Congregation Tears From A Grieving Heart
Musgo en las Sienes Rayo
Mustarastas Tulipatsas
Mustarastas Sinetti
Mustarastas Murretut Värit
Myriam Gendron Mayday
Myrninerest "Jhonn," Uttered Babylon
Naaljos Ljom Naaljos Ljom 2
Naaljos Ljom Naaljos Ljom
Nachtreich Trugbilder
Naevus Soil
Naevus Behaviour
Nahtram Forest of Eternal Dawn
Nailah Hunter Lovegaze
Nailed To Obscurity Opaque
Nala Sinephro Space 1.8
Nanna Barslev Lysbærer
Natalia Lafourcade Un Canto por México‚ Vol․ 1
Natalia Lafourcade Un Canto por México‚ Vol․ 2
Natalia Tsupryk Vaara
Nattfly Sånger För Den Kalla Modern
Nawiedzenie Le​ś​mian
Nechochwen Azimuths To the Otherworld
Necropanther Eyes of Blue Light
Necrot Mortal
Negura Bunget 'N Crugu Bradului
Negura Bunget Zău
Neko Modal Tuneful Tunes
Nekrogoblikon Welcome to Bonkers
Neptunian Maximalism Solar Drone Ceremony
Nest (FIN) Fabled Lore
Nest (FIN) Mietteitä
Neun Welten Valg
Neun Welten ...auf ewig Wald...
Neurosis Souls At Zero
Neutral Serpents in the Dawn
Neutral ...of Shadow and Its Dream
Nhor Wildflowers: Spring
Niemandsrose Come in terra, così in cielo
Night Crowned Impius Viam
Night Verses From the Gallery of Sleep
Nightbringer Terra Damnata
Nils Okland Bris
Noeta Elm
Nokturnal Mortum Verity
Nokturnal Mortum To Lunar Poetry
Noltem Illusions In The Wake
Noorvik Noorvik
Northern Oak Of Roots and Flesh
Northern Resonance Vision of Three
Novallo Novallo
Nový Svět & Foresta di Ferro Bulli e Pupe
Novembre Arte Novecento
Novemthree Storms of Memory
Novy Svet Chappaqua
Novy Svet Venezia
Nucleus Torn Nihil
O Paradis Serpiente de Luna, Serpiente de Sol
O Paradis Llega El Amor, Asoma La Muerte
O Paradis and Nature Morte Nos Cœurs Expulsés
O'Phan Love and Freedom
O'Phan Jugemu
Oado Thought
Obsidian Kingdom Mantiis
Oceans of Slumber Winter
Oceans of Slumber The Banished Heart
Oceansize Self Preserved While The Bodies Float Up
Of the Wand and the Moon Nighttime Nightrhymes
Of the Wand and the Moon Your Love Can't Hold This Wreath Of Sorrow
Old Sorcery Dragon Citadel Elegies
Omnium Gatherum The Redshift
On Thorns I Lay Aegean Sorrow
Onirism The Well of Stars
Onmyo-Za Kikoku Tenshou
Onmyo-Za Hyakki Ryouran
Onmyo-Za Raijin Sousei
Onmyo-Za Ryuuou Douji
oofujitsubo Yoh No Enshin
oofujitsubo and Rita 夕​暮​れ​の​声 / Yuugure no Koe
oofujitsubo and Rita 螺​旋​の​刻​印 / Rasen no Kokuin
Ophidian I Desolate
Ophiuchi Bifurcaria Bifurcata
Orange Goblin The Wolf Bites Back
Oranssi Pazuzu Kosmonument
Oranssi Pazuzu Valonielu
Oranssi Pazuzu Muuntautuja
Orden Ogan To the End
Osi and the Jupiter Cedar and Sage: Riders of the Gallows Vol. 1
Ossuarium Living Tomb
Otyg Älvefärd
Oubliette (USA-TN) The Passage
Outer Heaven Realms of Eternal Decay
Oxxo Xoox Ÿ
Oystein Sevag Bridge
Paddy Keenan, Frankie Gavin and Junji Shirota Eire Japan
Pagan Altar The Room Of Shadows
Panopticon Collapse
Panopticon The Scars of Man on the Once Nameless Wilderness
Panopticon / Waldgefluster Panopticon / Waldgeflüster
Panopticon/Nechochwen Panopticon / Nechochwen
Panzerfaust The Suns of Perdition - Chapter II
Panzerfaust The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter IV: To Shadow Zion
Papangu Lampi​ã​o Rei
Paradise Lost Gothic
Paradise Lost Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost Medusa
Parasite Inc. Time Tears Down
Patrick and Patricia Folk of Sea
Paysage d'Hiver Nacht
Peatbog Faeries Croftwork
Peatbog Faeries I See a World
Pendragon (UK) Love Over Fear
Peni Candra Rini Wani
Pestilence Consuming Impulse
Phrenelith Desolate Endscape
Phrenelith Ashen Womb
Piirpauke Birgi Bühtüi
Pijn and Conjurer Curse These Metal Hands
Pink Floyd The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here
Pirnales Parasta Ennen - Bäst Före - Best Before
Planxty After the Break
Pomni Imya Svoyo Иные
Porcupine Tree Up the Downstair
Porcupine Tree The Sky Moves Sideways
Pressure Points False Lights
Preterite Remembrancer
Primordial A Journey's End
Primordial Redemption At The Puritan's Hand
Primordial How It Ends
Project SMOK Bayview
Psychotic Waltz A Social Grace
Psychotic Waltz Into the Everflow
Psychotic Waltz Bleeding
Pure Wrath Hymn To The Woeful Hearts
Pyramaze Disciples of the Sun
Queens of the Stone Age Rated R
Quercus Verferum
Quercus Alba Veiled in Flora
Question Reflections of the Void
Quikion 夜のハープ - Yoru no Harp
Rabu Renjana
Radio Supernova Takaisin
Rafael Toral Spectral Evolution
Raflum Melodies of Forest and Springs
Rakoth Planeshift
Rakoth Jabberworks
Ranarim Morgonstjärna
Ranarim För världen älskar vad som är brokot
Rannok Dejodejo
Red Moon Architect Return Of The Black Butterflies
Redwood Hill Descender
Renaissance Renaissance
Reserva Espiritual de Occidente El Cristo de la Atlántida
Rhapsody of Fire Symphony Of Enchanted Lands
Rhapsody of Fire Dawn Of Victory
Rinka Rinka3
Rinka Black Diamond
Ritual (SWE) The Hemulic Voluntary Band
River Regeneration
Riverside Eye Of The Soundscape
Riverside Wasteland
Robin Williamson American Stonehenge
Robin Williamson Legacy of the Scottish Harpers vol.1
Robin Williamson Ten of Songs
Robin Williamson Songs For The Calendarium
Robin Williamson Ring Dance
Rolo Tomassi Grievances
Rolo Tomassi Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It
Rory Matheson and Graham Rorie We Have Won The Land
Roselia Wahl
Ross Ainslie Pool
Rowan Leslie Escaping the Dawn
Runahild Seidgaldr
Runahild Seidrúnar
Runeshard Dreaming Spire
Rur Rur
Sacred Outcry Damned For All Time
Sacrilege GBG Lost in the Beauty You Slay
Samo Kutin and Ana Kravanja Cumulus Spores
Sangre de Muerdago Os Segredos da Raposa Vermella
Sangre de Muerdago and Monarch! Split
Saor Origins
Sarah-Jane Summers and Juhani Silvola S​ø​lvstr​ø​k
Saul Adamczewski Adventures in Limbo
Scale the Summit The Migration
Scar Symmetry Pitch Black Progress
Scar Symmetry Holographic Universe
Septicflesh Mystic Places Of Dawn
Septicflesh Codex Omega
Serendou Zinder
Serpent Column Kathodos
If the new single is any indication we're in for a treat
Serpent Column Tassel of Ares
Seventh Wonder The Great Escape
Sgaile Traverse the Bealach
Shade Empire Sinthetic
Shade Empire Poetry Of The Ill-Minded
Shadow Forever Chaos
Shadow Of Intent Primordial
ShamRain Empty World Excursion
ShamRain Someplace Else
Shape of Despair Written In My Scars
Shirley and Dolly Collins Anthems in Eden
Shirley and Dolly Collins Love, Death and The Lady
Shono Kolkhozoy Traktor
Shovel Dance Collective The Shovel Dance
Sieben The Line and the Hook
Sieben High Broad Field
SIG:AR:TYR The Stranger
SIG:AR:TYR Sailing the Seas of Fate
Sigh Scenario IV: Dread Dreams
Sigur Ros Valtari
Sigur Ros Odin’s Raven Magic
Sigur Ros ÁTTA
Silent Jeff Lake In The Black Forest
Silvana Estrada Marchita
Sinikka Langeland The Land That Is Not
Sinikka Langeland Har Du Lyttet Til Elvene Om Natta?
Sinikka Langeland Maria's Song
Sinistro Sangue Cassia
Sinmara Within the Weaves of Infinity
Siot and Breeze 샘 (Spring)
Skepticism Ordeal
Sky Eats Airplane Everything Perfect on the Wrong Day
Skyclad The Wayward Sons of Mother Earth
Skyclad Folkémon
Skyfire Mind Revolution
Sleepy Sun Fever
Slimelord Chytridiomycosis Relinquished
Slinkombas ... Og Bas Igjen
Slow (BE) Ab​î​mes I
Slow Moving Clouds Kolmas
Slow Moving Clouds Starfall
Slugdge Born of Slime
Slugdge Dim and Slimeridden Kingdoms
Soilwork Natural Born Chaos
Sojourner The Shadowed Road
Sol Invictus In A Garden Green
Sol Invictus / HaWthorn / Sieben Writ in Water
Solblot För mig finns ingen väg från hemmets dörr
Solefald In Harmonia Universali
Solefald Norron Livskunst
Solitude Aeturnus Beyond The Crimson Horizon
Solstafir Svartir Sandar
Solstice (UK) White Horse Hill
Solventis Wintersongs
Solventis Of Dusk and Dawns
Sombres Forets Quintessence
Sonne Hagal Jordansfrost
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Ich Tote Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Todeswunsch (Sous Le Soleil De Saturne)
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Songs From The Inverted Womb
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Poetica
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Alone At Sam's - An Evening With...
Sorcerer In The Shadow Of The Inverted Cross
Soriah with Ashkelon Sain Eztica
Sound Horizon Moira
Sound Horizon Thanatos
Soust Soust: Soul Strings Symphony
Spaelimenninir Malargrót
Spaelimenninir Burturav
Spaelimenninir Flóð Og Fjøra
Spanxti Dievo žirgai, laimės ratai
Spectral Lore Ετερόφωτος
Spirit Adrift Curse of Conception
Spirit Adrift Ghost At The Gallows
Spiritual Front Armageddon Gigolo
Spiritual Front Nihilist
Spoket I Koket Kurbits and Flames
Steve Hackett Spectral Mornings
Steve Von Till A Grave Is a Grim Horse
Steve Von Till A Life Unto Itself
Steven Wilson Insurgentes
Steven Wilson 4 1/2
Steven Wilson To the Bone
Stone Breath A Silver Thread To Weave The Seasons
Stone Breath Lanterna Lucis Viriditatis
Stone Breath The Silver Skein Unwound
Stone Breath The Aetheric Lamp
Stone Breath Children of Hum
Stormkeep Tales of Othertime
Stormlord At the Gates Of Utopia
Stortregn Finitude
Streif Nordic Winter
Suden Aika Armas
Suffocation Breeding the Spawn
Suffocation Hymns From the Apocrypha
Suhnopfer Hic regnant borbonii manes
SuidAkrA The Arcanum
Suldusk Lunar Falls
Sulphur Aeon Swallowed By The Ocean's Tide
Sulphur Aeon Seven Crowns and Seven Seals
Summoning Lost Tales
Sun of the Sleepless To The Elements
Sun's Signature Sun's Signature
Sur Austru Obârşie
Susanne Lundeng Havella - Slåtter fra Nordland
Susanne Lundeng Drag
Susanne Lundeng Ættesyn
Susanne Lundeng Mot
Svaneborg Kardyb Superkilen
Svart Crown Wolves Among The Ashes
Sven Nyhus Fel'klang Frå Rørosvidden
Sven Nyhus Kvartett Med Hopp Og Hiv
Sweven (SWE) The Eternal Resonance
Sylvan Grey Recurring Dream
Symphony X The Odyssey
Symphony X Twilight in Olympus
Tabor Údolí hvězd
Tailcoat Tall Tales In Tiny Pieces
Takashi Kokubo and Andrea Esperti Music For A Cosmic Garden
Talisk Dawn
Talk Talk The Colour of Spring
Tamsin Elliott and Tarek Elazhary So Far We Have Come
Tant Parant Ro och trevnad, lycklig levnad
Tartan Amoebas Tartan Amoebas
Tejedor Texedores de Suaños
Terre di Mezzo Terre di Mezzo
Tervahaat Tervahäät
Tervahaat Kalmonsäie
Tervahaat Virtus
Testament The Gathering
Testament The New Order
Testament The Legacy
Thank You Scientist The Perils of Time Travel
Thantifaxath Sacred White Noise
Thantifaxath Void Masquerading as Matter
Thantifaxath Hive Mind Narcosis
The Angels of Light New Mother
The Atlas Moth Coma Noir
The Chameleons Script of the Bridge
The Chasm Procreation of the Inner Temple
The Chasm From the Lost Years
The Chieftains The Chieftains 2
The Chieftains Water from the Well
The Chieftains The Bells of Dublin
The Contortionist Language
The Corrs Talk on Corners
The Cure Wish
The Cure Songs of a Lost World
The Dear Hunter The Color Spectrum
The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity
The Flower Kings Desolation Rose
The Flower Kings Islands
The Foreshadowing Days Of Nothing
The Gathering Disclosure
The Gloaming The Gloaming 3
The Great Old Ones Al Azif
The Haar The Haar: Irish Traditional Songs
The Haar Where Old Ghosts Meet
The Joy of Nature The Empty Circle Part II: Rastos de Sangue...
The Moon and the Nightspirit Holdrejtek
The Moon and the Nightspirit Aether
The Olllam The Olllam
The Phonometrician C​ó​iste Bodhar
The Pilgrim Soul In You Ode To The Gods Of Deep Forest
The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus Beauty Will Save the World
The Silver (US) Ward of Roses
The Slave Drum Remembering Nothing
The Swan and Blossoms 涣​散​的​眼 Dreamy Eyes
The Tea Club If/When
The Vision Bleak The Unknown
The War On Drugs Slave Ambient
The Windmill The Continuation
Them Teeth Auditory Witchcraft
Theocracy Theocracy
Theocracy Mosaic
Thou Rhea Sylvia
Thou Blessings of the Highest Order
Thov G. Wetterhus Stålslått
Thrawsunblat Metachthonia
Thy Catafalque Sgùrr
Thy Catafalque Alföld
Thy Catafalque XII: A Gy​ö​ny​ö​rü Álmok Ezut​á​n J​ö​nnek
Thy Light Suici.De.pression
Thy Listless Heart Pilgrims on the Path of No Return
Thyrfing Thyrfing
Tico Moon Lento
Tico Moon Rainbow
Tigran Hamasyan The Call Within
Timeless Miracle Into the Enchanted Chamber
Tirill Um Himinjodur
Tithe Wildfires
Toadstone Cernunnos
Todtgelichter Angst
Tomarum Ash in Realms of Stone Icons
Tomasz Budzynski Osobliwości
Tomb Mold Primordial Malignity
Tomb of Annihilation End of Time
Tomomi Nagano 春​へ​の​落​下 / Fall Into The Spring
Toshifumi Hinata Little Rascal
Transcending Bizarre? The Serpent's Manifolds
Tribulation Where The Gloom Becomes Sound
Trio Fleur Greeting
Trobar De Morte The Book of Shadows
Trobar De Morte Reverie
Tsuki No Wa Ninth Elegy
Tuatha de Danann Trova di Danú
Tulip (TX) High Strangeness
Female fronted symphonic melodic progressive djenty trance metal... high strangeness indeed, but oh so good
Turid Tredje Dagen
Twilight Force Tales of Ancient Prophecies
Twilight Force At the Heart of Wintervale
Tzompantli Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force
Ulfven Folklore
Ulla Pirttijarvi and Ulda Ulda
Ulsect Ulsect
Ulthar Providence
Ulthar Anthronomicon
Ulthar Helionomicon
Ulvens Dottrar Värm ditt blod
Ulvens Dottrar Frusen Dans
Ulver Kveldssanger
Ulver Shadows of the Sun
Ulvesang The Hunt
ummsbiaus and Difference Machine на п​і​в​ш​л​я​х​у в​і​д в​и​т​о
Umpfel As the Waters Cover the Sea
Undeath Sentient Autolysis
Undeath More Insane
Unholy (FIN) Gracefallen
Unlucky Morpheus Change of Generation
Unni Lovlid Vita
Untamed Land Between the Winds
Unto Others Mana
Usurpress Interregnum
Uzkost Lo, and I Am Burning
Vader The Ultimate Incantation
Vader Black to the Blind
Vader Revelations
Vale of Pnath II
Valkyrien Allstars Farvel Slekt Og Venner
Vallendusk Homeward Path
Vallendusk Heralds of Strife
Varathron His Majesty at the Swamp
Varathron Walpurgisnacht
Varathron Patriarchs of Evil
Vargrav (FIN) Reign In Supreme Darkness
Various Artists Locklåtar på horn och pipa: Ancient Swedish Music
Various Artists We Bring You a King With a Head of Gold
Various Artists Unaccompanied Norwegian Folk String Virtuosi
Varttina Ilmatar
Varttina Vihma
Varttina Seleniko
Varttina Kokko
Vasen Världens Väsen
Vehemence (FRA) Par le sang versé
Vehemence (FRA) Ordalies
Vengeful Spectre Vengeful Spectre
Vertebra Atlantis A Dialogue with the Eeriest Sublime
Vevaki Edda
Vimur Triumphant Master of Fates
Vintergrav Elderwoods
Vintergrav Forest Hymns
Vintersorg Cosmic Genesis
Vintersorg Till fjälls
Virelai Ravn fører Runer
Virta (FIN) Elon syvä lempi
Virtual Dream Plaza 夢を越えて
Vishal Naidu Fragments Of Serenity
Vishal Naidu Aeons In Stillness
Visigoth Conqueror's Oath
Vladimir Martynov, Huun-Huur-Tu, Tatjana Grindenko and Opus Children of the Otter
Voices London
VoidCeremony Entropic Reflections Continuum: Dimensional...
VoidCeremony Threads of Unknowing
Voivod Nothingface
Voivod Killing Technology
Volahn/Xaxamatza Gods of Pandemonium
Voluspaa Åsa
Vorga Striving Toward Oblivion
Vorna Ei Valo Minua Seuraa
Vox Vulgaris Music for Tourists
Vox Vulgaris Early Music for Late Humanity
Vyrion Vyrion
Wallachia From Behind The Light
Wallachia Ceremony of Ascension
Wapentake / Stworz Duchy Ziemi / Ghosts Of The Soil
Warmoon Lord Battlespells
Wedrujacy Wiatr Zorzysta Staje Ocma
Weezer Everything Will Be Alright in the End
Weh Ingenmannsland
Werkraum Kristalle
When Day Descends Transcend
When We Land Introvert's Plight
While Heaven Wept Vast Oceans Lachrymose
Wicher Czarty i Czarty
Wildernessking Mystical Future
Windhand Eternal Return
Windir Soknardalr
Wine From Tears Through the Eyes of a Mad
Winterfylleth The Ghost Of Heritage
Winterfylleth The Dark Hereafter
Winterwind Der letzte Blick
Winterwind Ohne Opfer kein Leben
Witches Moon A Storm of Golden Mare and Black Cauldron
Witherscape The Inheritance
Witherscape The Northern Sanctuary
Within Temptation Mother Earth
Within Temptation The Silent Force
Wobbler Hinterland
Wobbler Afterglow
Wobbler Rites at Dawn
Wode Servants of the Countercosmos
Wodensthrone Loss
Wolcensmen Songs from the Fyrgen
Wolves in the Throne Room Black Cascade
World's End Girlfriend Dream's End Come True
World's End Girlfriend Resistance & The Blessing
Wormwitch Heaven that Dwells Within
Wrekmeister Harmonies We Love to Look at the Carnage
WRVTH No Rising Sun
Wuthering Heights Far from the Madding Crowd
Wynter Arvn Abysses
X Japan Art of Life
Xandria Sacrificium
Xera Tierra
Xoth Interdimensional Invocations
Yaelokre Hayfields
Yaima Moongate
Yat-kha Yat-Kha
Yeule softscars
Yi Ji-Young Yi Jiyoung 50 Years of Gayageum Bright Moon...
YOB Atma
Yui Onodera and The Beautiful Schizophonic Radiance
Zabadak Hikari Furu Asa
Zao The Well-Intentioned Virus
Zealotry The Charnel Expanse
Zealotry At the Nexus of All Stillborn Worlds
Zuriaake Afterimage of Autumn

3.0 good
9T Antiope Horror Vacui
A Forest of Stars The Corpse of Rebirth
A Forest of Stars Opportunistic Thieves of Spring
A Swarm of the Sun An Empire
Aazi, Ming and Yangwood Triple Spell / 三​重​咒
Abstracter Cinereous Incarnate
Abyssal (UK) Denouement
Abyssal (UK) Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
Acephalix Decreation
Acid Witch Witchtanic Hellucinations
Acid Witch Stoned
Adjagas Adjagas
Aenaon Hypnosophy
Aequorea Dim
Aerial Ruin Nameless Sun
Aerial Ruin Valleys of the Earth
Aerial Ruin Loss Seeking Flame
Aeternam Ruins of Empires
Aetherian The Untamed Wilderness
Aetherian At Storm's Edge
Afenginn Akrobakkus
Afenginn Reptilica Polaris
Affinage Я и Мёбиус едем в Шампань
Affinage Аффинаж
Affinage Летаю​/​Расту
Afro Celt Sound System Volume 2: Release
Afro Celt Sound System OVA
After Forever After Forever
After Forever Prison Of Desire
Afterbirth The Time Traveler's Dilemma
Agalloch Of Stone, Wind and Pillor
Agalloch From Which of This Oak
Agalloch Faustian Echoes
Agalloch The Serpent and the Sphere
Agata (JPN) Pray
Ageless Oblivion Penthos
Agrimonia Awaken
Ahab The Coral Tombs
Aine Minogue Between the Worlds
Ak'chamel A Mournful Kingdom of Sand
Akercocke Antichrist
Akiko Shikata Harmonia
Akira Uchida Kurayami
Alamaailman Vasarat Huuro Kolkko
Alamaailman Vasarat Valta
Alan Stivell Telenn Geltiek-Harpe celtique
Alan Stivell In Dublin-Am Baile Atha Cliath Yn Nulyn
Alan Stivell Trema'n Inis (Vers l'île)
Alan Stivell Before Landing
Alan Stivell Symphonie celtique-Tír na nÓg
Alan Stivell Legend-Mojenn-Légende
Alan Stivell The Mist of Avalon
Alan Stivell 1 Douar / 1 Earth
Alan Stivell Au-delà des mots
Ale Moller Bouzoukispelman
Ale Moller Band Argai
Aleah Demo Master
Alison Kinnaird The Harper's Gallery
All My Faith Lost Chamber Music
All My Faith Lost Decade
All My Faith Lost Untitled
Alora Crucible Thymiamatascension
Alora Crucible Oak Lace Apparition
Altan The Red Crow
Altan Horse With A Heart
Altan Runaway Sunday
Altar of Plagues White Tomb
Amazing Blondel The Amazing Blondel
Amber Asylum Garden of Love
Amber Asylum Sin Eater
Amber Asylum The Supernatural Parlour Collection
Amia Venera Landscape The Long Procession
Amiensus Abreaction
Amorphis Elegy
Amorphis The Beginning of Times
An Isolated Mind I'm Losing Myself
Anaal Nathrakh Endarkenment
Anathema A Fine Day to Exit
Anathema The Silent Enigma
Anathema Hindsight
Ancient Wisdom A Celebration in Honor of Death
Anciients Beyond the Reach of the Sun
Andrew Cronshaw On the Shoulders of the Great Bear
Animals As Leaders The Madness of Many
Annbjorg Lien Felefeber
Annbjorg Lien Prisme
Anne Garner Dear Unknown
Annihilator Alice In Hell
Annihilator Never, Neverland
Annika Hoydal The Ocean
Anonyma Burnt Feathers
Anubis Gate Covered In Black
Apatheia (SWE) Lifethesis
Apocalypse Orchestra The End is Nigh
Arbete och Fritid Se upp för livet
Arbete och Fritid Håll Andan
Arcana Dark Age of Reason
Arch Enemy Burning Bridges
Archivist Construct
Archspire Relentless Mutation
Arcturus Aspera Hiems Symfonia
Argine Mundana humana instrumentalis
Aries (ITA) Aries
Ars Magna Umbrae Lunar Ascension
Arstidir Lifsins Hermalausaz
Ascariasis Ocean of Colour
Ash Borer The Irrepassable Gate
Aspherium The Embers of Eternity
Asphyx Death... The Brutal Way
Asphyx Embrace the Death
Asphyx Crush The Cenotaph
Asphyx Incoming Death
Asphyx Necroceros
Assynt Road to the North
At the Gates Slaughter of the Soul
At the Gates With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness
Ataraxia Llyr
Ataraxia Ad Perpetuam Rei Memoriam
Ataraxia La Malédiction D'Ondine
Ataraxia Prophetia
Ataraxia Nosce Te Ipsum
Ataraxia Sub Ignissimae Lunae
Atheist Elements
Atlantean Kodex The Course Of Empire
Atlas Pain Tales of a Pathfinder
Aurora Borealis (NOR) Wizlavs Viser
Autopsy Acts of the Unspeakable
Autopsy The Headless Ritual
Autopsy Tourniquets, Hacksaws and Graves
Avantasia The Scarecrow
Avantasia Angel Of Babylon
Avatar Avatar Country
Avatarium The Girl With The Raven Mask
Ayako Okunuki Shared Solstice
Ayami Suzuki and Rob Noyes Classic Fevers and Chills
Ayreon The Human Equation
Azarath In Extremis
Azarath Saint Desecration
BABYMETAL Metal Resistance
BABYMETAL Metal Galaxy
Backworld All that remains
Bagad Kemper Kejadenn
Bal-Sagoth A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria
Bal-Sagoth Battle Magic
Bal-Sagoth Atlantis Ascendant
Baltic Crossing Baltic Crossing
Barren Earth The Devil's Resolve
Barren Earth On Lonely Towers
Basco Big Basco
Basco The Remarkable Return of Old Man Basco
Bazar Bla Tripfolk
Bazar Bla Lost
Beach House Beach House
Beach House Become
Bear, the Storyteller Deidades
Bear, the Storyteller Tales of the untold
Bear, the Storyteller L'Osu y la Rapiega
Before The Dawn My Darkness
Before The Dawn The Ghost
Before The Dawn Rise of the Phoenix
Behexen The Poisonous Path
Beinn Lee Osgarra
Beleno Ofiusa
Bell Witch Four Phantoms
Bell Witch and Aerial Ruin Stygian Bough Volume 1
Belore Artefacts
Beltaine String Fling
Beltaine Tríú
Beth Gibbons Lives Outgrown
Big Big Train Grand Tour
Big|Brave A Gaze Among Them
Big|Brave A Chaos of Flowers
Bjork Medulla
Bjork Vulnicura
Bjork Fossora
Black Crown Initiate Selves We Cannot Forgive
Black Forest Dream
Black Midi Cavalcade
Black Midi Hellfire
Black Sun Aeon Routa
Black Tusk TCBT
Blackfield Blackfield V
Blind Guardian Follow The Blind
Blind Guardian Battalions Of Fear
Blind Guardian A Twist In The Myth
Blind Guardian Beyond The Red Mirror
Blind Witness Nightmare on Providence Street
Blood and Sun White Storms Fall
Blood and Sun Cain's Orchard
Blood Incantation Luminescent Bridge
Blood Stain Child Tri Odyssey
Bloodbath Nightmares Made Flesh
Blut Aus Nord The Mystical Beast of Rebellion
Blut Aus Nord 777 - Sect(s)
Blut Aus Nord 777 - The Desanctification
Boisson Divine La Halha
Bonfire Radicals Flywheel
Boris Noise
Boris Dear
Boris Love and Evol
Boris Heavy Rocks (2022)
Boris fade
Borknagar Empiricism
Borknagar The Olden Domain
Borknagar Borknagar
Borknagar Urd
Borknagar Winter Thrice
Botch An Anthology of Dead Ends
Botch We Are the Romans
Brand of Sacrifice God Hand
Brand of Sacrifice Lifeblood
Breaking Orbit The Time Traveller
Bremer and McCoy Natten
Brian O hEadhra & Fionnag NicChoinnich Càirdeas
Brian O hEadhra & Fionnag NicChoinnich TÌR - Highland Life & Lore
Brighde Chaimbeul, Ross Ainslie and Steven Byrnes LAS
Brodequin Harbinger of Woe
Brothers Of Metal Emblas Saga
Brutus (BE) Nest
Brymir Slayer of Gods
Brymir Wings of Fire
Brymir Voices in the Sky
BUCK-TICK Arui wa Anarchy
Burd Ellen A Tarot Of The Green Wood
Burial in the Sky Creatio et Hominus
Burzum Det Som Engang Var
Byrdi Ansur: Urkraft
Byssus In Foras
Cairiss Fall
Caligula's Horse Moments from Ephemeral City
Caligula's Horse Rise Radiant
Caligula's Horse Charcoal Grace
Callow (USA-CA) Mothdust
Camel Rain Dances
Camel Breathless
Camel Nude
Camel Harbour Of Tears
Cannibal Corpse A Skeletal Domain
Cannibal Corpse Violence Unimagined
Cannibal Corpse Chaos Horrific
Carcass Symphonies of Sickness
Carme Lopez Quintela
Carme Lopez Vinde todas
Carousel Carousel
Caspian On Circles
Cave Sermon Divine Laughter
Cedip Tur Traktorist
Celtachor Fiannaíocht
Celtic Woman A New Journey
Celtic Woman Celtic Woman
Celtic Woman Emerald - Musical Gems
Chelsea Wolfe The Grime And The Glow
Chelsea Wolfe Mistake In Parting
Chie Mukai and Yonju Miyaoka 木​々​の​歌 Song Of Trees
Children of Bodom Hate Crew Deathroll
Children of Bodom Something Wild
Children of Bodom Hatebreeder
Christine Primrose 'S tu nam chuimhne (...And You on My Mind)
Chthe'ilist Passage Into the Xexanotth
Chthonic 政治 Battlefields of Asura
Cillian Vallely On Common Ground
Cinder Well Cadence
Claire-Audrey Desnos Méandres
Clannad Legend
Clannad Macalla
Clannad Fuaim
Clannad Atlantic Realm
Clannad Banba
Clannad Lore
Classic Chimes Fairy Tale's Taboo
Cnoc An Tursa The Forty Five
Coaltar of the Deepers The Visitors From Deepspace
Cobalt Slow Forever
Cocteau Twins Garlands
Cocteau Twins Milk and Kisses
Cocteau Twins Lullabies
Cocteau Twins Echoes in a Shallow Bay
Cocteau Twins Twinlights
Cocteau Twins Otherness
Cocteau Twins Peppermint Pig
Cocteau Twins Iceblink Luck
Cocteau Twins Snow
Cocteau Twins Evangeline
Cocteau Twins and Harold Budd The Moon and the Melodies
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Coheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Conception The Last Sunset
Conception My Dark Symphony
Cor Scorpii Ruin
Corde Oblique The stones of Naples
Corde Oblique Per Le Strade Ripetute
Corde Oblique Back Through the Liquid Mirror
Cornelis Vreeswijk Tio vackra visor och personliga Person
Coroner Grin
Coroner R.I.P.
Count to Altek Heliodon Over Petrified Evergreens
Countless Skies Glow
Cradle of Filth Dusk... and Her Embrace
Cradle of Filth Hammer of the Witches
Cradle of Filth Cryptoriana – The Seductiveness of Decay
Cradle of Filth Existence Is Futile
Crimfall Amain
Cripple Bastards La fine cresce da dentro
Crippled Black Phoenix Ellengaest
Cruciamentum Paradise Envenomed
Cruel Wonders Clay Vessels
Crypt Sermon The Ruins of Fading Light
Cryptic Tales Valley of the Dolls
Cryptopsy Whisper Supremacy
Cryptosis Bionic Swarm
Cuelebre Dijara
Cult of Luna The Raging River
Cultes Des Ghoules Henbane
Current 93 Aleph At Hallucinatory Mountain
Current 93 Nature Unveiled
Current 93 I Am The Last Of All The Field That Fell
Current 93 Horsey
Current 93 Invocations Of Almost
Cynic Carbon-Based Anatomy
Cytotoxin Nuklearth
Daemonia Nymphe Witches' Lullaby
Dai Komatsu and Koji Nagao Leather Shoes and Glasses
Daikanyama Oukoku Shiroi Hiru Ni Mita Yume (白い昼にみた夢)
Daikanyama Oukoku Want to Eat Fish and Chips
Daikanyama Oukoku Don't Ask About What's Under the Table
Daimh SULA
Daisuke Inaoka British Melodies Playing with Hammer Dulcimer
Dalriada Kikelet
Dalriada Arany-album
Dalriada Ígéret
Dalriada Nyárutó
Dalriada Forrás
Danheim Herja
Danheim Skapanir
Dani Larkin Notes For A Maiden Warrior
Daniel Cavanagh Monochrome
Danzig Danzig 4
Dark Lunacy Forget Me Not
Dark Lunacy The Diarist
Dark Matter Secret Perfect World Creation
Dark Oath Ages of Man
Dark Sanctuary Exaudi Vocem Meam, Pt. 1
Dark Tranquillity Haven
Dark Tranquillity The Mind's I
Dark Tranquillity We Are the Void
Dark Tranquillity Moment
Dark Tranquillity Endtime Signals
Darkest Era Severance
Darkest Hour Godless Prophets and the Migrant Flora
Darkspace Dark Space -II
Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath
Darkthrone Total Death
Darkthrone Ravishing Grimness
Darkthrone The Underground Resistance
Darkthrone Arctic Thunder
Darkthrone Old Star
Darkthrone Eternal Hails
Darkwater Human
David Maxim Micic Bilo 3.0
Dawn of Solace Flames of Perdition
Daylight Dies No Reply
De Domhnaigh (CZ) 10 Let
Dead Can Dance Spiritchaser
Dead Can Dance Dionysus
Dead To A Dying World Elegy
Deafheaven New Bermuda
Death in June Take Care and Control
Death in June Rose Clouds of Holocaust
Death in June Burial
Death in June Ostenbraun
Deathspell Omega Diabolus Absconditus
Deathspell Omega Drought
Declan O'Rourke Big Bad Beautiful World
Declan O'Rourke Mag Pai Zai
Deep Purple inFinite
Defleshed and Gutted The Prophecy in the Entrails
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
Dekadent The Deliverance of the Fall
Dekadent Manifestation of Seasonal Bleeding
Den Fule Lugumleik
Denez Prigent Irvi
Derek Bell Carolan's Favourite
Derek Bell Derek Bell's Musical Ireland
Derniere Volonte Devant Le Miroir
Dervish Playing With Fire
Dervish The Thrush In The Storm
Descend The Deviant
Devin Townsend Terria
Devin Townsend Infinity
Devin Townsend Project Epicloud
Diablo Swing Orchestra Pandora's Pinata
Diagonal Arc
Dibuk Antip​á​ssaro
DIM (CA) Dark Age Decadence
Dimmu Borgir For all tid
Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst
Dimmu Borgir Spiritual Black Dimensions
Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst MMV
Dir En Grey Vulgar
Dir En Grey Gauze
Dir En Grey Dum Spiro Spero
Dirge (FR) Hyperion
Disemballerina Poison Gown
Disillusion Alea
Dismember Massive Killing Capacity
Dismember Death Metal
Dismember Where Ironcrosses Grow
Divinity The Immortalist
DLU Moch
Do Make Say Think Goodbye Enemy Airship the Landlord is Dead
Do Make Say Think Do Make Say Think
Dodecahedron Dodecahedron
Dodecahedron Kwintessens
DorDeDuh Har
Draconian Where Lovers Mourn
Draconian A Rose For The Apocalypse
Dragonland The Power of the Nightstar
Drakum Zombie Dragons From Outer Space
Drautran Throne of the Depths
Dreadnought Emergence
Dream Theater Train of Thought
Dream Theater Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Dream Theater Octavarium
Dream Theater A Dramatic Turn of Events
Dream Theater A View From The Top Of The World
Dream Theater Parasomnia
Dreamtale World Changed Forever
Dropkick Murphys Sing Loud, Sing Proud!
Dropkick Murphys The Meanest of Times
Drudkh Handful of Stars
Drudkh/Hades Almighty One Who Walks.../Pyre Era, Black!
Drudkh/Paysage d'Hiver Somewhere Sadness Wanders/Schnee (IV)
Duncan Chisholm Redpoint
Dvne Voidkind
Dwarrowdelf The Sons of Fëanor
Dwarrowdelf Of Dying Lights
Dwarrowdelf The Fallen Leaves
Ea A Etilla
Earthside Let The Truth Speak
Echo Tail The Ancestry
Edge of Sanity Unorthodox
Einar Mjolsnes Slåttar etter Anders Sagen
Einherjer North Star
Einleikr Einleikr
Eivor Enn
Eldamar/Dreams of Nature Split
Elder (USA-MA) Elder
Elder (USA-MA) Omens
Eldrim Kvile
Elend Lecons de Tenebres
Elffor Condemned to Wander
Elisapie The Ballad of the Runaway Girl
Elisapie Inuktitut
Ellende Rückzug in die Innerlichkeit
Ellende Rückzug in die Innerlickeit
Ellereve Funeral Songs
Eluveitie Spirit
Eluveitie Slania
Elvenking The Pagan Manifesto
Elvenking Secrets Of The Magick Grimoire
Embrace of Disharmony De Rervm Natvra
Emelie Waldken Genom Natten
Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou May Our Chambers Be Full
Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou The Helm of Sorrow
Emperor IX Equilibrium
Empyrium The Turn of the Tides
Emyn Muil Túrin Turambar Dagnir Glaurunga
Emyn Muil Elenion Ancalima
Enekk Andlit hins tigandi
Enfold Darkness Adversary Omnipotent
Engelsstaub Anderswelt
Engelsstaub Malleus Maleficarum
Engelsstaub Ignis Fatuus: Irrlichter
Enisum Moth's Illusion
Ensamble Nacar Lluvias y Silbidos
Enshine Transcending Fire
Ensiferum Iron
Ensiferum Victory Songs
Ensiferum From Afar
Ensiferum Thalassic
Best Ensiferum since From Afar. Then again... that’s not saying much.
Enslaved Blodhemn
Enslaved Monumension
Enslaved The Sleeping Gods
Entombed Morning Star
Entropia (PL) Ufonaut
Envy Insomniac Doze
Enya Enya (The Celts)
Enya And Winter Came...
Eolya H​á​vam​á​l
Epica Omega
Erdve Vaitojimas
Erlend Viken Trio Ville Veier
Erutan Raindancer
Esoctrilihum Mystic Echo From a Funeral Dimension
Eternal Storm Come the Tide
Eternal Storm A Giant Bound to Fall
Eternal Tears of Sorrow Before the Bleeding Sun
Eternal Tears of Sorrow A Virgin and a Whore
Eternity's End Unyielding
eueu The Land Marked Nowhere
Eva Alkula & Tomoyo Nakai うたづくし - Laulu
Evergreen Refuge Anima
Evergreen Refuge Growing
Every Time I Die New Junk Aesthetic
Every Time I Die Ex Lives
Every Time I Die Low Teens
Every Time I Die Radical
Evilfeast Thy Abhorrent Emerging
Ewen Henderson L​è​irsinn - Perception
Ex Deo The Immortal Wars
Execration (NOR) Return to the Void
Exist So True, So Bound
Extol Undeceived
Exuma Exuma II
Eye of Solitude Sui Caedere
Fabiano do Nascimento and Shin Sasakubo Harm​ô​nicos
Falchion Chronicles of the Dead
Falconer Falconer
Falconer From A Dying Ember
I have my fingers crossed for a Mithotyn reunion. This is still a pleasant listen.
Falgar Misterios de Ilurbeda
Falgar Ante el signo del águila
Falkenbach Tiurida
Fall of Efrafa Tharn
Falls of Rauros Hail Wind and Hewn Oak
Falls of Rauros The Light That Dwells in Rotten Wood
Fallujah The Harvest Wombs
False Portent
Falsobordone Cantigas De Santa Maria
Falsobordone 1350 - Music For A Plague
Fates Warning The Spectre Within
Fates Warning Disconnected
Fates Warning A Pleasant Shade of Gray
Fates Warning Darkness in a Different Light
Fejd Trolldom
Felpeyu Felpeyu
Felpeyu Canteros
Fen The Malediction Fields
Fen Dustwalker
Fetid Steeping Corporeal Mess
Fiddlers' Bid Da Farder Ben Da Welcomer
Finntroll Midnattens widunder
Finsterforst Wiege der Finsternis
Finsterforst Jenseits
Fire + Ice (England, Neo-Folk) Midwinter Fires
Fire + Ice (England, Neo-Folk) Seasons Of Ice
Fire + Ice (England, Neo-Folk) Birdking
First Fragment Dasein
First Fragment Gloire Eternelle
Firtan Marter
Fishmans King Master George
Fit for an Autopsy The Great Collapse
Fit for an Autopsy The Sea Of Tragic Beasts
Fjara Kuušiveneh
Fjoergyn Sade et Masoch
Fleshgod Apocalypse Oracles
Fleshgod Apocalypse Agony
Fleshgod Apocalypse King
Fleshgod Apocalypse Veleno
Fleuves #3
Floating Cloud Acoustic Band Flower Village
Fluisteraars Bloem
Folknery Son
Forefather Last of the Line
Frander II
Friends of Alice Ivy The Last Days of Fenwyck
Frigg Frost on Fiddles
Frigg Frixx
Frigg Perintö - Heritage
Frode Haltli Border Woods
Fuku I Bakvendtland
Funi Flúr
Gae Bolg Petite Introduction Aux Pratiques Des Gymnosophes
Gaerea Coma
Galandum Galundaina L Purmeiro
Galaverna Wagdans
Galaverna Dodsdans
Galneryus Phoenix Rising
Galneryus Vetelgyus
Galneryus Between Dread and Valor
Gao Hong and Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde Alondra
Garmarna Vittrad
Garmarna Förbundet
Gary Stadler Fairy of the Woods
Gate (NO) Ulveham
Gatecreeper Deserted
Gazpacho Firebird
Gazpacho Soyuz
Gealdyr Vígríðr
Geirr Lystrup Ti På Taket Og Måltrostblues
Genesis Trespass
Genesis Wind & Wuthering
Genesis Duke
Georgia Shackleton Harry's Seagull
Gernotshagen Weltenbrand
Gevurah Hallelujah!
Ghost (SWE) Infestissumam
Ghost Brigade Guided By Fire
Gjallarhorn Rimfaxe
Glassjaw Worship and Tribute
Glassjaw Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
Gnoss Gnoss
Gnoss Stretching Skyward
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
Gomorrah (CAN) Gomorrah
Gorod Aethra
Graham Rorie The Orcadians of Hudson Bay
Gravetemple Impassable Fears
Green Horizon The Endless Yearning
Greentale Greentale
Greentale Greentale 2
Greg Joy Tapestries
Greg Joy Celtic Enchantment
Greg Joy Winds of Change
Greg Joy Visions of Paradise
Greg Joy Celtic Echoes
Greg Joy Light of Day
GridLink Coronet Juniper
Grimner Blodshymner
Grimner Urfader
Gris Neurasthénie
Ground Zero Consume Red
Gryr Gryr
Gunnar Stubseid Gorrlaus
GWAR Lust in Space
Habadekuk Kaffepunch
Hacksaw to the Throat Wastelands
Hagathorn Bj​ö​rndansen
Hagathorn Dans i Hagen
Hail the Sun New Age Filth
Haken Fauna
Hallatar No Stars Upon the Bridge
Hammock Maybe They Will Sing for Us Tomorrow
Hammock Oblivion Hymns
Hammock Everything and Nothing
Hammock Mysterium
Hammock Universalis
Hammock Silencia
Hammock Elsewhere
Hammock Love in the Void
Hanging Garden I Am Become
Hanging Garden Into that Good Night
Hannes Grossmann The Crypts Of Sleep
Harry Gorski-Brown Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats
Haruka Nakamura Nujabes Pray Reflections
hatao Nordic Folk Recorder Pieces vol​.​1
hatao Nordic Folk Recorder Pieces vol​.​2
Hate Tremendum
Hath All That Was Promised
Haunter (USA-TX) Discarnate Ails
Haunter of the Woods I EP
Hautville Numen Lumen
Have a Nice Life Deathconsciousness
Havukruunu Kuu Erkylän Yllä
Haxan (FRA) Tales of Aphotic Woods and Hidden Vales
Haxan (FRA) Eldritch Assembly
Haxan (FRA) Hexenring
Heal and Harrow Heal and Harrow
Heart's Ease Ae Fond Kiss
Heart's Ease Heart's-Ease
Hedningarna Hedningarna
Hedningarna Kaksi!
Hedningarna Hippjokk
Hege Rimestad Hvite Pil
Hege Rimestad The Seed Keeper
Hekate Totentanz
Hekate Sonnentanz
Hekate Goddess
Hekla Stalstrenga Dyrandé
Hekla Stalstrenga Ventetid
Hekla Stalstrenga Elske og ære
Hel Falland Vörandi
Hel Tristheim
Heldom Myrkr
Heldom Vaknan
Helevorn Aamamata
Helios Patetisk Helios Patetisk
Helloween 7 Sinners
Helmet (FRA) Quest of the Elf's scrolls
Helrunar Frostnacht
Heretoir Heretoir
Hermodr The Howling Mountains
Hexvessel All Tree
High on Fire Electric Messiah
Hobbledees Liberal Fuckin' Folk
Hopesfall The Frailty of Words
Hopesfall Arbiter
Hoplites Π​α​ρ​α​μ​α​ι​ν​ο​μ​έ​ν​η
Horn Turm am Hang
Horn Mohngang
Horn Verzet
Horn Daudswi​ä​rk
Hoth Astral Necromancy
Huun-Huur-Tu If I'd Been Born an Eagle
Hypno5e Alba - Les Hombres Errantes
Hypocrisy The Fourth Dimension
Hypocrisy The Arrival
Hypocrisy Penetralia
Hypocrisy A Taste of Extreme Divinity
Hypocrisy End of Disclosure
iamthemorning ~
iamthemorning Belighted
Ignea The Sign of Faith
Ihsahn The Adversary
Ihsahn After
Ihsahn Eremita
Ihsahn Ihsahn
IJdelheid God Must Be Love
Ikiranka Ikiranka
Ilbeltz Auskan Gabiltz Olatun Gainian
Ilkka Heinonen Trio Lohtu
Illusion Us The Path: Forebears Land
Imar Awakening
Imbaru Eternos En La Pradera
Imbaru Vigias
Imbaru Acacia Caven
Immolation Harnessing Ruin
Immolation Shadows in the Light
Immolation Kingdom of Conspiracy
Immortal Sons of Northern Darkness
Immortal Pure Holocaust
Immortal All Shall Fall
Immortal Northern Chaos Gods
Imperial Circus Dead Decadence Kurooshiku Saita Seisan Na Mukuro Wa Kanaderu-
Imperial Circus Dead Decadence Yomi yori Kikoyu, Koukoku no Tou to Honō no Shoujo
Imperial Circus Dead Decadence MOGARI - Shi E Fukeru Omoi Wa Rikujoku Sura Kurai
Impetuous Ritual Blight Upon Martyred Sentience
Impure Wilhelmina Radiation
In Flames Clayman
In Gowan Ring Visions of Shadows That Shine
In Hearts Wake Divination
In Hearts Wake Earthwalker
In Mourning Afterglow
In Mourning Garden of Storms
In Mourning The Bleeding Veil
In My Rosary Under the Mask of Stone
In My Rosary The Shades of Cats
In My Rosary Your World is a Flower
In My Rosary Retro
In This Moment The Dream
In Tormentata Quiete Finestatico
In Vain (NO) Mantra
In Vain (NO) Aenigma
In Vain (NO) Solemn
Inanimate Existence Underneath a Melting Sky
Inanimate Existence Clockwork
Incantation Blasphemy
Incantation Decimate Christendom
Incantation Primordial Domination
Incantation Profane Nexus
Ine Guemes Qué Nos Mantiene Despiertos
Inferi (USA) The End of an Era
Inferi (USA) The End of an Era | Rebirth
Inferi (USA) Of Sunless Realms
Inferi (USA) Vile Genesis
Insomnium One for Sorrow
Insomnium Ephemeral
Insomnium Argent Moon
Insomnium Songs of the Dusk
Intronaut Void
Intronaut Habitual Levitations
Intronaut Fluid Existential Inversions
Iosonouncane and Paolo Angeli Jalitah
IQ Frequency
Iron Maiden Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden Killers
Iron Maiden The Book Of Souls
Ironomi 琹の葉 - Kotonoha
Isengard Høstmørke
Ismo Alanko Kun Suomi Putos Puusta
J. Wiegold Norfolk Serpent
Jacques Pellen Lament for the Children
Jakob Solace
Jakob Cale:Drew
Jakob Sines
Jambinai Apparition
Jardino DYW
Jessica Pratt Here In the Pitch
Jiggy Hypernova
Jim Ghedi A Hymn for Ancient Land
Joanna Gemma Auguri Hiraeth
Job For A Cowboy Sun Eater
Job For A Cowboy Moon Healer
John John Festival John John Festival
John Spillane's Lapwing Nation 100 Snow White Horses
Joliette Luz Devora
Jon Faukstad Og Per Saemund Bjorkum Konsert På Kleppe
Jozef Van Wissem Nihil Obstat
Judas Priest Invincible Shield
Julia Holter Something in the Room She Moves
Junichi Kuzume 今​日​も​音​が​す​る (Kyou​-​mo oto​-​ga suru)
Junior Brother Pull The Right Rope
Jusqua Grand-pere Midnight Stroll
Kalandra A Frame of Mind
Kamelot The Fourth Legacy
Kamelot Silverthorn
Kamelot Haven
Kardemimmit Viira
Kardemimmit Autio Huvila
Kardemimmit Kesäyön Valo - Midnight Sun
Karfagen Spektra
Karfagen Birds of Passage
Kari Sverrisson Við Heimsins Dyr
Karin Hoghielm Fabra
Kariti Dheghom
Kaseva Kun Maailma Elaa
Kataklysm Temple of Knowledge (Kataklysm Part III)
Katatonia Tonight's Decision
Katatonia Dance of December Souls
Katatonia City Burials
Katatonia Sky Void Of Stars
Kathryn Tickell Return to Kielderside
Katie Kim Hour of the Ox
Kawir Adrasteia
Kayo Dot Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue
Keiji Haino and Sumac American Dollar Bill
Keiji Haino and Sumac Even for Just the Briefest Moment
Keiko Sakuma The Calling
Kelora Gloomerald
Kenji Komatsuzaki and Takashi Hamada Canal Crow
Kenji Komatsuzaki and Takashi Hamada Seagulls in the Canal
Keor Hive Mind
Kevin Burke Up Close
Kevin Burke Open House
Khoomei Beat Changys Baglaash
Kielichy Kielichy
Kiku Latte Stories
Kila Tóg É Go Bog É
Kila Soisín
Kila Suas Sios
Kim Youngkil Korea. The Art of the Ajaeng Sanjo
Kimbanourke 빈자리 (Binjari)
King Goat Conduit
King of Asgard Fi'mbulvinter
Kinit Her The Cavern Stanzas
Kinit Her The Poet & The Blue Flower
Kinit Her The Blooming World
Kinit Her Storm of Radiance
Kinit Her As Magi
Kira McSpice The Compartmentalization of Decay
ko-ko-ya Antique
Koji Koji Moheji Bon Appétit!
Kokia Fairy Dance: Kokia Meets Ireland
Kosmos Vieraan Taivaan Alla
Kotaro Hata Otonoha
Krallice Go Be Forgotten
Krallice Crystalline Exhaustion
Krallice Psychagogue
Krypts Remnants of Expansion
Kull Exile
Kusinerna Riippa Irrbloss
Kyuss Wretch
La Dispute Panorama
Labyrinth Architecture of a God
Lacrimas Profundere ...And the Wings Embraced Us
Lacrimas Profundere Fall, I Will Follow
Lacrimas Profundere Hope Is Here
Lacrimas Profundere How to Shroud Yourself with Night
Laguz Rune An Arduous Quest (Special Edition)
Lamb of God Ashes Of The Wake
Land of Fog Morbid Enigmas
Landless (IRE) L​ú​ireach
Lantlos Lantlos
Lars Hollmer Från Natt Idag
Latitudes Individuation
Latitudes Part Island
Lau Nau Poseidon
Lau Nau Aphrilis
Laura Marling Patterns in Repeat
Lauren MacColl Haar
Leevi and the Leavings Perjantai 14. päivä
Lena Willemark and Ale Moller Agram
Leprous Tall Poppy Syndrome
Leprous The Congregation
Lesnoy Tanets, Isa and Knyazhaya Pustyn Сплетение (The Plexus)
Liam Kelly Sweetwood
Limbonic Art Legacy of Evil
Limbonic Art Epitome Of Illusions
Limbonic Art The Ultimate Death Worship
Linda Perhacs Parallelograms
Liturgy Aesthethica
Liz Hanks Land
Llan de Cubel L'Otru Llau de la Mar
Loimolan Voima Mi on praudua
Long Distance Calling Boundless
Lord Mantis Universal Death Church
Loreena McKennitt To Drive the Cold Winter Away
Loreena McKennitt Elemental
Loreena McKennitt The Wind That Shakes The Barley
Lovebites Clockwork Immortality
Lovebites Electric Pentagram
Lovebites Judgement Day
Luar Na Lubre Ara Solis
Luar Na Lubre Mar maior
Luar Na Lubre Ribeira Sacra
Luca Delphi New Moon
Luca Turilli Prophet of the Last Eclipse
Luca Turilli King of the Nordic Twilight
Lun (FR) Chamanes
Luna's Call Void
Lunasa The Kinnitty Sessions
Lunasa The Leitrim Equation
Lunatic Soul Lunatic Soul
Lunatic Soul Walking on a Flashlight Beam
Lunatic Soul Fractured
Lurker Of Chalice Lurker Of Chalice
Lvis Sudário
Lycus Chasms
Lynn Morrison Cave of Gold: Celtic Lullabies
Magma Rïah Sahïltaahk
Magnifiqat Il più antico dei giorni
Magnum Lost On The Road To Eternity
Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh and Frankie Kennedy Ceol Aduaidh
Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh and Frankie Kennedy Altan
Maja Kjær si Orkester Landing
Majestica Above The Sky
Make Them Suffer Worlds Apart
Mammoth Deviations
Manegarm Urminnes Havd - The Forest Sessions
Manegarm Nordstjärnans Tidsålder
Manegarm Dodsfard
Manegarm Havets Vargar
Manegarm Nattvasen
Manegarm Fornaldarsagor
Manran Ùrar
Mareka Naito and Junji Shirota Listening to the Outside World
Mari Boine Jaskatvuođa Maŋŋá (Etter Stillheten)
Mari Boine Cuovgga Áirras - Sterna Paradisea
Mari Boine See the Woman
Mari Eggen and Helene Hoye Glød
Mari Eggen and Helene Hoye Sprell Levande
Mari Kalkun Stories of Stonia
Maria Kalaniemi & Eero Grundstrom Mielo
Maria Kalaniemi & Eero Grundstrom Svalan
Maria Kalaniemi and Timo Alakotila Åkerö
Maria W. Horn Panoptikon
Marissa Nadler Little Hells
Marissa Nadler Marissa Nadler
Marja Mattlar Lumi
Marja Mattlar Vesi
Marja Mattlar Kuu
Marja Mortensson Mojhtestasse - Cultural Heirlooms
Martti Pokela, Eeva-Leena Sariola and Matti Kontio Vanha ja uusi kantele
Martti Pokela, Eeva-Leena Sariola and Matti Kontio The Tradition of Kantele, Vol. 1
marucoporoporo Conceive the Sea
Mastodon Once More 'Round the Sun
Maud The Moth and Trajedesaliva Bordando El Manto Terrestre
maudlin of the Well Bath
maudlin of the Well Leaving Your Body Map
Maximilian Ehrhardt None But the Brave
Maxwell's Silver Band Wataru, Isao, Hirohito & Yoshiaki
Me And That Man Songs of Love and Death
Menow マスピレヌスの塔 (Tower of Maspillenus)
Merope V​ė​jula
Mesarthim .- -​.​.​. .​.​. . -. -​.​-​. .
Mesarthim The Density Parameter
Mesarthim Ghost Condensate
Metallica Kill 'Em All
mewithoutYou A to B: Life
Mgla Groza
Michael McGoldrick Morning Rory
Michaela Antalova and Adrian Myhr Sing Nightingale
Mick O'Brien, Emer Mayock and Aoife Ní Bhriain More Tunes from the Goodman Manus
Midnight Sweet Death and Ecstasy
Mila Mar Picnic on the Moon
Mithras On Strange Loops
Mizmor Cairn
Mo'ynoq Dreaming in a Dead Language
Modena City Ramblers Combat Folk
Modena City Ramblers La grande famiglia
Moher Kaleidoscope
Mojna Väntenätter
Mol Diorama
Mongol The Return
Mono For My Parents
Mono The Last Dawn
Mono Rays of Darkness
Mono Requiem For Hell
Mono Nowhere Now Here
Mono Pilgrimage Of The Soul
Moonlyght Shining
Moonsorrow Tämä ikuinen talvi
Mors Principium Est Inhumanity
Mors Principium Est Liberation = Termination
Mors Principium Est Embers of a Dying World
Mors Principium Est Seven
Mortifero The Baleful Tales
Motorpsycho Kingdom of Oblivion
Motorpsycho Ancient Astronauts
Motorpsycho Neigh!!
Mourning Beloveth The Sullen Sulcus
Mourning Beloveth Dust
Muga (FRA) Chants de Femmes des Asturies
Mustarastas Legenda
Mustarastas Kiveen Piirretty
Mustarastas Linnuntietä
Mutoid Man War Moans
My Bloody Valentine Isn't Anything
My Bloody Valentine Tremolo
My Bloody Valentine m b v
My Dying Bride For Lies I Sire
My Dying Bride The Ghost Of Orion
My Dying Bride A Mortal Binding
Mylingar Döda Själar
Myllarit Eta Pravda
Mze Shina Elesa
Naevus Relatively Close To The Sea
Naevus Truffles of Love
Naevus Curses
Nailed To Obscurity Black Frost
NAMI Fragile Alignments
Napalm Death Leaders Not Followers: Part 2
Natalie Padilla Fireweed
Ne Obliviscaris Exul
Nebala Lustuz Laþu Wōþuz Alu
Need Hegaiamas: A Song For Freedom
Negura Bunget ZI
Neko Modal Have a Pint of Whiskey
Neon Odin Allfather
Nero di Marte Derivae
Neurosis Through Silver In Blood
Neutral The World of Disbelief
Nevermore In Memory
Niels Erik Rasmussen, Mads Kjoller Henningsen and Clara Tesc Rundt Segen - Bagpipe Melodies from Bornholm
Night Raft of the World
Night Verses Every Sound Has a Color...: Part II
Nils Okland Monograph
Nils Okland Glødetrådar
Nils Okland Band Gjenskinn
Nils-Aslak Valkeapaa and Esa Kotilainen Eanan, Eallima Eadni
Nocturnus Thresholds
Nocturnus AD Paradox
Nordein Nordariket
Nordein Bergart
North (SWE) n.o.r.t.h.
Norther Mirror of Madness
Noumena Anatomy of Life
Novalis Deux Paradise ...?
Novalis Deux Ghosts Over Europe
Novembers Doom The Pale Haunt Departure
Novembers Doom The Novella Reservoir
Novembers Doom To Welcome The Fade
Novembers Doom For Every Leaf That Falls
Novembers Doom Bled White
Novembre Wish I Could Dream It Again...
Novy Svet Rumorarmonio
Novy Svet Faccia A Faccia
Novy Svet Cuori Di Petrolio
Novy Svet Into Your Skies
Now You'll Never Arbitrary Schematic
Nu Cuentos de Ayer y de Hoy
Nucleus (USA-IL) Sentient
Nucleus Torn Golden Age
Nucleus Torn Neon Light Eternal
Null (USA) Origin
Numenor Sword and Sorcery
Numenorean Adore
O Paradis Ensueños
O Paradis Reinos - el invierno de los cuentos
O Paradis Cuando El Tiempo Sopla
O Paradis and Elli Riehl Initium Dolorum
O Paradis and Novy Svet Destello de Estrellas en la Frente
Oak and Ivy Holler
Oak Pantheon From a Whisper
Oak Pantheon In Pieces
Oathbreaker Rheia
Oblivion The Path Towards...
Obscura Akróasis
Obscura A Valediction
Obscure Sphinx Void Mother
Obscure Sphinx Epitaphs
Ocean Of Grief Nightfall's Lament
Oceans of Slumber Oceans of Slumber
Oceans of Slumber Starlight and Ash
Oceans of Slumber Where Gods Fear to Speak
Oceansize Everyone Into Position
October Falls A Fall of an Epoch
October Falls Syys
October Tide Grey Dawn
October Tide A Thin Shell
October Tide Tunnel Of No Light
Odraza Esperalem Tkane
Odraza Rzeczom
Of the Wand and the Moon Sonnenheim
Of the Wand and the Moon :Emptiness:Emptiness:Emptiness:
Old Man Gloom The Ape of God II
Omnia Pagan Folk
Omnia Beltaine
Omnia Naked Harp
Omnium Gatherum Origin
One Leg One Eye .​.​.​. And Take The Black Worm With Me
Oniric Cabaret Syndrome
Onmyo-Za Chimimouryou
oofujitsubo Hill of Desires
Opeth Pale Communion
Opium Dream Estate Anamorphosis
Oranssi Pazuzu Muukalainen Puhuu
Orden Ogan Gunmen
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio Cocktails Carnage Crucifixion And Pornography
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio Apocalips
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio Songs 4 Hate & Devotion
Orgone (USA-PA) Pleroma
Orom 8
Osi and the Jupiter Halls of the Wolf
Osi and the Jupiter Songs of Origin and Spirit
Otay:onii Ming Ming
Ottopasuuna Ottopasuuna
Oystein Sevag Global House
Pain of Salvation Remedy Lane
Pain of Salvation In the Passing Light of Day
Paladin (USA) Ascension
Panopticon Panopticon
Panopticon The Crescendo of Dusk
Paradise Lost Shades Of God
Paradise Lost Symbol Of Life
Paradise Lost One Second
Parasite Inc. Cyan Night Dreams
Paulus UnderWorld
Paysage d'Hiver Einsamkeit
Paysage d'Hiver Kerker
Paysage d'Hiver Die Festung
Paysage d'Hiver Geister
Peatbog Faeries Blackhouse
Peatbog Faeries Mellowosity
Peatbog Faeries Dust
Peiriant Dychwelyd
Pekka Streng and Tasavallan Presidentti Magneettimiehen kuolema
Pelican Australasia
Pelican The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon...
Per Saemund Bjorkum Den Váre Fela
Pestilence Testimony of the Ancients
Pestilence Malleus Maleficarum
Peter Gundry V Ö L U R
Pharmacist Flourishing Extremities On Unspoiled Mental Ground
Phrenelith Chimaera
Phurpa Trowo Phurnag Ceremony
Phurpa Nag bDud Ceremony
Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard
Pig Destroyer Terrifyer
Pillorian Obsidian Arc
Pink Floyd Animals
Pink Floyd Meddle
Planxty The Woman I Loved So Well
Plini Sunhead
Plini Impulse Voices
Polaris The Mortal Coil
Polaris Fatalism
Polenta Karkelo
Pomegranate Tiger Boundless
Pomni Imya Svoyo Я нем
Pomni Imya Svoyo Ночь. Метель
Porcupine Tree Closure/Continuation
Portal Seepia
Portishead Dummy
Possession of the Polar Shaman Fenrir Dauþuz Bringandiz
Prag 83 Metamorphoses
Prag 83 Fragments of Silence
Primaevus An Eldritch Odyssey
Primitive Man Caustic
Primordial Imrama
Prison of Mirrors (ITA) De Ritualibus et Sacrificiis ad Serviendum Abysso
Project SMOK Horizons
Psychotic Waltz Mosquito
Psychotic Waltz The God-Shaped Void
Pure Wrath Sempiternal Wisdom
Queens of the Stone Age Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age Lullabies to Paralyze
Queensryche Queensryche
Queensryche Condition Human
Radio Supernova Tahtiin
Radio Supernova Paratiisi
Radiohead In Rainbows
Raflum Gui Zhao
Ragnheidur Grondal Þjóðlög
Raja Kirik Phantasmagoria of Jathilan
Rakish Counting Down the Hours
Ranarim Till ljusan dag
Rannok Rannok
Rannok Gammelt, Nyt, Lånt Og Blåt
Rant Spin
Raske Drenge Raske Drenge
Ratatosk Yn Canu
Rauhnacht Winterstille
Redemption The Art of Loss
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber Ascension
Reminiscence (POR) Door to the Unknown
Renaissance A Song for All Seasons
Renaissance Illusion
Renaissance Grandine il Vento
Reptilian Perennial Void Traverse
Revocation Existence Is Futile
Revocation Deathless
Revocation Great Is Our Sin
Reyes del Bosque Elementos
Reyes del Bosque Viajes III
Rhapsody of Fire Legendary Tales
Rhapsody of Fire The Cold Embrace Of Fear
Rhapsody of Fire The Eighth Mountain
Rhapsody of Fire Challenge The Wind
Ritual Necromancy Disinterred Horror
Ritva Nero Immortal Tradition
River River
Riverside Anno Domini High Definition
Riverside ID.Entity
Riviere Heal
RLYR Delayer
Robes of Snow The Wooden Wheel: Winter's Promise
Robes of Snow The Wooden Wheel: Summer Storms
Robin Williamson Journey's Edge
Robin Williamson Selected Writings 1980-1983
Robin Williamson Music for the Mabinogi
Robin Williamson Five Legendary Histories of Britain
Robin Williamson Five Celtic Tales of Enchantment
Robin Williamson Five Bardic Mysteries
Robin Williamson Legacy of the Scottish Harpers vol.2
Robin Williamson Songs for Children of All Ages
Robin Williamson The Island of the Strong Door
Robin Williamson Gems Of Celtic Story - One
Robin Williamson Music From Macbeth
Robin Williamson The Iron Stone
Robin Williamson Love Will Remain
Robin Williamson Trusting In The Rising Light
Rolo Tomassi Cosmology
Rolo Tomassi Where Myth Becomes Memory
Rome Nos Chants Perdus
Rome A Passage to Rhodesia
Rome The Hyperion Machine
Rome The Lone Furrow
Rosetta The Galilean Satellites
Ross Ainslie Sanctuary
Ross Ainslie and Ali Hutton Symbiosis I
Ross Ainslie and Ali Hutton Symbiosis II
Ross Ainslie, Ali Hutton and Jenn Butterworth Symbiosis III
Rotting Christ Passage To Arcturo
Rotting Christ Thy Mighty Contract
Rotting Christ A Dead Poem
Rotting Christ Sanctus Diavolos
Rotting Christ Theogonia
Rotting Christ Aealo
Rotting Christ Kata Ton Demona Eaftou
Royal Hunt Cast in Stone
Runahild Seidsang
Runahild Seidhjallar
Runahild Wounded Healer
Runahild Of Darkness and Light
Runrig Play Gaelic
Russian Circles Station
Russian Circles Geneva
Russian Circles Guidance
Ruumisto Sotakesä
Ruut (EE) Kiriküüt
Sacramentum Far Away from the Sun
Sagittarius (DE) Songs From the Ivory Tower
Sahkopaimen H​ä​m​ä​rä
Sakura Fujiwara wood mood
Salt House Riverwoods
Sam Lee Songdreaming
Sanctorum Crystal Tears Of Silence
Sangre Cavallum Veleno de Teixo
Sangre de Muerdago Demo (2007)
Sara Parkman Sara Parkmans Skog
Sasirange 반​쪽​짜​리 기행 (Half​-​Baked Journey)
Satyricon Deep Calleth Upon Deep
Scale the Summit Carving Desert Canyons
Scale the Summit The Collective
Scar Symmetry Symmetric in Design
Scar Symmetry The Singularity - Phase I: Neohumanity
Scar Symmetry The Singularity - Phase II: Xenotaph
Schammasch The Maldoror Chants: Hermaphrodite
Sealionwoman Nothing Will Grow in the Soil
Sectioned Annihilated
Sedaa Mongolian Meets Oriental
Sedaa New Ways
Selvans / Downfall Of Nur Selvans / Downfall of Nur
Sentenced The Cold White Light
Septicflesh Modern Primitive
Serenity in Murder The First Frisson of the World
Serenity in Murder The Eclipse
Serge Fiori Serge Fiori
Serpent Column Ornuthi Thalassa
Serpent Column Endless Detainment
Setentia Darkness Transcend
Seven Reizh La barque ailée et l’albatros…
Seventh Wonder Waiting in the Wings
Seventh Wonder The Testament
Shade Empire Zero Nexus
Shade Empire Sunholy
Shaded Enmity Forsaken and Forgotten
Shadow Shadow
Shadow Gallery Digital Ghosts
ShamRain Goodbye to All That
Shao Rong Orchid II
Shattered Hope Waters Of Lethe
Sheena Living Hands
Shirley and Dolly Collins For as Many as Will
Shooglenifty The Arms Dealer's Daughter
Shui Hou Gu Shi Tales In Murmur
Shylmagoghnar Convergence
Sieben Forbid the Sun's Escape
Sieben As They Should Sound
Sigh Infidel Art
Sigh Scorn Defeat
Sigur Ros Med Sud i Eyrum vid Spilum Endalaust
Silver Rein Silver Rein
Sinikka Langeland Wind and Sun
Sirmakka Sirmakka
Sirmakka Tsihi tsihi
Skald (FRA) Huldufólk
Skaldic Curse Devourer
Skalmold Sorgir
Skaphe and Wormlust Kosmískur Hryllingur
Skeletonwitch Devouring Radiant Light
Skinless Savagery
Sky Eats Airplane Sky Eats Airplane
Skyclad The Silent Whales of Lunar Sea
Skyclad Irrational Anthems
Skyclad Oui Avant-Garde a Chance
Skyclad Vintage Whine
Skyforest A New Dawn
Skyharbor Blinding White Noise: Illusion & Chaos
Skyharbor Guiding Lights
Slagr Short Stories
Slagr Dirr
Slagr Linde
Slayer Christ Illusion
Sleep Volume One
sleepmakeswaves ...and so we destroyed everything
sleepmakeswaves Love of Cartography
Slift Ummon
Slift Ilion
Slint Spiderland
Slow (BE) IV - Mythologiæ
So Hideous Laurestine
Soen Tellurian
Soilwork Overgivenheten
Sol Agreste Rueda que une a los dioses y a los hombres
Sol Invictus Lex Talionis
Sol Invictus The Devil's Steed
Sol Invictus Trees in Winter
Sol Invictus The Death of the West
Sol Invictus Thrones
Sol Invictus Against the Modern World
Solblot En drömmare är död
Solefald Pills Against The Ageless Ills
Solothus No King Reigns Eternal
Solstafir Masterpiece of Bitterness
Solstafir Í Blóði og Anda
Solstafir Berdreyminn
Solstafir Endless Twilight of Codependent Love
Song Soon Dan 무가
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows The Inexperienced Spiral Traveller
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Have You Seen This Ghost?
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows Island of the Dead
Sound Horizon Lost
Sowulo Mann
Sowulo Grima
Spaelimenninir Rekaviður
Spaelimenninir Hinvegin
Spaelimenninir i Hoydolum Á Ferð
Spectral Lore Sentinel
Spirit Adrift Chained To Oblivion
Spiritual Front Amour Braque
Spiritual Front Black Hearts in Black Suits
Spurv Myra
Staad Staad
Stabbing Westward Darkest Days
Stamor The Absurd
Stargazer (AUS) A Merging to the Boundless
Steve Hackett Please Don't Touch!
Steve Von Till As the Crow Flies
Steve Von Till No Wilderness Deep Enough
Steve Von Till A Deep Voiceless Wilderness
Steven Wilson The Harmony Codex
Stone Breath Songs Of Moonlight And Rain
Stone Breath The Shepherdess and the Bone-White Bird
Stone Breath Who is Listening?
Stoned Jesus Seven Thunders Roar
Storm Nordavind
Stormlord The Gorgon Cult
Stormlord Hesperia
Stormlord Far
Stormtide A Throne of Hollow Fire
Strangeweather Of the Reeds
Streif Trollfugl
Stringflip Stringflip
Stryper No More Hell To Pay
Sturmpercht Geister im Waldgebirg
Sturmpercht Bergentrückt
SubRosa (US) For This We Fought the Battle of Ages
Suden Aika Suden Aika
Suffocation Souls to Deny
Suffocation Suffocation
SuidAkrA Emprise to Avalon
SuidAkrA Signs for the Fallen
SuidAkrA Book of Dowth
SuidAkrA Lays From Afar
Sukekiyo Immortalis
SUMAC What One Becomes
SUMAC Love In Shadow
SUMAC The Healer
Sumbingar Føroyskur dansur
Summoning Lugburz
Summoning With Doom We Come
Sun Vessel Etched in Eternity
Sun Worship Pale Dawn
sunon 港町のアルモニー
Suotana Frostrealm
Suotana Land of the Ending Time
Suotana Ounas I
Susanne Lundeng Det Va Nære På
Susperia The Lyricist
Sutekh Hexen / Hissing Sutekh Hexen / Hissing
Suzumeno Tears Sparrow's Arrows Fly so High
Svanevit Gryning
Svanevit Rikedom och gåvor
Svart Crown Abreaction
Sven Nyhus På Storfele
Sven Nyhus Kvartett Trollsving Og Kast
Sven Nyhus Kvartett Dovregubben Danser
Sven Nyhus Kvartett E' Du Bøl?
Swallow the Sun Emerald Forest And The Blackbird
Swallow the Sun Songs From The North I, II & III
Swallow the Sun When A Shadow Is Forced Into The Light
Sylosis Cycle of Suffering
Symphony X The Damnation Game
Symphony X Iconoclast
Sytyke Tulipunapalsami
Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster Exegesis
Taika 御​池​塘​自​治​/​On Chitou Jichi​
Taishi Kamiya Aroma Trace
Talisk Beyond
Tamas Katai Slower Structures
Taranu Al Xeitu de Nenyuri
Tartan Amoebas Imaginary Tartan Menagerie
Tchornobog Tchornobog
Tejedor Musica Na Maleta
Tenhi Kertomuksia
Terje Isungset Ice Quartet
Tervahaat Patria
TesseracT One
TesseracT War of Being
Testament Practice What You Preach
Testament The Ritual
Testament The Formation of Damnation
Testament Dark Roots of Earth
Testament Brotherhood of the Snake
Testament Titans of Creation
The 11th Hour Lacrima Mortis
The Acacia Strain Failure Will Follow
The Algorithm Compiler Optimization Techniques
The Angels of Light How I Loved You
The Black Dahlia Murder Nocturnal
The Chasm A Conscious Creation from the Isolated Domain - I
The Chieftains The Chieftains
The Chieftains Santiago
The Chieftains The Chieftains 5
The Chieftains Bonaparte's Retreat
The Chieftains The Chieftains 8
The Chieftains The Chieftains 10
The Chieftains The Year of the French
The Chieftains A Celtic Wedding
The Chieftains Another Country
The Chieftains Tears of Stone
The Contortionist Clairvoyant
The Corrs Borrowed Heaven
The Cure Bloodflowers
The Dear Hunter Act I: The Lake South, the River North
The Dear Hunter Antimai
The Devin Townsend Band Synchestra
The Dillinger Escape Plan Dissociation
The Fall of Every Season From Below
The Fall of Troy Doppelganger
The Ferrymen The Ferrymen
The Flower Kings Waiting For Miracles
The Foreshadowing Second World
The Fray How to Save a Life
The Gathering Beautiful Distortion
The Great Old Ones Bachelorette
The Green Man From Irem to Summerisle
The Green Man The Teacher and the Man of Lie
The Halo Effect Days of the Lost
The Halo Effect March of the Unheard
The Hare and the Moon Wood Witch
The Illusion of Silence Black Rainbow
The Jezabels The Brink
The Joy of Nature My Work Was Not Yet Done
The Joy of Nature A Evasão Das Fadas
The Keening Little Bird
The McGoldrick Family One For The Road
The Moment of Nightfall Maybe Bright Next Morning
The Moon and the Nightspirit Mohalepte
The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud A New Soldier Follows the Path of a New King
The Morningside The Wind, The Trees And The Shadows...
The Night Flight Orchestra Sometimes The World Ain't Enough
The Night Flight Orchestra Aeromantic
The Northern Solstice
The Obsessed Sacred
The Ocean Aeolian
The Ocean Fluxion
The Ocean Anthropocentric
The Ocean Holocene
The Olllam elllegy
The Pineapple Thief Dissolution
The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus Songs of Yearning
The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus The Dream We Carry
The Ruins Of Beverast / Almyrkvi Almyrkvi / The Ruins Of Beverast (Split)
The Saxophones To Be A Cloud
The Spirit Cosmic Terror
The Unthanks Mount the Air
The Unthanks In Winter
The Voynich Code Aqua Vitae
The War On Drugs Wagonwheel Blues
The War On Drugs I Don't Live Here Anymore
The Windmill To Be Continued...
The Xi'An Si The Xi'An Sessions
Therion Theli
Therion Of Darkness....
Therion Beyond Sanctorum
Therion Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas
Third Ear Band Alchemy
This Immortal Coil The Dark Age of Love
Thomas Nola et son Orchestre ¡Vanity is a Sin!
Thormesis The Sixth
Thou The House Primordial
Thou Inconsolable
Thousand Eyes Bloody Empire
Thragedium Lisboa Depois De Morta
Thrawsunblat Great Brunswick Forest
Thurnin Menhir
Thursday/Envy Thursday/Envy
Thy Catafalque Microcosmos
Thyrfing Farsotstider
Thyrfing Hels Vite
Thyrfing Hednaland
Thyrfing De Ödeslösa
Thyrfing Vanagandr
Tico Moon Raspberry
Tico Moon Toumei Na Nukumori
Tir Awaiting the Dawn
Tirill Said The Sun To The Moon
Tithe Anemoian
TK From Ling Tosite Sigure White Noise
Toby Driver In the L..L..Library Loft
Together to the Stars An Oblivion Above
Tombs The Grand Annihilation
Tomoyo Sugai Thousands of Flowers
Tomoyo Sugai and Honami Kimura Favorites
Tone Hulbaekmo Kyrja
Tool Ænima
Toonaleaves By The Tree, The Bards…
Tore Bruvoll and Jon Anders Halvorsen Trillar For To
Torgeir Vassvik and Juhani Silvola White
Toundra III
Transcending Bizarre? The Four Scissors
Transcending Bizarre? The Misanthrope's Fable
Tr​a​et​-​Mund​-​Spilli Tr​ä​et​-​Mund​-​Spilli
Trias Trias
Trias Efter Horisonten
tricolor Utai Hibi
Triga Live from our Living Room
TRIP A Drop For Neptune
Tristwch Y Fenywod Tristwch Y Fenywod
Trivium Ascendancy
Trivium The Sin and the Sentence
Trivium In the Court of the Dragon
Trobar De Morte Legends Of Blood And Light
Trobar De Morte Ouroboros
Trobar De Morte Witchcraft
Trobar De Morte Beyond The Woods - The Acoustic Songs
Trygve Seim and Frode Haltli Yeraz
TTB Zoological
Tuatha de Danann Dawn of a New Sun
Tuatha de Danann The Delirium Has Just Began...
Tuatha de Danann In Nomine Éireann
Tukineko Lute Santa Rose
Turilli / Lione Rhapsody Zero Gravity (Rebirth and Evolution)
Tusmorke Dawn of Oberon
Twilight Force Heroes of Mighty Magic
Twilight Force Dawn of the Dragonstar
Tyr Valkyrja
Tyr Hel
Uaral Lamentos A Poema Muerto
Uir Óenach Tailten
Ulcerate Of Fracture and Failure
Ulmus light​/​darkness
Ulthar Cosmovore
Ulver Perdition City
Ulver Messe I.X-VI.X
Ulvik Last Rites | Dire Omens
Uneven Structure Februus
Ungfell Tôtbringære
Ungfell Mythen, Mären, Pestilenz
Unlucky Morpheus Unfinished
Unto Ashes Orchids Grew Here
Unto Ashes Saturn Return
Unto Ashes MOON oppose MOON
Uraha. Helle Lichter
Ureuk and the Gypsies '23 - '24
uRYa Mini saikhan naizuud
Urze de Lume Ibéria Oculta
Uuntar Voorvaderverering
Vader Solitude in Madness
Vael Kairós
Vanum Ageless Fire
Varathron Stygian Forces of Scorn
Varathron Untrodden Corridors of Hades
Varathron The Crimson Temple
Various Artists Setes - Dalarna
Varttina Aitara
Varttina Oi dai
Varttina iki
Varttina Miero
Vasen Keyed Up
Vasen Trio
Vasen Gront
Vastum/Spectral Voice Split
Vehemence (FRA) Assiégé
Veilburner The Duality of Decapitation and Wisdom
Vetur Vist
Vigundr Si​ð​r
Viima Väistyy mielen yö
Viima Ajatuksia Maailman Laidalta
Viima Kahden Kuun Sirpit
Vil Mens vi falder stille
Ville Leinonen Suudelmitar
Vintersorg Orkan
Vintersorg Till Fjälls Del II
Violet Cold Anomie
Violet Cold kOsmik
Virelai Fra Bølger Og Bjerge
Vishal Naidu Circadian
Voivod The Outer Limits
Voivod Target Earth
Voivod Post Society
Voivod The Wake
Voivod Synchro Anarchy
von Vvaeldten Tonst​ü​cke
Von Waeldten Tonst​ü​cke
Vorga Beyond the Palest Star
Vorna Aamunkoi
Votum :KTONIK:
Vox Vulgaris Music for the Children of Gothenburg
Vukari Aevum
Vuur In This Moment We Are Free - Cities
Waldgefluster Mondscheinsonaten
Wallachia Monumental Heresy
Wandering Oak Passage Elemental
Wardruna Kvitravn
Wardruna Birna
Warforged Essence Of The Land
Warg (ITA) Hiraeth
Warp Chamber Implements of Excruciation
Wayfarer A Romance with Violence
We Lost the Sea Triumph and Disaster
Weeping Sores False Confession
Weezer The White Album
Werkraum Unsere Feuer Brennen!
When Nothing Remains In Memoriam
Whispered Thousand Swords
White Ward Love Exchange Failure
White Ward False Light
Whitechapel The Valley
Whitechapel Kin
Whyte Maim
Whyte Fairich
Wiegedood De Doden Hebben Het Goed III
Wiegedood There's Always Blood at the End of the Road
Wine From Tears Glad To Be Dead
Winterhorde Underwatermoon
Winterhorde Maestro
Witchsorrow Hexenhammer
Withered Grief Relic
Within Temptation Enter
Within Temptation The Heart of Everything
Wode Wode
Woe Of Tyrants Kingdom of Might
Wolfchant Bloody Tales of Disgraced Lands
Wolfheart Winterborn
Wolfheart Shadow World
Wolfheart King of the North
Wolfheart Draconian Darkness
Wolfhorde Hounds of Perdition
Wolves in the Throne Room Celestite
Wolves in the Throne Room Thrice Woven
Wolves in the Throne Room Primordial Arcana
Woman Is The Earth Torch of Our Final Night
Woods of Ypres Woods 5: Grey Skies And Electric Light
World's End Girlfriend Farewell Kingdom
World's End Girlfriend Seven Idiots
World's End Girlfriend MEGURI
Wormrot Hiss
Wormwood The Star
Wreathes Wreathes
Wuthering Heights Salt
Wuthering Heights Within
Wuthering Heights To Travel For Evermore
X Japan Jealousy
X Japan Vanishing Vision
Xandria India
Xandria The Wonders Still Awaiting
Xera Llume
Xeuda How can I tell you love
Xibalba Tierra y Libertad
Yggdrasil Irrbloss
Yhdarl Loss
Yndi Halda A Sun​-​Coloured Shaker
YOB Elaborations Of Carbon
Yodo Memories
Yoo Soon-ja 호남여성농악
Yui Onodera and Vadim Bondarenko Cloudscapes
Yujun Wang 靜寂寂 (Absence of Solitude)
Yuko Sasama Mother Songs
Zabadak Hachimitsu Hakusho
Zachatorte Bistro 11
Zao Pyrrhic Victory
Zao The Crimson Corridor
Zar (DEN) Tusind Tanker
Zar (DEN) Der Brænder En Ild
Zeal and Ardor Stranger Fruit
Zofie Siege When Fate Was Fair

2.5 average
...and Oceans Cypher
1900 1900
36 Crazyfists Lanterns
65daysofstatic replicr, 2019
A Trust Unclean Parturition
Abild Methea
Abiotic Casuistry
Aborted TerrorVision
abstractaeon Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra
Accept Blood Of The Nations
Accept Stalingrad: Brothers In Death
Adramelech Pure Blood Doom
Aephanemer Prokopton
Aepoch Awakening Inception
Aerial Ruin Ash of Your Cares
Aeternam Al Qassam
Aeternam Heir of the Rising Sun
Afenginn Retrograd
Affinage Мимо. Ранен. Убит
Affinage Золото Часть II. Комната С Личными Вещами
After Forever Invisible Circles
After Forever Remagine
After the Burial Dig Deep
Agata (JPN) Fragments of Memory
Ainulindale The Lay of Leithian
Ainulindale Nevrast
Aiumeen Basoa Iraganeko Bide Malkartsutik
Ajattara Noitumaa
Ak'chamel Death Chants
Akercocke The Goat of Mendes
Akrabu Anunnakian Incantations
Alan Stivell 3rd Live-International Tour tro ar bed
Alan Stivell Terre des vivants-Bed an dud vew
Alan Stivell Harpes du Nouvel Âge
Alan Stivell Brian Boru
Alan Stivell Emerald
Alan Stivell AMzer: Seasons
ALAZKA Phoenix
Ale Moller Xeno Mania
Ale Moller Band Djef Djel
Alison Kinnaird The Scottish Harp
Alison Kinnaird The Silver String
All My Faith Lost In a Sea, In a Lake, In a River...or in a Teardrop
All My Faith Lost Hollow Hills
All That Remains This Darkened Heart
All That Remains The Fall Of Ideals
Allegaeon Elements of the Infinite
Allegaeon Proponent for Sentience
Allegaeon Apoptosis
Allegaeon Damnum
Altan The Gap of Dreams
Altan Blackwater
Altan Gleann Nimhe
Altan The Widening Gyre
Altar of Plagues Mammal
Altarage Endinghent
Altarage The Approaching Roar
Altars Of Grief Iris
Alter Bridge Fortress
Amenra De Doorn
Amon Amarth Versus the World
Amon Amarth With Oden on Our Side
Amon Amarth Once Sent from the Golden Hall
Amon Amarth Thor Arise
Amorphis Am Universum
Amorphis Tuonela
Amorphis The Karelian Isthmus
Anathema Serenades
Anathema The Optimist
Andavald Undir Skyggðarhaldi
AngelMaker AngelMaker
Angra Ømni
Animals As Leaders Weightless
Animals As Leaders Parrhesia
Annamaret Bálvvosbáiki
Annelies Monsere I sigh, I resign
Annihilator Set the World on Fire
Annihilator King of the Kill
Annihilator Schizo Deluxe
Anthrax Worship Music
Antropomorphia Sermon Ov Wrath
Aram Lee Han Beomsu ryu Daegeum Sanjo
Arch Enemy Stigmata
Arch Enemy Black Earth
Arch Enemy Wages of Sin
Architects All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us
Archspire Bleed the Future
Argine Pathos!
Arkaik Reflections Within Dissonance
Arkona (RUS) Goi, Rode, Goi!
Arkona (RUS) Kob'
Arne M. Solvberg Ny Glød
Arne M. Solvberg Fjellmann
Ars Ultima Den Yttersta Konsten
Arstidir Hvel
Arstidir Nivalis
Arstidir Pendúll
Arstidir Vetrars​ó​l
Aseitas Aseitas
Ashenspire Hostile Architecture
Ashes of Ares Well of Souls
Asmegin Hin Vordende Sod & Sø
Asne Sunniva Soreide Kristi Blodsdråpe
Asphyx Asphyx
Asphyx On The Wings of Inferno
Asphyx Deathhammer
Astrid Oster Mortensen Skærsgårdslyd
Astrid Oster Mortensen Gro Mig En Blomst
Astronoid Air
At the Gates To Drink from the Night Itself
Ataraxia Simphonia Sine Nomine
Ataraxia Synchronicity Embraced
Ataraxia Arazzi
Ataraxia Quasar
Ataraxy Revelations of the Ethereal
Atheist Jupiter
August Burns Red Phantom Anthem
Aura Shining Green Suomenlahden Aarteet
Auraal Jomfruen og Innsjøen
Author and Punisher Beastland
Autopsy Macabre Eternal
Avatarium Hurricanes And Halos
Avenged Sevenfold Life Is But A Dream...
Aversions Crown Xenocide
Axel Rudi Pell Circle Of The Oath
Ayane Kondo Hanane Winter "a" Waltz
Ayreon Into the Electric Castle
Ayreon 01011001
Ayreon The Theory of Everything
Azusa Heavy Yoke
Baiuca Embruxo
Baiuca Solpor
Bal-Sagoth The Chthonic Chronicles
Baltic Crossing Firetour
Baltic Crossing The Tune Machine
Barde Voyage
Baroness Gold and Grey
Bathory Blood Fire Death
Bathory Bathory
Bathory Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Bathory Hammerheart
Bathory Twilight of the Gods
Battlesoul Sunward and Starward
Batushka Panihida
Batushka Raskol
Bazar Bla Twenty
Beach House Thank Your Lucky Stars
Beast In Black From Hell With Love
Beckahesten Sva​̈​ltens Tid
Before The Dawn Soundscape Of Silence
Before The Dawn 4:17 AM
Before The Dawn Deathstar Rising
Behemoth I Loved You at Your Darkest
Beltaine Miusjik
Beolach Beòlach
Bermuda Nepenthe
Between the Buried and Me Alaska
Bjork Biophilia
Bjork Utopia
Black Anvil As Was
Black Country, New Road Ants from Up There
Black Peaks All That Divides
Black Sabbath 13
Blackfield Welcome To My DNA
Blackfield Blackfield IV
Blackmore's Night Nature's Light
Blessthefall Awakening
Blessthefall To Those Left Behind
Blind Guardian Legacy Of The Dark Lands
Blind Witness Silences Are Words
Blindead Ascension
Blindead Niewiosna
Blood and Sun Love & Ashes
Blood Incantation Timewave Zero
Bloodbath Resurrection Through Carnage
Bloodbath The Fathomless Mastery
Bloodbath The Arrow of Satan Is Drawn
Bloodshot Dawn Bloodshot Dawn
Bloodshot Dawn Demons
Blut Aus Nord MoRT
Blut Aus Nord Odinist: The Destruction of Reason by Illumination
Blut Aus Nord Deus Salutis Meae
Blut Aus Nord/Aevangelist Codex Obscura Nomina
Bog Wraith Omen
Boreal Heights Winds & Windows
Boris The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked 2
Boris The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked
Borknagar Epic
Borknagar Quintessence
Born of Osiris The Discovery
Bosque de Hualles Remembranzas
Botch American Nervoso
Brannten Schnure Sommer Im Pfirsichhain
Breaking Benjamin Saturate
Breaking Benjamin Phobia
Brian O hEadhra & Fionnag NicChoinnich Tuath: Songs of the Northlands
Brigan Liburia Trip
BUCK-TICK Mona Lisa Overdrive
Bukkene Bruse Bukkene Bruse
Bukkene Bruse Den fagraste rosa
Bullet For My Valentine The Poison
Burden of Life The Makeshift Conqueror
Burzum Burzum
Cabal (DK) Mark Of Rot
Cadacross Corona Borealis
Cadacross So Pale Is The Light
Caliban Gravity
Camel Stationary Traveller
Camel I Can See Your House From Here
Camel Dust And Dreams
Candlemass The Door to Doom
Cannabis Corpse Tube of the Resinated
Cannabis Corpse Beneath Grow Lights Thou Shalt Rise
Cannibal Corpse Red Before Black
Cara Neir Part III / Part IV
Cara Neir Phase Out
Carach Angren Lammendam
Carach Angren Death Came Through a Phantom Ship
Carach Angren Where the Corpses Sink Forever
Carcass Swansong
Carcass Surgical Remission/Surplus Steel
Carnifex Until I Feel Nothing
Carpathian Forest Defending the Throne of Evil
Catherine Wheel Happy Days
Catherine Wheel Wishville
Cattle Decapitation The Anthropocene Extinction
Cellar Darling This Is The Sound
Cellar Darling The Spell
Celtic Woman Voices of Angels
Celtic Woman Ancient Land
Celtic Woman The Magic of Christmas
Celtic Woman Postcards From Ireland
Chapel of Disease Echoes of Light
Chat Pile Cool World
ChigiMaki rhythMagic
Children of Bodom Halo of Blood
Children of Bodom Hexed
Chrch Light Will Consume Us All
Christine Primrose Gràdh is Gonadh – Guth ag aithris
Cinder Well Cinder Well
Circus Maximus Havoc
CKY Infiltrate Destroy Rebuild
Clannad Sirius
Clannad Clannad
Clannad Anam
Clannad Landmarks
Classic Chimes Fishism
Clutch Book Of Bad Decisions
Cocopeliena Get On Board
Coheed and Cambria The Afterman: Descension
Coldworld Interludium
Coldworld Isolation
Convulse Reflections
Corde Oblique A Hail Of Bitter Almonds
Corde Oblique I Maestri del Colore
Corde Oblique The Moon Is a Dry Bone
Cornelis Vreeswijk Bananer – Bland Annat...
Cornelis Vreeswijk Grimascher och telegram
Cough Still They Pray
Cradle of Filth Midian
Cradle of Filth Vempire or Dark Faerytales in Phalluste
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the Beast
Creation VI and Free Tibet Ketit Yutyugen
Crimfall The Writ of Sword
Crippled Black Phoenix The Wolf Changes Its Fur But Not Its Nature
Cruachan Tuatha Na Gael
Cruachan Blood for the Blood God
Cruachan The Living and the Dead
Cruel Wonders Gentle Doom
Cryptic Enslavement Perverse Hallucinatory Descent
Cryptopsy Cryptopsy