
Soundoffs 8
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Last Active 12-19-22 8:50 am
Joined 03-03-15

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  • JohnnyoftheWell Oh strange haha, wonder if it's a fresh upload for whatever reason - I found it via Spotify, where I don't think that band had had anything before? All roads lead...
    July 16 01:29 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell doesn't have the same mystique as the earliest stuff, but think this might be my fav of theirs end-to-end: https://acolourfulstorm.bandcamp.com/album/yahho-no-potori
    July 15 06:46 PM
  • DadKungFu EZ best lists on the whole site really enjoy your work
    May 12 02:20 AM
  • mystagogus Thanks for those folky lists! With your taste, perhaps you could find this worth checking https://www.sputnikmusic.com/bands/Din-Brad/147860/ | https://din-brad.bandcamp.com/album/dor
    April 9 07:22 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Agreed very strongly - l o v e that murky production for their sound, and what I've heard of their subsequent work (which has a much cleaner sound) doesn't quite command the same mystique. Second s/t album is in a similar vein though! Will hop on that Kenichiro Isoda, feeling a bit timed-out on new age and ambient atm but will inevitably come back to em soon
    March 10 12:05 PM

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