
Reviews 14
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Soundoffs 34
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Band Edits + Tags 12
Album Edits 97

Album Ratings 531
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 04-02-13 8:02 am
Joined 05-17-11

Review Comments 2,096

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  • Jurtz I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed Obscene Majesty!
    July 12 06:42 AM
  • Futures ah gotcha haha. yeah definitely a cool scene from such a small area. i actually checked out tigers jaw for the first time last night from around the same spot. fun stuff!
    July 5 07:20 PM
  • Futures appreciate that man, i'll check it out! you from that area?
    July 5 05:36 PM
  • thelamestallion Yep it's my favorite album by Shipping News :) I own it on bandcamp :)
    July 1 09:03 PM
  • thelamestallion Take a special look at the band Ativin. They deserve so much more attention. Btw Steve Albini was recording the majority of their albums.P.S. Adding a new band called Cusper, this is dustercore, adding it in a few minutes :)
    June 30 10:49 PM

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