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Reviews 67
Approval 87%

Soundoffs 40
Album Ratings 3213
Objectivity 89%

Last Active 01-07-23 12:12 am
Joined 02-06-18

Review Comments 14,407

musical taste

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  • teamster IBT Local 200 for 33 years and counting.
    July 10 04:05 PM
  • Butkuiss I enjoy that we have similar taste in Diva Pop; just swinging by to say Good User??
    May 4 10:15 AM
  • Spec Ooh yeah, come on teach me a lesson.
    April 10 05:59 PM
  • Pennywise_M All their stuff is up for free on their bandcamp!
    March 26 09:49 PM
  • Pennywise_M Woah, way to re-awaken my interest in When We Buried The Ringmaster! Came to realize they have actually released an album 3 years ago. Haha
    March 24 03:52 PM

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