the GazettE   Dogma
Release Date: 08/2015

 Full ReviewRatings (63) Give your Rating

3.0 goodJared Floryan | July 7th 15

(6/12/18): Imagine my surprise when I first heard Dogma, expecting the album to be yet another misfire on The GazettE's end. However, this user later found that the record wasn't a half-bad effort when judged by its own efforts. Also, upon comparing it to the last three LPs, full-length #8 was not only catchier, but more cohesive, too. Even now when I revise the sound-off, I still maintain this same opinion. An unambiguous metal release, Dogma hosted a darker and even slightly cinematic feel to its material, plus the electronic/industrial influences that started gaining prominence on Toxic were toned down considerably. Even though cuts like "Wasteland," "Rage" and "Blemish" say otherwise, this outing didn't rub me as truly uninspired and/or nauseating. Some of modern-era The GazettE's best pieces can be found here (e.g. t/t, "Deracine," "Deux," "Ominous"). It won't win any new supporters, the way instrumentals were provided could've been better, and the tracklist should've been reworked, but I'll be damned if I wasn't having fun at all during Dogma's 50-minute duration. Strong 3.

2 Bumps | Bump

5.0 classicdavezillaMP3 | May 19th 20

The GazettE sound pissed. In their anger they created a Metalcore masterpiece


4.0 excellentCharmlessanna | October 24th 23
3.5 greatalamo | August 16th 23
3.5 greatJeppoMarley | January 2nd 22
3.5 greatjiangzeming | November 22nd 21
3.5 greatFizengrey | October 26th 21
3.0 goodKirderf | November 18th 20
2.5 averageremi | November 1st 20
4.5 superbDxrk1sm | April 8th 20
3.0 goodAkiko Yamamoto | March 12th 20
3.5 greatPatricklauer12 | January 6th 20
4.5 superbRustCohle | October 18th 19
4.5 superbdarkg5ze | October 17th 19
2.5 averageMulhollandDrive | October 7th 19
4.5 superbdeathg5ze | August 26th 19
2.5 averageBlurbs | February 16th 19
2.0 poorDead Bitch Alexis | December 29th 18
4.0 excellentUzumaki | December 7th 18
3.0 goodESPHorizonFRII | November 25th 18
3.5 greatSuperLightGauge | August 28th 18
3.0 goodPuncakeTheThird | May 11th 18
4.0 excellentLazarus132 | April 10th 18
3.0 goodsamwise2000 | April 1st 18
2.5 averageapplejuice | March 14th 18
5.0 classicHacker852 | January 16th 18
1.0 awfulGSLguitar | December 18th 17
2.5 averageHieronymusBosch | August 30th 17
1.0 awfulFlashGSL | August 4th 17
2.5 averageSakuraFox512 | June 24th 17
1.0 awfulGSLRock | April 4th 17
3.5 greatemmny | April 3rd 17
4.0 excellentDarkerGrief | March 5th 17
2.5 averageAcmeApathyAmok | February 6th 17
3.5 greatBluewolfvi | January 22nd 17
4.5 superbTheStoic | January 8th 17
2.5 averageMacabreharlequin | December 11th 16
3.5 greatGreidy | December 4th 16
3.5 greatjd382 | November 20th 16
2.5 averageRusydi 'Abe' Farhan | October 31st 16
4.0 excellentwasitaha | October 4th 16
1.0 awfultimeforkayodot | August 20th 16
3.0 goodTraicion | July 16th 16
3.5 greatdesecravity | May 17th 16
3.5 greatDirEnMotionless | April 6th 16
3.5 greatDatsNotDaMetulz | March 1st 16
4.0 excellentSnakeSixthGun | February 5th 16
3.5 greatMalchior | February 3rd 16
1.5 very poortruekebabpower | November 4th 15
3.5 greatdiscovolante | September 14th 15
3.0 goodZanareth | September 13th 15
4.0 excellentjpopkawaii | September 9th 15
1.0 awfulmontekristoo99 | September 8th 15
3.0 goodheck | September 5th 15
4.0 excellentFurik | August 30th 15
4.0 excellentmisho87 | August 30th 15
4.5 superbIAmWarhol | August 29th 15
4.0 excellentDantegugunava | August 28th 15
3.5 greatHenderson | August 28th 15
2.5 averageCalculatingInfinity | August 26th 15
3.5 greatEvoHavok | August 26th 15
5.0 classickillerswamp | August 26th 15

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