Soundoffs 20 Album Ratings 871 Objectivity 61%
Last Active 09-14-19 3:08 pm Joined 02-06-17
Review Comments 784
| IronyIsADeadScene All I can think of is that he wants it to be their final album so he wants to release it when they're about to embark on their last tour. Purely speculation, though.
| IronyIsADeadScene Remember when we were talking about if Tool or X Japan would get their new album out first? Tool wins on time and almost certainly quality as well.I have no idea if that new X Japan album is actually going to happen or not.
| ScuroFantasma I see you dig Old Tower (: If you haven't already I would suggest checking out Mortiis for more good dungeon synth.
| IronyIsADeadScene Pan.Thy.Monium is pretty avant garde, a bit like motW. You'll probably like it.
| IronyIsADeadScene Purgatory Afterglow and Crimson 2 are good from Edge of Sanity as well.Dan Swano also did some other good stuff. Check out Moontower and Pan.Thy.Monium.