
Reviews 4
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 29
Album Ratings 1179
Objectivity 76%

Last Active 10-08-22 12:15 am
Joined 01-16-18

Review Comments 1,875

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  • DrGonzo1937 just in case you're interested bud.
    February 4 10:43 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Ah yeah, I gave a couple of her records either side a check and thought generally GOOD things. Bitter and Sweet is awesome, think that might be my fav - did a write on that and a buncha other s*** here
    September 27 03:08 PM
  • bighubbabuddha Good user, enjoy a choc chip cookie :)
    September 25 09:50 AM
  • GmemberKills As far Seiko goes she is overall hit or miss for me, but still a absolute icon. When she hits for me it's up there with the best. You should check her album 'Citron' if you haven't. Akina is def the queen though and more my style, i just love how much she took chances
    July 13 05:08 PM
  • GmemberKills After 'Shaker' I've kinda skipped around. 'Fixer'
    July 13 04:59 PM

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