
Reviews 14
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 34
News Articles 1
Band Edits + Tags 12
Album Edits 97

Album Ratings 531
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 04-02-13 8:02 am
Joined 05-17-11

Review Comments 2,096

07.10.24 mid year check in07.01.24 ADHD
06.20.24 011100100110000101101106.14.24 discog runs i wanna do
06.04.24 brutal dm por favor??05.29.24 2 years no sauce
05.04.24 albums that shaped my youth04.27.24 Artificialbox's Record Collection
03.11.24 The Holy Trinity of Risecore01.20.24 Thursday Retrospective
01.14.24 A VERY ARTIFICIAL 202312.02.23 re-discovering the waterfront
01.27.13 100