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2019 - Voivod's pseudo-random safari

Well, it's that time of the year again folks :-). Rated or not, all albums listed are considered to be at least 3.4, meaning they're work checking out at least once, imho that is. Feel free to check anything out and drop a comment like whenever. List will progressively be filled with more noteworthy 2019 releases. Supplemental lists will follow as the end of this year approaches.
1Eternity's End

3.7 - power/progressive metal of international origin.
Melodic (as in heavy/power/progressive) metal is back on the rise in Europe, and Eternity's End debut album a couple of years back, is merely one of an ever increasing array of compelling signs that justify such a claim. Their sophomore album is different from its predecessor in that it has shed all the somewhat experimental elements (extreme/groove metal) evidenced therein. Therefore it uniformly relies, sound/arrangements-wise, on Euro heavy/power metal and much much less on more extreme metal genres (the thrashy "Necromantic Worship" and "Beyond the Gates of Salvation"), bearing no real standout songs whatsoever. That said, the perceived instrumental prowess is impeccable, while new singer is just as good as Ian Parry, who fronted in The Fire Within. Stream: http://musicmp3.ru/artist_eternitys-end__album_unyielding.html
2Legion of the Damned
Slaves Of The Shadow Realm

3.4 - thrash/death metal from the Netherlands.
The thrash/death metal of this Dutch outfit, reminded me of a genre classic, namely the Under The Blade album by Defleshed, and that's only a good thing. Although the wheel is not reinvented at all, the vigour with which the band operates throughout the album, is enough to spin it from start to finish and have a good time while at it. Stream: http://musicmp3.ru/artist_legion-of-the-damned__album_slaves-of-the-shadow-realm.html

3.8 - '70s/vintage hard rock from Sweden.
Stop waiting for Whitesnake to release a new album, these Swedes are more than cutting it already, even though Nightwalker distances itself from the band's aforementioned core influence, and doubles down into the swinging '60-'70s. Excellent sound work, ear drum crushing vocals, and an ever shape shifting set of arrangements, make for an album with a lasting impression for time to come. Favourite track: Die For You.
The Well

3.6 - black metal from France.
The shortest way to reference this album is to recall the sound of Ulver in Nattens Madrigal; Telumehtar's debut album can be easily filed under the "raw black metal" label, however there are some traits that set this one man affair relatively apart. The rhythm section is blast beating all the time, however it is skilled in a way that's found in tech metal outfits only; the guitars have this bass-like texture while they distance themselves from the traditional tremolo picking, while along with the vocals, they grant the whole recording a distinct punk coat of paint. The above said, it is difficult to pick one or more songs from the lot, but the album as a whole has a dependable replay value. Stream: http://telumehtar.bandcamp.com/album/the-well-2

3.4 - US heavy/power metal from Portland, Oregon.
Magnabolt's namesake debut is a strong pledge for better US heavy/power metal to arrive in future releases, if the band decides to persist in time, that is. For the time being, what can be inferred with certainty is the band's musical proficiency, especially the guitars. Music itself does not reinvent the wheel, but it treads on established ground nonetheless, ergo it's inherently engaging. As for the vocals, they could be better mixed and coached during the recording sessions, albeit the delivery is adequately convincing overall. Stream: http://magnabolt.bandcamp.com/album/magnabolt

4.0 - heavy/blues rock from France.
Ok, this is the best heavy (and I mean heavy af!!!)/blues rock that has rubbed my ears in a very long time. Birdstone's debut full-length album is a win-win on every sector; from the sound work which is an oasis in today's plastic/compressed wasteland, to the arrangements that carry a progressive rock scent that spices things even more, to the vocalist's French accent which colours the music only so much, as to further distinguish the music from everything else out there. Keep calm, buy this, go to the band's concerts and stream this as much as you can: http://birdstoneband.bandcamp.com/album/seer
7Blood Youth

3.6 - nu-metal from the UK.
Most traditional metalheads regard nu-metal and the affiliated genres as an addition of no avail to the fold. There are times though, where elaborate arrangements and melody and traditional styles, simply cannot satisfy the momentary need for primal groove to flow through the speakers and just jostle you away with its raw energy. As a whole, Blood Youth's sophomore album succeeds big in that respect, even though almost no cut stands off the lot.
The Wings Of War

3.5 - thrash metal from New Jersey.
19th Overkill album is a textbook case of a great album in which the drummer spurs the rest of the band in terms of urgency; Jason Bittner is fuckin' killing it behind the drum kit. Overall, New Jersey natives are solid enough to allow their prospective audience to listen to the album from start to finish, but they are running on gas fumes for some time now... Favourite track: the punky Welcome to the Garden State, Batshitcrazy, Hole In My Soul. Stream: http://musicmp3.ru/artist_overkill__album_the-wings-of-war.html
9The Treatment
Power Crazy

3.4 - hard rock from the UK.
The Treatment won't reinvent the wheel of hard/boogie rock, they sure know however, how to spin it gracefully. Power Crazy leans confidently on AC/DC, Tesla, Mr. Big, The Cult, Thunderhead etc, but at the same time, it keeps a perceivable distance from blatant rehashing thereof. Stream: http://musicmp3.ru/artist_the-treatment__album_power-crazy.html
10Shrapnel (UK)
Decade Of Decimation

3.6 - thrash metal from the UK.
Spot on title, it's as though it describes the downward spiral of the revival thrash movement from the late naughts to the present; yeah, looking for top tier new thrash nowadays is like searching for empathetic humans with Diogenes' torch. Within the described environment, Shrapnel sound like the equivalent of an oasis in the genre's scorching desert. Maintaining their elaborate heavy/speed metal course set by their sophomore full-length, they attack the moderate ailments of the sound work therein, ending up with a triad of neck-breaking new material, plus an awesome reprise of "No Saviours" from the namesake EP. Keep it up lads!!!
11Midnight Spell
Between the Eyes (Demo)

3.4 - heavy metal from Miami, Florida.
Midnight Spells' hard rocking metal is highly reminiscent of the style's heyday in the early '80s and with outfits like Scorpions, Ozzy Osbourne, and Hellion (of the namesake EP) etc. The missteps of their singer are perceivable yet non-critical, while instrumentally the band gives some sort of a pledge for better material in releases to come. Stream: http://midnightspell.bandcamp.com/releases

4.0 - black metal from Finland.
Although several of the band's traits from previous albums persist in the new one, nothing can prepare the prospective listener for the tectonic shift in paradigm that Ilmestykset brings forth. The lo-fi black metal sound work is still here, but a great deal of melody has been added to form a contrast that works throughout. With its turn, black metal has receded so as for progressive/hard rock to infiltrate Forgjord's idiosyncratic-by-design way of composing music. As a result, the listener can safely play the album back-to-back or keep any isolated track on repeat for as long as he/she desires. Favorite track: Maailma Palaa. Stream: http://werewolfrecords.bandcamp.com/album/ilmestykset

3.7 - gothic/post punk/experimental from Brooklyn, New York.
During the time that elapsed, it became all the more evident from a listener's perspective that the triumph of The Missing would be almost impossible to match in releases to come; so, it only makes sense that Vaura, whose members are seasoned in conquering one summit after the other in their numerous projects, wisely refrained from such an endeavor. Instead, they boldly shed their metal elements, filtered '80s darkwave/gothic rock through their custom artistry, polished their sound to perfection, and came with an expansion of the mentioned genres, that could weather further exploration in the future. Favorite track: The Ruins (Hymne). Stream: http://profoundlorerecords.bandcamp.com/album/sables
15Feeble Minded
Collapsing Existence

3.4 - death metal from Czechia.
In case old or new (before becoming too "new" for almost everybody's liking) Suffocation are sorely missed, the fourth album of this Czech outfit is a strong painkiller by means of its excellent production and its fair musicianship and arrangements. Stream: http://bizarreleprous.bandcamp.com/album/collapsing-existence
16Freddie Gibbs and Madlib

3.7 - hip hop from San Francisco, California.
If it weren't from the infinite-replay-value "Giannis" single due to its superficial reference to the Greek Freak, I wouldn't come across this album... As a gangsta hip-hop release, the album stands out due to Madlib's ingenious placement of instrumentals/samples/what have you, along with Gibbs' one-dimensional perhaps, yet always gritty delivery. And yeah, guest artists give the album extra points, while the respective tracks - Education, especially - happen to be the best of the lot. Favorite tracks: Palmolive, Giannis, Education. Stream: http://musicmp3.ru/artist_freddie-gibbs-and-madlib__album_bandana.html
17Sacred Reich

3.4 - thrash metal from Phoenix, Arizona.
Sacred Reich's come-back album sounds like what Independent should have sounded like in the first place. Stream: http://sacredreichofficial.bandcamp.com/album/awakening
18Molten Chains
In the Antechamber Below

3.4 - heavy metal from Vienna, Austria.
Analogous to a handful of classic heavy metal bands having allowed extreme metal to infiltrate their default style, Molten Chains play this kind of atavistic, dark heavy metal, with sludgy riffs adeptly adapting to the band's shapeshifting whims song-writing-wise. Being a debut album and in view of its more-than-welcome crude/experimental sound, most of the inefficiencies of In The Antechamber Below can be more or less ignored, except for the [male] vocalist who has a large margin for improvement to fill in future releases. Stream: http://moltenchains.bandcamp.com/album/in-the-antechamber-below

Edit: a previous version of this soundoff mentioned that the band's vocalist is female. The error is regretted.
Mourn the Southern Skies

4.0 - thrash/death metal from New Orleans, Louisiana.
Prepare to be blown away! Stream: http://musicmp3.ru/artist_exhorder__album_mourn-the-southern-skies.html

Melodic death metal from Sweden.

Stream: https://musicmp3.ru/artist_legion-of-the-damned__album_slaves-of-the-shadow-realm.html
22Plague Pit
Topheth Ablaze

Death/black metal from Dublin, Ireland.

Stream: https://plaguepit.bandcamp.com/album/topheth-ablaze
Confinement Is Finite

Progressive/melodic death metal from Germany.

Stream: https://cloudbreaker.bandcamp.com/
No Victor

Death/doom metal from Canada.

Stream: https://hussarofficial.bandcamp.com/album/no-victor
25Through the Canopy

Post/progressive/psychedelic metal from Norway.

Stream: https://throughthecanopy.bandcamp.com/releases
Atmospheres of Desolation

death/black metal from Denver, Colorado.

Stream: https://bloodharvestrecords.bandcamp.com/album/atmospheres-of-desolation
27Flotsam and Jetsam
The End of Chaos

Power/thrash metal from Phoenix, Arizona.

Stream: https://musicmp3.ru/artist_flotsam-and-jetsam__album_the-end-of-chaos.html
Baptism In Psychical Analects

Black metal from Greece.

Stream: https://akantha.bandcamp.com/album/baptism-in-psychical-analects
29The Love Dimension
Dream Decibels

Psychedelic/grunge rock from from San Francisco, California.

Stream: https://thelovedimension.bandcamp.com/album/dream-decibels
30Helium Horse Fly

Experimental/atmospheric rock from Belgium.

Stream: https://heliumhorsefly.bandcamp.com/album/hollowed
31Imha Tarikat
Kara Ihlas

Black metal from Germany.

Stream: https://imhatarikat.bandcamp.com/album/kara-ihlas
Čovečanstveno Sranje

Grindcore from Serbia.

Stream: https://analizatorgrind.bandcamp.com/album/ove-anstveno-sranje

Death/black metal from the Netherlands.

Stream: https://defacementofficial.bandcamp.com/releases
34Failed Treatment
Spread Of Infection

Grindcore from Ukraine.

Stream: https://failedtreatment.bandcamp.com/album/spread-of-infection

Industrial/death metal from Spain.

Stream: https://obskkvlt.bandcamp.com/
36Inner Altar
Vol. III

Psychedelid/doom/hard rock from Kansas City, Missouri.

Stream: https://inneraltar.bandcamp.com/album/vol-iii
37Two People
First Body

Electronic/dream pop from Melbourne, Australia.

Stream: https://twopeoplemusic.bandcamp.com/album/first-body
Dr Ahfang vor Misäärä

Black metal from Switzerland.

Stream: https://grusig.bandcamp.com/releases
The All-Devouring

Post/black metal from Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Stream: https://somnband.bandcamp.com/album/the-all-devouring
40Strange Passage
Shouldn't Be Too Long

Indie pop/post punk from Somerville, Massachusetts.

Stream: https://strangepassage.bandcamp.com/album/shouldnt-be-too-long
Heaven of Northern Ice

Epic black metal from Indonesia.

Stream: https://proceus.bandcamp.com/album/heaven-of-northern-ice

Heavy/power/progressive/neo-classical metal from Japan.

Stream: https://musicmp3.ru/artist_syu__album_vorvados.html
43 Heaume Mortal

Black metal from France.

Stream: https://heaumemortal.bandcamp.com/album/solstices-2
A Damnation's Stairway to the Altar of Failure

Black/thrash metal from Italy.

Stream: https://extirpation.bandcamp.com/album/a-damnations-stairway-to-the-altar-of-failure

Psychedelic/heavy rock from Istanbul, Turkey.

Stream: https://ulurutrio.bandcamp.com/album/acrophilia
46Veiled (DE)
In Blinding Presence

Black metal from Germany.

Stream: https://thetrueveiled.bandcamp.com/album/in-blinding-presence
47The Ossuary
Southern Funeral

Hard n' heavy/doom rock from Italy.

Stream: https://scrmetal.bandcamp.com/album/southern-funeral
Daily Grind

Grindcore from France.

Stream: https://unsugrindcore.bandcamp.com/album/daily-grind
Erste Beschwörung

Blackened heavy metal from Germany.

Stream: https://hexenbrett.bandcamp.com/releases
Dragged Into Extinction

Metallic Hardcore from the UK.

Stream: https://revolveglasgow.bandcamp.com/album/dragged-into-extinction
51Tribe Of Pazuzu
Heretical Uprising

Tech death metal of international origin.

Stream: https://tribeofpazuzu.bandcamp.com/
52The Ghost Next Door
A Feast For the Sixth Sense

Progressive/doom/alternative metal from the States.

Stream: https://ripplemusic.bandcamp.com/album/a-feast-for-the-sixth-sense

Black metal from Serbia.

Stream: https://zloslut.bandcamp.com/album/sahar
54Critical Defiance

Thrash metal from Chile.

Stream: https://unspeakableaxerecords.bandcamp.com/album/misconception

Groove metal from Greece.

Stream: https://open.spotify.com/album/5RXyzdCgl1ERrT1hqYxcs2

Black metal from Hungary.
Ending My Life to Destroy Yours

Noise/black metal from Toledo, Ohio.

Stream: https://mekaoh.bandcamp.com/album/ending-my-life-to-destroy-yours-2
Hier Déjà Mort

Black metal from France.

Stream: https://sordide.bandcamp.com/album/hier-d-j-mort
The Bleeding Mask of Dread

Death metal from France.

Stream: https://obturate.bandcamp.com/releases
60Ruin Lust

Death/black metal from New York City.

Stream: https://ruinlust.bandcamp.com/album/sacrifice
61Walls of Blood

Power/thrash metal of international origin.

Stream: https://open.spotify.com/album/4ijx5JBovsgDTD8FmhB7pY
Till Death Do Us Part

Power/progressive metal from Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

Stream: https://mortanius.bandcamp.com/album/till-death-do-us-part
63Mean Machine (ESP)
Rock 'N' Roll Up Your Ass

Speed/thrash metal from Spain.

Stream: https://meanmachinernr.bandcamp.com/album/rock-n-roll-up-your-ass
64Owls Woods Graves
Citizenship of the Abyss

Blackened punk/hardcore from Poland.

Stream: https://malignantvoices.bandcamp.com/album/citizenship-of-the-abyss
65Demon Head
Hellfire Ocean Void

Occult/doom/hard n' heavy rock from Denmark.

Stream: https://demonhead.bandcamp.com/album/hellfire-ocean-void

Blackened doom metal from Eugene, Oregon.

Stream: https://maestus.bandcamp.com/album/deliquesce
The Stalefield Incident

Hard rock from Sweden.

Stream: https://cavem3n.bandcamp.com/album/the-stalefield-incident
68Jessica Pratt
Quiet Signs

Psychedelic/folk rock from Los Angeles, California.

Stream: https://jessicapratt.bandcamp.com/album/quiet-signs
69Sanhedrin (USA-NY)
The Poisoner

Heavy metal from Brooklyn, New York.

Stream: https://thesanhedrin.bandcamp.com/album/the-poisoner
70Diabolic Rites
Litanies Of The Lecherous

Black metal from Australia.

Stream: https://diabolicrites.bandcamp.com/album/litanies-of-the-lecherous
71Witchers Creed
Awakened From the Tomb

Heavy/doom rock from Sweden.

Stream: https://ripplemusic.bandcamp.com/album/awakened-from-the-tomb
72Traveler (CAN)

Heavy metal from Canada.

Stream: https://travelermetal.bandcamp.com/album/traveler
73Endorphins Lost

Grindcore from Seattle, Washington.

Stream: https://endorphinviolence.bandcamp.com/album/seclusions
74Anima Mortuum
Goat Destruction

Black metal from Chile.

Stream: https://animamortuum.bandcamp.com/album/goat-destruction
Habit to Exist

Grindcore/death metal from Russia.

Stream: https://knchna.bandcamp.com/album/habit-to-exist
76Boy Harsher

Electro/coldwave from Northampton, Massachusetts.

Stream: https://boyharsher.bandcamp.com/album/careful
V. Wastow

Black metal from Canada.

Stream: https://ifernach.bandcamp.com/album/v-wastow
Mysteries of Left Path

Black metal from Minsk, Belarus.

Stream: https://downcross.bandcamp.com/album/mysteries-of-left-path
79Trespasser (UA)
Чому не вийшло?

Black metal from Ukraine.

Stream: https://trespasserxvi.bandcamp.com/album/-
Egregors Of The Black Faith

Black/thrash metal from El Salvador.

Stream: https://morbidskull.bandcamp.com/album/egregors-of-the-black-faith
Time To Strike

Hard n' heavy rock from Canada.

Stream: https://hotrockinsandstorm.bandcamp.com/releases

Sludge/doom/industrial metal from France.

Stream: https://fange.bandcamp.com/album/punir
La Croix de Sang

Black metal from France.

Stream: https://drastus.bandcamp.com/album/la-croix-de-sang

Black metal from Greece.

Stream: https://soresbm.bandcamp.com/album/sores
85The Dead Ends
Distant Shores

Psychedelic rock from Kavala, Greece.

Stream: https://thedeadends3.bandcamp.com/album/distant-shores
Hvísl Stjarnanna

Black metal from Iceland.

Stream: https://sinmara.bandcamp.com/album/hv-sl-stjarnanna

Doom/death metal from France.

Stream: https://xenokorp.bandcamp.com/album/r-sign-s
Sanger Fra Auschwitz

Death/black metal from Norway.

Stream: https://katechonor.bandcamp.com
To Disappear and to Be Nothing

Atmospheric doom metal from New York City.

Stream: https://witnesses-nyc.bandcamp.com/album/to-disappear-and-to-be-nothing
90Nostromo (CHE)

Grind/hardcore from Switzerland.

Stream: https://nostromogva.bandcamp.com/album/narrenschiff
91Mu Cephei
Mantras of the Uninformed Minds

Drone/doom metal from Ireland.

Stream: https://mu-cepheidoom.bandcamp.com/album/mantras-of-the-uninformed-mind
92Tempel (NO)

Hard n' heavy/metallic/noise rock from Norway.

Stream: https://tempelmusikk.bandcamp.com/album/tempel
Trembling and Shorn

Progressive/death/black metal band from Maine.

Stream: https://shabti.bandcamp.com/album/trembling-and-shorn

Folk/black metal from Norway.

Stream: https://hellthrasherproductions.bandcamp.com/album/krigsd-ger
Charnel Heart

Black metal from Sweden.

Stream: https://flykt.bandcamp.com/album/charnel-heart
96Green Lung
Woodland Rites

Heavy/doom rock from London, UK.

Stream: https://greenlung.bandcamp.com/album/woodland-rites
97Bible of the Devil
Feel It

Hard n' heavy rock from Chicago, Illinois.

Stream: https://bibleofthedevil.bandcamp.com/album/feel-it
98Phoenix Again
Friends Of Spirit

Folk/progressive rock from Italy.

Stream: https://phoenixagain.bandcamp.com/album/friends-of-spirit-2
99Poste 942
Long Replay

Blues/hard rock from France.

Stream: https://poste942.bandcamp.com/album/long-replay
100Motley Crue
The Dirt Soundtrack

Hard rocking heavy metal from Los Angeles, California.

Stream: https://musicmp3.ru/artist_motley-crue__album_the-dirt-soundtrack.html
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