
Soundoffs 873
Album Ratings 3438
Objectivity 78%

Last Active 09-03-22 1:19 am
Joined 05-26-14

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Power Metal in 2021

I'm sure I missed some releases, but I simply don't give a shit enough to listen to it. I'm fuckin' done.
38Agent Steel
No Other Godz Before Me

Some of the worst vocals I’ve heard in my entire life. Actually fucking embarrassing.

Verdict: Avoid At All Costs
Thunder Tunes From Lusitania

I could make a better album, and I can’t even play an instrument. One of the laziest albums I’ve ever heard.

Verdict: Avoid At All Costs
Of Wonders and Wars

I don’t know what the fuck these guys were going for, but whatever it is, I want nothing to do with it.

Verdict: Avoid At All Costs
Metal in My Head

This is what I imagine power metal sounds like to people who hate power metal.

Verdict: Avoid At All Costs
Heads or Tails

Words to the wise: If you don’t have any good material, DON’T record a fucking album.

Verdict: Avoid At All Costs
33Sacred Oath
Return of the Dragon


Verdict: Avoid At All Costs
Resurrection Day

First song is cool, but the rest is utterly stock and forgettable.

Verdict: Skip it
Curse Of Autumn

People seem to enjoy this one quite a bit, but I found it to be a total snoozefest. Then again, I find most progressive metal records to be boring as fuck anyway.

Verdict: Skip it
30Rhapsody of Fire
Glory For Salvation

Good singles. That’s it.

Verdict: Skip it
Welcome to the Absurd Circus

Yet another “great” record that I didn’t enjoy. Everything on here sounds super generic in my humble opinion.

Verdict: Skip it
Entering the Abyss

Passible, but extremely uninspired.

Verdict: Skip it

The stuff on here is fine i suppose, but it honestly feels unfinished.

Verdict: Skip it
Viribus Unitis

If you’ve listened to any power metal album at any point in your life, you’ve heard everything this record has to offer. Inoffensive and completely useless.

Verdict: Skip it

If you really REALLY dig symphonic power metal, this might be worth a listen; but far better choices are readily available.

Verdict: Toss Up
24Silver Talon
Decadence and Decay

I think these guys have potential, but I don’t think this album lived up to it. Dig the sound, but the songs themselves need some work.

Verdict: Toss Up
Wall of Skulls

It’s okay.

Verdict: Toss Up
Creatures of the Dark Realm

This was a big disappointment for me. Their last album was great front to back, but this new LP only contains a handful of tracks worth revisiting.

Verdict: Toss Up
Call of the Wild

This was a big disappointment for me. Their last album was great front to back, but this new LP only contains a handful of tracks worth revisiting. [2]

Verdict: Toss Up
20Project Roenwolfe
Edge of Saturn

Same as Silver Talon. The ingredients for a stellar record are here, but the end product is a bit underwhelming.

Verdict: Toss Up
19Primal Fear
Metal Commando

The trend of putting a metal skull on your album cover needs to go the fuck away. I’d recommend listening to a different Primal Fear album, but this will get the job done.

Verdict: Mild Recommendation
Heresy II - End of a Legend

I like this record, but it is WAAAAYY too fucking long. Make sure you don’t have any plans if you’re gonna give this a listen.

Verdict: Mild Recommendation
Eternal Flame

Generic, but enjoyable.

Verdict: Mild Recommendation
16Frozen Crown

Unremarkable? Sure. Bad? Fuck no.

Verdict: Mild Recommendation
15Temperance (IT)

Lots of filler, but there’s some real bangers on this.

Verdict: Mild Recommendation
14Orden Ogan
Final Days

Bad artwork, decent album.

Verdict: Mild Recommendation
13Burning Point
Arsonist of the Soul

Not the most memorable thing in the world, but this is some really solid, no-frills, meat and potatoes power metal.

Verdict: Solid Recommendation
12Eclipse (SWE)

Bit of a disappointment compared to ‘Paradigm’, but Eclipse still deliver what you want from them.

Verdict: Solid Recommendation
11Warrior Path
The Mad King

Solid chunk of D&D power metal.

Verdict: Solid Recommendation
10Beast In Black
Dark Connection

From Hell With Love was gonna be hard to top. While they didn’t quite succeed, they definitely gave it a shot. Love the concepts on here, and the boys in black still hand in top notch performances.

Verdict: Solid Recommendation
Theater of Sorcery

Nobody has listened to this yet, but you probably should. Kinda sounds like a budget Avantasia, but that isn’t a bad thing.

Verdict: Solid Recommendation
8Crystal Viper
The Cult

I’m pissed I can’t think of any other descriptor other than “cool”, but it’s all I’ve got. I mean look at that artwork, that shit is fucking cool.

Verdict: Solid Recommendation
Violence of the Skies

I usually complain when an album sounds a bit too polished, but these guys manage to make it work. Great batch of tunes and some of the sleekest production I’ve heard all year.

Verdict: Solid Recommendation
Escape of the Phoenix

I never thought I’d call a metal record “beautiful”, but this is a beautiful album.

Verdict: Highly Recommended
5Blazon Stone

I don’t give a fuck if they shamelessly rip off Running Wild, this band fucking KILLS. God the riffs on here are tasty.

Verdict: Highly Recommended
4Running Wild
Blood on Blood

Running Wild haven’t had the strongest track record since their reformation, so my expectations were pretty low. To my surprise, this might be one of the best records they’ve released to date. Every single song fuckin’ rips, and rips hard.

Verdict: Highly Recommended
3Flotsam and Jetsam
Blood in the Water


Verdict: Highly Recommended
2Eternity's End
Embers of War

These guys are showoffs, but they’re the best kind of showoffs. The guys can shred till the cows come home, but they can also write amazing songs as well. Listen to this shit, yo!

Verdict: Must Listen

I was expecting this album to be good, but I had no idea just how amazing it would turn out to be. This is the sound of a band finally reaching their most powerful form, and it’s gonna melt your fuckin’ brain. Fitting that the band that basically created the genre put out the best album of the year. Show some respect, and listen to this fucking album.

Verdict: Must Listen
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