
Soundoffs 873
Album Ratings 3438
Objectivity 78%

Last Active 09-03-22 1:19 am
Joined 05-26-14

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01.08.24 Power Metal in 2023 04.28.23 Anthem Albums: Worst to First
03.10.23 Hair Metal That Doesn't Suck - Volume 5 01.07.23 Power Metal in 2022
12.15.22 13 Reasons Why08.13.22 Pick my Poison (YOU CHOOSE MY TORTURE!)
08.10.22 EVERY "Teutonic Big 4" album ranked06.30.22 Artists I Gave Up On
06.21.22 Underrated Sequels06.02.22 Things that piss me off (but shouldn't)
03.28.22 Black Sabbath Albums: Worst to First03.18.22 Hair Metal That DOES Suck
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01.27.22 Kidney Stones01.21.22 W.A.S.P. Albums: Worst to First
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Artists I Gave Up On

A list of some discographies I never finished. Are there any I should give another shot?

Album that made me quit: Q2K

Why I gave up: Q2K is no exaggeration, one of the worst albums I’ve heard in my entire life. The fact these guys were once the world’s greatest progressive metal band isn’t just sad, it’s downright despicable. I refuse to subject myself to any Tate-fronted albums released after Q2K.
2King Crimson
Larks' Tongues in Aspic

Album that made me quit: Larks' Tongue In Aspic

Why I gave up: I fucking hate progressive rock, but I seriosuly enjoyed Rush, a band that I thought I hated. I decided to give the genre a second chance, so I thought I’d give these prog legends a listen. Turns out I still hate progressive rock, because aside from the debut I had a pretty miserable time listening to these guys. LTIA is supposed to be one of their greatest releases, and I was thoroughly unimpressed with it. I figure if this album is amongst their best they really have nothing to offer me.
Reek of Putrefaction

Album that made me quit: Reek of Putrefaction

Why I gave up: I’ve heard bits and pieces of Heartwork and enjoyed it, but their debut was dreadful. I actually had myself a hearty chuckle from how god-awful it sounded to me.
4In Flames
Reroute to Remain

Album that made me quit: Reroute to Remain

Why I gave up: I noticed their sonic shift on this record and knew that I wasn’t going to enjoy the rest of their discography.
5Virgin Steele
Nocturnes of Hellfire & Damnation

Album that made me quit: Nocturnes of Hellfire & Damnation

Why I gave up: The album preceding this was pretty underwhelming, and this one just plain sucks. Apparently the albums released after this one are worse, so I just decided to save myself the torture.
The Bends

Album that made me quit: The Bends

Why I gave up: People fucking worship these guys, so I figured I’d give them a shot. Their music isn’t bad, but they simply didn’t live up to my expectations at all.
UFO 2: Flying

Album that made me quit: UFO 2: Flying

Why I gave up: Their first two records bored me to tears, so I said fuck it and gave up.
8Mekong Delta
The Music of Erich Zann

Album that made me quit: The Music of Erich Zann

Why I gave up: They take the progressive elements a bit too far for my taste. I don’t mind progressive elements being implemented into thrash, I absolutely love the band Toxik, but Mekong Delta’s sound is just too eclectic for me to truly enjoy.
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