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Last Active 09-03-22 1:19 am
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W.A.S.P. Albums: Worst to First

In celebration for the band's 40th anniversary, I'll be counting down Blackie and the Boys' albums from worst to first.
The Neon God: Part 2 - The Demise

W.A.S.P.’s worst album, but not by much. It’s more than listenable, and the opening track “Never Say Die” is one of my all-time favorite W.A.S.P. tunes. I think that if you took the best 4 or 5 tracks from each record and slapped them onto 1 disc, this would have been a much stronger release than the 2 disc behemoth that we were given instead.

Best Track: Never Say Die
Grade: D+
The Neon God: Part 1 - The Rise

Blackie’s second stab at a full-blown concept album definitely falls short of it’s lofty ambitions. Overall I’d say part one is the more consistent record, but the highlights aren’t quite as strong as part 2.

Best Track: The Raging Storm
Grade: D+

A fun callback to the hard rocking party metal of their early output, but nowhere near as memorable. Not a bad record, but nothing remarkable either.

Best Track: Helldorado
Grade: C-

In comparison to “Dominator”, Babylon falls a little short. My main gripe is the inclusion of 2 covers instead of original songs; but the covers are pretty fucking good, so it’s not too big of a deal. Good material, just wish there was more of it.

Best Track: Into the Fire
Grade: C+
Dying for the World

For me, this record and “Unholy Terror” are interchangeable for the 10th position. I’d say they are equally good, I just had to put one lower because Sputnik doesn’t allow for ties in lists.

Best Track: Rubber Man
Grade: B-
Unholy Terror

The birth of modern W.A.S.P. Gone are the songs of debauchery and sex, and in their place more serious lyrical themes like religion, war, and societal issues. While later releases would sharpen and perfect this new incarnation, this album certainly is a solid start to a new era.

Best Track: Charisma
Grade: B-
Kill, Fuck, Die

I’ll be honest, I’m not a very big fan of industrial metal. But I have found that when artists I like (excluding Danzig) dip their toes into the genre, I generally really like the results. Sure, they were just following the trend, but honestly, W.A.S.P. 's typical theatrics and lyrics really do lend themselves to industrial pretty well. It’s loud, it’s ugly, and it kinda fucking slaps. Definitely in need of some serious re-evaluation.

Best Track: Kill Your Pretty Face
Grade: B
Still Not Black Enough

Very underrated. Sure, it’s not as great as “Crimson Idol”, but it’s still a very dynamic and impactful release regardless. The rockers on here are killer, and the ballads on here are genuinely heart wrenching. No joke, “Keep Holding On” makes me cry like a little bitch. Actually, you know what? Fuck that song. The fact that a ballad by W.A.S.P. makes me tear up is confusing, and I don’t like being confused.

Best Track: No Way Out of Here
Grade: B
Inside the Electric Circus

This album gets some serious flack from fans, and Blackie himself; but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t really enjoy it. I’ve never considered W.A.S.P. to be a “glam metal” band, but this album is probably the closest they ever came to it. It’s pretty much a collection of fun party tunes; but hey, I like party tunes. This was the first record to introduce an issue that would infect many albums down the line; with that issue being the cop out of including TWO cover songs. With that minor gripe aside, I still advocate for ‘Electric Circus”.

Best Track: Inside the Electric Circus
Grade: B

“Dying For the World”, “Dominator” and “Babylon” proved that W.A.S.P. were still a force to be reckoned with and Golgotha basically cemented them as legends. I usually disapprove of bands taking themselves too seriously, but Blackie has proven himself as more than capable of writing sleazy party anthems AND more personal, introspective tracks. Hopefully this isn't the last record they release, but if it is, it's a great note to go out on.

Best Track: Golgotha
Grade: B+
The Last Command

If you love the debut, you’re probably gonna love The Last Command. The songs aren’t quite on par with the material on the debut, but the production is improved and the overall vibe is lots of fun. There’s some classic stuff on here, so I still highly recommend this one.

Best Track: Ballcrusher
Grade: B+

After the disappointing long-winded concept albums that preceded it, Dominator sees W.A.S.P. returning to the more straightforward, hard rocking sound of their first 4 albums, with the addition of the more serious and globally conscious lyrical themes of their first 2 records released in the 21st century. Take the best aspects from both eras, sandwich them together, and you’ve got Dominator. The title says it all; Dominator dominates.

Best Track: The Burning Man
Grade: A-
The Crimson Idol

This stands alongside Savatage’s “Streets” and Queensryche’s “Operation Mindcrime” as one of the best metal concept records ever recorded. There’s a surprising emotional punch you definitely wouldn’t expect from the band from their output up to this point, which helps elevate it above the standard pseudo-intellectual progressive dogshit many bands try to pass off as “thought provoking conceptual experiences”. It also doesn't deliberately waste your time with obnoxious interludes to update you on the narrative, and nixes the boring ass instrumental interludes; instead knocking you on your ass with back-to-back-to-back scorchers. A metal concept album that doesn't forget that it's metal.

Best Track: The Great Misconceptions of Me
Grade: A

This album FUCKS LIKE A BEAST! Sure, these guys were definitely a spectacle to see live back in the day, but unlike many shock rock acts before and after, the music was just as great, if not better than their stage shows. Classic shit right here, boys.

Best Track: The Torture Never Stops
Grade: A+
The Headless Children

MASTAHPIECE! Every single track is S-tier W.A.S.P. Easily goes down as one of my favorite metal records of the 80’s, and one of my favorite albums in general if I’m being honest.

Best Track: Rebel in the FDG
Grade: A++
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