Average Rating: 4.06 Rating Variance: 0.48 Objectivity Score: 55% (Somewhat Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicA Tribe Called Quest The Low End TheoryAnimal Collective Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've VanishedAnimal Collective FeelsAnimal Collective Sung TongsAnimal Collective ArkArthur Russell World of EchoAvey Tare Down ThereBuilt to Spill Perfect from Now OnDeerhoof Apple O'Jai Paul Jai Pauljasmine sounds like its 1988 and u coked up but chill af cruisin Jeff Buckley GraceJoanna Newsom YsKendrick Lamar To Pimp a ButterflyNeutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the SeaPixies DoolittleR. Kelly Chocolate FactoryIgnition Remix Ignition Remix Ignition Remix Ignition Remix Ignition Remix Ignition Remix Radiohead AmnesiacSmash Mouth Astro LoungeThe Beach Boys Pet SoundsThe Beatles Abbey RoadThe Books The Lemon Of PinkThe Books Thought For FoodThe Brave Little Abacus Masked DancersThe Max Levine Ensemble OK SmartypantsThe Microphones The Glow Pt. 2The National BoxerThe National AlligatorThe Olivia Tremor Control Black Foliage: Animation Music Volume 14.5 superbAnimal Collective Merriweather Post PavilionAnimal Collective Centipede HzAnimal Collective Strawberry JamAnimal Collective Water CursesAnimal Collective Live at 9:30Arcade Fire FuneralArcade Fire Neon BibleBeach House Teen DreamBelle and Sebastian The Boy With the Arab StrapBoards of Canada Tomorrow's HarvestBright Eyes I'm Wide Awake, It's MorningBuilt to Spill Keep It Like a SecretBuilt to Spill There's Nothing Wrong with LoveCap'n Jazz AnalphabetapolothologyChance the Rapper Acid RapcLOUDDEAD cLOUDDEADDaniel Rossen Silent Hour/Golden MileDeath Grips The Money StoreDestroyer KaputtElvis Depressedly Holo PleasuresFleet Foxes Helplessness BluesGodspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞Grizzly Bear VeckatimestJoanna Newsom The Milk-Eyed MenderKanye West YeezusNew Slaves is awesome. I like how industrial this whole album is.Kendrick Lamar good kid, m.A.A.d cityLaura Stevenson WheelLittle Simz A Curious Tale Of Trials + Personsstraight fire...................................................................................................Mazzy Star She Hangs BrightlyMF DOOM MM.. FoodModest Mouse The Lonesome Crowded WestModest Mouse The Moon & AntarcticaMurder by Death Like the Exorcist, but More BreakdancingMurder by Death Who Will Survive and What Will Be Left of Them?My Bloody Valentine Lovelessof Montreal Cherry PeelI kinda wanna review this but then I'd have to either find a way to justify this 4.5 or drop my rating and I don't think I can do either. of Montreal Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?Panda Bear Person PitchPanda Bear TomboyPiglet lava landRadiohead The BendsRadiohead Kid ARadiohead The King of LimbsRamshackle Glory Live The DreamI swear to god I'm gonna die full of naive optimism. Sigur Ros Agætis byrjunSigur Ros Takk...Sigur Ros Med Sud i Eyrum vid Spilum EndalaustSpiritualized Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in SpaceThe Antlers HospiceThe Antlers Familiarsi love the irony in all the 'homogenous and boring' comments. anyway. parade/surrender are the best thing the antlers have done. this album feels a lot 'bigger' than the last two but it feels like they came by it honestly. i've liked watching this band's progression. The Avalanches Since I Left YouThe Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandThe Beatles A Hard Day's NightThe Brave Little Abacus Just Got Back from the Discomfort...The National High VioletThe Shins Oh, Inverted WorldThe Tallest Man on Earth The Wild HuntTwin Shadow ForgetVampire Weekend Modern Vampires of the CityWu-Tang Clan Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)Wye Oak CivilianYG My Krazy LifeYouth Lagoon The Year of Hibernation4.0 excellentAesop Rock Labor DaysAmerican Football American FootballAnimal Collective Campfire SongsAnimal Collective Prospect HummerAvey Tare's Slasher Flicks Enter the Slasher HouseYou know what, this is good sh*t. A Sender, Little Fang, Roses, and Duplex Trip jamBaths RomaplasmBeach House Depression CherryBelle and Sebastian The Life PursuitBelle and Sebastian If You're Feeling SinisterBon Iver Bon Iver, Bon IverBon Iver For Emma, Forever AgoBuilt to Spill You in ReverseDeafheaven SunbatherDeath Cab for Cutie TransatlanticismDeerhoof ReveilleExplosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead PlaceExplosions in the Sky Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die...Fleet Foxes Sun GiantFleet Foxes Fleet FoxesGrizzly Bear FriendGrizzly Bear Yellow HouseI Come to Shanghai Eternal Life Vol. 2One of my primary motives for joining Sputnik was to add this band to the database. They're pretty fantastic. If you like Beach House, or really any synthy chillwave stuff, you'll probably like this album. Another Holiday is a good song to start with.La Dispute Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair LCD Soundsystem This Is HappeningM83 Dead Cities, Red Seas and Lost GhostsMac DeMarco 2Madvillain MadvillainyMastodon Crack the SkyeMastodon LeviathanMazzy Star So Tonight That I Might SeeModest Mouse The Fruit That Ate ItselfModest Mouse Building Nothing Out of SomethingModest Mouse This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think AboutModest Mouse Good News for People Who Love Bad NewsMurder by Death Red Of Tooth And ClawNeutral Milk Hotel On Avery IslandPanic! at the Disco Pretty. Odd.Rachel's Music for Egon SchieleRadiohead OK ComputerReal Estate DaysSpiritualized Let It Come DownThe Antlers UnderseaThe Antlers Burst ApartThe Beatles The BeatlesThe Beatles RevolverThe Black Keys ThickfreaknessThe Books Lost And SafeThe Books The Way OutThe Decemberists Her Majesty the DecemberistsThe Decemberists Castaways and CutoutsThe Decemberists PicaresqueThe National Sad Songs for Dirty LoversThe Shins Chutes Too Narrowtoe For Long TomorrowTwin Shadow ConfessYouth Lagoon Wondrous Bughouse3.5 greatAnimal Collective Danse ManateeBright Eyes The People's KeyBright Eyes Lifted or The Story is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground Built to Spill Ancient Melodies of the FutureColdplay A Rush of Blood to the HeadDeath Cab for Cutie Codes and KeysDIIV OshinGodspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to HeavenKillswitch Engage Alive or Just BreathingLa Dispute WildlifeMilo Milo Takes BathsModern Baseball Sportssoooo fucking good i do not care i'm 19 and this record is me Modest Mouse We Were Dead Before the Ship Even SankMurder by Death Good Morning, MagpieNeutral Milk Hotel Everything Isof Montreal The Sunlandic TwinsPhoenix (FRA) Wolfgang Amadeus PhoenixThe Beatles Beatles for SaleThe Beatles Help!The Black Keys The Big Come UpThe Decemberists The King Is DeadThe Gaslight Anthem The '59 SoundThe World Is a Beautiful Place... Whenever, If EverTitus Andronicus The MonitorVampire Weekend Vampire WeekendWild Flag Wild FlagPretty good album, and Romance is a hell of a single. I bet they'd be a lot of fun live. Wye Oak The Knot3.0 goodArcade Fire The SuburbsBright Eyes CassadagaBright Eyes Fevers & MirrorsBuilt to Spill Ultimate Alternative WaversDeath Cab for Cutie PlansDeath Cab for Cutie Narrow StairsDeerhoof Deerhoof vs. EvilDeerhoof Milk ManFoster the People TorchesKillswitch Engage The End of HeartacheModest Mouse No One's First, and You're Nextof Montreal Paralytic Stalksof Montreal The Bedside Drama: A Petite TragedySea Wolf Leaves in the RiverSpiritualized Songs in A&EThe Black Keys BrothersVampire Weekend Contra2.5 averagealt-J An Awesome Wavealt-J This Is All YoursBelle and Sebastian Write About LoveThe Black Keys El CaminoWye Oak If Children2.0 poorKillswitch Engage Killswitch EngageThe Gaslight Anthem HandwrittenThe Shins Port of Morrow1.5 very poorFive For Fighting America Town
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