
Reviews 11
Approval 98%

Soundoffs 22
News Articles 25
Band Edits + Tags 3
Album Edits 49

Album Ratings 887
Objectivity 58%

Last Active 12-06-21 10:56 pm
Joined 09-01-11

Review Comments 10,004

Average Rating: 3.89
Rating Variance: 0.26
Objectivity Score: 58%
(Somewhat Balanced)


Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name

5.0 classic
Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain
Alcest Kodama
Arcturus The Sham Mirrors
Dark Tranquillity Damage Done
Death Symbolic
Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse
Holy Fawn Death Spells
In Flames The Jester Race
Nature and Organisation Death in a Snow Leopard Winter
Opeth Morningrise
Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse
Tenhi Maaaet
Ulver Shadows of the Sun
Ulver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
Vali Skogslandskap
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters

4.5 superb
Agalloch Pale Folklore
Agalloch The Mantle
Agalloch Marrow of the Spirit
Akercocke Words That Go Unspoken...
Alcest Écailles De Lune
Alcest Les Chants de L'Aurore
Alkaline Trio Is This Thing Cursed?
Allelic À Contre Vent
American Nightmare Background Music
Amorphis Elegy
Anathema We're Here Because We're Here
And Also The Trees (Listen for) the Rag and Bone Man
Aorlhac L'esprit des vents
Ride cymbal on the left, high hat on the right, 0 out of 5.
Arch Enemy Burning Bridges
Arcturus Aspera Hiems Symfonia
Arcturus Aspera Hiems Symfonia/Constellation/My Angel
Arkona (RUS) Yav
This might be my favorite Arkona yet. They really nailed the harmony of folk and prog on this.
Arkona (RUS) Khram
At the Drive-In Relationship of Command
At the Gates Terminal Spirit Disease
At the Gates Slaughter of the Soul
Azathoth Azathoth
Bane Give Blood
Baroness Red Album
Bayside Bayside
Be'lakor Vessels
Behemoth The Satanist
Behemoth Demigod
Bell Witch Mirror Reaper
Berlinist Gris (Original Soundtrack)
Blind Guardian Somewhere Far Beyond
Blood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human Race
Bloodbath Resurrection Through Carnage
Bloodbath The Wacken Carnage
Borknagar Empiricism
Burst Lazarus Bird
Carry On A Life Less Plagued
Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper
Children of Bodom Tokyo Warhearts
Children of Bodom Hatebreeder
Cradle of Filth Dusk... and Her Embrace
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the Beast
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the Beast - Re-Mistressed
Dark Tranquillity The Gallery
Dark Tranquillity Character
Dawn Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy)
Death The Sound of Perseverance
Death Individual Thought Patterns
Deathspell Omega Paracletus
Decapitated Winds of Creation
Dimmu Borgir Spiritual Black Dimensions
Dissection Storm of the Light's Bane
Downfall of Nur Umbras de Barbagia
Dvne Etemen Ænka
Emperor Live Inferno
Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Enforced At The Walls
Equilibrium Sagas
Estatic Fear A Sombre Dance
Ethereal Shroud Trisagion
Explosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place
Falls of Rauros Vigilance Perennial
Falls of Rauros Patterns in Mythology
Fields of Mildew II
Forndom Flykt
Garden of Shadows Oracle Moon
Hail Spirit Noir Mayhem In Blue
Hail Spirit Noir Fossil Gardens
Hit the Switch Entropic
Horrendous Ontological Mysterium
Ifing Against This Weald
Fantastic folky black metal. Awesome production/atmosphere. Wodensthrone/Moonsorrow fans will dig!
Immortal At the Heart of Winter
Immortal Sons of Northern Darkness
In Flames Whoracle
In Flames Colony
In Flames Subterranean
Inconcessus Lux Lucis The Crowning Quietus
Insomnium Since the Day It All Came Down
Insomnium Above the Weeping World
Iron Maiden Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
ISIS Oceanic
Katatonia Dead End Kings
Katatonia Sanctitude
Katatonia The Fall Of Hearts
Kauan Pirut
Kauan Sorni Nai
Kauan Kaiho
King Diamond Abigail
Konkeror The Abysmal Horizons
Kvelgeyst Alkahest
Leonard Cohen Songs of Leonard Cohen
Lifeless (RUS) Hesychia
Ludovico Einaudi Divenire
Malfet The Snaking Path
Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Mendel Shaking Hands with the Devil
Mendel Subliminal Colors
Mendel Shaking Hands with the Devil | Subliminal Colors
Meshuggah Destroy Erase Improve
Meshuggah None
Meshuggah Chaosphere
Metallica Master Of Puppets
Mgla Exercises in Futility
Mono Hymn to the Immortal Wind
Moonsorrow Viides luku - Hävitetty
Moonsorrow Verisäkeet
Mourned Devoured Humanity
Musk Ox Inheritance
Obliteration Black Death Horizon
Opeth Blackwater Park
Opeth Still Life
Opeth Orchid
Opeth The Last Will and Testament
Pallbearer Heartless
Philip Glass Metamorphosis (Branka Parlić)
Pianos Become the Teeth Keep You
Pianos Become the Teeth The Lack Long After
Pijn and Conjurer Curse These Metal Hands
Power Trip Manifest Decimation
Power Trip Nightmare Logic
Rapture Silent Stage
Rapture Songs For The Withering
Sangre de Muerdago Noite
Sangre de Muerdago O Camino das Mans Valeiras
Sangre de Muerdago Xuntas
Saves the Day Stay What You Are
Scoparia Renewal
Sentient Divide Haunted by Cruelty
Shai Hulud That Within Blood Ill-Tempered
Shipwreck A.D. Abyss
Sigh Hangman's Hymn
Slayer South of Heaven
Slayer Reign in Blood
Slow Meadow Those Who Rush Across the Sea / You Felt Like Home
Snapcase Designs for Automotion
Soilwork The Chainheart Machine
Solstice (USA-FL) Solstice
Sonata Arctica Silence
Sonne Hagal Ockerwasser
Stormkeep Tales of Othertime
Streetlight Manifesto Somewhere in the Between
Streetlight Manifesto The Hands That Thieve
Strike Anywhere Change Is a Sound
Sulphur Aeon The Scythe of Cosmic Chaos
Swallow the Sun The Morning Never Came
Swallow the Sun Moonflowers
Swallow the Sun Hope
Tenhi Airut : Ciwi
Tenhi Vare
Tenhi Airut: Aamujen
Testament First Strike Still Deadly
The Atlas Ghost Deliverance
The Crown Crowned in Terror
The Devil's Blood The Time Of No Time Evermore
The Menzingers After the Party
The Offspring Smash
Trophy Scars Astral Pariah
Trophy Scars Darkness, Oh Hell
Ulver Svidd Neger OST
Vaa Ur sägen och hävd
Vali Forlatt
Vehemence God Was Created
Vehemence (FRA) Par le sang versé
Vektor Outer Isolation
Vektor Terminal Redux
Venenum Trance of Death
Vintersorg Cosmic Genesis
Vintersorg Solens Rotter
Vouna Vouna
Weakling Dead as Dreams
Weeping Sores False Confession
Wolcensmen Songs from the Fyrgen
Wolves in the Throne Room Black Cascade
Woods of Desolation Torn Beyond Reason
Wu-Tang Clan Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
X Japan Art of Life
Yiruma Piano Museum
Yyrkoon Unhealthy Opera

4.0 excellent
...and Oceans Cosmic World Mother
A Wilhelm Scream Career Suicide
Abigail Williams Walk Beyond The Dark
Acrid Tomb Acrid Tomb
Addaura ...And The Lamps Expire
Aephanemer Prokopton
Familiar, yet somehow very refreshing:

Aequorea Dim
Against Me! As the Eternal Cowboy
Against Me! Reinventing Axl Rose
Agalloch Of Stone, Wind and Pillor
Agalloch The White
Ahamkara The Embers Of The Stars
Alcest Les Voyages De L'Âme
Alcest Souvenirs D'Un Autre Monde
Allelic Reverberations
Amon Amarth With Oden on Our Side
Amorphis Tales From The Thousand Lakes
Amorphis Skyforger
Amorphis Silent Waters
Amorphis Forging the Land of Thousand Lakes
Amorphis Under the Red Cloud
Amorphis Queen of Time
Anagnorisis Beyond All Light
Anagnorisis Peripeteia
Anathema Weather Systems
Andavald Undir Skyggðarhaldi
Andromeda Extension of the Wish
Angel Dust Border Of Reality
Angel Dust Bleed
Anorexia Nervosa Redemption Process
Anton Belov Reticent
Really not sure how he was able to remix a song 5 times on a single EP and make it this enjoyable.

Aquilus Griseus
Arch/Matheos Winter Ethereal
Arcturus Sideshow Symphonies
Arcturus La Masquerade Infernale
Arkona (RUS) Vozrozhdenie (Re-Recorded)
Arsis A Celebration of Guilt
Arsis A Diamond for Disease
Ashbringer Yūgen
Astral Blood Astral Blood
Astralborne Across the Aeons
As much as I dig this album, putting a cover of In Flames December Flower smack dab in the middle of the record was a very odd choice.
Astronoid Air
Asya Sergeeva Heart of Winter
Atoma Skylight
Audrey Fall Mitau
Azarath Blasphemers' Maledictions
Bad Religion Christmas Songs
Bad Religion Recipe for Hate
Bane Don't Wait Up
Baroness Blue Record
Baroness First
Baroness Second
Baroness Purple
Barrows Red Giant
Battlemaster Warthirsting & Winterbound
Batushka Hospodi
Bayside Vacancy
Bayside The Walking Wounded
Bayside Interrobang
Bayside The Blue EP
Be'lakor Stone's Reach
Be'lakor Of Breath and Bone
Behemoth The Apostasy
Better Oblivion Community Center Better Oblivion Community Center
Black Breath Sentenced To Life
Black Fast Terms of Surrender
Blacklisted Heavier Than Heaven, Lonelier Than God
Blind Guardian Beyond The Red Mirror
Blind Guardian Nightfall In Middle-Earth
Blood Incantation Absolute Elsewhere
Blood Red Throne Blood Red Throne
Blood Red Throne Union Of Flesh And Machine
Blood Spore Fungal Warfare Upon All Life
Bloodbark Bonebranches
Bloodbath Breeding Death
Bloodbath Unblessing the Purity
Blut Aus Nord Hallucinogen
Bolzer Aura
Boring Bathtimes Pillar of Earth
Borknagar Quintessence
Borknagar The Olden Domain
Brutally Deceased Satanic Corpse
Burst Prey on Life
Burst Origo
Carcass Heartwork
Carnosus Dogma of the Deceased
Cerekloth In the Midst of Life We Are In Death
Children of Bodom Something Wild
Children of Bodom Hexed
Cipher System Central Tunnel Eight
Circle of Salt/Taggarik Split
Circle Takes the Square As the Roots Undo
Circle Takes the Square Decompositions: Volume Number One
Claustrophobia Claustrophobia
Cobalt Slow Forever
Coffincraft In Eerie Slumber
Copeland In Motion
Coroner Mental Vortex
Costin Chioreanu The Quest For A Morning Star
Cradle of Filth Dusk and Her Embrace - The Original Sin
Crucial Dudes 61 Penn
Cryptopsy Whisper Supremacy
Cynic Traced in Air
D'un Autre Temps Nos Mémoires
Dark Tranquillity The Mind's I
Dark Tranquillity Haven
Dark Tranquillity Projector
Dark Tranquillity Fiction
Dark Tranquillity Skydancer
Dark Tranquillity Construct
Darkane Expanding Senses
Darkest Hour The Mark of the Judas
Darkestrah The Great Silk Road
Darkestrah Nomad
Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger
Death Human
Death in June But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?
Deathspell Omega The Furnaces of Palingenesia
Defeater Lost Ground
Defeater Travels
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Finisterre
Destroyer 666 Call of the Wild
Devictus An Anxious Light
Diabolical Masquerade Nightwork
Dimension Zero Silent Night Fever
Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Dimmu Borgir Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Dismember Death Metal
Dismember Hate Campaign
Dissimulator (CAN) Lower Form Resistance
Dodheimsgard Black Medium Current
Downfall of Gaia Ethic of Radical Finitude
Draugnim Vulturine
Drudkh Blood In Our Wells
Dumal The Lesser God
Dynatron The Rigel Axiom
Dzo-nga Thunder In the Mountains
Dzo-nga The Sachem's Tales
Eloign Old Yarns
Eloign Chasing the Sound
Emperor IX Equilibrium
Emperor Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire...
Emptiness Nothing but the Whole
Empyrium Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays
Enforced Retaliation
Enforced Kill Grid
Enshine Singularity
Entombed Left Hand Path
Entropia (PL) Vesper
Every Time I Die Hot Damn!
Every Time I Die New Junk Aesthetic
Every Time I Die From Parts Unknown
Exgenesis Aphotic Veil
Fabrizio Paterlini Autumn Stories
Fabrizio Paterlini The Art of the Piano
Face to Face Protection
Falls of Rauros Key to a Vanishing Future
Fen The Dead Light
Fief III
Fields of Mildew Fields of Mildew
Fields of Mildew III
Flying Hórses Tölt
Flying Horses Tölt
Further Down The Zone Tapes
Gallowbraid Ashen Eidolon
Gatecreeper Dark Superstition
Good Riddance Thoughts And Prayers
Green Carnation Light of Day, Day of Darkness
Gris À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Âme Constellée...
Guild Of Lore Storm Haven
Guild Of Lore Leaving Winterstead
Guild Of Lore Winterstead
Gulch Burning Desire to Draw Last Breath
Hail Spirit Noir Oi Magoi
Hallas Excerpts From a Future Past
Harakiri for the Sky Aokigahara
Melodic/depressive black metal done right. Not sure what the other soundoffs are talking about; there is a ton of variation and really captivating melodies throughout the whole record. The song writing and changes are well thought out and as a whole this album is more creative than similar styled albums.

Songs worth checking out:
Burning From Both Ends * Personal favorite
Gallows (Give 'em Rope)
Harlott Origin
Hath Of Rot And Ruin
Haunt (USA-CA) Mind Freeze
Have Heart The Things We Carry
Havukruunu Kelle Surut Soi
Heaven In Her Arms White Halo
Hellripper Black Arts and Alchemy
Heretoir The Circle
Holy Fawn The Black Moon
Holy Fawn Dimensional Bleed
Horrendous Ecdysis
Horrendous Anareta
Horrendous Idol
HORSE the band R. Borlax
Ictus Imperivm
Imperium Dekadenz Dis Manibvs
In Flames Clayman
In Flames Black-Ash Inheritance
In Flames The Mirror's Truth
In Mourning The Weight of Oceans
In Mourning Garden of Storms
Inculter Fatal Visions
Insomnium In the Halls of Awaiting
Insomnium Shadows of the Dying Sun
Insomnium Argent Moon
Insomnium Winter's Gate
Insomnium Heart Like a Grave
Iotunn The Wizard Falls
Iress Sleep Now, In Reverse
Iron Maiden Fear Of The Dark
Iron Maiden Powerslave
Iron Maiden The Number Of The Beast
Iron Reagan Crossover Ministry
Isenordal Shores of Mourning
ISIS Panopticon
Janvs Vega
Judas Priest Firepower
Karmacipher Crown
Katatonia Night Is the New Day
Katatonia Viva Emptiness
Katatonia The Great Cold Distance
Kauan Kuu..
Knuckle Puck While I Stay Secluded
Lagwagon Let's Talk About Feelings
Latitudes Old Sunlight
Lifeless (RUS) Svet
Lifeless (RUS) Simulacrum
Lifeless (RUS) Transparency
Lifeless (RUS) Luminism
Lycia A Day in the Stark Corner
Malfet The Way to Avalon
Malignancy ...Discontinued
Malignant Altar Realms of Exquisite Morbidity
Mare Cognitum Phobos Monolith
Mare Cognitum Luminiferous Aether
Mare Cognitum/Aureole Resonance: Crimson Void
Mechina Blessings Upon The Field Where Blades Will Flood
Megaton Leviathan Mage
Melechesh Emissaries
Melechesh Enki
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Metallica ...And Justice For All
Meus September
Meus Miserere Mei Deus
Mgla Age of Excuse
Midlake The Courage Of Others
Millencolin Pennybridge Pioneers
Millencolin True Brew
Miscreance Convergence
Mist of Misery Severance
Misthyrming Algleymi
Municipal Waste Hazardous Mutation
Municipal Waste Slime And Punishment
This is the best Waste album since Hazardous Mutation.
Musk Ox Woodfall
Myrkur Mausoleum
Nadra Allir vegir til glötunar
Naglfar Vittra
Naglfar Ex Inferis
Naglfar Diabolical
Nero di Marte Immoto
Nest (FIN) Woodsmoke
Neun Welten Destrunken
Neutral ...of Shadow and Its Dream
Nhor Wildflowers: Summer
Nhor Wildflowers: Spring
Night in Gales Thunderbeast
Night in Gales The Last Sunsets
Nils Frahm All Melody
Nils Frahm Spaces
No Use for a Name Hard Rock Bottom
No Use for a Name More Betterness!
Nocturnalia Above Below Within
Nokturnal Mortum The Voice of Steel
Noppslyde Just World
Obscura Akróasis
October Falls Marras
October Falls The Plague of a Coming Age
Octoploid Beyond the Aeons
Ode and Elegy Ode and Elegy
Odium (NOR) The Sad Realm of the Stars
Old Gods Defied Demo 2018
Opeth Watershed
Opeth Damnation
Outre Hollow Earth
Pale Chalice Negate the Infinite and Miraculous
Pallbearer Foundations of Burden
Panopticon Roads to the North
Persuader Evolution Purgatory
Philip Glass Solo Piano
Pianos Become the Teeth Old Pride
Plini Sweet Nothings
Plini Other Things
Plini The End of Everything
Plini Sunhead
Plini Handmade Cities
Polyphia Muse
Primal Fear Black Sun
Prisoner Beyond the Infinite
Pulling Teeth Funerary
Remete (AUS) The Winter Silence
RichaadEB // Ace Waters Determination
Rise Against Revolutions per Minute
Roots and Ruins Die Right
Rosetta Terra Sola
Rotting Obscene Depths of Decay
Sadness Kiss in October (2017)
Sadus Illusions
Sangre de Muerdago O Vento que Lambe as miñas Feridas
Saor Aura
Sargeist Let The Devil In
Satan's Hallow Satan's Hallow
Satanic Surfers Hero of Our Time
Satanic Surfers Back From Hell
Satyricon Nemesis Divina
Saves the Day Through Being Cool
Selbst Despondency Chord Progressions
Selvans Lupercalia
Selvans / Downfall Of Nur Selvans / Downfall of Nur
Seprevation Echoes of Mercy
Shadows Fall Of One Blood
Shai Hulud Reach Beyond the Sun
Sigh Imaginary Sonicscape
Sigh In Somniphobia
Sigh Shiki
Sivyj Yar The Unmourned Past
Skagos Ast
Skeletonwitch Devouring Radiant Light
Slayer Seasons in the Abyss
Slowbleed The Blazing Sun, A Fiery Dawn
Slumber Fallout
Snapcase Progression Through Unlearning
Soen Tellurian
If you took the best parts of Opeth, Tool, and Katatonia and put them in a blender it would taste like this album.
Soen Lykaia
Streaming on Metal Injection:rhttp://www.metalinjection.net/av/soen-is-streaming-its-atmospheric-rhythm-section-centric-new-album-lykaia
Soilwork A Predator's Portrait
Soilwork Steelbath Suicide
Sonata Arctica Ecliptica
Sonata Arctica Winterheart's Guild
Sophicide Perdition of the Sublime
Stargazer (AUS) A Merging to the Boundless
State Faults Children of the Moon
Stiu Nu Stiu Fake End
Strike Anywhere Exit English
Strike Anywhere Iron Front
Strung Out Exile In Oblivion
Suhnopfer Hic regnant borbonii manes
Suldusk Lunar Falls
Sulphur Aeon Gateway to the Antisphere
Sulphur Aeon Seven Crowns and Seven Seals
Suppression The Sorrow Of Soul Through Flesh
Susperia Predominance
Swallow the Sun Ghosts Of Loss
Sylvaine Nova
Tempel (NO) Tempel
Tenhi Kauan
Tenhi Saivo
Testament Live at the Fillmore
The Atlas Ghost Drømme Om Uskyld
The Atlas Ghost Silent Hill
The Black Dahlia Murder Ritual
The Black Dahlia Murder Nocturnal
The Black Dahlia Murder Miasma
The Black Dahlia Murder Unhallowed
The Black Dahlia Murder Nightbringers
The Crown Deathrace King
The Crown Hell Is Here
The Crown Cobra Speed Venom
The Decline Resister
The Halo Effect Days of the Lost
The Halo Effect March of the Unheard
The Haunted The Haunted
The Haunted The Dead Eye
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
The Mars Volta Frances the Mute
The Menzingers On the Impossible Past
The Secret Agnus Dei
The Sere Always the Cold Moon EP
The Story So Far Under Soil and Dirt
The Suicide Machines Revolution Spring
The Wonder Years Suburbia I've Given You All and Now I'm Nothing
Thyrfing De Ödeslösa
Thyrfing Farsotstider
Trees of Eternity Hour Of The Nightingale
Tribulation Hamartia
Tuomas Holopainen Music Inspired by the Life and Times of Scrooge
Turnover Peripheral Vision
Turnstile Glow On
Ulver Perdition City
Ulver Wars of the Roses
Ulver Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
Ulver Messe I.X-VI.X
Ulver Themes From William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Ulver Blood Inside
Ulver Flowers of Evil
Ulvesang Ulvesang
Undeath More Insane
Usurpress The Regal Tribe
Usurpress Interregnum
Vanum Ageless Fire
Vektor Black Future
Vindensang Alpha
Vintersorg Naturbal
Vintersorg Odemarkens Son
Vintersorg Visions From The Spiral Generator
Vintersorg Till Fjälls Del II
Vltimas Something Wicked Marches In
Volcanic Queen & Meus The Tomb Near the Red Sea
Voxtrot Raised By Wolves
Waldgefluster Ruinen
Warmoon Lord Burning Banners of the Funereal War
Watain Lawless Darkness
West of Roan Queen of Eyes
White Ward Futility Report
Wild Throne Blood Maker
Winterfylleth The Hallowing Of Heirdom
Winterhorde Maestro
With the End in Mind Unraveling; Arising
Witherfall Nocturnes and Requiems
Without Grief Deflower
Woe A Violent Dread
Wolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 Stars
Wolves in the Throne Room Thrice Woven
Wolves in the Throne Room Primordial Arcana
Wolves in the Throne Room Crypt of Ancestral Knowledge
Words of Farewell Immersion
Words of Farewell The Black Wild Yonder
Worm Ouroboros Come the Thaw

3.5 great
1476 Our Season Draws Near
Aesmah Walking Off The Horizon
Agalloch The Demonstration Archive: 1996-1998
Agalloch Faustian Echoes
Akhlys The Dreaming I
Alcest Shelter
Alcest Le Secret (2011 Version)
Alcest Spiritual Instinct
Amorphis Circle
Amorphis The Beginning of Times
Amorphis Eclipse
Anathema Alternative 4
Arch Enemy Wages of Sin
Arcturus Shipwrecked in Oslo
Arcturus Arcturian
Arkona (RUS) От сердца к небу
Asmegin Hin Vordende Sod & Sø
Astronoid Astronoid
At the Gates To Drink from the Night Itself
Baroness Yellow and Green
Baroness Gold and Grey
Batushka Litourgiya
Bayside Sirens & Condolences
Bayside Shudder
Bayside Killing Time
Bayside The Red EP
Be'lakor The Frail Tide
Behemoth I Loved You at Your Darkest
Behemoth Evangelion
Black Breath Slaves Beyond Death
Black Breath Heavy Breathing
Black Fast Starving Out the Light
Black Viper Hellions Of Fire
Bodom After Midnight Paint the Sky With Blood
Bodyjar New Rituals
Borknagar Borknagar
Borknagar True North
Burst Conquest: Writhe
Celephais Monad
Cipher System Communicate The Storms
Claustrophobia Where Were You When the World Got Cold?
Conjurer Mire
Copeland Blushing
Copeland Beneath Medicine Tree
Copeland Ixora
Cradle of Filth Midian
Cradle of Filth The Principle of Evil Made Flesh
Cradle of Filth Cryptoriana – The Seductiveness of Decay
Dark Tranquillity Of Chaos and Eternal Night
Dark Tranquillity Atoma
Dark Tranquillity Moment
Dark Tranquillity Endtime Signals
Dark Watcher Dark Watcher
Darkane Insanity
Darkest Hour Undoing Ruin
Deathspell Omega The Synarchy of Molten Bones
Decomposed (SWE) Wither
Devin Townsend Powernerd
Dismember Where Ironcrosses Grow
Drudkh They Often See Dreams About The Spring
Dzo-nga Upon the Shimmered Bough
Dzo-nga Five Treasures of Snow
Elderflower Elderflower
Empyrium Über den Sternen
Every Time I Die Gutter Phenomenon
Every Time I Die The Big Dirty
Every Time I Die Salem
Exocosm Spiral of Decay
Eye of Mensis Tulpa
Fen Carrion Skies
Fields of Mildew Herbst
Foxhall Shoreside
Gatecreeper Sonoran Depravation
Ghost Park 物の怪 (Mononoke)
Griefloss Griefloss
Grift Vilsna andars boning
High Spirits Motivator
Holy Fawn Realms
Horrendous The Chills
In Flames A Sense of Purpose
Insomnium Anno 1696
Ironflame Lightning Strikes the Crown
Kassad Faces Turn Away
Katatonia City Burials
Katatonia Sky Void Of Stars
Knuckle Puck The Weight That You Buried
Les Discrets Prédateurs
Melechesh The Epigenesis
Metallica Metallica
Methadone Skies Different Layers of Fear
Meus Downpour
Midlake For the Sake Of Bethel Woods
Millencolin Kingwood
Millencolin SOS
Mitochondrial Sun Mitochondrial Sun
Movements Outgrown Things
Municipal Waste The Art Of Partying
Musk Ox Musk Ox
Myrkur Mareridt
Nachtmystium Assassins: Black Meddle Pt.1
Nadra Form
Naglfar Sheol
Naglfar Harvest
Neurosis and Jarboe Neurosis and Jarboe
Night High Tides - Distant Skies
Night in Gales Five Scars
Numenorean Adore
Nyktophobia What Lasts Forever
Oado Life Era
Oado Thought
Oak Pantheon Sol
Oathbreaker Eros|Anteros
October Tide Rain Without End
One Day as a Lion One Day as a Lion
Opeth Ghost Reveries
Opeth Deliverance
Opeth In Cauda Venenum
Ossuarium Living Tomb
Ouroboros Glorification of a Myth
Outre-Tombe Nécrovortex
Pagan Black Wash
Panphage Drengskapr
Pianos Become the Teeth Wait For Love
Prag 83 Metamorphoses
Queen Of The Meadow Survival of the Unfittest
Quo Vadis Day Into Night
Resonant Filth Depraved State
Ruby Haunt Shipwreck/Moonlighting
Runeshard Dreaming Spire
Satanic Surfers Keep Out!
Saves the Day Sound the Alarm
Sigh Heir to Despair
Sinergy Beware The Heavens
Soilwork Natural Born Chaos
Sojourner Empires of Ash
Sojourner The Shadowed Road
Sol Distorsion Sol Distorsion
Sonata Arctica Reckoning Night
Sonata Arctica Unia
SOWNBONES helpless
Strike Anywhere Dead FM
Strung Out Songs Of Armor And Devotion
Sulphur Aeon Swallowed By The Ocean's Tide
Svart Crown Witnessing The Fall
Svart Crown Profane
Swallow the Sun New Moon
The Black Dahlia Murder Deflorate
The Black Dahlia Murder Verminous
The Haunted Made Me Do It
The Haunted rEVOLVEr
The Menzingers Rented World
The Story So Far What You Don't See
The Wonder Years The Upsides
Touche Amore Stage Four
Trvth Grief and Justice
Trvth Reveal
Uada Cult of a Dying Sun
Ultha Converging Sins
Ulver Kveldssanger
Ulver The Assassination of Julius Caesar
Ulver Nattens Madrigal
Ulver Drone Activity
Ulver Liminal Animals
Ulvesang The Hunt
Undeath It's Time...To Rise From the Grave
Unreqvited Disquiet
Vallendusk Black Clouds Gathering
Vehemence Forward Without Motion
Vehemence Helping the World to See
Vemod (NO) The Deepening
Veninspectre Tales From An Alien Nation
Vindensang Terminus: Rebirth in Eight Parts...
White Ward Love Exchange Failure
Witchery Symphony for the Devil
Woods of Desolation As the Stars
Yellow Eyes Rare Field Ceiling

3.0 good
1349 The Infernal Pathway
A Pale December The Shrine of Primal Fire
AFI The Missing Man
Agalloch The Serpent and the Sphere
Amorphis The Karelian Isthmus
Amorphis Tuonela
Arch Enemy Doomsday Machine
At the Gates At War with Reality
At the Gates The Nightmare of Being
Atlases (FIN) Penumbra
Bad Religion Age of Unreason
Be'lakor Coherence
Bigwig Stay Asleep
Children of Bodom I Worship Chaos
Dark Tranquillity We Are the Void
Darkest Hour So Sedated, so Secure
Darkest Hour Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation
Deafheaven Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
Dimmu Borgir Eonian
Dimmu Borgir In Sorte Diaboli
Esoctrilihum Dy'th Requiem for the Serpent Telepath
Every Time I Die Last Night in Town
False Untitled
Fortress of Mystery La Rose de Fer
Gorgoroth Instinctus Bestialis
Hoth Oathbreaker
In Flames Foregone
Infernal Coil Within a World Forgotten
Insomnium One for Sorrow
Insomnium Across the Dark
Iron Reagan Dark Days Ahead
Krallice Wolf
Kvelertak Nattesferd
Lake of Tears Forever Autumn
Meitei Komachi
Mizmor Wit's End
Mono Nowhere Now Here
Myrkur M
Naglfar Teras
Naglfar Cerecloth
Naglfar Pariah
Nest (FIN) Mietteitä
Night in Gales Towards the Twilight
Nightwish HVMAN. :||: NATVRE.
Opeth Pale Communion
Opeth Sorceress
Pensees Nocturnes Grand Guignol Orchestra
Pillorian Obsidian Arc
Sonata Arctica Pariah's Child
Sonata Arctica The Days Of Grays
Sonata Arctica The Ninth Hour
Sunn O))) and Ulver Terrestrials
The Black Dahlia Murder Abysmal
The Haunted One Kill Wonder
The Haunted Versus
The Haunted Exit Wounds
Together to the Stars An Oblivion Above
Turnover Good Nature
Ulver Silencing the Singing
Unreqvited rain
Unreqvited Mosaic II: la déteste et la détresse
Ustalost The Spoor Of Vipers
Vacivus Temple Of The Abyss
Vintersorg The Focusing Blur
Wolves in the Throne Room Celestite
Wytch Hazel IV: Sacrament
Xanthochroid Blessed He With Boils
Xenobiotic Mordrake

2.5 average
AFI AFI (The Blood Album)
Amon Amarth Berserker
Amorphis Far from the Sun
Amorphis Am Universum
Botanist/Oskoreien Green Metal/Deterministic Chaos
Dimmu Borgir Abrahadabra
GosT Possessor
Habits Value of Self
In Flames Battles
In Flames I, the Mask
In Flames Reroute to Remain
Les Discrets Virée Nocturne
Ne Obliviscaris Urn
Night in Gales Nailwork
Opeth Heritage
Prophets of Rage The Party's Over
Sonata Arctica Stones Grow Her Name
The Haunted Unseen
Ulver Silence Teaches You How to Sing EP

2.0 poor
Arcturus Disguised Masters
In Flames Siren Charms
Morbid Angel Illud Divinum Insanus
Pianos Become the Teeth Drift

1.5 very poor
In Flames Down, Wicked and No Good
Liturgy The Ark Work

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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