Average Rating: 3.81 Rating Variance: 0.39 Objectivity Score: 63% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAgalloch The MantleAgalloch Pale FolkloreAhab The Call Of The Wretched SeaAlarum EventualityAnimals As Leaders Animals as LeadersAugury Fragmentary Evidencegot this when it first came out, and i still haven't stopped listening to it. I try and listen to this a couple times a week. One of my favorite albums. The bass is superb on this album.Beyond Creation The Aurayes, forest is back! i was bummed when he left augury. but he is back in the aura, the debut album from the band beyond creation. you can clearly hear is excellent bass playing on this album. Blotted Science The Machinations of DementiaBlut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The StarsBurst OrigoCanvas Solaris IrradianceContinuo Renacer Continuo RenacerDeath The Sound of PerseveranceDeath SymbolicDeath Individual Thought PatternsDeath HumanDeath Live in L.A.: Death & RawDecapitated NihilityDecrepit Birth PolarityDecrepit Birth Diminishing Between WorldsDemilich NespitheFaust (ITA) From Glory to InfinityOMG this is good! excellent bass, guitar solos, vox this album is near perfect.Gordian Knot EmergentGordian Knot Gordian KnotGorod TranscendenceGorod Process of a New DeclineGreen Carnation A Blessing In DisguiseIllogicist The Insight EyeImmortal At the Heart of WinterIn Flames The Jester RaceISIS OceanicMastodon Live at the AragonMastodon Crack the SkyeNachtmystium Assassins: Black Meddle Pt.1Nadja ThaumogenesisNecrophagist EpitaphNecrophagist Onset of PutrefactionOctober Tide A Thin ShellPestilence SpheresPorcupine Tree Voyage 34: The Complete TripQuo Vadis Defiant ImaginationScale the Summit The CollectiveScale the Summit Carving Desert CanyonsSpawn of Possession IncursoSpiral Architect A Sceptic's UniverseThe Fall of Troy DoppelgangerTitan (CAN) Sweet DreamsVehemence God Was CreatedWatchtower Control and ResistanceWithered Folie Circulaire4.5 superb40 Watt Sun The Inside RoomA Loathing Requiem Psalms of MisanthropyAddaura Burning for the AncientAdversarial All Idols Fall Before the HammerAgalloch Ashes Against the GrainAgalloch Marrow of the Spiriti liked it, i liked it a lot. these guys never disappoint me.Aidan Baker The Sea Swells A Bit...Alarum Natural CausesAllegaeon Fragments of Form and FunctionAmorphis Tales From The Thousand LakesAnata The Conductor's DepartureAnata Dreams of Death and DismayAnata Under a Stone With No InscriptionAnata The Infernal Depths of HatredAncestors Neptune With FireAncestors Of Sound MindAngel Vivaldi Universal LanguageAnimals As Leaders Weightlessnot as good as their last, but still a decent cd. this will be a grower for me, kind of like STS new one.Anomalous OhmnivalentAnomalous Cognitive DissonanceArkaik Reflections Within DissonanceAsh Borer Ash BorerAsh Borer Tour Rehearsal DemoAtheist ElementsAtheist Unquestionable PresenceAugury ConcealedBaroness Red AlbumBaroness Blue RecordBattle Dagorath Eternal ThroneBe'lakor Stone's ReachBeliever TranshumanBeneath the Massacre Marée NoireBenighted Asylum CaveBenighted In Sodom Reverse BaptismBlood Ceremony Living With The AncientsBloodiest DescentBoris FloodBorknagar EmpiricismBurst Lazarus BirdBurzum Hvis Lyset Tar OssCanvas Solaris The Atomized DreamCanvas Solaris Penumbra DiffuseCanvas Solaris Cortical Tectonics Celephais Becoming the DeceasedCephalic Carnage Misled by CertaintyCerebral Effusion Impulsive Psychopathic ActsCipher System Central Tunnel EightClagg Lord Of The DeepControl Denied The Fragile Art of ExistenceConvulse World Without GodCoroner No More ColorCrebain NachtkriegCynic FocusCynic '90 DemoDark Angel Time Does Not HealDawnbringer NucleusDaylight Dies No ReplyDeath Spiritual HealingDeath LeprosyDeath Scream Bloody GoreDeathrow Deception IgnoredDeathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem AeternumDeathspell Omega Si Monvmentvm Reqvires CircvmspiceDecrepit Birth ...And Time BeginsDefeated Sanity Chapters of RepugnanceDefeated Sanity Psalms of the MoribundDefiance (USA-CA) Beyond RecognitionDetonation Emission PhaseDodecahedron DodecahedronDodsferd Suicide and the Rest of Your Kind Will FollowDrudkh Handful of StarsDrudkh Blood In Our WellsDrudkh MicrocosmosDrudkh Autumn AuroraDrudkh The Swan RoadDrudkh Forgotten LegendsDysrhythmia PretestDysrhythmia Psychic MapsEarth Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light I Electro Quarterstaff GretzkyEmbryonic Devourment Vivid Interpretations of the VoidEmbryonic Devourment Fear of Reality Exceeds FantasyEndstille Endstilles ReichEnforsaken The Forever EndeavorEnslaved VertebraeEvocation ApocalypticEvoken Antithesis of LightEvoken A Caress of the VoidExhumed All Guts, No GloryExivious ExiviousFallujah The Harvest WombsFen EpochFleshgod Apocalypse MafiaForteresse Crepuscule d'OctobreFunebrarum The Sleep of Morbid DreamsGates of Ishtar The Dawn of FlamesGigan Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic LandscapesGojira The Way of All FleshGorgasm Orgy of MurderGorguts ObscuraGorod A Perfect AbsolutionGraveworm Diabolical FiguresGraveyard Dirt For Grace Or DamnationGreen Carnation Light of Day, Day of DarknessGridLink OrphanHeathen The Evolution of ChaosHideous Deformity Defoulment of Human PurityHorseback The Invisible MountainHungry For Hands I Was Hungry For HandsI Between Two WorldsIf These Trees Could Talk Red ForestIhsahn AfterIllogicist The Unconsciousness of LivingImmortal Sons of Northern DarknessImpiety Worshippers of the Seventh TyrannyIn Flames ClaymanIn Mourning Shrouded DivineInferi (USA) The End of an EraInfestus E x | I s tIntronaut Valley of SmokeIrepress Sol Eye Sea IISIS In the Absence of TruthISIS PanopticonJoe Satriani Strange Beautiful MusicJournal UnlorjaKataklysm Shadows and DustKekal AcidityKrallice KralliceKrallice Dimensional BleedthroughKrallice DiotimaKroda Cry To Me RiverLeprous BilateralLeviathan Massive Conspiracy Against All LifeLo-Ruhamah The Glory of GodLong Distance Calling Long Distance CallingLong Distance Calling Avoid The LightLunar Aurora HoagaschtLustre (SWE) A Glimpse of GloryLykathea Aflame ElvenefrisMachine Head Unto The LocustMar De Grises Streams InwardsMartyr Feeding the AbscessMartyr Hopeless HopesMastodon The HunterMidnight Odyssey Funerals from the Astral SphereMithras Forever Advancing... LegionsMithras Behind the Shadows Lie MadnessMithras Worlds Beyond the VeilMournful Congregation The June FrostMournful Congregation The Book Of KingsMurder Construct Murder ConstructNader Sadek In the FleshNadja TouchedNahemah A New ConstellationNahemah ChrysalisNecrophobic The Nocturnal SilenceNest (FIN) WoodsmokeNeuraxis AsylonNovembers Doom AphoticObscura CosmogenesisObsidian Point Of InfinityOdious Mortem Devouring the ProphecyOrigin EntityOzric Tentacles Curious CornPathogen BloodlinePelican City of EchoesPestilence Consuming ImpulsePestilence Malleus MaleficarumPig Destroyer TerrifyerPortal (Cynic) PortalPossessed The Eyes of HorrorPrimordial Redemption At The Puritan's HandPsycroptic The Inherited RepressionPyramaze Melancholy BeastRed Sparowes At The Soundless DawnRedemption This Mortal CoilRhinocervs RH-11Rings of Saturn Embryonic AnomalyRitual Day Sky LakeRiverside Second Life SyndromeRiverside Out Of MyselfRon Jarzombek Solitarily Speaking of Theoretical ConfinementRosetta A Determinism of MoralityRussian Circles EnterRwake RestSadus A Vision of MiserySahg IIISailors With Wax Wings Sailors With Wax WingsSamothrace Life's TradeScale the Summit MonumentSculptured The Spear Of The Lily Is AureoledSculptured EmbodimentSerpent Throne White Summer - Black WinterShade Empire SintheticSikTh Death of a Dead DaySkyfire EsotericSleep Terror Probing TranquillitySpastic Ink Ink CompleteSpastic Ink Ink CompatibleSpawn of Possession NoctambulantSuspyre When Time FadesThe 25th Hour MonstersThe Absence From Your GraveThe Atlas Moth An Ache for the DistanceThe Devin Townsend Band SynchestraThe Faceless Planetary DualityThe Gates Of Slumber The WretchThe Human Abstract Digital VeilThe Morningside Moving Crosscurrent of TimeThe Morningside TreeLogia (The Album As it is Not)The Ocean AnthropocentricThou The Retaliation of the Immutable Force of NatureThou SummitTides/Giant SplitTodtgelichter AngstTombs Winter HoursTwilight TwilightVader Welcome to the Morbid ReichVektor Outer IsolationVile MetamorphosisVreid VVyrion VyrionWalknut Graveforests and Their ShadowsWarning Watching from a DistanceWatchtower Energetic DisassemblyWhite Moth White MothWinterus In Carbon MysticismWithered DualitasWithered Memento MoriWolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 StarsWolves in the Throne Room Two HuntersWorm Ouroboros Worm OuroborosZombi Spirit Animal4.0 excellent7th Nemesis Archetype of Natural ViolenceA Pregnant Light The Feast of Clipped WingsA Storm Of Light As The Valley Of Death Becomes Us...Abigail Williams BecomingAbigor Time Is the Sulphur In the Veins of ...Aborted Global FlatlineAbriosis Tattered And BoundAbsu AbsuAbysmal Torment Epoch of Methodic CarnageAddaura AddauraAeon Path of FireAeon Bleeding the FalseAgalloch and Nest SplitAghora FormlessAhab The Divinity Of OceansAirs Rainclouds over the Remains of HopeAlberto Rigoni RebirthAlcest Écailles De LuneAlcest Souvenirs D'Un Autre MondeAlda TahomaAldaaron Nous Reviendrons ImmortelsAlgol Follow The Cepheid LightAlienation Cold Forest of the DeadAll Shall Perish This Is Where It EndsAloeswood Forsaken LandscapesAltar of Plagues White TombAltar of Plagues MammalAmesoeurs AmesoeursAmogh Symphony Abolishing the Obsolete SystemAn Autumn LostAn Isle Ate Her DesideriumAncestors Invisible WhiteAnterior Echoes of the fallenAnterior This Age of SilenceAosoth III - Violence & VariationArcana Coelestia Le Mirage de L’idéalArch Enemy StigmataArchspire All Shall AlignArgus (USA-PA) Boldly Stride The DoomedArizmenda Without Circumference Nor CenterArsis We Are the NightmareArsis A Celebration of GuiltAsh Borer 2009 DemoAstra The Black ChordASVA What You Don't Know Is FrontierAt the Gates Terminal Spirit DiseaseAt the Gates Slaughter of the SoulAt the Gates The Red in the Sky Is OursAtheist JupiterAtheretic Apocalyptic Nature FuryAuticed Cemetery of NecronymphAutopsy Macabre EternalBaroness First & SecondBarren Earth Curse of the Red RiverBatillus FurnaceBattle Dagorath Ancient WraithBeardfish MammothBehold... The Arctopus SkullgridBehold... The Arctopus Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg SummoningBeing ArrivalBelphegor Pestapokalypse VIBeneath the Massacre DystopiaBenighted IconBetween the Buried and Me The Parallax: Hypersleep DialoguesBeyond The Embrace Against The ElementsBeyond The Embrace Insect SongBlack Boned Angel VerdunBlack Swan (USA-NY) The Quiet Divide Blaspherian Infernal Warriors of DeathBlood Stain Child MozaiqBlotted Science The Animation of EntomologyBlut Aus Nord 777 - Sect(s)Blut Aus Nord Ultima ThuleeBlut Aus Nord 777 - The DesanctificationBohren und der Club of Gore Sunset MissionBongripper Satan Worshipping DoomBoris Heavy Rocks (2011)Borknagar UniversalBorn of Osiris The DiscoveryBotch We Are the RomansBuckethead It's AliveBurning at the Stake Nefarious CampaignBurning Witch Crippled LuciferBurzum FallenCaldera (FRA) Mist Through Your ConsciousnessCallisto True Nature UnfoldsCannibal Corpse TortureCanopy MenhirCanvas Solaris SublimationCarcariass E-xtinctionCarcass HeartworkCarcass SwansongCatamenia Chaos BornCatamenia EskhataCatamenia Winternight TragediesCattle Decapitation The Harvest FloorCeltic Frost Into the PandemoniumCephalic Carnage AnomaliesCephalic Carnage XenosapienChildren of Nova The Complexity of Light Chimp Spanner All Roads Lead HereChristian Mistress PossessionCircle of Ouroborus/Crooked Necks Ruins of ResurrectionCobalt Eater of BirdsCold Body Radiation The Great White EmptinessCold Body Radiation Deer TwillightColdworld The Stars Are Dead NowCondemned Realms of the UngodlyConducting from the Grave Trials of the ForsakenCosmic Atrophy Codex IncuboCrowbar Sever The Wicked HandCryptopsy Blasphemy Made FleshCryptopsy Whisper SupremacyCulted Below The Thunders Of The Upper DeepCynic Re-TracedCynic Traced in AirDaft Punk Tron: LegacyDammerfarben Im AbendrotDark Fortress YlemDark Suns OrangeDarkest Era The Last Caress Of LightDarkthrone Frostland TapesDarkthrone A Blaze in the Northern SkyDarkwater Calling the Earth to WitnessDawn Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy)Deafheaven Roads to JudahDeath Angel Relentless RetributionDeath Breath Stinking Up The NightDeathspell Omega ParacletusDeathspell Omega Veritas Diaboli Manet in AeternumDeathspell Omega KenoseDecapitated Carnival Is ForeverDeeds of Flesh Of What's to ComeDefeated Sanity Prelude to the TragedyDefiled In CrisisDegree Absolute Degree AbsoluteDeicide To Hell With GodDemians MuteDesiderium AlpenglowDestruction Release From AgonyDetonation Portals to UphobiaDetonation An Epic DefianceDevolved CalculatedDiabolical Masquerade Deaths DesignDiskreet Engage the MechanicalityDissection The SomberlainDissection Storm of the Light's BaneDodsferd Spitting With Hatred the Insignificance of LifeDraconian A Rose for the ApocalypseDragged Into Sunlight Hatred For MankindDraugadrottinn Where the Sea Gives Up Its DeadDrowning The Light/Circle of Ouroborus MoonflaresDrudkh Songs of Grief and SolitudeDrudkh Eternal Turn of the WheelEa Au EllaiEarth The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's SkullEast of the Wall SplitEchoes Nature|ExistenceEchtra A War for WonderElectric Wizard Black MassesElectric Wizard DopethroneElectro Quarterstaff AykroydElement The EnergyEmbers ShadowsEncircle Watch The Sky FallEncoffination O Hell, Shine In Thy Whited SepulchresEngineer The DregsEnmerkar Starlit PassageEnslaved RuunEnslaved The Sleeping GodsEnsorcelor CrucifugeEnthroned XES HaereticumEsoteric Paragon of DissonanceEvan Brewer AloneExodus Exhibit B: The Human ConditionFace of Oblivion The Embers of ManFalls of Rauros The Light That Dwells in Rotten WoodFen Ancient SorrowFeral Dragged To The AltarFlesh Consumed New Order of IntelligenceFleshwrought Dementia/DyslexiaFlourishing The Sum of All FossilsForgotten Tomb Negative MegalomaniaForgotten Tomb Songs to LeaveForgotten Tomb Under Saturn RetrogradeFredrik Thordendal's Special Defects Sol Niger Within V3.33Funeral To Mourn Is A VirtueFutures End Memoirs of a Broken ManGallhammer The EndGallowbraid Ashen EidolonGhast Terrible CemeteryGhost (SWE) Opus EponymousGigan The Order of the False EyeGiraffes? Giraffes! Pink MagickGnostic Engineering the RuleGoatwhore Carving Out The Eyes Of GodGoatwhore Blood For The MasterGod Dethroned Lair of the White WormGorod Leading VisionGorod NeurotripsicksGraveyard (SWE) Hisingen BluesGrayceon This Grand ShowGreen Carnation The Quiet OffspringGridLink Amber GrayGuido AnideaHaken VisionsHaken AquariusHanging Garden Inherit the EdenHate Eternal Conquering the ThroneHeathen Victims of DeceptionHeretoir HeretoirHooded Menace Fulfill the CurseHope For The Dying DissimulationHorrendous The ChillsHubble Hubble DrumsHull Beyond the Lightless SkyHuman Filleted Blunt Force EmbludgeonmentHypocrisy Inferior DevotiesIgnominious Incarceration Of Winter BornIhsahn angLIllogicist SubjectedImmolation Harnessing RuinImmolation Majesty and DecayImmortal Pure HolocaustImmortal Souls Ice Upon The NightIn Flames Soundtrack to Your EscapeIn Flames Reroute to RemainIn Flames A Sense of PurposeIn Flames ColonyIn Flames Lunar StrainIn Flames WhoracleIn Flames Black-Ash InheritanceIn Mourning MonolithIncantation Onward to GolgothaIndian GuiltlessInferi (USA) Divinity in WarInsect Warfare World ExterminationInsomnium Above the Weeping WorldIrepress Samus OctologyISIS Wavering RadiantISIS Live 6 (11/16/2007)Jaga Jazzist One-Armed BanditJanvs FvlgvresJesu AscensionJunius Reports From The Threshold of DeathKalisia CybionKataklysm Serenity in FireKataxu Hunger of ElementsKayo Dot Gamma KnifeKeith Merrow Awaken the Stone KingKekal 1000 Thoughts of ViolenceKhors MysticismKrohm A World Through Dead EyesLantlos AgapeLantlos LantlosLantlos .neonLatitudes AgonistLay Down Rotten Gospel Of The WretchedLeech [US] Ten Black HymnsLes Discrets Septembre Et Ses Dernières PenséesLeucosis Pulling Down the SkyLeviathan A Silhouette in SplintersLeviathan The Tenth Sub Level of SuicideLiquid Tension Experiment Liquid Tension ExperimentLudicra The TenantLudicra Fex Urbis Lex OrbisLunar Aurora MondLurker Of Chalice Lurker Of ChaliceLye By Mistake Fea JurMalcuidant Et les Cieux s'assombrirent...Mar De Grises Draining The WaterheartMartyr Warp ZoneMaruta Forward Into RegressionMassacre From BeyondMaster On the Seventh Day God Created.... MasterMayhem De Mysteriis Dom SathanasMithotyn King of the Distant ForestMithras Time Never LastsMonolithe Monolithe IIMonstrosity Imperial DoomMonumental Torment Element of ChaosMoonsorrow Varjoina kuljemme kuolleiden maassaMoonsorrow KivenkantajaMorne AsylumMors Principium Est The UnbornMors Principium Est InhumanityMorta Skuld Dying RemainsMutilated Devirginated Genital PulpMy Bitter End The RenovationNachtmystium Instinct: DecayNachtmystium Addicts: Black Meddle Pt. 2Naglfar DiabolicalNaglfar VittraNaglfar SheolNahemah The Second PhilosophyNAILS Unsilent DeathNargaroth Black Metal Ist Krieg (A Dedication Monument)Nastrond ToteslautNasum Grind FinaleNear Death Condition The Disembodied - In Spiritual SpheresNecrophobic Death to AllNecrophobic DarksideNegative Plane Stained Glass RevelationsNegura Bunget OMNeuraxis The Thin Line BetweenNeurosis Live at Roadburn 2007Neverending War MutedNoctis Silent AtonementNoisear Subvert the Dominant ParadigmNokturnal Mortum Goat HornsNovembre MateriaObscura OmniviumObscura IllegimitationObscure Sphinx Anaesthetic Inhalation RitualOdious Mortem Cryptic ImplosionOdium (NOR) The Sad Realm of the StarsOmega Massif KarpatiaOmnium Gatherum New World ShadowsOranssi Pazuzu KosmonumentOranssi Pazuzu Muukalainen PuhuuOrdinance (USA) Internal MonologuesOrigin AntithesisOrigin Echoes of DecimationOrigin OriginOrigin Informis Infinitas InhumanitasOrwell EndeavorsOrwell AVOHFASIHOskoreien OskoreienOuroboros Glorification of a MythPainted in Exile RevitalizedPallbearer Sorrow And ExtinctionPanopticon CollapsePathosray PathosrayPelican The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon...Pensees Nocturnes Ceci est de la musiquePeshmerga Murderous Acts of CrueltyPeste Noire La Sanie des SièclesPeste Noire Folkfuck FoliePeste Noire Macabre Transcendance... (Demo)Pestilence DoctrinePetrychor Effigies and EpitaphsPlanet X UniversePlanet X MoonBabiesPlanet X QuantumPrimitive Graven Image Celebrating Impending ChaosProstitute Disfigurement Embalmed MadnessProstitute Disfigurement Left In Grisly FashionProtest the Hero ScurrilousProtest the Hero KeziaProtest the Hero Fortress (Instrumental)Psycroptic Ob(Servant)Psycroptic Symbols of FailurePsycroptic The Scepter of the AncientsPsyopus Our Puzzling Encounters ConsideredPyramids PyramidsPyrrhon An Excellent Servant But a Terrible MasterRadiance The Burning SunRed Sparowes Every Red Heart Shines Toward The Red...Reflux The Illusion Of DemocracyRhinocervs RH-12Riverside Anno Domini High DefinitionRosetta/Junius SplitRotting Christ GenesisRussian Circles EmprosSacramentum Far Away from the SunSadist CrustSael The Sixth ExtinctionSarcolytic Thee Arcane ProgenySatariel HydraSatyricon Nemesis DivinaSear Bliss Eternal RecurrenceSecrets of the Moon PrivilegivmSepticflesh CommunionSerdce The Alchemy Of HarmonySevered Savior Brutality is LawShyy/... The Path Toward ForgetfulnessSigh Imaginary SonicscapeSilencer (SWE) Death - Pierce MeSkepticism AlloySodom SodomSoen CognitiveSolefald Norron LivskunstSolution .45 For Aeons PastSpiralmountain BlacksandStargazer (AUS) A Great Work of AgesStructures All of the AboveSubRosa (US) No Help for the Mighty OnesSunn O))) White1Sunn O))) Monoliths and DimensionsSuspyre A Great DivideSylosis Edge of the EarthSyphilic Behind BarsTaake TaakeTankard ThirstTetrafusion HorizonsTextures DualismThe 11th Hour Burden Of GriefThe 11th Hour Lacrima MortisThe Absence Riders of the PlagueThe Absence Enemy UnboundThe Angelic Process Weighing Souls With SandThe Black Dahlia Murder NocturnalThe Black Dahlia Murder RitualThe Crinn Dreaming SaturnThe Fall of Troy In the Unlikely EventThe Funeral Pyre Vultures At DawnThe Haunted UnseenThe Human Abstract MidheavenThe Morningside The Wind, The Trees And The Shadows...The Ocean HeliocentricThe Omega Experiment The Omega ExperimentThe Ruins of Beverast Foulest Semen of a Sheltered EliteThorngoth LeereThrown To The Sun Of Oceans And RaindropsThy Catafalque RengetegTorchbearer Death MeditationsTorture Chain Across Great Landscapes to a Legacy of BloodTracedawn Ego AnthemTvangeste Damnation of RegiomontumTwilight Monument To Time EndUfomammut SnailkingUlcerate The Destroyers of AllUlver Nattens MadrigalUlver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitlerUnbreakable Hatred Total ChaosUnearth Darkness in the LightUnearth The Oncoming StormUnexpect Fables of the Sleepless EmpireUnmerciful Unmercifully BeatenUrna Iter Ad LucemVarathron CrowsreignVasaeleth Crypt Born & Tethered To RuinVed Buens Ende Written In WatersVehemence Helping the World to SeeVeil of Maya [id]Vektor Black FutureVerwustung Beyond The Watercolor Sunset, We Feel New LifeVessels HelioscopeViraemia ViraemiaVolahn Dimensiones del Trance KosmicoVolahn/Kallathon Disequilibrium of the Ecliptic PlaneVreid KraftVreid MilorgWaldgefluster HerbstklagenWeapon From The Devil's TombWeapon Drakonian ParadigmWildernessking The Writing of Gods in the SandWindir ArntorWindir 1184Windir SoknardalrWindir LikferdWith Passion In The Midst Of Bloodied SoilWithin the Ruins CreatureWoe A Spell For The Death Of ManWolves in the Throne Room Black CascadeWolves in the Throne Room Celestial LineageWoods of Desolation Torn Beyond ReasonWorld Under Blood TacticalWormrot DirgeWormrot AbuseWretched (USA-NC) The Exodus of AutonomyXasthur A Gate Through Bloodstained MirrorsYear of No Light AusserweltYgg YggYOB AtmaZero Hour A Fragile MindZero Hour Dark DeceiverZombi Surface to AirZombi Escape Velocity3.5 great1349 DemonoirAaskereia Dort, wo das alte Bose ruhtAbacinate GenesisAbsu AbzuAcid Witch StonedAcross Tundras Dark Songs Of The PrairieAfter the Burial In DreamsAgoraphobic Nosebleed Altered States of AmericaAgoraphobic Nosebleed Frozen Corpse Stuffed With DopeAirs GloomlightsAlcest Les Voyages De L'ÂmeAlmah MotionAmon Amarth Surtur RisingAmorphis The Beginning of TimesAn Autumn EverythingAnaal Nathrakh In the Constellation of the Black WidowAnd Hell Followed With ProprioceptionAnd So I Watch You From Afar GangsArsis United in RegretArsonists Get All the Girls MotherlandAs Blood Runs Black InstinctAstarte SirensASVA Presences of AbsencesAt the Gates With Fear I Kiss the Burning DarknessAugust Burns Red LevelerAzarath Blasphemers' MaledictionsAzarath Praise the BeastBarn Owl Lost in the GlareBecoming The Archetype Celestial CompletionBelphegor Blood Magick NecromanceBelphegor Bondage Goat ZombieBeneath the Massacre Mechanics of DysfunctionBeneath the Massacre IncongruousBlack Boned Angel The Endless Coming to LifeBlack Breath Sentenced To LifeBlackguard FirefightBloodbath Unblessing the PurityBoris Attention PleaseBorknagar UrdBorn of Osiris The New ReignBrutal Truth End TimeBurzum HlidskjalfCanvas Solaris Spatial/DesignCarach Angren Death Came Through a Phantom ShipCastevet Mounds of AshCatamenia CavalcadeCauldron Burning FortuneCenotaph Putrescent Infectious RabidityCerebral Bore Maniacal MiscreationCircle of Ouroborus Eleven FingersCloudkicker Let Yourself Be HugeCloudkicker LoopCoffinworm When All Became NoneCoheed and Cambria No World for TomorrowCondemned Desecrate the VileCoprofago Unorthodox Creative CriteriaCorrupted Garten Der UnbewusstheitCraft Terror Propaganda - Second Black Metal AttackCraft Total Soul RapeCraft VoidCryptopsy The Unspoken KingCynic Carbon-Based AnatomyDark The Suns All Ends In SilenceDarkest Hour The Human RomanceDarkwater Where Stories EndDawn Of Relic Lovecraftian DarkDe Magia Veterum The Divine AntithesisDeafheaven DemoDecimation Anthems of an Empyreal DominionDemonaz March of the NorseDestroyer 666 To the Devil His DueDevin Townsend Project AddictedDevin Townsend Project KiDew-Scented InvocationDioramic TechnicolorDirge (FR) Elysian Magnetic FieldsDisarmonia Mundi Mind TricksDisfigured Amputated GorewhoreDisillusion Back to Times of SplendorDisma Towards the MegalithDismal Lapse Eon FragmentationDismember DismemberDissection ReinkaosDolorvotre DolorvotreDrainland And So Our Troubles BeganEarth Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light IIEarthless Rhythms from a Cosmic SkyEast of the Wall The ApologistEmbryonic Devourment Beheaded by VolitionEmperor IX EquilibriumEndstille Infektion 1813Endstille DominanzEnslaved ThornEnthroned Carnage In World's BeyondEnthroned Tetra KarcistEucharist MirrorworldsExmortus Beyond the Fall of TimeFalloch Where Distant Spirits RemainFarsot IIIIFarsot InsectsFauna RainFellsilent The Hidden WordsFen The Malediction FieldsFleshgod Apocalypse AgonyFleshrot (UK) Traumatic ReconfigurationFuck the Facts Die MiserableGhost Brigade Until Fear No Longer Defines UsGhostlimb InfrastructureGiant Squid CenotesGnaw Their Tongues Per Flagellum Sanquemque Tenebras VeneramusGoatwhore Funeral Dirge For The Rotting SunGoatwhore A Haunting CurseGod Forbid EquilibriumGorgoroth Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem TrahuntGorgoroth Ad Majorem Sathanas GloriamGory Delivery Conceived to PrevailGrails Deep PoliticsGrave Hating LifeGraveworm Collateral DefectGraveworm Engraved In BlackGraveworm Fragments Of DeathGraviton MasslessGrayceon All We DestroyGuttural Secrete Reek Of Pubescent DespoilmentHammers Of Misfortune 17th StreetHate Eternal Phoenix Amongst The AshesHavok Time Is UpHecate Enthroned Upon Promeathean ShoresHigh on Fire De Vermis MysteriisHooded Priest Devil Worship ReckoningHour of 13 The RitualistHuman Error Memories of the AfterlifeHypocrisy HypocrisyIkuinen Kaamos Fall of IconsImmolation ProvidenceImmortal All Shall FallImmortal Souls IV: The Requiem for the Art of DeathIn Flames Come ClarityInevitable End The Severed InceptionInexistence (ARG) Land of GraysIngested Surpassing the Boundaries of Human SufferingInsidious Disease ShadowcastInsomnium One for SorrowInterment Into the Crypts of BlasphemyIrrwisch IrrwischIskald The Sun I Carried AloneJag Panzer The Scourge Of The LightJoe Satriani Black Swans and Wormhole WizardsKampfar MareKarma To Burn Almost HeathenKarma To Burn Appalachian IncantationKataklysm The Prophecy (Stigmata of the ImmaculateKataklysm Epic: The Poetry of WarKekal 8Krieg The IsolationistKrisiun The Great ExecutionKroda SchwarzpfadKylesa Spiral ShadowLake Of Blood As Time and Tide Erodes StoneLast Call Chernobyl Drowning Beneath The Sound Of ChangeLast Chance to Reason Level 2Lay Down Rotten Mask of MaliceLes Discrets Ariettes Oubliees...Leviathan The Blind WoundLeviathan True Traitor, True WhoreLeviathan / Acherontas Sic Luceat LuxLifelover SjukdomLiturgy AesthethicaLoss DespondMammoth Grinder Extinction of HumanityMan Must Die No Tolerance For ImperfectionManiac Butcher MasakrMarduk WormwoodMarduk Iron DawnMaster The Human MachineMechanism Inspired HorrificMercenary MetamorphosisMetal Church This Present WastelandMitochondrion ParasignosisMorbid Angel HereticMorbus Chron Sleepers in the RiftMork Gryning Return FireMors Principium Est Liberation = TerminationMose Giganticus Gift HorseMuknal CN-22Musk Ox Musk OxMutant Supremacy Infinite SufferingMy Epic YetmyGRAIN myGRAINMyrath Tales of the SandsNaglfar PariahNaglfar Ex InferisNahash Wellone AeternitasNapalm Death UtilitarianNegura Bunget Virstele PamintuluiNightbringer Apocalypse SunNightrage InsidiousOceansize EffloresceOctober Falls A Collapse of FaithOld Man's Child In Defiance of ExistenceOld Man's Child Slaves of the WorldOpeth HeritageOv HELL The Underworld RegimePanopticon On the Subject of MortalityPanopticon Social DisservicesPantheon I Worlds I CreatePassenger (SWE) PassengerPathosray Sunless SkiesPaul Gilbert Fuzz UniversePaysage d'Hiver/Lunar Aurora SplitPentagram Last RitesPersefone Shin-KenPeste Noire L'Ordure a l'etat PurPeste Noire Ballade cuntre lo Anemi francorPhobia Unrelenting EPPsyopus Odd SensesPsypheria Embrace The MutationPutrid Pile The Pleasure in SufferingPutridity Mental Prolapse Induces NecrophilismPutridity Degenerating Anthropophagical EuphoriaRadiohead The King of LimbsRaventale Bringer of HeartsoreRed Fang Murder The MountainsRed Sparowes The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therein...Rorcal HeliogabalusRotting Christ Sleep Of The AngelsRotting Christ A Dead PoemRotting Christ Thy Mighty ContractRuin Lust Demo 2011Samael Lux MundiSaros Acrid PlainsSatyricon VolcanoScar Symmetry The Unseen EmpireSceptic Pathetic BeingSea of Bones The HarvestSectioned (Death Metal) Purulent RealitySectu InundateSeidr For Winter FireSepticflesh The Great MassSevere Torture SlaughteredShining (SWE) VII: Fodd ForlorareShort Bus Pile Up Repulsive Display of Human UpholsterySickening Horror The Dead End ExperimentSickening Horror When Landscapes Bled BackwardsSigh In SomniphobiaSkeletonwitch Forever AbominationSolerrain Fighting the IllusionsSorgeldom Inner ReceivingsSpheric Universe Experience UnrealSuicidal Angels BloodbathSvart Crown Witnessing The FallSwallow the Sun Emerald Forest and the BlackbirdSwarms Old Raves EndSympathy InvocationSymphony X IconoclastTankard Vol(l)ume 14Tempest (Can) PassagesTesseracT OneThe Atlas Moth A Glorified Piece of Blue SkyThe Austrasian Goat The Austrasian GoatThe Crown Doomsday KingThe Howling Wind Into The CryosphereThe Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation AnthropomorphicThe Safety Fire Grind the OceanThirst of Revenge The Beginning of the EndThis Will Destroy You Field StudiesThroes of Dawn Binding of the SpiritThursday No DevolucionTombs Path of TotalityTouche Amore Parting The Sea Between Brightness And MeToundra Toundra (II)Ulver Wars of the RosesUlver Themes From William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and HellUrgehal IkonoklastVale of Pnath The Prodigal EmpireVallenfyre A Fragile KingVastum Carnal LawVelnias Sovereign NocturnalVerwustung I First Saw You On That Snowy Night And Vile New Age of ChaosViolator Chemical AssaultVisceral Bleeding Remnants of DeprivationVisceral Bleeding Transcend Into FerocityVolturyon Coordinated MutilationVolumes ViaVolumes The Concept of DreamingVomitory Opus Mortis VIIIVreid I KrigWarbringer Worlds Torn AsunderWedard Eiskrieg IIWedard Einsamer WinterwegWhile Heaven Wept Fear of InfinityWhite Arms of Athena AstrodramaWilds Forlorn We, the DamnedWistful WistfulWithin the Ruins InvadeWodensthrone LossWoe Quietly, UndramaticallyWolfshade When AboveWolverine Communication LostWoods of Ypres Woods 4: The Green AlbumWormed PlanisphaeriumWormrot NoiseX-Panda Flight of FancyXasthur All Reflections DrainedYellow Eyes Silence Threads the Evening's ClothZarathustra In Hora Mortis3.0 good65daysofstatic Silent RunningAeon Of Horus The Embodiment of Darkness and LightAgoraphobic Nosebleed AgorapocalypseAldrlag DemoAmia Venera Landscape The Long ProcessionAnaal Nathrakh PassionAnthrax Worship MusicArsis Starve for the DevilAsh Pool Genital TombAsphyx Death... The Brutal WayB.M. Sharp Music is TightBarren Earth The Devil's ResolveBeing Killed Kill YourselfBelphegor Walpurgis Rites - HexenwahnBlack Math Horseman WylltBlack Murder FeastsBlack Sun Aeon Blacklight DeliveranceBlack Tide Post MortemBlack Tusk Set The DialBlood Red Throne Brutalitarian RegimeBlut Aus Nord The Mystical Beast of RebellionBoris New AlbumBoris With Merzbow KlatterByfrost Of DeathCaina Hands That PluckCatamenia Location:COLDCave In White SilenceCerebral Incubation Asphyxiating on ExcrementChildren of Bodom Relentless Reckless ForeverCircle of Contempt Artifacts in MotionCodes In The Clouds As the Spirit WanesConsummatum Est HypnagogiaCraft Fuck the UniverseCrone Endless MidnightDeadlock Bizarro WorldDeals Death Internal DemonsDestroyer KaputtDetonation ReprisalDevourment Unleash the CarnivoreDisturbed AsylumDivine Heresy Bringer of PlaguesDrowning the Light An Alignment of Dead StarsDysentery Internal DevastationEnthroned PentagrammatonEntrails (SWE) The Tomb AwaitsEphel Duath The Painter's PaletteEvile Enter the GraveFair to Midland Arrows and AnchorsFall In Archaea GatheringsFinsterforst Zum Tode HinFleshcrawl SoulskinnerFucked Up David Comes to LifeGallows for Grace A Process For the Destruction of TomorrowGhoul Transmission ZeroGorath Apokálypsis (Unveiling the Age that is not to ComeGraf Orlock DoomboxHammerFall InfectedHarvey Milk A Small Turn of Human KindnessIcon In Me Head Break SolutionICS Vortex Storm SeekerIQ FrequencyIroha IrohaKataklysm Heaven's Venomwow, i used to like these guys so much. but it seems to me there albums are getting worse as they go on :/ namely after Serenity in Fire. Kataklysm PrevailKladovest Escape in MelancholyLandmine Marathon GallowsLazarus A.D. Black Rivers FlowLento IconLoincloth Iron Balls of SteelMarionette EnemiesMaybeshewill I Was Here For a Moment, Then I Was GoneMegadeth Th1rt3enMike Patton Mondo CaneMogwai Hardcore Will Never Die, But You WillMy Dying Bride The Barghest o’ WhitbyMy Morning Jacket CircuitalNaglfar HarvestNetherbird Monument Black ColossalNightbringer Hierophany of the Open GraveNightrage Descent Into ChaosNortt GudsforladtOld Silver Key Tales of WanderingsPandemic Genocide Mighty ApocalypsePantheist PantheistPelican AustralasiaPig Destroyer NatashaPrimus Green NaugahydeRaspberry Bulbs Nature Tries AgainRevocation Chaos of FormsRiverside Memories In My HeadRotten Sound CursedRussian Circles GenevaSadistik Exekution We Are Death... Fukk You !Scar Symmetry Dark Matter DimensionsSerianna InheritorsSkagos AstSkogen (SWE) SvitjodSoul Embraced Dead AliveSubstructure MonolithTemple of Baal Temple Of Baal - Aosoth SplitThe Black Dahlia Murder DeflorateThe Contortionist ApparitionThe Gates Of Slumber ConquerorThe Safety Fire SectionsThe Sun Came Up Upon the Left And the Dreams so Rich in ColorThorazine GeneticideThyrfing Hels ViteTimes of Grace The Hymn of a Broken ManTroll (NO) Neo-Satanic SupremacyTurbid North OrogenyTusk The Resisting DreamerUneven Structure FebruusUnleashed Hammer BattalionVeil of Maya EclipseVildhjarta MåsstadenVile DepopulateVisions HomeWeedeater Jason The DragonWithin the Ruins OmenWolvhammer The Obsidian PlainsWoods of Desolation SorhWretched (USA-NC) Son of PerditionXerath II2.5 averageA Plea for Purging The Marriage Of Heaven And HellAbysmal Dawn Leveling the Plane of ExistenceAll That Remains For We Are ManyArch Enemy Khaos LegionsAstral Rebirth The Axis of the Utter Black OceanAvichi The Devil's FractalBlack Cobra InvernalBlack Funeral Vukolakblink-182 NeighborhoodsBlood Stain Child EpsilonBloodbath The Fathomless MasteryCarnifex Until I Feel NothingChimaira The Age of HellCold SuperfictionDevilDriver BeastDevin Townsend Project DeconstructionDevin Townsend Project GhostDimmu Borgir Death Cult ArmageddonDornenreich FlammentriebeDream Theater A Dramatic Turn of EventsExplosions in the Sky Take Care, Take Care, Take CareGrave Burial GroundHail of Bullets On Divine WindsHell (UK) Human RemainsI Am Abomination The Passion Of The HeistIn Flames Sounds of a Playground FadingInvisius ChangesJob For A Cowboy GloomKarma To Burn VKnights Of The Abyss The Culling of WolvesLocrian The ClearingMetallica Beyond MagneticMorbid Angel Illud Divinum InsanusNecrophagia Deathtrip 69Scrambled Defuncts Souls Despising The GodSkeletonwitch Beyond the PermafrostSodom In War And PiecesThirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful LieThis Will Destroy You Tunnel BlanketThou To The Chaos Wizard YouthThreat Signal Threat SignalTrap Them Darker HandcraftTrivium In WavesTsjuder Legion HelveteWolvhammer Black Marketeers of World War III2.0 poorBann AeschatologiaBig Business Mind the DriftBlood Of The Black Owl Blood of the Black OwlBorn of Osiris A Higher PlaceChevelle Hats Off to the BullEmpire Auriga Auriga DyingI Declare War I Declare WarKnights Of The Abyss ShadesLamb of God ResolutionMalevolent Creation Invidious DominionTexas in July I AmThe Ghost Inside ReturnersToxic Holocaust Conjure and CommandWulfgar Midgardian Metal1.5 very poorArbiter ColossusBleeding Through The Great FireCaliban Say Hello to TragedyCorpus Christi The Darker Shades Of WhiteJob For A Cowboy DoomRed Hot Chili Peppers I'm With YouStructures Divided ByThe Devil Wears Prada Dead ThroneThe Unguided Hell FrostUpon a Burning Body The World Is OursWinds of Plague Against the World1.0 awfulChelsea Grin My Damnation
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z