Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 6 Album Ratings 1257 Objectivity 63%
Last Active 06-18-11 4:36 am Joined 11-29-10
Review Comments 586
death, isis, dysrhythmia, canvas solaris, augury, decrepit birth, necrophagist, gorod, watchtower, centinex, evoken, ahab, green carnation, quo vadis, atdi, to name a few., , , , , ,
| MoosechriS I would love to see them live, but unless they fly to the uk it aint gonna happen :( you can still get the ash borer self titled vinyl from the psychic violence and pesanta urfolk webstores.
| MoosechriS Yeah it rules, got the rainbath shir they did too. The corpse one is my fave though M/
| Hawks Just typed it into google and found it a few links down.
| Vesper Lol, just realized you wouldn't be able to recognize me at the show, so if you wanna say hi, I'm the Korean girl with the blonde guy. /SputnikIRL
| Vesper Alright, see ya there, man.