Average Rating: 3.83 Rating Variance: 0.36 Objectivity Score: 61% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicBoris PinkCave In JupiterConverge Jane DoeCult of Luna Somewhere Along the HighwayDeath HumanDeath SymbolicDir En Grey Uroboros (Remastered & Expanded)Dir En Grey UroborosDiscordance Axis The Inalienable DreamlessEdge of Sanity CrimsonFrank Zappa Hot RatsGodflesh StreetcleanerHave a Nice Life DeathconsciousnessIron Maiden The Number Of The BeastISIS PanopticonISIS OceanicKatatonia Last Fair Deal Gone DownKate Bush Hounds of LoveKayo Dot Choirs of the EyeKing Crimson In the Court of the Crimson KingKing Crimson RedMastodon Crack the Skyemaudlin of the Well BathMy Bloody Valentine LovelessNeurosis Times Of GraceNeurosis Through Silver In BloodOpeth Blackwater ParkPig Destroyer TerrifyerPink Floyd The Dark Side Of The MoonPorcupine Tree Fear of a Blank PlanetRadiohead Kid ARosetta The Galilean SatellitesRush Moving PicturesRush 2112Sleep DopesmokerStratovarius VisionsSwans Soundtracks for the BlindThe Angelic Process Weighing Souls With SandThe Brave Little Abacus Just Got Back from the Discomfort...Tool LateralusTool ÆnimaX Japan Art of LifeYes Close to the Edge4.5 superbAgalloch Ashes Against the GrainAlcest Écailles De LuneAlcest KodamaAmenra Mass IIIAmenra Mass VII think I can say without hesitation that A Solitary Reign is their best song ever. Anathema JudgementBaroness PurpleBaroness Blue RecordBass Communion LitanyBell Witch Mirror ReaperBlood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human RaceBlood Incantation Live VitrificationBoris Boris At Last -Feedbacker-Boris FloodBotch We Are the RomansBotch American NervosoBotch An Anthology of Dead EndsCaspian Dust and DisquietCaspian Live At Old South ChurchCasualties of Cool Casualties of CoolCattle Decapitation Death AtlasChelsea Wolfe ApokalypsisComus First UtteranceConverge You Fail MeConverge You Fail Me ReduxCult of Luna SalvationCult of Luna and Julie Christmas MarinerDanny Brown Atrocity ExhibitionDaughters You Won't Get What You WantDavid Bowie BlackstarDavid Sylvian Dead Bees on a CakeDeath The Sound of PerseveranceDeathspell Omega ParacletusDevin Townsend Ocean Machine: BiomechDevin Townsend TerriaDevin Townsend Project AddictedDir En Grey RinkakuDir En Grey ArcheDream Theater ScoreDream Theater Images And WordsDream Theater Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a MemoryElizabeth Colour Wheel NoceboEndon MamaEndon Through The MirrorEnvy A Dead Sinking StoryFull of Hell Trumpeting EcstasyThe segue-way between Crawling Back To God and Fractured Quartz might possibly be the best moment in FoH history. Full of Hell Weeping ChoirFull of Hell and Merzbow Full of Hell and MerzbowGhost (SWE) MelioraGodflesh PureGuniw Tools Other GooseHave a Nice Life The Unnatural WorldInter Arma The CavernIntronaut The Direction of Last ThingsIron Maiden PowerslaveIron Maiden Seventh Son Of A Seventh SonIron Maiden Somewhere In TimeIron Maiden Live After DeathISIS CelestialISIS Wavering RadiantISIS In the Absence of TruthJesu SilverKatatonia Discouraged OnesKatatonia Night Is the New DayKatatonia Last Fair Day Gone NightKatatonia Tonight's DecisionKatatonia Brave Murder DayKatatonia The Great Cold DistanceKate Bush The DreamingKayo Dot HubardoKayo Dot Coffins on IoKeiji Haino and Sumac American Dollar BillKing Crimson Larks' Tongues in AspicMare MareMastodon Leviathanmaudlin of the Well Part the Secondmaudlin of the Well Leaving Your Body MapMerzbow Pulse DemonNeurosis The Eye Of Every StormNeurosis Enemy Of The SunNeurosis Souls At ZeroNeurosis A Sun That Never SetsOld Man Gloom Seminar III: ZozobraOld Man Gloom ChristmasOpeth Ghost ReveriesOpeth DeliveranceOpeth DamnationOpeth Deliverance & Damnation RemixedPelican What We All Come to NeedPig Destroyer Prowler in the YardPink Floyd AnimalsPlanning for Burial Below the HouseBy some margin, one of my favorite albums of the year so far. I think this is some of Planning For Burial's strongest collection of songs and for me encapsulates that desolate, wintery vibe that I feel the album art portrays. Favorite Track: Warmth Of YouPorcupine Tree Stupid DreamRed House Painters Red House PaintersRed House Painters Ocean BeachRide NowhereRosetta Wake/LiftRush R30: 30th Anniversary TourRush A Farewell To KingsRush HemispheresRush Permanent WavesRush Exit...Stage LeftRush SignalsRush Power WindowsSlowdive SouvlakiSteven Wilson InsurgentesStreet Sects The Kicking MuleSukekiyo AdoratioSUMAC What One BecomesSUMAC Love In ShadowSwans To Be KindSwans The Glowing ManSwans The SeerSwans DeliquescenceThe Dillinger Escape Plan Irony Is a Dead SceneThe Dillinger Escape Plan Miss MachineThe Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating InfinityThou MagusBest band of their kind in the game proves why they?re truly are IMO with Magus.Throbbing Gristle 20 Jazz Funk GreatsThundercat The Golden Age Of ApocalypseToby Driver Live at Roulette, March 2017Toby Driver They Are the ShieldUlver Shadows of the SunUlver Nattens Madrigal4.0 excellent3TEETH shutdown.exeAgalloch The MantleAlcest Le Secret (2011 Version)Alcest Les Voyages De L'ÂmeAlcest Spiritual InstinctAmenra Mass VAmenra Mass IIIIAmenra AliveAnathema We're Here Because We're HereAnathema Alternative 4Anathema Weather SystemsAnathema Distant SatellitesBaroness Red AlbumBass Communion CenotaphBell Witch LongingBlack Wing ...Is DoomedBlackfield Blackfield IIBlackfield BlackfieldBlackfield Live in New York CityBlood Incantation StarspawnBlood Incantation Interdimensional ExtinctionBlur Modern Life Is RubbishBlur ParklifeBoris NoiseBoris Heavy RocksBoris Crossing WaltzBoris Akuma no UtaBoris DearBoris The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked ExtraAn "extra" of The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked series...yet for me personally, the best of the bunch. Boris Amplifier WorshipBoris Live At Third Man RecordsI was at the Brooklyn show 4 days after this was recorded. Memories were made that night and this is a great document/souvenir from that tour. Boris Love and EvolBraveyoung Misery and PrideBraveyoung We Are Lonely AnimalsBrockhampton SATURATION IIIBrutus (BE) NestBurzum FilosofemCaspian Castles High, Marble BrightCaspian Waking SeasonCaspian Hymn For The Greatest GenerationCaspian TertiaCaspian You Are The ConductorCaspian On CirclesCattle Decapitation The Anthropocene ExtinctionCave In Until Your Heart StopsCave In Perfect Pitch BlackCave In AntennaCave In White SilenceCave In Creative EclipsesCave In Final TransmissionChelsea Wolfe Hypnos / FlameChelsea Wolfe AbyssChelsea Wolfe Pain Is BeautyChelsea Wolfe The Grime And The GlowLow-fi and underrecorded compared to everything after it which might be a turn off for some, but personally I find it to be this album's charm. This grew on me a lot and I'm now quite partial to it (and Apokalypsis which is my personal fav CW album). Halfsleeper might very well be my all time favorite song of hers (both live & studio).Chelsea Wolfe Live At Roadburn 2012Chelsea Wolfe Hiss SpunChelsea Wolfe Birth of ViolenceCircle MiljardThis is an anomaly in Circle's discography. The band stray from their krautrock/heavy metal sound and go for a piano and bass driven ambient record on Miljard. The end result is what I personally think is their finest hour and if you've never heard of the band before, far more fascinating than their "typical" sound. Ideal to listen to during the winter while watching the snow fall. Cloakroom Further OutConsumer In ComputersConverge All We Love We Leave BehindConverge Axe to FallConverge Jane LiveConverge I Can Tell You About PainConverge The Dusk in UsCult Leader Lightless WalkCult Leader A Patient ManCult of Luna VertikalCult of Luna The BeyondCult of Luna Eternal KingdomCynic FocusDalek From Filthy Tongue Of Gods And GriotsDalek Endangered PhilosophiesDaughters DaughtersDaughters Hell SongsDavid Bowie LowDavid Bowie "Heroes"David Sylvian BlemishDavid Sylvian Secrets of the BeehiveDavid Sylvian ManafonDeafheaven Roads to JudahDeafheaven SunbatherDeath Individual Thought PatternsDeath LeprosyDeathspell Omega The Synarchy of Molten BonesDeathspell Omega DroughtDedekind Cut $uccessor (ded004)Dedekind Cut TahoeDeerhunter CryptogramsDevin Townsend InfinityDevin Townsend Ziltoid the OmniscientDevin Townsend Project GhostDevin Townsend Project TranscendenceDevin Townsend Project EpicloudDevin Townsend Project KiDevin Townsend Project DeconstructionDir En Grey KisouDir En Grey The UnravelingDir En Grey Dum Spiro SperoDir En Grey VulgarDir En Grey GauzeDir En Grey Withering to DeathDream Theater Six Degrees of Inner TurbulenceDream Theater OctavariumDream Theater AwakeDream Theater A Change Of SeasonsDrowse Cold AirDrowse Light MirrorDrowse Second SelfEarth Earth 2: Special Low Frequency VersionEarth The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's SkullElder (USA-MA) Reflections of a Floating WorldElderwind The Magic of NatureEmma Ruth Rundle Marked for DeathEmma Ruth Rundle On Dark HorsesEnsiferum EnsiferumI admit I don't listen to much folk metal but damn was this awesome! Faith No More Angel DustFates Warning Perfect SymmetryFates Warning A Pleasant Shade of GrayFKA Twigs MagdaleneFrank Zappa Sheik YerboutiFrank Zappa ApostropheFull of Hell Rudiments of MutilationFull of Hell Roots Of Earth Are Consuming My HomeFull of Hell Amber Mote In The Black VaultGatecreeper DesertedGodflesh Songs of Love and HateGodflesh Us and ThemGodflesh A World Lit Only by FireGodflesh HymnsGodflesh SelflessGodflesh Post SelfGodflesh GodfleshGodflesh Cold WorldGodflesh Decline and FallGorillaz Demon DaysHarvey Milk Life... The Best Game in TownHave a Nice Life Time of LandHave a Nice Life Sea of WorryIf These Trees Could Talk Red ForestInfernal Coil Within a World ForgottenInter Arma Sulphur EnglishInter Arma Sky BurialInter Arma Paradise GallowsIntronaut PrehistoricismsIntronaut Valley of SmokeIntronaut Habitual LevitationsIntronaut Fluid Existential InversionsIron Maiden KillersIron Maiden Brave New WorldIron Maiden Maiden England '88Iron Maiden The Book Of SoulsIron Maiden Piece Of MindIron Maiden Iron MaidenISIS The Red SeaISIS Mosquito ControlISIS Live VIINext to Live VI (and to an extent Live V), this is up there as one of the most excellent sounding recordings in the series IMO. The only downsides to Live VII that I can think of is that I feel Aaron Turner's vocals sometimes gets buried under the rest of the band especially during the heavier sections and that there's fade ins/fade outs on every track. Since this is the longest of the series (at almost 80 minutes) it was probably necessarily to omit all the cool ambient sounds that segue- ways in between songs for all the content to fit in a single CD.ISIS Live 6 (11/16/2007)ISIS Live 5Japan Tin DrumJesu Everyday I Get Closer to the Light from Which I CameJesu ChristmasJesu JesuJesu ConquerorJesu AscensionJPEGMAFIA VeteranKarnivool Sound AwakeKatatonia The Fall Of HeartsKatatonia Live ConsternationKatatonia Dead End KingsKatatonia Dethroned & UncrownedKatatonia SanctitudeKatatonia Viva EmptinessKatatonia Saw You DrownKatatonia KocyteanKatatonia City BurialsKate Bush The Sensual WorldKayo Dot Dowsing Anemone With Copper TongueKayo Dot Stained GlassKendrick Lamar untitled unmastered.Kendrick Lamar DAMN.King Crimson LizardKing Crimson DisciplineKing Woman DoubtKing Woman Created in the Image of SufferingKowloon Walled City Container ShipsLantlos Melting SunLing Tosite Sigure I'mperfectLing Tosite Sigure #5Ling Tosite Sigure Just a MomentLing Tosite Sigure Inspiration Is DeadLingua Ignota All Bitches DieLingua Ignota CaligulaLiturgy H.A.Q.Q.Luna Sea MotherLuna Sea ImageLussuria Industriale IlluminatoLussuria American BabylonMachinedrum Vapor CityMamiffer Hirror EnnifferMamiffer Statu NascendiMamiffer The World UnseenMamiffer Mare DecendriiMarissa Nadler StrangersMarissa Nadler JulyMarissa Nadler For My CrimesMastodon Blood MountainMastodon Remissionmaudlin of the Well My Fruit Psychobells... A Seed CombustibleMayhem De Mysteriis Dom SathanasMerzbow NoisembryoI felt like I was gonna have an aneurysm at some point while listening to this for the first time...and it was the most fun I had feeling like I was gonna have an aneurysm! Meshuggah Destroy Erase ImproveMeshuggah ChaosphereMeshuggah IMeshuggah obZenMeshuggah Nothing (Re-Release)Mono Hymn to the Immortal WindMouth Of The Architect QuietlyMy Bloody Valentine Isn't AnythingMy Bloody Valentine m b vNadja QuellerNAILS Unsilent DeathNAILS You Will Never Be One Of UsNAILS Abandon All LifeNeurosis Given To The RisingNeurosis Fires Within FiresNo-Man Returning JesusNo-Man Together We're StrangerNorth MetanoiaNorth Light the WayNorth Through Raven's EyesOasis Definitely MaybeOasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory?Oathbreaker RheiaOld Man Gloom Seminar II: The Holy Rites of Primitivism RegressiOld Man Gloom The Ape of God IIOld Man Gloom The Ape of God IOld Man Gloom NOOneohtrix Point Never Age OfOpeth My Arms, Your HearseOpeth Still LifeOpeth LamentationsOxbow An Evil HeatOxbow Thin Black DukePallbearer HeartlessPalms PalmsParadise Lost Faith Divides Us - Death Unites UsParadise Lost Draconian TimesParadise Lost IconPelican AustralasiaPelican Nighttime StoriesPig Destroyer Phantom LimbPink Floyd MeddlePink Floyd Wish You Were HerePink Floyd The WallPlanning for Burial LeavingPlanning for Burial DesideratumPlanning for Burial QuietlyPlanning for Burial Below The House (version)Porcupine Tree In AbsentiaPorcupine Tree DeadwingPorcupine Tree Lightbulb SunPorcupine Tree Nil RecurringPorcupine Tree The IncidentPorcupine Tree Up the DownstairPorcupine Tree SignifyPorcupine Tree The Sky Moves SidewaysPorcupine Tree We Lost the SkylinePorcupine Tree AnesthetizePorcupine Tree IlosaarirockPorcupine Tree Arriving Somewhere...Portrayal of Guilt Portrayal of GuiltPortrayal of Guilt Let Pain Be Your GuidePortrayal of Guilt Suffering is a GiftPrurient Frozen Niagara FallsPrurient Bermuda DrainPrurient Through the WindowPrurient Pleasure GroundQueens of the Stone Age ...Like ClockworkRadiohead AmnesiacRadiohead OK ComputerRainforest Spiritual Enslavement Ambient Black MagicRosetta Quintessential EphemeraRosetta Audio/VisualRosetta A Determinism of MoralityRosetta UtopioidRush Different StagesRush Grace Under Pressure TourRush Vapor Trails RemixedRush R40 LiveRush CounterpartsRush Rush In RioRush All The World's A StageRush Grace Under PressureRush Fly By NightRussian Circles EnterRussian Circles StationRussian Circles GenevaRussian Circles MemorialSleep Sleep's Holy MountainSleep The SciencesSolstafir OttaSRSQ UnrealitySteven Wilson Grace for DrowningSteven Wilson The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)Steven Wilson Hand. Cannot. Erase.Steven Wilson To the BoneStratovarius InfiniteStreet Sects Rat JacketStreet Sects End PositionSukekiyo AnimaSUMAC The DealSun Kil Moon AprilSun Kil Moon BenjiSunn O))) OracleSunn O))) Monoliths and DimensionsSunn O))) Black OneSunn O))) DømkirkeSunn O))) White2Sunn O))) Life MetalSunn O))) and Boris AltarSwallow the Sun HopeSwans The Great AnnihilatorSwans FilthSwans Public Castration Is a Good IdeaSwans Die Tür Ist ZuSwans White Light From the Mouth of InfinitySwans Children of GodTangerine Dream ZeitTartar Lamb Polyimage of Known ExitsThe Body All The Waters Of The Earth Turn To...The Body No One Deserves HappinessThe Body I have fought against it, But I can’t any longerThe Body and Full Of Hell Ascending a Mountain of Heavy LightThe Body and Krieg The Body and KriegThe Dillinger Escape Plan Ire WorksThe Dillinger Escape Plan Option ParalysisThe Dillinger Escape Plan Under the Running BoardThe Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the KillerThe Dillinger Escape Plan DissociationThe Mothers of Invention Over-Nite SensationThou PeasantThou HeathenThou SummitThou TyrantThou InconsolableThis is Thou's "now for something completely different" moment...and to be quite honest, I really like this change in style for this EP a lot more than I thought I would. Thou Rhea SylviaThou OaklandThou RendonThou AlgiersTim Hecker VirginsTim Hecker Ravedeath, 1972Toby Driver MadonnawhoreTomb Mold Planetary ClairvoyanceTorche HarmonicraftTorche AdmissionTribes of Neurot GraceTribes of Neurot Silver Blood TransmissionUlver Perdition CityUlver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitlerUlver The Assassination of Julius CaesarUlver Sic Transit Gloria MundiUniform The Long WalkUniform and The Body Everything That Dies Someday Comes BackVatican Shadow Kneel Before Religious IconsVatican Shadow Remember Your Black DayVein.fm ErrorzoneVermin Womb DeclineVince Staples Prima DonnaVince Staples Summertime '06Vince Staples Big Fish TheoryWeen QuebecWhores. RuinerWhores. CleanWhores. GoldWolves in the Throne Room Celestial LineageWolves in the Throne Room Two HuntersWormrot VoicesWreck and Reference Absolute Still LifeX Japan DahliaYes FragileYes The Yes AlbumYOB The Illusion Of MotionYOB Our Raw HeartYOB The Great CessationZozobra Harmonic Tremors3.5 great3TEETH MetawarAgalloch Marrow of the SpiritAkitsa CredoAlcest ShelterAlcest Souvenirs D'Un Autre MondeAlcest BBC Live SessionAll Your Sisters Trust RuinsAnguish AnguishBaroness Yellow and GreenBass Communion Bass CommunionBass Communion Sisters OregonBell Witch Bell Witch Demo 2011Bison You Are Not the Ocean You Are the PatientBlackfield Blackfield VBoris SmileBoris Heavy Rocks (2011)Boris New AlbumBoris Mr. ShortkillBoris AbsolutegoBoris Urban DanceBoris With Merzbow Sun Baked Snow CaveCaspian The Four TreesCave In Tides of Tomorrow Chelsea Wolfe Unknown Rooms: A Collection of Acoustic SongsCloakroom InfinityCloudkicker BeaconsConverge No HeroesConverge Beautiful RuinCult of Luna Vertikal IICynic Traced in AirDalek Gutter TacticsDalek Asphalt For EdenDeafheaven New BermudaDeath Spiritual HealingDeath Scream Bloody GoreDeath Grips Bottomless PitDedekind Cut The Expanding Domain (ded005)Devin Townsend Project Z2Dir En Grey The Marrow of a BoneDir En Grey The World of MercyDream Theater Train of ThoughtEarth Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light I Echo Beds Buried LanguageElder (USA-MA) LoreEmma Ruth Rundle Electric Guitar 1Emma Ruth Rundle Some Heavy OceanEnvy Atheist's CorneaEnvy Alnair in AugustExplosions in the Sky Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die...Faith No More The Real ThingFaith No More King For A Day... Fool For A LifetimeFaith No More Album of the YearGatecreeper Sonoran DepravationGhost (SWE) InfestissumamGhost (SWE) PopestarGhost (SWE) Opus EponymousGodflesh SlavestateGodflesh MercilessGodflesh MessiahGojira L'Enfant SauvageGorillaz GorillazGorillaz Plastic BeachGuniw Tools SparkyHarvey Milk A Small Turn of Human KindnessHarvey Milk My Love Is Higher Than Your Assessment...Harvey Milk Special WishesHo99o9 United States Of HorrorGood album overall, but translates MUCH better live IMO. They?re definitely one of the most fun bands I?ve seen live.Intronaut NullIntronaut VoidIoanna Gika ThalassaIron Maiden A Matter Of Life And DeathIron Maiden The Final FrontierIron Maiden Dance Of DeathISIS SGNL>05ISIS Live 2Isis and Aereogramme In The Fishtank 14Jesu/Sun Kil Moon Jesu/Sun Kil MoonJesus Piece Only SelfJK Flesh and Prurient Worship Is the Cleansing of the ImaginationKatatonia For Funerals To Come...Katatonia Sounds Of DecayKatatonia Jhva Elohim MethKatatonia Dance of December SoulsKate Bush 50 Words for SnowKayo Dot Plastic House on Base of SkyKayo Dot Gamma KnifeKayo Dot BlasphemyKhanate Capture and ReleaseKing Crimson Starless and Bible BlackLightning Bolt Fantasy EmpireLing Tosite Sigure es or sLiturgy AesthethicaLustmord JuggernautMastodon The HunterMastodon Call of the MastodonMelt-Banana FetchMeshuggah NothingMiserable UncontrollableMono The Last DawnMono Rays of DarknessMono Nowhere Now HereMonolord No ComfortMutoid Man Helium HeadMutoid Man BleederNadja Touched (2007 reissue)Nadja Radiance of ShadowsNeurosis Honor Found In DecayNeurosis SovereignNeurosis The Word As Law (Remastered)Neurosis and Jarboe Neurosis and JarboeNothing Dance On The BlacktopNothing Guilty of EverythingNothing Tired of TomorrowOld Man Gloom Meditations in BOld Tower Stellary WisdomI?m new to dungeon synth music, but I think this is great. Seen him live recently, and it was quite good.Old Tower DrachenblutOm Advaitic SongsOm PilgrimageOpeth WatershedOxbow FuckfestOxbow The Narcotic StoryParadise Lost MedusaParadise Lost One SecondPelican Pink MammothPelican The CliffPig Destroyer Head CagePissgrave Posthumous HumiliationPorcupine Tree FutilePorcupine Tree Octane TwistedPorcupine Tree Staircase InfinitiesPorcupine Tree LazarusPorcupine Tree Coma DivinePorcupine Tree RecordingsPorcupine Tree XMIIPorcupine Tree XMPorcupine Tree Voyage 34: The Complete TripPorcupine Tree WarszawaPorcupine Tree RockpalastPorcupine Tree Spiral CircusPrurient Time's ArrowPrurient Rainbow MirrorPrurient AnnihilationistPrurient The History of AIDSRadiohead In RainbowsRadiohead A Moon Shaped PoolRosetta Flies to FlameRosetta The AnaestheteRush A Show Of HandsRush Vapor TrailsRush Snakes & Arrows LiveRush Hold Your FireRush Clockwork AngelsRush Time Machine 2011: Live in ClevelandRush Caress Of SteelRush RushRussian Circles GuidanceRussian Circles EmprosSannhet Known FloodShow Me The Body Dog WhistleSilent Servant Shadows of Death and DesireSilent Servant Negative FascinationSteven Wilson 4 1/2Steven Wilson Drive HomeSun Kil Moon Common As Light and Love Are Red Valleys of BloodSunn O))) Rehearsal Demo Nov 11 2011Sunn O))) White1Sunn O))) LA Reh 012Swallow the Sun Songs From The North I, II & IIISwallow the Sun New MoonSwans SwansSwans Holy MoneySwans Love of LifeTechno Animal The Brotherhood of the BombThe Body I Shall Die HereNot my favorite, but it's the best $12 (new and sealed) vinyl I've ever owned!The Body and Full Of Hell One Day You Will Ache Like I Achethe GazettE DIMthe GazettE Stacked RubbishThis Will Destroy You Young MountainThis Will Destroy You This Will Destroy YouThou The House PrimordialThundercat ApocalypseThundercat The Beyond/Where The Giants RoamTim Hecker Love StreamsNot Tim Hecker's best album IMO, but I still thought it was a great album and shows that he has continuously put out consistently good, quality albums. Tool 10,000 DaysTool UndertowTool OpiateUlver Messe I.X-VI.XUlver ATGCLVLSSCAPUlver KveldssangerUlver Themes From William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and HellUniform Wake In FrightUniform GhosthouseUniform and The Body Mental Wounds Not HealingVale Burden of SightVatican Shadow Ornamented WallsVermin Womb PermanenceWolves in the Throne Room Malevolent GrainWolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 StarsWolves in the Throne Room Thrice WovenWolves in the Throne Room CelestiteWolves in the Throne Room Black CascadeXasthur 2005 DemoYes RelayerYes Going for the One3.0 goodAnathema A Natural DisasterAnathema A Fine Day to ExitAnathema The OptimistAsh Pool For Which He Plies The LashYeah, I'm with tomr4 on this one. I actually think this is pretty good considering Dominck Fernow is not synonymous with this kind of music. Baroness Gold and GreyBlackfield Welcome To My DNABlackfield Blackfield IVBoris Attention PleaseBoris AsiaBoris WarpathBoris The Thing Which Solomon OverlookedBoris The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked 2Boris The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked 3Daughters Canada SongsDeafheaven Ordinary Corrupt Human LoveDir En Grey UtafumiDir En Grey MacabreDir En Grey The Insulated WorldDir En Grey MISSADir En Grey six UglyDir En Grey Ningen wo KaburuDream Theater Falling Into InfinityFaith No More Sol InvictusFull of Hell and Merzbow Sister FawnGhost (SWE) If You Have GhostHEALTH VOL. 4 :: SLAVES OF FEARIntronaut The ChallengerISIS SawbladeISIS TemporalKayo Dot Blue Lambency DownwardKayo Dot CoyoteKowloon Walled City GrievancesMastodon Cold Dark PlaceColor me surprised, I'm quite shocked that I liked this EP. Personally, I'd be on board for a full length album with stuff like this. Meshuggah Catch ThirtythreeNeurosis The Word As LawNeurosis Pain Of MindNo Sun If OnlyOpeth MorningriseOpeth OrchidPelican Forever BecomingPorcupine Tree On the Sunday of LifePorcupine Tree Yellow Hedgerow DreamscapePorcupine Tree MetanoiaPorcupine Tree InsignificancePower Trip Nightmare LogicPrurient Unknown RainsRadiohead Hail to the ThiefRush Roll The BonesRush Snakes & ArrowsRush PrestoRush Clockwork Angels TourLove the synth era heavy setlist, but the production/mixing on here just blows IMO. The former outweighs the latter, however. Rush Test For EchoSannhet RevisionistSplit Cranium Split CraniumSplit Cranium I'm The Devil and I'm OKStreet Sects Gentrification II: Broken Windows, Sunken CeilingsStreet Sects The Morning After the Night We Raped DeathStreet Sects Things Will Be Better In HellSukekiyo ImmortalisSukekiyo VitiumSUMAC Before You I AppearSunn O))) KannonSunn O))) ØØ VoidSwans My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Skythe GazettE UndyingThis Will Destroy You Another LanguageTorche RestarterWreck and Reference Indifferent Rivers Romance EndYes Tales from Topographic Oceans2.5 averageCode Orange ForeverSome good moments/riffs here and there, but its awkward, questionable, blue ball'd transitions plagues this album for me. They have potential to be great, but their songwriting needs tons of improvement. Ballou's production is fantastic as always. Maybe unrelated, but unfortunately, whatever cred they might have is "Forever" (pun intended) ruined by their comically cringy stage presence live based off of when I saw them open for Dillinger Escape Plan's final show. Cynic Kindly Bent to Free UsDeftones GoreDream Theater Dream TheaterDream Theater A Dramatic Turn of EventsDream Theater When Dream And Day UniteGhost (SWE) PrequelleGojira MagmaGorillaz HumanzIron Maiden Fear Of The DarkIron Maiden A Real Dead OneISIS Live 4Liturgy The Ark WorkMastodon Once More 'Round the SunMeshuggah The Violent Sleep of ReasonMeshuggah KolossMono For My ParentsOpeth Pale CommunionOpeth SorceressOpeth HeritageRush FeedbackSteven Wilson NSRGNTS RMXSthe GazettE NILthe GazettE Toxicthe GazettE Divisionthe GazettE Dogmathe GazettE NinthXasthur All Reflections DrainedXasthur Defective EpitaphXasthur Subliminal Genocide2.0 poorDream Theater Systematic ChaosDream Theater Black Clouds and Silver LiningsIron Maiden No Prayer For The DyingIron Maiden The X FactorISIS Live 1ISIS Live 3Mastodon Emperor of Sandthe GazettE Beautiful Deformitythe GazettE Ugly1.5 very poorIron Maiden Virtual XIYes Fly from Here1.0 awfulDream Theater The AstonishingKid Cudi Speedin' Bullet 2 HeavenYes Heaven and EarthYes Union
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z