Average Rating: 3.17 Rating Variance: 1.11 Objectivity Score: 92% (Very Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicConverge Jane DoeDeath Cab for Cutie TransatlanticismEvery Time I Die Hot Damn!Every Time I Die Low TeensJoyce Manor Never Hungover AgainKanye West YeezusKendrick Lamar To Pimp a ButterflyLa Dispute Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair Lil Ugly Mane Mista Thug IsolationNAILS Unsilent DeathNAILS Abandon All LifeNAILS You Will Never Be One Of UsH A R D C O R E F U C K I N G E X C L U S I V I T YNeutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the SeaPierce the Veil Collide with the SkyProtest the Hero KeziaSachiko M Bar SachikoThe Front Bottoms Back On TopThe Front Bottoms Talon of the HawkThe Front Bottoms The Front BottomsThe Front Bottoms RoseThe Front Bottoms Slow Dance To Soft RockThe Hotelier Home, Like NoPlace Is ThereThe Hotelier GoodnessThe Wonder Years The Greatest GenerationTouche Amore Stage Fourholy shit Touche Amore/La Dispute Searching for a Pulse/The Worth of the WorldYoung Thug Slime Season 3Young Thug JEFFERY4.5 superb.Crrust Pain Is A Mere SensationArchitects All Our Gods Have Abandoned UsAt the Drive-In Relationship of CommandBehemoth The SatanistBomb the Music Industry! ScramblesBotanist VI: FloraBotch We Are the RomansBrand New Deja EntenduBurzum FilosofemCerce CerceConverge You Fail MeConverge You Fail Me ReduxCryptopsy None So VileCult Leader Lightless Walkthey're cohesive now!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol s/o cult leader tho -tortsDance Gavin Dance Acceptance SpeechDaughters Canada SongsDavid Bowie BlackstarDeafheaven New BermudaDeath Grips The Powers That BDeath Grips ExmilitaryDeath Grips The Money StoreDeath Grips No Love Deep WebDeath Grips The Powers That B - Part I: Niggas on the MoonDeath Grips DxDGthis might be my favorite death grips recording of all timeDeath Grips Bottomless PitEarth Earth 2: Special Low Frequency VersionElliott Smith Either/OrEvery Time I Die Ex LivesEvery Time I Die New Junk AestheticEvery Time I Die The Big DirtyExplosions in the Sky Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die...Explosions in the Sky The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Placeflower politics songs about hating my brainflower politics something about a new exciting future called...Frontierer Orange MathematicsG.L.O.S.S. Trans Day Of RevengeGodspeed You! Black Emperor 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!Godspeed You! Black Emperor Slow Riot For New Zero KanadaGodspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞i hate sex Circle ThinkingImpaled Northern Moonforest Impaled Northern MoonforestJeff Rosenstock We Cool?Jeromes Dream PresentsJoliette AtáxicoJordaan Mason Form LessJoyce Manor Joyce ManorLa Dispute WildlifeLeviathan The Tenth Sub Level of SuicideNicole Dollanganger Natural Born Losersthis what lana del rey could've been Pierce the Veil A Flair for the DramaticPierce the Veil Selfish MachinesSecret Cutter If You Don't Hate YourselfSensory Deprivation SNSRY DPRVTNSlint SpiderlandSufjan Stevens IllinoisSunn O))) Monoliths and DimensionsSwans FilthTeen Suicide It's the Big Joyous Celebration..album of the life [23456699609398] The Arrogant Sons of Bitches Three Cheers For DisappointmentThe Front Bottoms/GDP Liberty and ProsperityThe Mars Volta De-Loused in the ComatoriumThe Mire Glass CathedralsThe Mire Volume: IIThe Story So Far The Story So FarTouche Amore Touche AmoreTouche Amore Parting The Sea Between Brightness And MeTouche Amore ...To the Beat of a Dead HorseXibalba Madre Mia Gracias Por Los DiasXiu Xiu Kling Klang4.0 excellent'68 MidnightAbruptum Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectere MeAJJ Only God Can Judge MeAll Time Low Don't Panic: It's Longer Now!American Haiku e.p.Aspid кровоизлияние (Extravasation)Attila OutlawedBay Faction Bay FactionBayside The Walking WoundedBayside CultBea5t Empathy Is a GiftBehemoth DemigodBeyonce LemonadeBig Black Songs About FuckingBlack Moth Super Rainbow Cobra JuicyBlack Sheep Wall I Am God SongsBob Dylan Highway 61 RevisitedBomb the Music Industry! Adults!!!: Smart!!! Shithammered!!! And Excited By Nothing!!!!!!!Bomb the Music Industry! To Leave or Die in Long IslandBoris Boris At Last -Feedbacker-Botanist Hammer of BotanyBrand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside MeBrand New Your Favorite WeaponBring Me The Horizon SempiternalCaptain, We're Sinking The Future Is CancelledChipmunkson16speed SludgefestCircle Takes the Square As the Roots Undoclipping. CLPPNGclipping. WriggleI had a feeling in my gut that these guys would drop soon. heck a yeaaAAAAclipping. Splendor and MiseryCode Orange I Am KingColere I Want to Be in the GroundConverge Axe to FallConverge All We Love We Leave BehindConverge Live At The BBCCulture Abuse PeachDance Gavin Dance Tree City Sessionsso fucking good, tillian has such a depth in his voice that just shines in a live atmosphere. makes all these songs sound incredibleDark Buddha Rising DakhmandalDaughters Hell SongsDaughters DaughtersDeafheaven SunbatherDeath Cab for Cutie The Photo AlbumDeath Grips Death GripsDeath Grips The Powers That B - Part II: Jenny DeathDenzel Curry ImperialDrake If You're Reading This It's Too LateDSGNS HexesDzo-nga Five Treasures of SnowEarl Sweatshirt EARLEmpire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate) What It Takes to Move ForwardEmployed To Serve Greyer than You RememberEvery Time I Die From Parts UnknownEvery Time I Die Gutter PhenomenonFKA Twigs M3LL155Xflower politics sad grrrl eats oatmeal and stares into the...Frank Ocean BlondeFull of Hell and Merzbow Full of Hell and MerzbowFull of Hell/Code Orange SplitFuture DS2Gaza No Absolutes in Human SufferingGDP Useless EatersGhost (SWE) Opus EponymousGhost (SWE) MelioraGodspeed You! Black Emperor 'Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress'Gospel The Moon Is a Dead WorldGreen Day American IdiotGreen Day Bullet In A BibleHot Cross CryonicsInfant Annihilator The Elysian Grandeval GalèriarchJeromes Dream CompletedJoliette PrincipiaJordaan Mason and The Horse Museum Divorce Lawyers I Shaved My HeadJoyce Manor Of All Things I Will Soon Grow TiredKanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyKauan Sorni NaiKendrick Lamar untitled unmastered.King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson KingKnocked Loose Pop CultureLa Dispute VancouverLil B Blue FlameLil Ugly Mane Oblivion AccessLil Yachty Lil Boatlil yachty is my god Lil Yachty Summer Songs 2Loma Prieta I.V.lovechild In Heaven, Everything is Finelovechild Migraine Musicmaudlin of the Well BathMayhem De Mysteriis Dom SathanasMayhem DeathcrushMetallica ...And Justice For AllMF DOOM MM.. FoodModern Baseball Holy Ghost:0 My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet RevengeMy Chemical Romance The Black ParadeNAILS Obscene HumanityNeutral Milk Hotel On Avery IslandNisan Farber Get Bummed!O (ITA) PietraOff Minor The Heat Death of the UniverseOrchid Chaos Is MePARTYNEXTDOOR PARTYNEXTDOOR 3 (P3)Plebeian Grandstand How Hate is Hard to DefinePrince Purple RainPyrrhon An Excellent Servant But a Terrible MasterRainbow Sam and the Riot Squad Punk Is FuckRemeo Laying Siege to My Own HomeRiff Raff Peach PantherRings of Saturn Lugal Ki EnRings of Saturn DingirRotten Sound ExitRun the Jewels Meow the JewelsShining (SWE) V - HalmstadShow Me A Dinosaur Show Me A DinosaurSingle Soul cold drone blues expandedSnowing Fuck Your Emotional BullshitSome Girls All My Friends Are Going DeathStrange Relations -Centrismbetter than yr favorite fkin shoegaze band Sufjan Stevens MichiganSunn O))) White1Sunn O))) and Boris AltarSvffer Lies We LiveSvffer EmpathistSwans CopSwans Public Castration Is a Good IdeaTeen Suicide i will be my own hell because there is a devil inside my bodyThe Front Bottoms My Grandma Vs. PneumoniaThe Front Bottoms Daytrotter SessionsThe Hotelier It Never Goes OutThe Mars Volta Frances the MuteThe Mire Vice RegaliaThe Smith Street Band Throw Me in the RiverThe Sun Days Albuma tight, catchy, and fun indie pop album that doesn't overstay its welcome. this will grow on me hard. definitely not the most revolutionary band, but a damn good one at that. Edit: this still fuckin rulesThe Wonder Years Suburbia I've Given You All and Now I'm NothingThee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our This Wild Life CloudedThis Will Destroy You Another LanguageThrice VheissuTides of Man DreamhouseTigers Jaw Gypsy / Jimmy Piersallits tuesday, Im tay, and this is tuesdays with tay Tiny Moving Parts This Couch Is Long & Full of FriendshipTiny Moving Parts CelebrateTool ÆnimaTouche Amore Is Survived ByUsurp Synapse The Main IngredientUsurp Synapse/Hassan I Sabbah Just Do It!Vektor Terminal ReduxVenomspitter VenomspitterXibalba Hasta La MuertexSPONGEXCOREx How Tough Are Yah?Yo La Tengo PainfulYung Lean Sadboys2001Yung Lean Warlord3.5 great'68 In Humor and SadnessA Day To Remember For Those Who Have HeartAdobe Homes PinataAfter the Burial Rareform (Re-release)After the Burial Wolves WithinAfter the Burial Dig DeepAgoraphobic Nosebleed ArcAJJ People Who Can Eat People are the Luckiest PeopleAll Pigs Must Die God Is WarAll Time Low Don't PanicAltar of Plagues Teethed Glory and InjuryAnodyne Lifetime of Gray SkiesASAP Rocky Live.Love.A$AP.Asunojokei A Bird In The FaultAt the Gates Slaughter of the SoulAttila About That LifeBasement I Wish I Could Stay HereBasement Promise EverythingBayside VacancyBeastiality (SWE) Ancient Bell ChimesBeau Navire LumensBjork VulnicuraBlack Veil Brides We Stitch These WoundsBobby Shmurda Shmurda She WroteBones (USA-CA) SCUMBAGBones (USA-CA) UselessBraid No CoastBring Me The Horizon Suicide SeasonCar Bomb w^w^^w^wCattle Drums Sorta Is The Best We're DoinCerce Teen BibleChevelle Hats Off to the BullCrosses CrossesDance Gavin Dance Downtown Battle MountainDance Gavin Dance Instant GratificationDance Gavin Dance Downtown Battle Mountain IIDangers Messy, Isn't It?Darkthrone Transilvanian HungerDeath Grips Government PlatesDeath Wish Kids DiscographyDenzel Curry Nostalgic 64Despised Icon Day Of MourningDown I Go You're Lucky God, That I Cannot Reach YouDrake Take CareDrive Like Jehu Yank CrimeEarl Sweatshirt I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go OutsideEllorsith 1959Explosions in the Sky The WildernessFall of Efrafa ElilFall of Efrafa OwslaFKA Twigs LP1Flatbush Zombies 3001: A Laced OdysseyFriendzone DXG Herbo Ballin Like I'm KobeG.L.O.S.S. DemoGhost (SWE) InfestissumamGhostface Killah and BADBADNOTGOOD Sour SoulGlassjaw Worship and TributeGlassjaw Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About SilenceGodspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to HeavenGorgoroth PentagramGorguts ObscuraGucci Mane Everybody LookingHarm's Way (USA-IL) IsolationHave a Nice Life DeathconsciousnessHo99o9 Horrors Of 1999I Hate Myself 10 SongsIngested The Architect of ExtinctionJeromes Dream Seeing Means More Than SafetyJoyce Manor/Toys That Kill SplitKaren O Crush SongsKnocked Loose Laugh TracksLa Dispute Rooms of the HouseLeviathan Howl Mockery At The CrossLoma Prieta Life/LessMacintosh Plus Floral ShoppeMake Them Suffer Old SoulsManic Street Preachers The Holy BibleMayhem Esoteric WarfareMegadeth Rust In PeaceMerzbow and Xiu Xiu MERZXIUModern Baseball You’re Gonna Miss It AllModest Mouse Good News for People Who Love Bad NewsMotionless In White CreaturesMr. Bungle CaliforniaMuse Black Holes & RevelationsMy Chemical Romance I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your LoveNadra Allir vegir til glötunarNaked City Naked CityNanashi NanashiNorma Jean WrongdoersOf Mice and Men Of Mice and MenOFWGKTA The OF Tape Vol. 2Panic! at the Disco A Fever You Can't Sweat OutPanic! at the Disco Pretty. Odd.Panopticon / Waldgefluster Panopticon / WaldgeflüsterPossessed Seven ChurchesPUP The Dream Is OverRadiation City SynestheticaRae Sremmurd SremmLifeRemeo Gravity Burstsmight give this a yung review, really liking this, although I do have some gripes I want to expressRicky Eat Acid Three Love SongsRihanna ANTIRites of Spring Rites of SpringScHoolboy Q OxymoronScissorfight Potential New Agent For Unconventional WarfareSea of Shit Sea Of ShitSerpentrance The Besieged SanctumSilent Planet The Night God Sleptstarry cat starry catSuicideyear JapanSupermachiner RustSwans White Light From the Mouth of InfinitySwans To Be KindSystem of a Down ToxicitySystem of a Down System of a DownTeen Suicide waste yrselfThe Clash London CallingThe Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating InfinityThe Front Bottoms I Hate My FriendsThe Front Bottoms Brothers Can't Be Friendsthe i.l.y's I've always been good at true loveThe Mars Volta OctahedronThe Number Twelve Looks Like You MongrelThe Paper Chase Now You Are One of UsThe Saddest Landscape You Will Not SurviveThe Velvet Underground The Velvet Underground & NicoThe Wonder Years No Closer to HeavenThere Will Be Fireworks The Dark, Dark BrightTold Slant Still WaterTool LateralusTotem Skin WeltschmerzTriumvir Foul An Oath of Blood and Fire (demo)Troll (NO) Drep de KristneUlver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitlerUnderoath Ø (Disambiguation)Venereal Baptism Progenitor of all AbberationsVenomspitter/DSGNS SplitVildhjarta MåsstadenWavves King of the BeachXasthur Telepathic With The DeceasedXasthur The Funeral of BeingXibalba Tierra y LibertadXiu Xiu Angel Guts: Red ClassroomYung Lean Lavender 3.0 goodA Day To Remember HomesickA Day To Remember Bad VibrationsANCST MolochArchitects Lost Forever // Lost TogetherASAP Ferg Trap LordASAP Rocky At.Long.Last.A$APBathory BathoryBayside Killing TimeBethlehem Dictius Te NecareBlack Sheep Wall I'm Going to Kill MyselfBored Nothing Bored NothingBucket Full Of Teeth IVCerce AdieuxChurch of the Process The Process Churchclipping. MidcityCom Truise In DecayConverge No HeroesConverge Petitioning The Empty SkyCult Leader Nothing for Us HereCult Leader Useless AnimalCult of Luna Somewhere Along the HighwayCursed IIDaft Punk DiscoveryDanny Brown XXXDarkthrone A Blaze in the Northern SkyDead Chunks Dead ChunksDeath Grips Fashion WeekDeath Grips Live From Death ValleyDeathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem AeternumDepartures Teenage HazeDrake ViewsEarl Sweatshirt DorisEidola DegeneraterraEnterprise Earth 23Escape the Fate Dying Is Your Latest FashionEvery Time I Die Last Night in TownFetty Wap Fetty WapFIDLAR FIDLARFuck the Facts Desire Will Rotghost orchard poppyHangman No Ashes In Our Autumn BloomHarm's Way (USA-IL) RustHive (USA-MN) HiveHo99o9 Dead Bodies In The LakeJ Dilla DonutsJay-Z Magna Carta... Holy GrailJay-Z The BlueprintKendrick Lamar good kid, m.A.A.d cityLate Night Taco Bell Lovers high schoolletlive. Fake HistoryLil Reese Don't LikeLiturgy The Ark WorkLiturgy AesthethicaLoone LooneLord Snow winterholdMasked Intruder Masked IntruderMassive Attack MezzanineModern Baseball SportsNisan Farber If You're Ever Feeling Lost...No Altars Chambers Ov Eternal PunishmentNorma Jean Polar SimilarOf Mice and Men The FloodOrchid OrchidPeriphery PeripheryPierce the Veil MisadventuresFUCK ALL Y'ALL THIS SHIT GON BANNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG AOTY NEXT TO BOTTOMLESS PITPinegrove CardinalProtest the Hero ScurrilousPuig Destroyer Puig DestroyerPyrrhon Running Out Of SkinRadical Face The Family Tree: The RootsRadiohead A Moon Shaped PoolRadiohead OK ComputerRadiohead AmnesiacReflections Exi(s)tRefused The Shape Of Punk To ComeRings of Saturn Embryonic AnomalyRolo Tomassi GrievancesRun the Jewels Run the Jewels 2Runaway Brother MotherSaetia A RetrospectiveScott Walker and Sunn O))) SousedSecret Cutter Self TitledSiege Drop DeadSilencer (SWE) Death - Pierce MeSlayer Reign in BloodSlice the Cake Other SlicesSlint TweezSlipknot IowaStreetlight Manifesto Everything Goes NumbSufjan Stevens Carrie and LowellSuicide Silence The CleansingSunn O))) White2Sunn O))) Kannonthis is gonna bang in the whip fuck all y'all Super Luxury Ten Solid Years Of ApplauseThe Antlers HospiceThe Black Dahlia Murder NocturnalThe Body and Full Of Hell One Day You Will Ache Like I AcheThe Chariot One WingThe Dillinger Escape Plan Miss MachineThe Endless Blockade PrimitiveThe Fall of Troy OKThe Garden HahaThe Hope Conspiracy Death Knows Your NameThe Killers Hot FussThe Story So Far Under Soil and DirtThe World Is a Beautiful Place... HarmlessnessTouche Amore Live at WERS 7"Trap Them Darker HandcraftTwenty One Pilots VesselTyler, the Creator BastardUnearth The Oncoming StormUnwound Leaves Turn Inside YouUs & Us Only Bored CrusadersVictor Shores Sports In GeneralWe Came As Romans We Came As RomansYoung Thug Barter 6Young Thug Slime Season 2Yung Lean Unknown Death 2002Zayn Mind of Mine2.5 averageA Cackle or a Coughing Fit Keep the Lights BurningA Day To Remember And Their Name Was TreasonA Day To Remember What Separates Me from YouAJJ Knife ManAJJ Can't MaintainAJJ Candy Cigarettes and Cap GunsAnal Cunt It Just Gets WorseAntemasque AntemasqueAsking Alexandria Stand Up and ScreamAt the Drive-In Acrobatic TenementBABYMETAL BABYMETALBig Sean Dark Sky ParadiseBlack Moth Super Rainbow Dandelion GumBlack Moth Super Rainbow SeeFu LilacBlack Sabbath ParanoidBlack Veil Brides Wretched and DivineBladee EversinceBrand New DaisyBring Me The Horizon There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It...Bring Me The Horizon Count Your BlessingsBring Me The Horizon This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made ForBurial KindredBurzum Hvis Lyset Tar OssCal Chuchesta The New CALassicCannibal Corpse Butchered At BirthCaptain Cleanoff Symphonies of SlacknessChevelle The North CorridorCity of Caterpillar City of CaterpillarColiseum Anxiety's KissConverge Halo In A HaystackCourtney Barnett sometimes i sit and think, and sometimes i just sitDamien Rice My Favourite Faded FantasyDance Gavin Dance HappinessDangers AngerDeafheaven DemoDeath Cab for Cutie We Have the Facts and We're Voting YesDemilich NespitheDirect Hit! Brainless GodDrake Nothing Was the SameEissturm The OakEvery Time I Die The Burial Plot Bidding WarEvery Time I Die SalemEvery Time I Die Demo TapeFall Out Boy From Under the Cork TreeFalling in Reverse The Drug in Me Is YouFrank Ocean channel ORANGEFriendzone While U WaitGhost Bath MoonloverGodspeed You! Black Emperor Yanqui U.X.O.GOOD Music Cruel SummerGZA Liquid SwordsJ. Cole 2014 Forest Hills DriveJay-Z and Kanye West Watch the ThroneJoy Division Unknown PleasuresKillswitch Engage IncarnateLaura Stevenson CocksureLearn Life Is...Lil Reese Supa Savage 2Meshuggah NothingNeoandertals Ebu Gogo Gutting The ChildNeurosis Through Silver In BloodOld Wounds The Suffering SpiritPaysage d'Hiver WinterkälteProtest the Hero FortressRATKING So It GoesSaint Vitus Born Too LateShai Hulud That Within Blood Ill-TemperedSlipknot All Hope Is GoneSwans Children of GodSystem of a Down MezmerizeThe Brave Little Abacus Just Got Back from the Discomfort...The Chariot Long Livethe i.l.y's scum with boundariesTool UndertowTragedy VengeanceTurnstile Nonstop FeelingTyler, the Creator GoblinTyler, the Creator WolfUnderoath Define the Great LineVarials Failure // Control (Deluxe)Yung Lean Unknown Memory2.0 poorASAP Ferg Always Strive and ProsperAsking Alexandria The Irony of Your PerfectionAsking Alexandria The BlackAttila RageAttila Soundtrack to a PartyBeartooth DisgustingBlack Sabbath Master Of RealityBlack Veil Brides Set the World on FireBring Me The Horizon That's the SpiritCharli XCX Vroom VroomChief Keef Finally RichConverge GravelDance Gavin Dance Dance Gavin DanceDrug Church Paul WalkerDrug Church Drug ChurchDrug Church Hit Your Headgod i hate kindlon with a passion Funeral Diner The UnderdarkGas Up Yr Hearse! A Banner Year For The Sum of Our LossesGorguts Pleiades' DustJack U Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack UKanye West The Life of PabloKaytranada 99.9%Loma Prieta Self PortraitLou Reed and Metallica LuluLove and Death Between Here And LostNick Cave and The Bad Seeds Skeleton Treenouns StillPissgrave Suicide EuphoriaRae Sremmurd SremmLife 2Red House Painters Red House PaintersRise Against The Sufferer and the WitnessSay Anything I Don't Think It IsSikTh Opacitieswhat even is this. Suicide SuicideSuicide Silence The Black CrownSwans Soundtracks for the BlindSwans The Glowing ManSystem of a Down Steal This Album!The Acacia Strain Coma WitchThe Avalanches Since I Left YouThe Great Deceiver Life Is Wasted On The LivingThe Smiths The Queen Is DeadTool 10,000 DaysTurbonegro Apocalypse DudesTwenty One Pilots BlurryfaceTwitching Tongues DisharmonyWeezer PinkertonWeezer The White Album1.5 very poorASAP Rocky LONG.LIVE.A$APAsking Alexandria Reckless and RelentlessAttila Guilty PleasureChildish Gambino CampChugChugWob RedemptionDanny Brown OldDaughters DaughtersDeakin Sleep CycleDrake Thank Me LaterEarl Sweatshirt SolaceFalling in Reverse Fashionably LateFranz Ferdinand Franz FerdinandFredo Santana Aint No Money Like Trap MoneyGreen Day 21st Century BreakdownJesuseater Step Inside the Death Ray!Jon Benjamin Well I Should Have... (Learned How To Play Piano)Kanye West The College DropoutKid Cudi Speedin' Bullet 2 HeavenLa Dispute Tiny Dotsare these guys even trying anymore Lil Uzi Vert Luv Is Rage Mind Of An Antagonist Sgr AMy Chemical Romance Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous KilljoysOf Mice and Men Restoring ForceOf Mice and Men Cold WorldRiff Raff Neon IconShabazz Palaces Of LightSlipknot .5: The Gray ChapterStarkweather This Sheltering NightStick Men With Ray Guns Some People Deserve to SufferThe Gerogerigegege Tokyo Anal DynamiteThe Weeknd Beauty Behind the MadnessTigers Jaw/Code Orange/Self Defense Family/TWIABP 4-Way SplitTyler, the Creator Cherry BombVolumes No SleepWhitechapel Mark of the Blade1.0 awfulA Day To Remember Common CourtesyAC/DC Back In BlackAdele 25Aesop Rock The Impossible KidAJJ The Bible 2Alice Cooper School's OutAmerican Football American FootballAnimal Collective Merriweather Post PavilionAnimal Collective Sung TongsAnimal Collective Painting WithAttila FallacyAutechre Tri RepetaeAutechre IncunabulaAutechre AmberBlack Veil Brides Black Veil BridesBryanStars Follow Your DreamsCaliggy Jack SPQRCaptain Beefheart and His Magic Band Trout Mask ReplicaCar Seat Headrest Teens of DenialCarnivore RetaliationCrywank Tomorrow Is Nearly Yesterday And Everyday Is StupidEarache Records The World's Shortest AlbumFall Out Boy Make America Psycho AgainFall Out Boy American Beauty/American PsychoFall Out Boy Save Rock and RollFall Out Boy Folie a DeuxFalling in Reverse Just Like YouFarrah Abraham My Teenage Dream EndedFifth Harmony 7/27G-Eazy When It's Dark OutGerard Way Hesitant AlienI Set My Friends On Fire You Can't Spell Slaughter Without LaughterJimmy Eat World Bleed AmericanKing 810 La Petite Mort or a Conversation With GodKISS KISSKSI Keep Up (EP)La Dispute Here, Hear.La Dispute Here, Hear. IILa Dispute Here, Hear. IIIMeek Mill Dreams Worth More Than MoneyMelanie Martinez Cry BabyMillicent Waffles My Lord's Poison in Darkfire IllusionMindless Self Indulgence Pink (1990-1997)Motion City Soundtrack My Dinosaur LifeNeedtobreathe H A R D L O V ENinja Sex Party Under the CoversPanda Bear Panda Bear Meets the Grim ReaperPanic! at the Disco Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!Panic! at the Disco Death of a BachelorRegina Spektor Soviet KitschSay Anything ...Is a Real BoySworn In The Death CardTaking Back Sunday Tell All Your FriendsThe Mars Volta NoctourniquetThe Menzingers On the Impossible PastTitus Andronicus The Most Lamentable TragedyVenom Black MetalWilliam Basinski The Disintegration Loops IV
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z