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08.29.16 An Intimate Discussion: Dalton Dubois

An Intimate Discussion: Dalton Dubois

super intimate talk with dalton dubois aka black malachite aka snide aka aka - t
1Black Malachite
Distortion World


snide: Lmao what
2Black Malachite
Pitch Dark Neon - EP

t: do you have any comments

s: "my terms ur wepon come play konoha"
3Black Malachite
Distortion World

t: in the spirit of being a spontaneous, in-the moment soul, i'm gonna propose that i interview you for an exclusive article, do you consent to such an interview?

s: I'm down for a Sputnik interview fam
4Black Malachite
Pitch Dark Neon - EP

t: alright, wonderful. first question, how's life going?

s: Life is going fantastic. Black Malachite's doing well, and I've just been working on new music
5Black Malachite
Distortion World

t: great to hear. now, your last ep that was released not too long back, Pitch Dark Neon, seems to have been met with mixed acclaim on, currently sitting at a 2.5 average. while i personally disagree, as i feel its at least a strong 3.3, what's running through your mind when you see such a number?

s: Well, the public is going to rate it what they want to rate it, and I have to accept that and try my hardest to make more quality music.
I'm proud of my work, but there's room for improvement that I'm glad to learn.
6Black Malachite
Pitch Dark Neon - EP

t: you seem to be a very humble person in regards to how sputnik perceives you and your music. especially as of late. how did you develop such a sense of emotional security to where you can take criticism and hate in such a smooth stride?

s: I simply want to make the best music I can, and hearing all perspectives (especially the negative ones) helps that along much faster because I learn what I need to work on. It's just a matter of learning to be proud of your accomplishments, but keeping yourself open so that you can make your next accomplishment that much better.
7Jimmy Eat World

t: futures telling you to fuck off and die, overrated or underrated?

s: I preferred his earlier discography, such as him telling me to "parachute into Mt. Vesuvius." Classic Futures.
8Mount Vesuvius Death March
Entrance to the Mountain

t: speaking of that classic joke, rate it on the sputnik rating scale.

s: 4.2/5
9Black Veil Brides
We Stitch These Wounds

t: solid. ok, back to business. back when you were on the the snide accounts on sputnik, users primarily knew of you for your unrelenting love of bands like Red and Black Veil Brides. So it probably came as quite a surprise to the community when you started making the music you were making under MTYW and currently are making under Black Malachite. What was the reasoning behind all the electronic music? Are you just Sonny Moore 2.0?

s: Well, honestly I'm moving away from electronic. My next album is going to be ambient blended with post rock and shoegaze influences. I originally moved into electronic because I wanted to have more flexibility as an independent producer. But I'm moving into ambient completely because I want something that can convey what I feel at the deepest, most engrossing way possible.
My Arms, Your Hearse

t: remember you previously mentioned an EP titled, Rage, that you said would be more aggressive. was that idea scrapped?

s: As an EP yeah, I decided I'm going to release "Rage" as a standalone song. Rather than dedicate an entire EP to the theme. As a whole I'd much rather focus on the one theme I have going on my upcoming album.
Monogamy is Encouraged

t: is there any other exclusive info you're able to give about the upcoming album? also what are your thoughts on ambient being for little babies that cant djent?

s: Not much, other than that it's going to be dark, have ass tons of distortion (and distorted guitars), and basically will be the best thing I've ever done. It will also be quite a bit piano based as well. Well I mean, but can anyone truly "djent?"
Periphery II: This Time It's Personal

t: periphery?

s: Periphery does djent
13Black Malachite
Distortion World

t: now i know I've been talking a lot about Black Malachite and you musically, but i wanna know a little more about Dalton Dubois. whats a day in the life of one Mr. Dalton Dubois?

s: Basically making music, eating peanut butter sandwiches, and posting on Sputnik
14The Peanut Butter Conspiracy
The Great Conspiracy

t: what's the best peanut butter sandwich you've ever had?

s: A quadruple decker
The Final Countdown

t: sounds like quite an exciting life. ok, we're on the final stretch of this, so i'm just gonna ask a few more quick questions. favorite games of all time?

s: Pokemon, Skyrim, Minecraft, Fallout New Vegas, and Rift Racer.
17Black Veil Brides
Set the World on Fire

t: music you're looking foward to in the next coming months?

s: Not sure honestly. New BvB of course, but mostly there's a few ambient albums and a few metalcore ones I'm looking forward too.
56 Nights

t: last but definitely not least, thoughts on this?

s: Wat
20Fall Out Boy
Infinity on High

t: thanks for the time man

s: No worries bro. Where's the interview going?
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